The Siren Saga
by NovaD
Chapter Twenty:
Something Squirrelly This Way Comes

Note: I had intended to have Cole Ricciardi tangle with the Mistress, but he seemed to want to stay with Jim and Blair, so I let him.  Please forgive my artistic license with distances in around Washington DC.  I haven't been there in years, and I've never driven in that area.  The curriculum, living arrangements and tales of hijinks at the National Academy were taken from Mind Hunter,'John Douglas' marvelous book on profiling. The section with the (*) is directly paraphrased from that book.

By the end of week one, Jim, Blair and Genevieve were beginning to fall into a routine at the hotel. They rose very early. Jim was the earliest of all to get some time in the gym. Then the trio would go to a nearby park. While Jim did laps, Blair and Genevieve would do katas and spar. As it was during Blair's time in the police academy, morning lovemaking was replaced by making out in the shower before breakfast.

Blair found the students at the National Academy as interesting as the casework they were studying. Aside from police from all over the country, there were law enforcement officials from all over the world. And apparently, the twisted sense of humor often exhibited in Major Crimes was far from unusual. Blair got a small taste of lunacy running rampant in the dorms when one of the very serious and solemn inspectors from Japan greeted Agent Nelson with a bow and a heartfelt 'Fuck you, Agent Nelson.' Dennis responded by bowing in return with a similarly heartfelt 'Fuck you, Amuro Ray."*

Upon seeing Blair's shocked expression, he shrugged and said some of the cops had been teaching slang to the foreign officers. Blair thanked the deities and Agent Nelson once again for letting them stay with the Mistress. He felt for the attendees who weren't inclined to enjoy hijinks, particularly the Mountie. After only a few days, he had grown even more reserved and stoic than he was on the first. Blair might have thought that was a normal state for him, but the man's partner and the wolf were very concerned about him. He could tell.

He confirmed this during their lunch break mid-week. Jim was chatting with Dennis Nelson. Benton Fraser had gone off to walk the wolf as his partner gnawed on a sandwich while sprawled on a picnic bench. The Chicago detective was surprised at Blair's concern, but he wasn't adverse to talking about it.

"Well, Frase don't like being cooped up wit all those guys fer one," Kowalski said. "And 'dese guys are rowdy even to me. He's not sleepin' too good. I dunno know what to do. This training was very important to him."

"Why don't you go camping on the weekend?" Blair suggested. "This area has some beautiful woods."

That gave Kowalski pause. "We didn't bring any gear."

"Genevieve tells me that you two have roughed it near the Arctic Circle," Blair said. "You can get the basics at the nearest Wal-mart. The weather here should feel like the tropics compared to Canada."

"True," Ray conceded. "Genevieve... she talked about us?"

"Oh, yes," Blair said. "You made quite an impression."

Kowalski seemed pleased at that. "So how come you two don't have ta be in that crazy dorm."

"I can't talk about it," Blair said. "It's a delicate matter and lives are at stake."

"'Nuff said. Been there," Kowalski said.

"Thanks," Blair said.

"Thank you, Blair," he smiled. "I'm gonna tell Frase about yer idea. Later."

Blair decided that he would ask Jim and Genevieve about giving the pair sanctuary on some of the weekends. He knew Genevieve had her eye on them, and their suite was big enough to house more of them easily.

The general high spiritedness of the class even dwarfed the presence of Cole Ricciardi after the first couple of days. The material they were scheduled to study was far more disturbing and weighty than the presence of an actor boning up for a part. Thus, Jim settled down somewhat later that week. But there was still something off about him. Blair had believed that some of his agitation was Genevieve's whereabouts at Oswald Penitentiary. But even with her safely at the hotel, there were tremors of unrest in him. He planned to use the first weekend to explore the problem.

And that was why Blair was up early on Saturday doing katas while Jim and Genevieve were still asleep. He needed to get his mind off the course work and concentrate on Jim. He had gone into such a meditative state during the exercises, that he didn't realize that an audience was present. When he finished, there was applause and cooing.

Blair found a tall, slender dark haired man in running clothes seated on a nearby bench. He had a baby of about four months in age strapped to his chest. That was the source of the cooing. The baby was smiling and very verbal. Blair bowed and waved at the baby who graced him with a big gummy grin.

"That was impressive," the man said. "Do you compete?"

"Oh, no," Blair smiled. "It's a great exercise and it's job related self-defense."

"You're a bus driver?"

Blair laughed.

"Substitute teacher?"

"I'm a police detective," Blair said with a chuckle. He sat down on the bench beside them. "Cascade, Washington P.D."

"Aah, Cascade... land of evil mad bombers and freeze rays," the man murmured. His intense gray-green eyes appraised him.

"Wow, I didn't think our municipal foibles were such common knowledge on the East Coast," Blair said. "The freeze ray was never publicized."

"I'm former FBI," the man said. "Fox Mulder."

"Blair Sandburg."

They shook hands.

"And who is this gorgeous redhead?"

Mulder smiled and stroked the baby's fine hair. "This is William. We're here so his mother can sleep in. Mommy gets so cranky without sleep... doesn't she?"

The baby cooed then laughed at the funny voice. Mulder kissed the top of his head.

"What brings you to DC?"

"National Academy," Blair replied.

"That's great. Dennis Nelson still doing Behavioral Science?"

Blair smiled. "Yes. He recommended me and my partner for the course. We worked with him once."

"He's very good. You and your partner must be as well," Mulder commented.

"I suppose. Most time it seems like we're flying by the seat of our pants," Blair replied.

"A familiar feeling," Mulder said cryptically.

Mulder's scrutiny wasn't uncomfortable, but it was intense. He wondered about all the things that were behind those eyes. But his muscles were beginning to cool. He wanted to shower and he wanted Jim.

"Well, I must be going. See you around?"

"We're here often," Mulder smiled.

"Bye, Fox. Bye, bye William," Blair smiled.

He received another gummy grin before heading off.

It wasn't even eight o'clock when Blair wrapped himself around Jim's warm body for a long time, Blair merely held Jim with his head resting between the man's shoulder blades. But soon, all that warm, smooth skin was irresistible. The Guide nuzzled and licked Jim's spine up to the nape of his neck. The Sentinel turned onto his back with a soft moan. The pale blue eyes fluttered open. His gaze was very warm and intent. Blair found the pull hard to resist. He leaned over to cover Jim's mouth with his own while he pulled that beloved body on top of him. One warm hand was in his hair. The other had work it's way to press Blair's ass upward so that their erections aligned.

The Guide wondered what happened to his carefully planned seduction. But then Jim was thrusting against him and he didn't care about who was doing what anymore. They moved into a luxurious rhythm that built slowly. Blair reveled in the feel of Jim's powerfully body gently propelling him higher and higher until he had to have release. But Jim had him by his mouth and his hair and his ass. It was a sustained pleasure and frustration. Finally, Jim shifted in speed and rhythm. Blair moaned loudly against Jim's mouth as he came. Jim stiffened and came a second or two later. They drifted off to sleep once again. Blair realized muzzily that he would have to shower all over again.

Genevieve was lounging in the spa sauna when breakfast was delivered. Jim had been right about her demeanor. She had been even more subdued upon her returning from the visit with Beecher and Keller than she was after the earthquake. But as the week wore on, her spirits lifted. The spark was back in her eyes the night before. Blair figured that their suite would get very interesting very soon.

But at that moment, he was glad to have the time alone with Jim. Even if she was in the other room, he would have some part of his mind on her. The Mistress probably figured on that.

"I want you to clear your mind from me, Jim," Blair said quietly.

Jim shut his eyes for a moment, then opened them. "Yes."

"Is there anything out there?" Blair asked. "And danger?"

"It's not a danger... it's very strange. Something is headed our way," Jim said. "That's all I can tell you."

"Any images or urges?"

"No... I just feel like I did the night the alligator was loose at headquarters... everything is about to spiral out of control," he said. "I get a handle on it, then it slips away."

"Okay... I know how you hate that feeling," Blair said. "But you have great instincts. Just relax and open yourself to whatever happens. You can handle it."

"It's hard, Chief. There's the classes and all the cross currents from the attendees... the unfamiliar surroundings," he said.

"I know... I know... that's why I'm here," Blair said softly. "I've got something in mind. I'll let you know when it's time."

"All right," Jim said. His eyes shown softly.

"Now, tell me what bothers you about Cole Ricciardi."

"He's not a problem for me, really. There's some sort of flutter, but nothing serious. Those other guys will roast him alive if he raises his profile too much," Jim said wryly. "It's that he wants you. He really wants you."

"He's hardly spoken to me."

"I know. But he does."

"I believe you," Blair sighed. "Well, I don't need that... and I won't take it either."

There was something in his voice that caught Jim. It made his heart pound. "What are you going to do?"

"Exert some control, Babe."

Blair sent Jim to work out while he talked matters over with Genevieve. She listened to the assessment of the problem and Blair's decisions on how it should be handled. She smiled and applauded.

"Bravo! He will love every minute of it," she said. "I suppose we have to go shopping."

By the time Jim returned, Blair had looked up the items required on the Internet and found the best place to get them. Then, it was a matter of getting Genevieve to go along.

"You want me to go to a mall?" She asked ruefully while Jim was in the shower.

"It would be an interesting study in people." Blair reasoned. Then, he smiled his prettiest smile. "It'll be fun. And if it isn't, you can punish Jim."

"Nice try, my Beauty," she replied. "I'll punish you both.

Thus, Jim and Blair introduced Genevieve of Hong Kong and Paris to the Crystal City Shops Mall near Arlington, Virginia. It was enormous. The parking lot was enormous. Jim had to drop them off at one entrance to find a spot many acres away. Genevieve looked up at the sprawling building aghast.

"How are we supposed to find anything in this place?" She wondered.

"It's not as bad as it seems," Blair assured her. "Let's go find a map of the mall."

