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Part 5 of Dress Up
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Dress up 6: Love The One Your With


Skinner and Mulder take Krycek into custody

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Dress up 6: Love The One Your With



"Krycek." Skinner snarled. "Don't move. You're under arrest."

Laughing softly, Lexi opened her eyes and stared into the barrel of Skinner's gun. "I was wondering how long it would be before someone came for me."

"Krycek?" Mulder said softly. "It really is you?"

Lexi shrugged. "Lexi. I'm Lexi." A small smile ghosted her lips. "Alex Krycek died in an underground parking garage with a bullet between his eyes." The haunted green gaze darted to include Skinner. "This time, do you think you could make sure you get it right?" She pushed off the wall, standing tall. "And if you wouldn't mind, could we do it away from the club. I don't want Chase or one of the regulars to find my body."

And now.....


Dress up 6: Love The One Your With

Krycek couldn't suppress a sad smile as Mulder's fingers closed gingerly around his upper arm. "It's not contagious, you know."

Mulder slanted Lexi a cold glare.

Lexi bowed her head, the long blonde hair sweeping forward like a silken knee length curtain."You're not going to be hit by an overwhelming urge to go shopping at Victoria's Secret by touching me." she said softly.

Mulder's fingers tightened around the strangely feminine arm. "Not worried 'bout that." he said tensely, guiding Krycek toward the mouth of the alley and Skinner's waiting car. Keeping a professional distance, he opened the back door and settled Krycek in the seat with a terse "Mind your head."

Skinner stood slightly behind, watching as Mulder slammed the door and trotted around the back of the car, settling in beside Krycek before he settled himself in the driver's seat and started the car.

"Hey, wait," A man bounded out of the nightclub, waving a small bad. "Miss Lexi! Your bag, Miss Lexi."

Scowling darkly Skinner hissed, "No funny business, Krycek." that said, he rolled down the rear window, watching the man lean in through the rear view and hand Krycek a small beaded clutch.

Alex cast the eager young man a soft smile. "Thank you, sweetie."

"I figured you would need this."

She nodded. "Yes. , I do have some very important things in there."

The young man cupped Lexi's cheek tenderly, his thumb tracing her pouting lower lip. "I thought I'd missed you tonight."

Lexi leaned into the caress, turning her head a bit to brush a kiss his palm. "You know where I live, Rusty. You would have brought the bag if you had. You always do."

The barman grinned. "Anything for you Miss Lexi." His gaze swept over the men in the car and a frown pinched his brows. "You....You okay, Lexi?"

Krycek flashed a too bright smile, nodding. "I'm just fine, rusty. These two fine looking gentlemen are friends. From before." Green eyes lifted to his brown. "You're going out for a late supper. Maybe dancing. And get caught up."

Rusty's eyes roamed her face, quite clearly not convinced. He gave Mulder a hard glare. "You treat Miss Lexi right, now," he warned. "She's one of the good ones."

"Rusty, please," Krycek patted Rusty's arm, smoothing the man's ruffled feathers. "These two know exactly what I am. No more worries, okay? I'm right where I need to be tonight. Where I want to be, I swear it."

Skinner's dark gaze captured Krycek's in the mirror. "We should be going....Lexi."

A breathy sigh escaped Krycek's parted lips and she nodded. "We need to get going, Rusty. Oh, and on the off chance that someone named Blair Sandburg should happen to call, would you tell her I'm okay with how things turned out tonight. Her roommate is die for cute."

Rusty grinned rakishly, stepping back from the car. "That the babe you rushed off to be with tonight?"

Krycek nodded.

" you?"

"Like two peas in a pod."

Rusty gave her a thumbs up sign. "I'll pass on the message. See ya tomorrow?"

Krycek shrugged one delicate shoulder, his green eyes cutting toward Mulder for a second before she shared a secret smile with Rusty. "Maybe. Maybe not."

An understanding chuckle danced between them and he tossed another thumbs up. "Lucky guy."

Krycek made a little teehee sound, waving her hand gently as Skinner pulled out into late night Cascade traffic.

Settling back into the corner of her side of the car, Krycek watched the cars speeding by in silence.

"What are you up to Krycek?" Mulder burst out breaking the silence.

Krycek pulled her attention from the goings on outside the car and directed her emerald gaze at him. "Lexi." she corrected softly.

Blustering, Mulder repeated the question more firmly.

Krycek cast his eyes down into her lap, watching her twisting fingers. "Passing time."

"Passing time?" Mulder's lip curled in a nasty sneer. "Christ, just tell me what's with this..." He waved up and down Krycek's gowned figure. "....this get-up? and with the tragic blues act on that stage tonight? What game are you playing, Krycek?"

"Ah," Lexi nodded, the lingering ghost of a smile curving her glossy red stained lips. "The game." she shrugged. "Well, see, I got tired of the game, Fox." Her eyes twinkled with mischief as she spoke his name and her hands fluttered delicately in the air. "So....I quit."

"Quit?" Mulder whispered, shocked.

"Packed a bag and walked away." Lexi confirmed. "When I stopped walking I found myself here in Cascade. Its a nice little town." She smiled sadly. "I liked the view."

"The view?"

"So I bought this pretty little cabin on the mountain," Lexi continued as if he'd never spoken. "After a couple weeks I got restless and found a ride into town here. Wandered around awhile until I found that little club. I liked the place. The when Rusty told me they'd fired the singer I auditioned. Got the gig. Been doing a set or two several times a week ever since."

"Rather public, don't you think?" Skinner asked over his shoulder.

"For a girl on the run, you mean?" Krycek shrugged. "What difference would it make in the end? I figured I was gonna get found sooner or later so decided to stop hiding and just live whatever time I had left like a normal human being." She smiled, tilting her head. "It was worth it, ya know? Being just another joe on the street. I don't regret a minute of it. Not even being found out. Course I am glad it was you who found me. At least it'll be clean, if not quick."

Skinner's dark gaze met her's in the mirror. "You think so? Quick, I mean?"

A soft gasp parted Lexi's lips and her lashes fluttered against her pale cheeks. "Either way."

"You really think we're just going to believe you've been sitting here waiting to be arrested?" Mulder demanded.

"Arrested?" Krycek's lips formed a mou. "You haven't got anything on me, Mulder. Suspicions, but nothing that would get me arrested." Green eyes drifted back to the traffic outside the car. "I was waiting for someone to come collect on the terminate order."


end this part

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