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Archive Warning:
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



fandom:Lost Boys
Pairing:none really not now
warnings: none
Archive:WWOMB. Anyone else ask and take
Characters: Michael, Sam, Edgar,Allan, David, Paul, Marko, Dwayne, Star, Laddie
summary:What would have happened if Star could not bring herself to let the boys die. Star stops this from happening but what has she began by doing so.
I own none of the Lost Boys I gain no profit off this story. The Lost Boy's belong to WB


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: part 1

Chapter Text

by Letsgetnaughtynaughty


"No take Laddie please." Michael sighs as those words echo in his head.

Now he had the young boy out in the sunshine still a long way from his grandfather's car. He re-adjust the boys weight trying carefully to keep his leather jacket over the young one.

Michael was already burning and he was so very weak. He had to do this he had to save Star and Laddie and then get his brother and the Frog's to safety.

Star was nearing the Frogs and Sam. After Michael had took Laddie and she was sure he was gone she had forced herself awake.

It was so very hard for two years she had slept without fight during the day and to fight it now was pure torture.

Her legs and arms felt like lead post not wanting to move. Her eyelids felt like heavy pans and it took such concentration not to allow them to close.

She had been aware of Sam along with two others go into the boys sleeping quarters.

She had heard Michael scream at them to leave her alone not to touch her as they entered the cave.

And she sensed it she could feel it they meant to end the boys.

Star shakes her head as she realizes she almost fell asleep standing up as she continues to get closer to the three young teens.

She knew she would regret this. She should have stayed out front they would not be able to kill the boys anyway they were too young too weak.

But still she had fought sleep to follow, to stop a pending disaster and perhaps create a totally diffrent one.

Her loyality to David and the boy's was blinding in a since. Though they were brutal killers. They had saved her and Laddie both from the streets.

Laddie's parents had beat him, her father had beat and tried to rape her. The boy's had protected and loved them even if it was at a very high price they had still done it. They could have just killed the both of them but they had not for two years they had protected them both.

Realizing that she had caught up to them she stops clearing her thoughts she had to get them out of here noone would have to die.

"NO DON'T EVEN" She jerks her head up as she realizes that Sam was yelling at one of the Frog brothers who had a stake aimed at Marko.

"NO STOP IT" Star screams as the stake finds it's target and Marko falls to the floor screaming in agony and blood flowing from his wound.

Everything happens so fast Star doesn't have time to say anything else as the other boys' drop a blood curdling roar comes from David as he easily grabs Edgar frog and pushes him back hard to Paul who was waiting as Dwayne was already ontop of Allan tearing his flesh open.

Star realizes David is after Sam who tries to run. But Star tackles him and covers him with her own body ignoring the wetness that she feels on her back realizing splashes of blood are hitting her.

"No!" Star screams. David Stops and looks down to Marko who is pulling the stake out of his shoulder cussing.

Star realizes Marko is alive and says"I saved Marko's life all of your lives you are not going to kill him!"

David lets out a gutteral growl as he leans down a gloved hand grabbing her hair and forcefully dragging her off a the cowering boy.

"Star." David whispers jerking her hair back until her throat is bared to him.

She whimpers some as she feels a gloved hand tracing her pulse and then she feels his cheek on hers as he whispers'You betrayed us"

"No" She whispers hating her voice"Please David let Sam go."

David glares at Sam who is hating the fact that he is kneeling down on the life blood of the two boys who had came in here to save his brother Star and the boy and now they were dead.

Dwayne's voice is heard and Star is shocked at how cold he sounds"This one's still alive."

David grins some and says"Really....well"

Star let's out a small cry as David pushes her hard enough away from him that she lands right infront of Edgar and the blood he is loosing splatters more on her clothes as she puts her hands down to stop from falling on her face.

"Interesting" David says Jerking Sam up to his feat by his own hair.

Sam let's out a cry as David then with his free hand brings a gloved hand to his own mouth and pulls it off with his teeth.

Meanwhile Paul has bit into his wrist and offered it to Marko who takes it sucking the blood from the other's vampire wound.

Seeing this Sam closes his eyes and prays he will live to see nighfall.

David spits his glove out looking at Marko who just gives him a nod indicating that he is okay as he still sucks on Paul's wrist.

"Now, Star" David says smirking as she makes no attempt to turn to look at him she just stays on the position she had fallen on"I give you to the count of five to finish that one off and Join us. Or I kill Sam and Michael. And the boy's and I decide how to deal with you and your batrayl after we tortue Michael infront of you."

Star feels tears fall as the pain starts in her stomache. She feels her fangs drop the blood lust was taking over.

Behind her she is vaguley aware of David counting to two.

She closes her eyes and once they are open Edgar who had been whispering a silent plea to her with what was left of his life says his final prayer.

Star let's out a quiet sorry as she bends down and attacks his already bloody neck.

Blood spurts all over her face hair neck and clothes as she tears off his juglar.

David grins pushing Sam down to his knee's and bending down reclaiming his glove.

Edgar was now dead as was his brother there was no doubt about it and Star had just become a full vampire.

Sam shakes his head no as he looks up at the new vampire who has tears streaming down her face "I'm sorry" She whispers to him.

It was either Edgar, or all of them dying and in the back of his mind Sam knew to her she had made the sacrifice of her life. Not only had she killed but she had just given up her life for him and Michael.

David growls his face coming out of vamp form as he kicks Sam hard in the side knocking him fully over onto the blood soaked floor.

"NO!" Star says the blood still covering her. She comes to Sam but Stops as David grabs her arm"Let's go see Michael shall we?"

He motions to Dwayne to follow them and says"Paul, Marko show our guest to his new home for today, he's brother will join him shortly"

And with that he Dwayne and Star head for the front of the Cave making sure they stay far enough back from the light.


end part 1