"Don't we have to wait in the blazing sun for Jim?"

"He can find us anywhere, remember?"


"Maybe we can go for a corn dog."

"I have the studded paddle, pet," she muttered.

Fifteen minutes later, Jim found them at the information kiosk. There Blair gave Jim a shopping list and told him to meet them at TGIFridays in an hour. Much to his surprise, Blair was seeing many of the attendees wandering about with shopping bags. He was relieved that they seemed preoccupied with their shopping. They were on a mission and he didn't want to have to do any mingling. The purchases were ordered within the time allotted. Jim was waiting for them in front of the restaurant. Genevieve stared at the festive decor in stunned silence.

"Well, isn't this... interesting," she murmured. "Kind of like a circus."

"We could still get that corn dog," Blair offered.

"Your backside has been neglected, hasn't it?" she quipped.

They ended up at the bar waiting for a table where the Mistress was not exactly enjoying the zany fun of the American themed restaurant.

"I don't care what you say. He was being impertinent," she muttered.

"But the drink is called a slippery nipple," Blair chuckled.

"I know that, Blair," she replied. "He was still rude. Every one working in this cavernous bazaar is seething with impertinence."

Jim cocked his head with a slight mile. "Ran into the dedicated customer service of the young retail service worker?"

"It was as though they could care less about getting my money," she muttered.

Fortunately, her ire was cooled with a very nice glass of Coppola wine. Then, there was the sudden appearance of Dennis Nelson.

"Genevieve... I'm... astonished to find you here," he said smiling.

"So am I," she said with a sigh. "How are you today?"

"I need a beer."

"Wrangling your students alone?" Jim asked.

"No, there are three of us. Not that it matters," he replied. "I'm here to meet my wife for lunch."

"How delightful," Genevieve said.

Nelson took a deep pull on the beer. "Yeah. We haven't seen much of each other this week."

"Are you a dorm monitor?" Blair asked.

Dennis winced. "I'm not supposed to be, but this is a... high spirited group. So I've had to be on hand to make sure the MPs aren't called."

"Oh dear... well when the wives are away..."Genevieve murmured. "How is that delicious Chicago inspector and his amazing Mountie?"

"They're doing well in class," Dennis said. "They've got great natural instincts for profiling. But dorm life has been hard on them."

"Pranks?" Jim asked.

"Not as many as on some of the others. Partners generally have to cope less with that because they're watching out for each other. Then, they have a wolf in their room," Dennis said.

"That'll keep them at bay," Blair observed.

"But I think because they had lived in isolation for quite some time. Even once they returned to Chicago, they kept to themselves," Dennis said.

"Kowalski told me they were going a little stir crazy," Blair said. "I suggested camping."

"That was you," Dennis said. "It was a good call. They brightened a lot after that. I think they left seconds after we dismissed yesterday."

"I'm glad," Blair said.

"And I would be happy to offer them respite anytime," Genevieve said with a sweet smile.

"I won't be commenting on that," Dennis chuckled.

The Ellison table was called at that moment.

"You bring your wife by and introduce her," Genevieve said. "Perhaps she can distract me from the fried onion brick these two have proposed."

The meal was actually fun for Genevieve. She enjoyed terrorizing the young servers with arched brows and provocative gaze. The Mistress didn't complain about the food. Agent Nelson swung by on the way to their table. Emily Nelson was lovely brunette with large amber eyes and a sweet smile. Her hair was stylishly short. She was attractively trim in her white capri pants and red tank top. Agent Nelson was a lucky man indeed. Emily was very pleased to hear Genevieve tell her so. The afternoon spun away very pleasantly.

Evening found Jim and Blair in the parlor watching extended news coverage of a strange incident at that very same mall shortly after they left. It had begun with a chase of some federal fugitives by the ATF. There was a short hostage situation in a gift shop. It ended when there was some kind of flash in the building that incapacitated all the occupants including the suspects. Authorities described the flash as some sort of electrical surge. An elderly man was taken to the hospital with a heart attack, but no one else was injured.

Genevieve strolled in from a nap peering at the television.

"Started right after we left," Blair said.

"Seems our luck is improving," she mused.

Jim nodded. "Yep, normally, we'd still be in some bare office filling out the paper work.

"But we're here, aren't we?" Genevieve said softly. "Have you any plans for the evening?"

"None really... a little reading," Jim replied. Blair nodded. "We're at your disposal."

"Blair, my sweet, may I have the services of Jim for my bidding?"

"Er... sure, Mistress. That okay with you, Jim?"

"Anything you require, Mistress," Jim smiled.

"Bon. Take the Beauty to my room, strip him and shackle him to the bed," she said turning on her heel and heading for her room.

Jim smirked as he turned off the TV. His eyes were dark with lust and sparkling with humor.

"Don't fight it, Chief," he said softly. "It'll only go worse for you."

But Blair was already on his feet and around the sofa. However, Jim was well trained and determined. He was over the furniture before Blair could make his next move. The Guide yelped as Jim tossed him over his shoulder in a fireman's carry.

"Ow, no fair, man."

Jim patted his Guide's butt with a chuckle then tossed him onto the center of the bed. He straddled Blair at his hips then pulled off his shirt. Blair bit his lip to keep from making a sound.

"Don't want to be gagged, do you?" Genevieve said. "You want his kiss."

Blair moaned softly as his pants were efficiently yanked off.

"Put him on his stomach," Genevieve said. "A pillow under those hips."

"Yes, Mistress," Jim said.

Jim caressed each arm before shackling his wrists. He caressed his legs before securing the ankles.

"I'm doing this in part because of your behavior at the mall, Blair," she said from somewhere near the foot of the bed. "It's really to make you remember who you are and what you need to do. Get undressed, Jim."

"Yes, Mistress."

Blair found himself biting back moans before they even began. It was incredible to feel so exposed and vulnerable yet know that he was the center of attention for two people he viewed as both beautiful and powerful. He was rock hard before she even touched him. The oil was first. She warmed it in her hands then smoothed it over both cheeks.

That paddle really smarted. Blair had forgotten just how much. The stinging heat radiated all the way to the tips of his toes and upward to his finger tips. Each stroke brought his focus to his body until all he could think about was the heat crackling along his nerves and the pain throbbing in his muscles. Then he wasn't thinking. He was just feeling and moaning loudly.

"Breathe, Blair," Jim whispered in his ear. "Breathe slowly for me."

Blair obeyed as Jim stroked his curls.

"Kiss him, Jim."

"Oh, yes, Mistress."

Even in the haze of pain and pleasure, Blair reveled in Jim's incredible kiss. He moaned into that beautiful mouth pulling against the shackles in the desire to touch his lover. Then he felt Genevieve opening him and lubing him.

"You are just a vessel tonight, my sweet," Genevieve said softly. You are here for pleasure. If you happen to come, that's wonderful, but you will have no assistance. Understood?"

"Y-yes... yes, Mistress," Blair gasped as she stretched him.

"Take him, Jim," she said. "Slowly."

"Yes, Mistress!"

Blair almost chuckled at the enthusiasm in Jim's voice, but the thought died with a moan when his lover began pushing inside him. His thrusts were slow -- almost lazy. He kept hitting that magic spot as he also managed to rock Blair's erection into the pillow underneath him. Soon Jim's lovemaking was causing more torment than the paddling. He moaned in frustration but didn't move too much not wishing to court Genevieve's ire. And it went on and on to the point where Blair thought he was going to scream, Jim shifted his thrusts and the speed and rhythm. As always, the Sentinel knew what his Guide needed. The thrusts were just right to bring him off. He wailed with the orgasm trembling almost violently. He collapsed in sleep almost immediately.

Blair awoke early. It was only 5:30 in the morning. But then, they had fallen asleep by 9 p.m. He was wide awake. Before he could figure out how to get from under his Jim blanket, his neck was being nuzzled.

"Sorry to wake you," Blair murmured.

"I was awake... just drifting."

"I'm going to work out in the park. You can sleep a while longer," he said.

"I'll go with you," Jim murmured in his hair.

"You sure?"

"I can do laps while you run your workout," he said. "We can grab something to keep us until the brunch buffet."


Blair was just coming out of his meditative zone when he heard a baby laughing. He found Fox Mulder and his son enjoying the early sunshine on the same bench.

"'Mornin' guys," Blair smiled. "Giving Mom a break again?"

"Yeah. She has a hard job, and the little guy is a real early riser," he said making a face that delighted the baby. "It's amazing how loud such a small package can be."

"So I've been told," Blair chuckled. He tugged on the little foot bouncing near him. The baby grinned. "But guys need their alone time, right?"

"Oh, yeah. We have a great time," he replied with a smile. "Were you in on the action at that mall?"

"Oddly enough, no," Blair said with a wry smile. "We'd left just before it started. Do you know what it was about?"

"No," he replied almost wistfully. "I am way, way out of the loop. And I've promised to behave myself. Don't you wonder?"

"Sure, but we have too much weird stuff that finds us. We don't really want to look for it," Blair said. "We're here to study."

"Probably the best plan," Fox conceded.

Jim jogged up at that moment looking quizzically at the tableau before him.

"Hey Jim, these are my work out buddies, Fox Mulder and little William. Guys, this is my partner, Jim," Blair said.

Jim squatted down and greeted the baby with a finger tuck under his chin. William cooed and kicked his legs. "Hello, William. Hello, Fox."

"Glad to meet you, Jim."

"Hey, do you know any diners open this early?" Blair asked. "We can't wait for the Ritz buffet."

"Well, there's a problem," Fox replied. "William and I know all the early morning hot spots. There's one a block away."

