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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Move Over Santa


Pairing: Warrick/Archie
Rating: FRT, if you really look hard.
Archive: Mailing list archives. Anywhere else, ask first please.
Disclaimers: Unfortunately I do not own these characters, though I do enjoy playing with them. All I can lay claim to is my story ideas; otherwise everything is own by CBS, Jerry Bruckheimer and affiliates.
Thanks: Joanne and Rebecca were my ever helpful betas to this fic. They helped me clean up a lot here so I must give them a shout-out. ^_^
Spoilers: Mea Culpa? What's that? – I've never heard of it. In other words, it never happened.
Summary: There's a new man in Las Vegas, and it isn't Santa.

Work Text:

Move Over Santa
by Jen


"Archie, you said you were bringing my clothes."

"No, I said I was bringing my clothes."

"Does that mean we have two naked men in our locker room?" Catherine stood in the doorway, question posed before she actually saw Warrick and Archie. Archie was dressed in relaxed black jeans and a red shirt, attire suitable for the AV labs, but Warrick stood out like a festive sore thumb. A green floppy pointed hat sat on his head, a green vest-like jacket fit over a white button up dress shirt and, to finish the ensemble off, green tight pants clung to his backside.

"Ho ho ho," Catherine agreed, enjoying the view from where she stood.

Warrick spun around to give her a face of indignation but continued pressing a smirking Archie for information. "I asked you to get the bag in front of my closet - I know I did!"

"You had to be talking to yourself because I didn't hear a thing," Archie added smugly, "But that doesn't change a thing - you're still jeans-less."

"That's because I have all the genes, looks and brains and - whoa," uttered the voice of Greg. About to slide into the locker room he was halted by Catherine, then by the sight of Warrick. "I'm still on Santa's good list, right?"

"Say nothing and you will be," Warrick warned, his _expression dour. His eyebrows raised a fraction of a centimeter as he continued to look at Greg. "Do you have extra pants?" Warrick asked Greg.

"Not here. And even if I did, they'd be high-waters on you," Greg pointed out with a grin.

"Looking like Michael Jackson would be better than looking like an elf," Warrick said, gesturing to his ensemble.

"I must have missed the memo that Santa was starting business early this year." Nick commented from the hallway, having just appeared.

"Where are our presents?" Sara asked from beside Nick.

"And why is everyone present here?" Grissom asked, the shepherd to the flock of CSI. At this point the entire team was gathered around the doorway.

Warrick crossed his arms defensively, trying to keep his _expression as pissed-free as possible. "Alright, now you've all seen Warrick Brown the Christmas elf. You may now believe so if you all would kindly leave me to change--"

"No jeans - and no change of shirt for that matter either," Archie added, taking much merriment in Warrick trying to usher away the gawking onlookers.


"These are my only pair man," Nick replied, laughter sparkling in his dark eyes.

Warrick bit the inside of his lip, the sinking feeling in his stomach resembling the Titanic. "Grissom?"

"The real question is where are your clothes," Grissom said straight-faced, though Warrick would bet anything that his boss was laughing loudly on the inside.

"Right where I left them at home, where I told Archie they were when I asked him to grab my bag," Warrick explained, glaring over his shoulder even though he knew Archie was well behind him.

"He's been saying that for a while," Archie commented idly, more interested in the free ogling he was allowed. Warrick's shoulder's tightened under everyone's eyes as he grew more annoyed by the second.

"Give me a minute to gather my pride," Warrick said after a heavy sigh of defeat. Archie looked up as Warrick turned, then had to step aside to let Warrick at his locker. "Speaking to myself my ass."

"I'll say," Archie agreed, gazing lustfully at the ass in question. "But really, I didn't hear you."

"How is that possible? I was right in front of you, my hands full with the bags of toys for the hospital," Warrick reminded, shrugging off the jacket and hanging it in his locker.

Fascinated by the dark skin that wasn't quite concealed by the thin white shirt Archie could only nod. Warrick shook his head, unbuttoning the top button so he was no longer being strangled by the collar. "You aren't even listening now."

"I'm sorry," Archie said, ducking his head slightly to hide the flush on his cheeks. Warrick smiled, no true annoyance left on his face as he un-tucked his shirt but a shirttail refused to budge. Archie pried it loose, his knuckles grazing just below Warrick's waist. Warrick's stomach tightened as the other man's skin brushed over his.

Warrick stilled, very aware of the hand holding him close. Uncertain eyes met with Archie's. "Archie?"

Unconsciously Archie reached forward with his other hand, wanting to feel more of him. When he realized what he was doing his errant hand reached out to grab Warrick's hat. "You can't go out with this on."

Warrick stepped back one, his shirt sliding free of Archie's grip. "Right," he said, eyes still locked with Archie, waiting for someone to make the next move.

"Warrick, are you decent?" Nick called from the hallway. Archie twisted his head to glare at the innocent doorway.

"I'm coming Nick!" Warrick called to the voice in the hallway, annoyance back in his voice. "I'll see you after shift," Warrick said in a lower voice, pressing his fingers deliberately to the inside of Archie's forearm. Warrick gave him a half smile and slipped out into the hallway to join Nick.

"Merry Christmas to Me," Archie murmured to himself, a satisfied little smile on his face.