They spent an entertaining meal with Fox and the baby. Blair found Mulder to be extremely intelligent with the most arid sense of humor. He wondered what sort of interesting Agent he made. Perhaps Dennis would tell him. For Fox's part, he asked some questions about their cases. He wanted to know what didn't make the official reports. They told him some of the sillier stuff. Blair was very curious that despite everything he obviously knew about them, he never asked about the Sentinel thesis and the retraction. He wondered why. Fox left them after ordering breakfast to go for William's mother.

All in all, Jim had a pleasant morning. He loved just being with Blair. He also knew that the Commander was near. He felt like a kid trying to get a glimpse of Santa in action. Maybe if he stuck close to Blair, he would see the transformation.

But his Guide was unreadable, so he had to wait patient. That was rewarded late in the afternoon. Jim was reading for the next lecture when a bellhop came with an envelope. He could hardly open it for trembling.

The duration was indefinite. There were no specific equipments, but he was to have equipment prepared. The instructions were unusual:

You are to have absolute control over your presentation and deportment. However, you are not to be rigid and unyielding. I want you relaxed and open. Your body should be almost languid. You may use whatever method you deem suitable to get you to this state. Take extra time in the morning. I want your shoulders to be near liquid to the touch. I do not want to see any jaw tightening -- not one centimeter. Know that I will be watching at all times. Report to me after reflecting upon these orders.

Jim was flummoxed. He was being ordered to relax? He was never as relaxed as described in those orders unless he was in bed with Blair.

That wasn't true, he realized. He was that relaxed amidst the Chopec. There, he had to be ready for anything from drug dealers to guerillas to assassins working for oil companies seeking to exploit the region. Those were far more uncertain times, yet he remembered being very relaxed and calm. He had to think about what to say to the Commander. He had to be very honest.

Jim took a long walk that afternoon trying to remember his feelings and how to express them. After a few hours, he knew what he had to say. The Commander awaited in the living room of the suite drinking champagne with the Mistress. They both looked at him with appraisal.

"Present," the Commander ordered mildly.

"Yes, Commander," Jim replied. His hands moved of their own volition removing his clothing. Soon, he was on his knees with his head bowed.

"What have you to say?" Blair asked quietly.

"I can do as you ask. I have managed such a state amongst the Chopec," he began. "The routine was physically taxing there. And it was peaceful when I was at rest."

"You need to be spent each night," Blair said. "That can be arranged."

"Thank you, Commander."

"I know you can't wear a collar," the Commander said. "But I wanted you to have some symbol of your service. I wanted you to know without looking that I'm thinking about you. Kneel beside me."

"Yes, Commander."

"Look up at me."

Jim complied. Blair held a necklace that looked like dog tags.

"The tag reads James Ellison. Commander's Unit. 10011998 for the date you began to serve," he said slipping the chain over Jim's head. Jim noticed that Blair was wearing a similar tag. "Mine says Blair Sandburg, Ellison's Unit 03251997 for the night you first kissed me. I'll give you an additional tag for Sandburg's Unit later."

"Thank you, Commander," Jim murmured lowering his head. He could feel the chain around his neck and the tag resting near his heart.

"Tonight, you will rest and prepare. Tomorrow, you must add the relaxation routines to your workout. At night, we will make sure you are physically taxed," Blair said.

"We certainly shall," Genevieve added.

"Do you understand?" Blair asked.

"Yes, Commander."

"Prepare our baths. Take care of the Mistress first. Then, come to me," he said.

"Yes, Commander."

Jim went to Genevieve's bathroom to run the water and assemble the supplies. Whether he was Blair or the Commander, his lover had a way of calming him and reassuring him. The tags were such a powerful yet simple gesture. They had been considering rings, but the whole Wy-zer Incident set that back for a while, maybe forever. Thus, he was very happy in having a solid symbol of their relationship.

"How do you fell about your dopplegangers?" Genevieve asked as Jim lathered her hair.

Jim shrugged. "I'm not angry at them. It's not their fault. And they didn't keep me from having my father's attention. I wish they had," Jim said drily. "I'm not even angry at my father. Blair thinks he had a biological imperative to spread the Sentinel genes."

"Are you going to tell your father?"

"No. I think it should be up to my 'brothers.' I gave the info to Mack Wolf to pursue if he wants to," Jim replied. "At some point I'll have to tell Cole."

"What about your biological imperative?"

"Blair and I talked about that. Aside from really sending up a red flag about our relationship, our lives are too crazy and dangerous for children," Jim said. "That Incident brought it all home again."

"What will you do?"

"Sperm bank," Jim said. "We'll make sure there are letters with information on how to find us. And if we aren't alive, there will be a way left to find out about the Sentinel Heritage."

"That's very wise."

"May I ask why you inquire?"

She gazed at him after he wrapped her rinsed hair in a towel.

"How would you feel if I were to have other playmates?"

"We knew we would have to share your attentions eventually," Jim said quietly. "But I thought you wanted the Mountie."

"Oh, I do," she smiled. "He and his partner are wonderful. And they are another inseparable pair."

"Really? Then, why did you bring up Cole Ricciardi?"

"I did not bring him up. He's an actor. Even if he hadn't been doing steroids, his profession makes him unacceptable," she said.

Jim frowned as he dried her off. "I know you weren't interested in Mack Wolf. He isn't even here. So..."

She nodded. "I found another one."

Jim began to smooth on moisturizer. He sighed. "What is he like?"

"Bigger broom up his undoubtedly lovely ass than you had when we met," she replied. "He's not you. He could never be you."

"It's his rigidness you want to break."

"Only if you don't mind," she said stilling his hands. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable in any way."

Jim considered it for a moment. "No, I don't mind. I'm very flattered."

"You're sweet," she smiled slipping on her robe. "As for the Mountie and his partner, they will come to you with questions. You may answer them up to a point. You'll know what crosses the line. I've already spoken to Blair."

She turned and hugged him close for a long moment then she kissed him gently. "I can contend with my hair. You attend to Blair."

"Genevieve found another 'brother?'" Blair murmured as they lay in bed much later. "I thought she wanted Benton and Ray."

"She does," Jim replied.

"So is this one a super slut or clamped down tight?"

"Tighter than tight."

Blair chuckled. "She'll love that. You okay?"

"Oh, yes," Jim said. "I know how much she cares for me. I'm flattered."

"You're glad it's not Cole," Blair snorted.

"Damn straight."

Jim awoke early to be sure he fit in his meditation along with his workout. Though uncertain of how well the Commander's theory would work in practice, he did feel really good at breakfast. The Commander unexpectedly grasped his shoulder once they were parked at Quantico.

"Nice and loose," he murmured. "Very good."

"Thank you, Commander."

"Just make sure you keep talking to me."

"I will."

The attendees were having coffee when Jim and Blair made their way to class. Ray Kowalski and Benton Fraser were there. The wolf greeted Blair with a happy yip and a wag of his tail then a big slurpy lick when he bent over to return the hello.

"I smell like bacon," Blair explained.

"I think it's rather more than that," Fraser said. "He's quite taken with you."

"Blair's okay. Dief knows that," Ray said. "Thanks again for the campin' idea."

"Yes, that was just the ticket," Fraser said. "The woods were very lovely and it was blissfully quiet."

"We needed that. And we got to avoid bein' hit by ray guns," Ray said. "Normally, we would get the first blast."

"With us right beside you," Jim said. "We left just before it happened."

"Hey, if the weather isn't great for camping, Genevieve has extended an invitation to the suite," Blair said handing them a card.

Both men smiled then stole glances at each other. "Yeah. I think we'd like that, huh Frase?"

"Oh yes, I'm sure we'd enjoy her hospitality very much," he replied with a blush.

Cole Ricciardi entered at that point. His hair was shorter. Much shorter. It made the resemblance more noticeable. Only his tan and larger build kept it from being Mack Wolf all over again. As it was, Blair was startled. He quickly got a grip then focused his most Commander-like gaze upon Jim who took a long, slow breath.

"Mornin' Cole," Jim said.

"Hey Jim. Guys," he said settling into his corner seat. "You in on the excitement?"

A chorus of happy nos were raised.

"Sounded like something from one of my films," he chuckled. "But I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't get someone to say cut. I'm discovering that the writers don't seem to know what they're talking about."

"Amen," Jim said drily.

The rest of the attendees filed in with Dennis Nelson bringing up the rear.

"Before we begin, some of you haven't signed your statements to the ATF. See me at the first break," he said then read off the names. "Okay, I think we've moved past thinking of Behavioral Science as voodoo, hokum, horse hockey and my personal favorite, reading entrails."

"Thank you. Always happy to participate," Lenny Briscoe said.

Nelson smiled. "Okay, okay. Lat's get down to what it really is about."

Class went well for Jim. He didn't feel like he needed to worry about protecting Blair from Cole or Genevieve from any number of threats. He could absorb the information. Participation was easier than it had been last week. Blair seemed very pleased. Nelson noticed and sought to include the partners in the discussions. The Sentinel was relaxed, but there was something tugging at the back of his mind. He paid it no direct heed. There was a familiar feel to whatever it was. It would come to him.

At the first break, Jim caught Blair's eye for him to stay behind.

"There's something in this room that I'm hearing," he said very softly. "It's familiar..."

"Is it an electronic device?"

"Yes..." Jim said cocking his head to one side. Jim suddenly got up and ushered Blair out of the room.

"We need to find Dennis. The room is bugged."

Nelson was surprised, but not entirely sure the devices weren't a common state of affairs. He had to check up the food chain. Jim and Blair knew when they broke for lunch two hours after the first break that the devices were not normal equipment. A technical team entered as the attendees exited.

Jim and Blair had lunch outside with Benton and Ray. Cole Ricciardi wandered up with a sack of food and Jim cleared a spot on his side of the bench.

"I don't care if we're kindred. This is quality corned beef," Blair said to the wolf.

Fraser was startled. "You understand him?"

Blair shrugged as he swallowed. "Anyone can read that face. But yeah, Dief and I connect."

"Thanks for letting me sit with you," Cole said.

"Don't sweat it," Jim replied.

"Yeah, you're okay," Ray said. "You can't help what's written fer you."

"Do you think these classes will help?" Blair asked.

"Yes. My emotions will be real."

"It's important to have the right emotions while you're wearing that camouflage thong," Jim said.

"I knew you'd understand."

"Why do you grace us, Cole?" Ray asked. "You got LAPD, and New York's finest here to eat wit."

"But Agent Nelson talks about you guys... leaping out of windows, mad bombers, submarines and tall ships," he said. "You guys are incredible."

"You mean we're nuts," Blair said.

"Amen," Ray chimed in.

"I like to think that we rise to any situation," Benton said.

"Here, here," Jim said.

Blair and Ray rolled their eyes.

"I know what I need," Cole said.

"Too good of an opening," Blair said.

"I need a long suffering sidekick."

"Hey," Blair exclaimed.

"Yeah," Ray said. "Watch that. We're partners."

"I couldn't function without Blair," Jim said.

"Nor could I without Ray."

"Thanks, man," Blair smiled.

"Back at cha, Benton buddy," Ray winked.

"So how do you guys get into your adventures?" Cole asked.

"Adventures, he says, like it's a fun thing," Ray said.

Jim and Benton seemed to cock their heads in the same fashion.

"I follow my instincts," Jim said.

"Precisely," Benton said.

"But how," Cole persisted.

Jim's gaze lazily settled upon a man in a three piece suit with short cut hair and a beard who was walking in a stiff quick manner toward a pair of men wearing coveralls who were clipping hedges.

"Sometimes a behavior will catch his eye. Usually, something that no one else will notice," Blair said.

Benton was watching a young blond man jogging in gray sweats alongside a woman with long, dark hair worn in a pony tail wearing similar attire.

"Or he notices something outta whack that is so minute, no one would ever think about it," Ray said.

Jim had focused on the bearded man's heartbeat which was off the scale.

"Like how?" Cole asked.

Jim let his hearing go to the trio.

"They found the bugs? How did they know?" the short groundskeeper said.

"One of the attendees said something... hey, he seems to be watching us now," The bearded man said.

"He can't see from way over there," the blond pony tailed groundskeeper said.

"Like the sweatshirt is the wrong color gray and the pair are jogging fifteen minutes off schedule," Ray was saying.

"Then, the partner will be compelled to follow the hunch," Blair said as Jim stood.

"It is as you say, Ray," Benton said rising as well.

"Then, you follow your partner blindly," Blair said as Jim started off at a brisk walk.

"And pray yer back don't get broke," Ray said as he followed Benton.

The partners headed off in opposite directions walking purposefully toward the sources of their distraction. The joggers kept up their pace. Since they had a lot of distance on Benton and Ray, they were able to make it off to the parking area and into a vehicle before they could catch up. The trio spotted Jim and Blair immediately and jogged over to a riding mower. They too had a lot of distance on their pursuers and were quickly out of reach.

"And sometimes you don't find out what was going on," Ray huffed throwing himself back on the picnic bench.

"You guys are great. I thought being a lone wolf was more exciting, but you guys have a great routine going," Cole said.

"Routine?" Jim asked warily.

"The banter, the schtic, he said in delight.

"Oh yeah, we live to entertain," Ray said drily.

Fraser looked perplexed. "Ray, you've told me on more than one occasion that you don't find us the least bit amusing."

Ray looked at the Mountie in consternation only to find the dark haired man almost smirking at him.

"Let's get back to class, Frase," he smiled. "Catch you guys later."

"Would you excuse us, Cole?" Blair asked. "I need to chat with Jim before the session begins."

"No sweat."

They went off and found an empty classroom. Blair seated himself across from Jim.

"You are still calm."


Blair reached over and grasped his shoulders. He found the muscles relaxed. His eyes were serene.

"What do you feel?"

"Paranoia," Jim said. "Off the scale. Your heartbeat and the dog tags keep me from flying off the handle."

"You're doing fine, James," Blair said softly. "Beautifully."

Jim blushed slightly.

"They aren't finished. They are afraid but determined," Jim said. "Flying by the seats of their pants."

"So are we," Blair said with a smile. "And we have grappling guns. Let's see Dennis at the final break."

Agent Nelson was rattled at having his classroom bugged, but he gave a very stimulating lecture that afternoon. At the break, he told Jim and Blair that the bug had something to do with the ATF and what happened at the mall. They were told that the ATF was handling it and to stay clear of the investigation. Nelson claimed that suited him. Blair wasn't sure he believed that. Nor was he sure they would be allowed to stay out of it.

Genevieve had a fruitful day. She found a satisfactory dojo to help her keep her physical edge. Her houseman was in touch to inform her of when the townhouse renovations would be finished. Business at Club Retro was booming after the earthquake. While that seemed strange to her, it was very good news.

Her day was made even better when Genevieve received a message that two letters had arrived for her. After a quick post-workout shower and a change to something soft and red and attractive, she made her way to the lobby. The letters, much to her delight, were from her most wayward charges, Tobias Beecher and Chris Keller. She made her way to the piano bar to have a glass of wine while she read them.

She chose Chris Keller's first.

Dear Genevieve,

It was great to see you again. I had a boner that wouldn't quit for days, but it was worth it. You looked great and smelled great. I remember that you feel and taste great. It was great to see you even though you came to torture me. You made me think about Toby eating that sandwich. I thought about licking the mayo off his lips and fingers. And even though I couldn't get to do any of that, it felt good to remember his taste.

Anyway, the reason I'm writing, besides to thank you for the food and the boner, is to ask if I should send this letter to Toby. I've written him three times since you left, but that's mostly been yelling at him over what he's written me and what he's tried to do to himself. I'm the one with the black soul, but I can't touch him for depression.

Anyway, after I got done yelling, I started thinking about him. So I wrote this letter. It sounded good when I wrote it, but now I don't know if it's something he needs to hear with me not being there. I know he can take yelling, but I'm not sure he can stand the longing when we're apart. I don't want to hurt him by wanting him. Tell me what to do. I trust your judgement.

Come see me again if you can.


Genevieve carefully opened the inner envelope.


I'm becoming such a freak. I have all those normal parts of you I could be thinking about, and I've enjoyed them. But I find myself thinking about the nape of your neck. I used to think about it a lot in EmCity, because I found myself staring at the back of your head when we weren't speaking. So you know how often that was. You'd think I'd get bored watching three inches of skin on the back of a neck. How much could be going on there?

Well, baby, it's my own fantasy land. And it does change all the time. The nape of your neck reflects your moods. When you get a hair cut, the nape is bare -- shaved clean. The hair above it is so even, I could use it as a straight edge. That neck is the lawyer. It's the neck that's most vulnerable. The hair cut leaves it naked.

That neck really gets to me. I know that the skin is so sensitive that breathing on it will make you hard. I always want to breathe on that skin. Inhale your scent, exhale my need. I want to lick it. I'm sure it tastes as sweet as it looks.

Then, there is the crazy Beecher neck. That one is really tough because your hair covers it. I wonder what it looks like as much as I wonder what's going on in that head of yours. That neck makes me crazy, too. I want to pull up that hair and bare that skin. I want to nuzzle it. I want to bite what's hidden from me as I fuck you. I want to make you know that skin is mine.

My favorite neck is when your hair grows out from lawyer Beecher, but isn't crazy Beecher. It gets this silky peak under where your hair starts to curl. That peak looks so soft. And your skin isn't completely covered from view, but it is protected. You are more you then -- not so vulnerable, not so crazy. I want to nuzzle and kiss that skin while I'm inside you or when I wake up or just because you're there or especially when I drift off to sleep.

So, I'm a freak. Next I'll be writing poems to your toes. You can still make me crazy. Stay safe, Beech.

Love, Chris

Genevieve found her eyes misting. She immediately sealed the inner envelope to mail. She wrote Christ a quick, warm note on hotel stationary to post later. Toby's note was shorter. She took a deep breath and opened it.

My Dear Genevieve,

I hope all is well with you. Thank you for you kind visit. My standing is considerably higher with McManus than it was. That can be a good thing.

Speaking of good things, Chris has been writing me. They aren't the most romantic letters. In fact, he's been shouting at me for my despondency. He's kind of angry in them where he's not sure if he should hit me or fuck me to get his point across. Forgive the course language, but it's suitable. I can just tell by the strong strokes in his writing that his eyes are focused like lasers and his nostrils are flaring. If we were together, he would be cornering me in the pod hands clenching and unclenching at his sides while he chooses between talking or fucking. I can almost feel the rage vibrating off of him.

I must be crazy. He's so dangerous when he's like that, but I want him that way. No matter how roughly he grabs me or how hard the fist kiss is, he'd never hurt me in bed. He'd take me but there would be a tenderness beneath it that's undeniable.

I'm not making light of his feelings or merely getting off on his anger. I'm just elated that he still cares so much. That helps the pain of longing. I have to be more careful in my letters though. I don't want him to worry about me too much.

I don't want you to worry either. However, I wouldn't object to another visit. McManus would love it.

Speaking of Tim, he recently came up with a notion that I have to share. Seems he'd been watching The Learning Channel and saw a show called The Human Face. In it was an Indian psychiatrist who was seeking to rehabilitate inmates in his country through laugh therapy. The doctor would get India's most hardened criminals in a room where they would laugh their way to rehabilitation. He introduced this notion at my group therapy session with Sister Pete. We all laughed thinking he was sharing a pretty funny joke. But when we realized he was serious, we laughed even harder. We just roared. Even Sister Pete was near tears. I have to admit that I felt great the rest of the day. So did the others from my group if the residual snickering every time we looked at each other is an indication. I guess it works.

Take care, Fantasy Lady. Hope to see you soon.


She dashed off a quick note to go into the envelope with Chris' letter. She was smiling when she put the letters in her purse.

"That must have been some letter," a voice, Jim's warm, silky voice, said.

She looked up to find the man who had righted her on roller blades. He was wearing a great looking suit and was staring at him with solemn eyes.

"Yes, it was," she smiled. "Would you care to join me, Mr..."

"Hunter. Vincent Hunter," he said seating himself at her table. "Thank you."

He ordered a very fine single malt scotch. Genevieve put away her letters.

"Were you on patrol in this area?"

He didn't smile, but his eyes grew warmer. "No, I'm in Internal Affairs."

"That must be stressful."

Hunter raised a brow. "Why would you say that?"

"You must investigate your brethren. Sometimes you must arrest them. You fight for the integrity of your profession and are not appreciated," she said simply. "That must be stressful."

He savored a sip of scotch. "It can be. You're very perceptive."

He relaxed a tiny bit. "I gather the cop I remind you of is that soldier Ellison who was on the cover of Time?"

"You're perceptive as well. How did you know?"

"I've heard it before. Ellison has made the news a few times. Someone always notices the resemblance," he replied. "And someone as bright as you seem to be would never mistake Cole Ricciardi for a cop."

"What else do you know about Jim and me?"

"I know what's in the official records. What's not probably fills ten file cabinets," he said. His eyes grew warmer still. But they still were not Jim's eyes. Genevieve was fascinated. "I also know that he and his partner are at the National Academy. They aren't likely to leave you alone. I wouldn't. So they must be staying with you."

"Thank you."

"But what I want to know is what your plans are for me... and him?"

Genevieve smiled. "I like your mind, Vincent Hunter. Unfortunately, Jim doesn't play with anyone that way. And considering your resemblance, I fear he'd view it as some act only performed in the Ozarks. You are an attractive and fascinating man. I want to get to know you. Now, what are your intentions?"

"Excuse me?"

"You have thought about certain possibilities. Yet, you come to me with a wedding ring," she said.

He looked at her levelly. There was a flash of pain that he covered very quickly. "I'm divorced... I just... it's just a habit, I suppose."

"Very well. I commend your depth of feeling," she replied. "What do you have in mind from me?"

"Wow," he said quietly. "I don't know when I've been asked such a direct question."

"I can have no ambiguities in my lifestyle."

He nodded. "I was flattered by your interest. You're very beautiful. You have a very interesting history. I'm tired of eating alone."

"Well said, Vincent Hunter," she smiled. "A few final thoughts to consider. My relationships are heartfelt, but do not involve ownership other than in the metaphorical sense. Jealousy does not work well with me. And my life seems to complicate the lives of law enforcement officers though I attract a lot of them. You should consider that -- especially considering your job."

He finished the scotch. Those pale eyes never left her. "I assume this joint has a restaurant somewhere."

"Of course. A fine steak house would suit you, I think. Let me leave a message for my guys," she replied. "Then, I'm all yours."

Blair happened to call moments after Genevieve's message was left. He, Jim and the Chicago pair were at a roadside restaurant near Quantico. As classes ended, Blair noticed that Benton looked distressed at the thought of the group meal plans made for that evening. Blair suggested dinner with him and Jim. Both men seemed relieved at the invitation. They found something that was a glorified hash house. The place even allowed Dief inside.

"Genevieve has made other plans, so we're free for a while," he said.

"Where is she?" Jim asked.

"A the hotel steak house. And don't worry, she's with a policeman. And she has a cell phone," Blair said with a cautionary glance.

Jim smiled. "Let's eat."

To Blair, and in his opinion, Benton, the array of food was a deep fried nightmare. But Jim and Ray were very happy, so they let it go and enjoyed it. Ray and Benton kept glancing at each other as if urging one another to say something. It wasn't until the post dinner coffee that they seemed to find their nerve.

"Ray and I were wondering... that is we were curious," Fraser began. "Not that we view this as a curiosity..."

Jim and Blair glanced quizzically at each other.

Ray stilled Benton's mobile hands. "Let me before you burst something. We were wonderin' if you could tell us something about Genevieve. We don't want to endanger anythin'. It's more of a personal nature."

"What do you want to know?" Jim asked. "She said it would be okay for you to ask."

"Oh!... Well, how does she... how does she find her... people," Ray asked.

"They find her," Blair said. "She likes to receive letters from those seeking her... advice... telling her what they're looking for in as much detail as possible."

Benton swallowed hard while blushing furiously. "She wants... that in writing... in detail?"

"Genevieve has a great imagination, but she doesn't read minds. At least, I don't think she can," Jim said with a wry smile. "She needs to know what she's dealing with. Sometimes, it's as important to know what you aren't willing to tell her as what you say."

"And that's where the real fun begins," Blair laughed. "Don't be nervous. She is very intrigued by you two. Just tell her what you want."

"She knows about us?" Ray said quietly.

"She sees a lot," Jim shrugged. "Your secret is safe. Trust us, we understand."

The pair gaped at them. "You two?"

"Yeah," Blair said smiling at Jim.

"Okay, she gets us," Ray said. "But a letter... you know how some pieces of paper that can get away from the most careful person."

Benton nodded. "I have to concur."

"Tell her in person," Jim suggested. "She'll like that even more."

"Oh, dear," Benton sighed.

Ray smiled the most dazzling of smiles at Benton. "I'd give anything to hear your fantasies, Ben."

Benton blushed even deeper. Blair laughed to himself. Genevieve would have a blast with those two. "That's the point, Ray. It helps the couple to explore their needs together. Even with her involvement, it makes the relationship stronger."

"Involvement?" Benton swallowed.

"Don't be afraid," Blair said. "You need to meet with her. She'll smooth away all your qualms."

Jim smiled at his Guide. The bus boy filled their glasses and ducked away without revealing his face. There was something familiar about his build and the blond pony tail. Jim glanced about the restaurant. He spotted the bearded man with the pounding heartbeat having coffee at the counter while trying not to look at them. The shorter, gray haired man was behind the counter.

"What is it, Jim?" Blair asked.

"The guys that left Quantico in a hurry are here," he replied.

"Any other bugs?" Blair asked not caring if the other detectives heard.

"No. I think they want to see where we go," Jim said. "In all likelihood they know you two are staying at the dorm."

"I concur," Benton said. "We should find out who they are and what they want."

"And I don't want to bring them to the hotel with us," Jim said. "They may be after Genevieve. Unlikely, given their level of skill, but I don't want to take the risk."

Before any of them can move, Cole Ricciardi stood up and grabbed the blonde bespectacled busboy.

"Okay, dirt bag, start talking!" he barked.

The four cops in the booth froze. Then they all leaped up. The blond man screamed then dumped the apple pie ala mode onto Cole's head. That gave the other two an idea because they immediately reached into the large, multi-tiered dessert case and started throwing everything in it at their pursuers. The police tried to return fire, but they were outgunned and they kept slipping on the various creams and icings that decorated the floor. In all the confusion of screaming waitresses and customers, the elusive trio managed to escape.

In the parking lot afterward, the guys continued to whip sticky cream off their bodies. While glaring at Cole Ricciardi.

"What the hell were you trying to do?" Ray demanded through a sheen of meringue.

"I just wanted to help!" Cole said for the tenth time.

"Leave him alone," Jim said quietly. "What's done is done. And they'll be back."

"I have to agree," Fraser said removing chocolate from his hair. "These men have shown a significant degree of determination. But when that occurs, you should stand aside. You are a civilian."

"He's right, man," Blair said. "They could have had weapons instead of a dessert case this time. There are no stunt doubles, and you have a $20 million paycheck to protect."

"Right... you're right," he said. "My manager would kill me."

"Why don't we all get some rest. Classes start early," Jim said.

Genevieve was at the perplexing end of a pleasant evening. Dinner had been lovely. Vincent Hunter was a reserved conversationalist, but he had a very dry and subtle sense of humor. His taste was exquisite. He had surprised her by eschewing the T-bone for rhea medium rare with baby asparagus. He had enjoyed the wine she ordered as well as the raspberry sorbet they split for dessert.

There was a palpable chemistry between them. Flashes of fire flared in his reserved gazes. Genevieve wondered how many women got even this close to him. He was a healthy man with healthy appetites she was sure. Yet he was very remote. Genevieve thought it was about repression not control. She wondered if it was wise to unleash that carnal appetite without knowing him better. But if she withdrew, he might withdraw as well not to try again. She wasn't willing to risk that.

"Allow me to see you to your room," Hunter said.

"Always the policeman?"

He shook his head. "Not always."

"Very well then."

Once in the elevator, Genevieve dropped her purse while retrieving her key. In picking up the purse and righting herself, the wavy mass of her hair went everywhere. She felt a hand smoothing it all back. Genevieve looked up to find Vincent Hunter gazing at her. His hand never moved from her hair.

"Vincent?" She asked softly.

His fingers curled in her hair. He turned her gently into him to sweetly and hungrily kiss her. Genevieve loved the feel of that body pressing against her. And Vincent was pressing. He had her plastered against him as he devoured her willing mouth. Then the elevator stopped and they made their way down the hall.

Hunter grasped her again as she opened the door nuzzling her throat.

"Come inside, Vincent Hunter," Genevieve murmured.

"I want to," he sighed. "It's been so long... I don't want to use you."

She tilted her head back and smiled at him. "I hardly think I shall feel used."

"It's our first date," he murmured against her skin.

Hunter backed away. He was clearly struggling. "Goodnight, Genevieve. May I call you this week?"


He left nearly limping to the elevator.

Genevieve entered the suite and immediately sensed that someone else was inside.

"Jim? Blair?"

There was no response, but she was sure someone was there. Deciding to err on the side of caution, the Mistress headed for the door hoping that Hunter was still waiting for the elevator. But as she turned, she saw a figure out the corner of her eye. Genevieve opened the door, but the figure was close. She let instincts take over.

Her intruder was a female who was a skilled combatant but nowhere near as well trained as she. As Genevieve battled the woman about the darkened room, she wondered why the girl hadn't just let her leave or leave herself. That question made Genevieve more cautious and her fight more brutal. The girl was tough. Genevieve sent her over the sofa and was about to leap in pursuit, when the door burst open.

"Genevieve!" Hunter shouted.

That distracted the Mistress allowing her assailant to cold cock her. As she picked herself up, she heard Vincent cursing then smelled something pungent. Vincent had one hand over his eyes and one holding a gun as he stood in the hallway.

"Are you alright?" Genevieve asked.

"Only got my hands, but the fumes sting. I should call a unit."

"You should come inside and wash your hands and let me flush your eyes," she said.

"But the perp..."

"She got away with nothing," she replied. "Jim and Blair will be back soon. And it's likely that the visit is the opening salvo in something stranger."

Genevieve tugged Hunter inside and shut the door. Then she lead him to her bathroom. Without a word, she removed his jacket, then the tie and shirt. She pulled his hands under warm running water. Then, she carefully soaped his hands.

"How are your eyes?" She asked softly.

"They sting a little but not badly."

She moved quickly having him sit on the vanity seat so she could flush his eyes. He blinked at her once she finished.

"Okay, I feel much better. Thank you," he said. "Now, why shouldn't I call this incident in?"

"I have two detectives and an FBI agent handing my adventures," she replied. "I don't want to complicate your life on our first date."

"Second date," he said softly. "That's why I came back."


Vincent gazed up at her reaching out to stroke her jaw. "You have a bruise."

He kissed the bruise along her jaw gently until he found her lips. Genevieve wrapped her arms around his neck. As Vincent stood, he swept her up into his arms.

"I must be crazy," he sighed against her lips. "Not calling this in... taking you..."


"You feel so good," he sighed. "I think that Siren name has some merit."

He kicked her bedroom door shut.

Jim and Blair knew something was wrong when they reached their floor. The Sentinel was struck by the incongruous scent in the elegant hallway.

"Pepper spray," Jim whispered.

They opened the door quickly to find the nearly wrecked living room. Both men drew their weapons while Jim turned up his hearing. He heard two heart beats in Genevieve's room. At first, the speed of the heart rate alarmed him. But as Jim reached the bedroom door, he heard panting and breathy moans. Then, there was the scent of Genevieve's arousal and that of a man. He motioned for Blair to be quiet then turned off the lights in the living room and opened the door. He had to make sure she was okay.

Was she ever okay. Judging from the sweat sheen on their bodies and her damp hair, they had been at it for a while. She was on her back with her legs wrapped around the waist of his dopplegangers. He was pumping hard and she was matching him move for move as they kissed passionately.

Jim gently shut the door then rested his head against it. Blair holstered his gun then pulled his Sentinel back into the living room.

"You okay?" he asked quietly

"I'm fine... she's... busy," he replied vaguely.

Blair nodded. He wasn't going to press. "Let's pick up this room then get un-sticky," he said in his best Commander's tone.

Jim took a deep breath then shook himself. "Yes."

A couple of hours later, the Sentinel was very mellow sitting in a hot tub of fragrant, sudsy water with his Guide plastered against the front of him. The curly head was resting on his shoulder. He had been so into who was in his lap, he hadn't heard Genevieve until she was standing in front of them. She was freshly showered and wrapped in a red kimono robe. Her hair was wrapped in a towel. She noted the pile of sticky clothing on the floor with a raised eyebrow as she took a seat on the vanity stool.

"Are you alright with this?" She asked jim softly. "Theory is one thing -- reality quite another."

"I love seeing you like that," he said. "It's just strange seeing you with someone who has my ass."

Genevieve smiled. "You know how I love that ass."

"I'm fine with it," Jim said firmly. "How is he?"

She shrugged. "I've upended his very ordered routine. I imagine he'll go home and try to figure out a way not to come back. It won't work, but he'll try."

Jim nodded at that. "I would have as well if I hadn't had that assignment. You really can disrupt a cop's whole world view... but in a wonderful way."

"Thank you, Cherie," she said with a bright smile. "Now, tell me why your clothes are full of pastries."

"It seems we're being shadowed," Blair replied. "We tried to confront them and it sort of turned into the Three Stooges."

"What happened here?" Jim asked.

"Someone was in here when we returned from dinner," Genevieve said. "A woman. She fought well. I'm still not sure what she was after."

"Why do you say that?" Blair asked.

"There were opportunities for her to escape. She fought well enough to get out. The door was opened," Genevieve said. "She was trying to pin me, foolish woman."

"Look at what we found in the living room," Blair said pointing at the vanity.

Genevieve picked up a thin case that contained a filled hypodermic needle. "So she wanted to talk. Well, now, so do I."

"I don't blame you, but my worry is any escalation towards you, Mistress," Jim said. "I know that you don't like the thought, but you are vulnerable while we're in class."

Genevieve pursed her lips in disapproval. "It's not as though I'm vulnerable."

"I know," Blair said. "But do you still have your panic button?"


"If you would, Mistress," Blair said.

"I'll wear it," she sighed.

"But you're still alone most of the day," Jim muttered. Then, he brightened. "What is your friend's name?"

"Vincent Hunter," she said. "He's in Internal Affairs. Why?"

"You'll ditch anyone you don't like. And why have a stranger who could compromise us in some way, when you can have someone you know?" He replied.

"You're brilliant, Babe," Blair murmured.

Genevieve smiled. "Well, that will shock Captain Hunter. But I did warn him."

Even with all the excitement, everyone was in by ten. Blair called Dennis before turning in. The agent was alarmed and agreed to have Captain Hunter at Quantico by the first break in the morning. Jim had prudently packed a security door rod and used it on the door. Ad he drifted off, he was grateful for the Commander's assignment. He would not have handled that evening nearly as well if he were all wound up. He hoped he'd be able to maintain that for all their sakes.

Early morning found them at the park. Blair and Genevieve went through their paces while Jim circled the park. They worked hard needing the physical release for their collective stress. Even though Genevieve was really going at him and he was keeping up, Blair's focus was not completely on their workout. He was aware of Jim each time he passed. He even heard the baby cooing as they moved into the cool down. Blair bowed to Genevieve, then he turned and waved at little William.

"Wow, this is the best I've seen yet," Mulder said with a smile.

"Oooh, who's this gorgeous thing?" Genevieve asked.

"Fox Mulder, ma'am," Mulder replied.

She raised a brow at him.

"This is William."

"We usually work out on weekends," Blair said.

"Yes, well, Mommy got in late and asked me to take morning duties so she can get a little more sleep," Fox said.

"This is Genevieve my martial arts mentor and friend," Blair said.

"Pleased to meet you both," she smiled. The baby seemed pleased as well.

Blair spotted Jim rounding the corner. "Hey, Fox, we gotta go... Class and all..."

"Oh, yeah... see you. Say bye-bye, William."

Jim passed with a wave to the baby. Blair and Genevieve fell in alongside him. As they jogged out of the park, they were passed by a young blond man who called out to Mulder. Reaching back with his hearing, Jim found them.

"Hey, agent Mulder. It's me, Jimmy Bond."

"I remember. You're Frohike's"

"Frohike's what?"

"Never mind. What can I do for you?"

"I'm here about this guy..."

"Does Frohike know about that? He's not into sharing."

Jim let it go then. He had enough strange things to think about.

Morning went well. Dennis informed Jim and Blair before class that he had contacted Chief Jack Manion of the DC police after their call. Captain Hunter had been informed of his new assignment and would be at Agent Nelson's office by the first break. It seemed that Captain Hunter was not too pleased at being diverted. The partners assured Nelson that they could handle him, but they'd need complete privacy.

After a couple of hours of Necrophilia 101, Jim and Blair were lead to the office where the thundercloud that was Vincent Hunter awaited. Jim finally understood just how scary his face could be when he was pissed off. This guy was scary. Dennis was stunned looking between the two men.

"Just think of 'The Patty Duke Show,"" Blair offered helpfully.

"Okay... why don't I let you guys work this out. I need some coffee," the Agent sighed.

The door closed quietly behind them. Blair took a seat in the corner. Jim leaned on the desk watching Vincent Hunter pace.

"I know you aren't happy about how this was done. I know you weren't trained to be a bodyguard, but this is an important and potentially dangerous assignment," Jim began quietly. "Genevieve has a lot of enemies on her own, and her involvement with us has brought her more.

"She's done a lot for some very powerful law enforcement officials at her own peril. Protecting her will give you a lot of points with your department."

Vincent cocked his head to one side and glared at Jim. To Blair it was much like Jim did when he was vexed and didn't know how to cope with it.

"So you know my objections. You know what else I'm thinking?"

"You think she picked you because she wants you at her beck and call," Jim replied with a sideways glance. "First off, she doesn't need to do that to get any man she wants. And she didn't pick you, we did. She likes you enough not to ditch you. That and your record are all we cared about."

The two men stared at each other.

"Genevieve is a beautiful woman in distress," Blair said. "The perks at the hotel are unbelievable and the brass in your department will love you. What's the down side?"

Hunter sighed. "I suppose... maybe I don't like things to be that easy."

"That trait must come with the jaw and the baby blues," Blair muttered. "So what's it going to be? She's locked in the suite alone. If you're not interested, we need to find someone else."

He let his head drop a moment. Then he reached into his breast pocket. "Here's my cell number. Let me have yours. I'll call when I get there."

Jim thought the rest of the day passed normally enough. Aside from Ray Kowalski occasionally glaring at Cole, it was pretty dull. Hunter arrived to watch over Genevieve within a half an hour. He was still ticked if the voice was any indication. Genevieve would love sparring with that attitude. The Commander was pleased with Jim. He checked on his shoulders at lunch and found him to be relaxed. His intensely warm regard in those private moments promised quite an evening. The day couldn't end soon enough for Jim. But then came the phone call as they headed for the car.


"Hi, Blair. This is Fox Mulder."

"Well, H... I suppose I won't ask how you got this number. What can I do for you?" Blair asked.

"I think I can do something for you and your partner," Mulder replied. There was amusement in his voice. "Can you meet me in the park before you go to the hotel?"

"Er... sure. Give us about a half an hour."

Fox Mulder was not alone. The young jogger from that morning was with him. It all seemed benign enough, but Jim was glad he put Genevieve and Hunter on alert.

"Hey Fox," Blair said. "Where's William?"

"He's with his Mommy," Mulder replied. "This is Jimmy Bond, one of the guests for this evening."

"One of the guests?" Jim asked.

"The rest of the summit is at the diner," he said. "Jimmy Bond, Jim Ellison and Blair Sandburg. Shall we?"

They followed Mulder through the park. "It seems that Jimmy's associates, who are old friends of mine, got some strange notions about you two. Unfortunately, they acted upon those notions without speaking to me."

"They thought you were out of the loop, Agent Mulder," Jimmy said. "And you know how they get when they're chasing a story."

"What were these notions?" Blair asked.

"That you're some sort of Black Box guys involved in that incident at the mall," Mulder replied.

"We weren't even there," Jim said.

"That made them more suspicious since most of your classmates got caught in it," Mulder said.

"Then there is the hearing and the eyesight," Jimmy said.

That stopped Jim and Blair in their tracks.

"My friends read a lot of things, but apparently they've never read Richard Burton," Mulder said quietly.

"Wow, who knew Richard Burton ever had time to write with all that acting and marrying Elizabeth Taylor over and over and over," Jimmy said in wonder.

"You knew who we were -- all of it," Blair said ignoring Jimmy.

"Oh, yes. My department had been very interested in you two. Had I not had an unexpected leave from the Bureau, we would have met much sooner," he said.

"Why?" Jim asked guardedly.

"Professional curiosity. I wanted to know if it was your abilities that made you come to Cascade or if your abilities attracted all those calamities," he said with a shrug.

"You think we know the answer to that?" Blair asked. His voice was strained.

"Don't worry, Blair," Mulder said gently. "Nobody here means you any harm."

They were there in the diner. The three men from the food fight stood just inside looking wary but standing their ground.

"Let's get a table and have some pie," Mulder said. "But let's eat it this time."

After the order was taken, Mulder leaned in closely between the men. He introduced each of them. The bearded earnest looking man was Byers. The blonde was Langly and the very interesting looking short man was the aforementioned Frohike. Blair pursed his lips in thought for a moment.

"You guys publish The Lone Gunmen," he said.

The trio brightened immediately.

"Do you subscribe," Byers asked.

"No, but a TA friend did. And my mother loves it," Blair said. "What were you guys doing sneaking into Quantico?"

"We're trying to get the story on Anguilus," Frohike said.

"The Godzilla monster?" Blair asked.

"The weapons system," Byers replied.

"Anguilus is supposed to be a wide field stun gun that can take our up to 50 people from as far away as 50 yards," Mulder said to his friend's surprise. "Like a big phaser."

"Told you he still knows stuff," Jimmy said.

Mulder shrugged. "I promised I'd behave. That doesn't mean I stopped looking."

"Anyway, Anguilus is more like a disruptor than a phaser," Langly said. "It disrupts the nervous system for a few seconds immobilizing the target. It's supposed to be a new way to deal with hostage situations without loss of life."

"But there have been some problems," Frohike said. "It's caused seizures, strokes and heart attacks in some of the healthy people it was tested on recently. We think some of the people at the mall were adversely affected."

"You believe they won't pull the weapon," Blair said.

"Not unless this is exposed," Byers said.

"Okay, it's an important story," Jim said. "Why focus on us?"

"We weren't at first," Frohike said. "We bugged the classroom in the hopes to hear the class talking about what happened in the mall.," Frohike said softly. "But then you spotted the bug... and then spotted us and it shouldn't have been possible."

"We got a tip along with your service record," Byers said. "That pointed to you two being more than what you seem."

"I was a soldier unlucky enough to get shot down in a jungle," Jim said. "Now, I'm a cop."

"A cop with a penchant for rogue colonels and CIA operatives and freeze rays," Langly said.

"We have a bizarre relationship with luck," Blair admitted. "But that doesn't connect us to the ATF."

Both parties were very wary at that point.

"My friends have great imaginations, but they also have integrity,' Mulder said. "If you tell them something in confidence, they won't reveal it -- especially when lives are at stake."

"Lives are at stake? Is this about Anguilus?" Byers asked.

"No," Mulder replied with more insistence. "You've been stirring up a lot of dust around these two. One of your inquiries may cause the wrong people to look at them more closely. That will cost them at least their freedom. It may cost their lives.

"You know me. You trust me. You have to back off. Your weapons story is not with them."

The three men looked at each other then Jimmy who nodded enthusiastically at them.

"Okay, we'll back off, but you have to spill," Frohike said. "How can you do what you do?"

"If I may," Mulder said. "The detective is what Scully calls a wonderful deviation of nature. You should expand your reading beyond the National Enquirer and try some anthropology."

"You mean he's like fluke man?" Langly asked.

Jim and Blair frowned at them.

"Well, I suppose you could say that," Mulder said. "Though I wouldn't."

"I could see why a soldier with that kind of ability would interest all sorts of nasty people," Frohike said.

"And I don't care for that thought," Jim said.

"Nor would I," Blair said. "We appreciate your discretion."

"So you use these powers in your work against crime," Jimmy said. "You're almost like a..."

"Don't say it..." Blair said.

"Super hero," Jimmy exclaimed.

Blair sighed. Jim chuckled.

"I would be, Jimmy but some people won't let me get a cape," Jim replied glancing at Blair.

The meal arrived and was consumed with companionable conversation. Mulder's friends were curious about the details that didn't make the papers about Colonel Oliver and Garret Kincaid. The partners answered what they could. Everyone began to relax.

"It's good we straightened this out," Blair said after the coffees arrived. "You almost lost one of your friends tangling with Genevieve in our suite."

"I missed a chick fight?" Mulder said in exasperation.

"What woman?" Byers asked.

"Young, long dark hair..."

"Yves," Jimmy said with a sigh.

"Yves Adele Harlow? I thought you guys were going to stay away from her," Mulder said. "I can't keep rescuing you from the Men in Black."

"But Yves wouldn't be interested in a faulty weapons system," Langly snorted.

"Just when did you get the tip about us?" Jim asked.

"Anonymous e-mail," Frohike said. "We get a lot of them. This one checked out... well, I suppose it actually didn't. I wonder what she's up to now?"

Blair was really tired. His mind wanted so much to go back to sleep, but there was that ringing. It was his cell phone. He didn't think he could make his body work long enough to answer it. He was going to have to paddle Jim big time. His subject had been completely out of control, and the attack had taken Blair so off guard, fighting hadn't been an option. Oh, there was a reason for Jim's sudden loss of control. Blair could understand it, but the Commander couldn't let such a breach pass unpunished. He didn't want to risk Genevieve's wrath.

It had begun with the Mistress. Or rather, it had begun with Vincent Hunter. He had been sitting forlornly near her closed bedroom when they returned from dinner.

"You vexed her," Jim said.

Hunter shrugged. He set his jaw. "I may have been a little terse when I arrived here."

"How long has she been in her room?" Blair asked.

"Hours," he sighed. "How long can she stay... vexed?"

"Indefinitely," Jim said. "Look, maybe you should go back to your department..."

"No," Hunter snapped. "I want to make this right. What can I do?"

"Forget that you're in charge here, for one," Jim replied. "And crawling to her may work."

At that point, Jim and Blair headed for their room. Moments later, Blair had stripped to his boxers. Jim was already in a robe. The Sentinel seemed distracted. Blair knew he was listening to make sure Genevieve was okay.


The next thing Blair knew was that he was plastered against Jim's body being kissed thoroughly. Before his brain could catch up, he was flat on his back. Jim had both his wrists over his head grasped in one hand while the other was stroking him through his boxers. He couldn't fight Jim, because his legs were pinned down by his lover's dense body. But he didn't want to fight. Not with that mouth on his and that hand expertly working him to the brink. Then he was coming hard against that hand.

During the post-orgasmic haze, Blair felt Jim preparing him for penetration. The Guide moaned as he looked up at his lover. Jim's eyes had gone dark and his nostrils were flaring. This would be a hell of a ride. And it had been. Jim rocked and pumped and undulated until Blair came again. Jim came with powerful shudders and a silent cry. Everything that was driving him seemed to be released with the orgasm. He pulled out of his lover tenderly then went to get a warm washcloth.

"You are so going to be punished," Blair murmured muzzily as Jim cleaned him.

"I know," Jim said softly as he gathered his boneless lover in his arms. "I have no excuse. I had to have you."

Blair settled against him. "I think I understand. They made up, huh?

"Oh, yeah," Jim sighed.

Blair held him closely. "Go to sleep."

It seemed that an instant later, his cell phone was ringing. He thought that odd unless it was Naomi. Most business related calls went to Jim as the senior partner. He found the chirping thing somehow and flipped it open.

"'lo," he mumbled. "Sandburg."

"We have Ellison," an electronic voice informed him.

Blair reached over and found his lover's warm shoulder. He gently caressed the short hair and the strong jaw. Jim murmured happily in response.

"Mister Sandburg?"

"Just a sec," Blair replied sleepily. He padded to Genevieve's room. There, Captain Hunter was shackled to the bed asleep with the Mistress sprawled on top of him. Although he was glad the Captain made up with Genevieve, he preferred not to think about how good that scene looked. He closed the door.

"You've got Jim?" Blair said trying to feign panic. "What do you want?"

"We want your services as his Guide. Cooperate and you both can leave after 48 hours," the voice said.

Blair wasn't a Sentinel and he knew the man was lying. This was not good.

"Where do we meet?"

He wrote down the instructions then turned off the phone.

"Hey, babe..." Blair said shaking Jim's shoulder. "Somebody's snatched Cole."

Jim looked at him with one eye then snuggled back under the covers. "'Kay... goodnight."

"Jim," Blair said firmly.

He groaned loudly but rolled out of bed.

"Your skulking outfit is in the armoire. The bag of gadgets is in the bottom," Blair said. "When you get dress, wake Genevieve and Hunter. We'll need the help."

Blair looked at the clock. It was nearly one a.m. He took a deep breath and dialed the number from the card in his hand.


"Hey, it's Blair Sandburg. Sorry to wake you..."

"No... I was up taking a stroll up and down the hall with William," Mulder said. "What's wrong?"

Blair efficiently ran down what happened and why. While Mulder didn't see the resemblance, he concurred that if Blair cooperated, neither man would ever see the outside of a lab as long as they lived.

"You're going to need some help," Mulder said. "These types usually come with a lot of well armed muscle."

"We've got two with us," Blair said. "And I'm calling the Lone Gunmen."

"They'll be good for recon and for getting you inside, but not for muscle... even with Jimmy," Mulder replied.

"I've got two other student I trust," Blair said.

"That's better," he said. "I'll see who'll still return my calls. Be very careful and good luck."

Forty-five minutes later, the group was assembled a half mile from an industrial park in Bethesda around the VW bus that housed the command center for the Lone Gunmen. Only the seriousness of the situation kept them from reacting to the strong resemblance between Jim and Hunter.

"Their perimeter is a quarter mile from the building, " Jim said. "You can position the van a little closer. You guys fan out and target any guards on the perimeter.

"We'll let Blair get to the entrance while I get to the building and find an entrance. Then, you neutralize the guards and move-in. Leave your guns here. We don't want to complicate matters."

"You guys wire everyone up," Jim continued. "Listen for any problems. Hunter, stick with Genevieve, but don't get in her way."

Jim walked Blair over to the car. He was grim. His gaze was intense.

"I hate letting you do this," he said quietly.

"I know," Blair said.

"I won't let them take you," Jim said. I don't care what it costs."

"I know," Blair said. "I won't anyone take you. We have a good team. We'll get them."

"You ready?"

"Of course. Are you?" Blair asked in his best Commander's tone.

Jim relaxed instantly. He smiled.

"Let's get your brother."

Blair drove up to the parking space next to the main entrance of the warehouse. He wondered how bad guys found their warehouses. Perhaps there is a web page somewhere. He was pulled from his musing and from the car by a waiting henchman and roughly frisked.

"Watch the package, freak," Blair snapped removing the offending digits while nearly spraining them. He noticed there were four men near the entrance.

Blair was ushered inside but at a suitable personal distance.

"Where's Jim?" He asked tersely.

The man lead him to a room on the far side of the empty room. There were two more men inside the big, empty atrium space. The men motioned for him to go inside the darkened room. There was something like a dentist chair in which Cole was strapped. His head was also held immobile. His attention was trained on a screen at the far end of the room.. Blair was beside Cole in an instant.

"Are you okay?" Blair asked quietly.

Cole looked at him bleary eyed. "Yeah... just kinda tired. This is the weirdest eye test I've ever had."

His voice was raspy.

"Let me get you some water."

"Mr. Sandburg, we have not harmed your partner despite his lack of cooperation," the electronic voice said from an intercom. "But our patience is wearing thin."

Blair poured a glass from the pitcher on a table next to the screen. He noticed there was an eye chart in the middle of it that was the size of the postage stamp. Somehow, he hid his surprise.

"Well, I'm here now," Blair said. "We give you what you want and you let us go. I've left word with Agent Nelson and others where we are that will reach them if we don't turn up."

"Threats are not necessary. We will keep our word."

Blair had Cole sip the water.

"Can you see that eye chart?" he asked very quietly.

"All but the last line. That's kinda fuzzy."

"Oh God," Blair sighed. "Okay... okay... listen Cole..."


"In about 30 seconds, all hell will break loose. Just stay close to me."

"I've always wanted that, Blair," he said softly.

"Oh, God..."

Blair heard breaking glass above seconds later.

"Close your eyes!" Blair ordered as he covered Cole's ears.

The flash grenade signaled the others. The second it cleared, Blair took down the men that rushed into the room. Then, he freed Cole from the straps that held him from the chair.

"Let's go!" Blair exclaimed.

Cole stumbled behind him into the main room. The Guide saw a white flash out of the corner of his eye. He turned to find Diefenbaker on the chest of a man Blair hadn't noticed behind him.

"Good boy! Come on."

Most of the guys who had rushed into the room were trying to shoot down Jim who was running alongside of the wall trying to draw fire. He sure loved that new harness.

"Dief! Sic 'em!" Blair shouted. "Get down, Cole. Keep your ears covered. We need some help in here!!!"

Then Genevieve was in the room. Her spectacular fighting style distracted the shooters allowing Blair to act and Jim to get to the ground. Hunter got Cole well out of the way then joined the fray. Soon it was a matter of clean up.

Fraser and Kowalski entered as they finished tying up the men.

"We've got eight tied to trees," Kowalski said.

"I believe that's all of them," Fraser said.

"That's good. I've run out of rope," Genevieve said. "And that was my best stock."

"Not that I don't enjoy class," Kowalski said. "But it was great to punch some creeps in the face."

"I hear you," Jim said.

"Thanks for sending Dief after me, Benton," Blair said. "He was a life saver."

"I wish I could take credit, but it was his idea," Fraser said. "He seemed to know you needed him."

Blair ruffled the wolf's head. "Way to look out for kin."

Dief barked. Fraser looked at them quizzically but didn't press for an explanation.

"Captain Hunter, we should call this in," Jim said.

"I agree, but to who?"

"FBI FREEZE!!!" A voice shouted from outside. "Put your hands on your heads."

"Well, that answers that," Jim said. "Shall we?"

They exited the building with their fingers interlaced on the tops of their heads. There they found Langly, Byers and Frohike getting patted down by some suits. They were all searched in turn. The agents were startled to find so many badges.

"Most them seem to be cops," the agent said to a pair of figures shrouded in darkness.

"I'll take explanations right now," a voice said from the shadows.

One of the figures stepped into the light. He was tall and broad shouldered. His powerful build was evident even in the tasteful black suit and raincoat. Though balding, he had striking features.

"Wow!" Genevieve exclaimed.

"Detective Ellison, Cascade P.D.," Jim said. "Most of us are here in DC for the National Academy. One of our classmates, Cole Ricciardi, the actor, was kidnaped tonight. We had a heads up, so we went after him with the help of our three new friends. We have Captain Hunter from the DC police and we made sure that your people were alerted. We are unarmed. We fired no shots."

"They saved my life," Cole said. "It was better than any of my films!"

The big man sighed a long suffering sigh. He seemed to be working through the angles. The other figure stepped out of the shadows. She was a petite redhead with beautiful alabaster skin and bright blue eyes. The eyes looked very familiar to Blair.

"Sir, I know these three have a dicey history with you, but these are National Academy students and a DC Detective," she said. "Let's get this cleaned up and let them go. We can find them if we need to."

He nodded. "Does Mr. Ricciardi need any medical care?"

"No... except for some eye drops," Cole said.

"Okay, we'll see you home," the big man said. "My name is Skinner. I or Agent Scully may be in touch with you about this over the next few days."

"If it's all the same to you, Agent Skinner," Cole said. "I'd like to stick around."

"Suit yourself," Skinner said.

The agents fanned out into the building. Fraser and Kowalski went to tell them where they could find the others tied up in the woods. Blair walked over to Agent Scully who was chatting with the Lone Gunmen.

"Agent Scully?" he said. "I'm Blair Sandburg."


"You're William's mother, aren't you?"

"Yes," she smiled. "You've met William?"

"He finds my workout in the park very entertaining," Blair replied. "You have a beautiful boy. He has your eyes."

"Thank you," she said. "It's nice to know that he already has a social life."

"Tell Fox thanks."

She smiled shaking her head in amazement.

Jim gathered up the group to head out after the suits cleared them. Before they headed out, he noticed Genevieve giving Skinner her card. Hunter glowered at her but fell in beside her readily enough. He was finished for sure. Jim wondered if he knew it yet.

"Hey, it's four o'clock. We havta be up at six," Kowalski said. "We could tease our poor brains with two hours of sleep or we could have breakfast."

"Genevieve, you don't have to get up," Jim said. "You could go back and get some rest."

She smiled at him. "Thank you, Cherie but there is much adrenaline to sleep. Besides, I'm hungry. I could even stand a greasy spoon."

Thus food won out. And while Jim was enjoying the meal and the company, his mind pondered a lot of things -- some serious some not. He wondered who took Cole and if the danger had been neutralized. Yves Adele Harlow was no where to be found, so he was certain it had not. He wondered if the Lone Gunmen would approach the Mistress about the virtual game they were whispering so urgently about. He wondered if the Mountie and his partner would ever approach her. They were making themselves crazy in her presence.

Jim mostly wondered why Blair kept looking so hard at Cole then at him. It must be something big if he was reluctant to say. He would have to wait. When Blair was ready, he would tell him. And on the subject of waiting, Jim wondered when he and the Commander would get to play even though that play was coming with deserved punishment. Their schedule and their cohorts were proving to be daunting even for his imaginative lover. Jim felt for him and understood how much pressure he was shouldering for his Sentinel. He promised himself that he would take the pressure away from Blair for a while. After class, he would pamper his Guide. He would wait for the Commander. He would wait for answers, but he couldn't wait to show his love how much he meant to him.

Siren Saga 21: Rest Stop