THE TIGER'S MATE by ulyferal

A business trip to the beautiful city of Cape Suzette has unexpected consequences for the Chief Enforcer of Megakat City.

Categories: Talespin, Swat Kats Characters: Baloo, Calico Briggs, Don Karnage, Feral, Kit Cloudkicker, Lt. Commander Steele, Lt. Felina Feral, Mayor Manx, Molly, Razor, Rebecca Cunningham, Sergeant, Shere Khan, T-Bone, Wildcat
Genres: Slash
Warnings: Angst, AU, Complete, Explicit Sexual Situations, Graphic Birth, Hermaphrodite, m/m
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Completed: Yes Word count: 37182 Read: 18085 Published: 12/13/2010 Updated: 12/13/2010
Chapter 14: The Pastmaster Comes Calling by ulyferal

After being dropped off by Shere, Feral waddled up the stairs and pushed his way through the huge doors of Enforcer Headquarters. Crossing the massive lobby, he was surrounded by enforcers in the midst of a shift change. Heading for the elevator he was well aware of all the stunned and concerned looks he was being given. Sighing he was grateful an elevator had just disgorged its passengers and was empty when he quickly got aboard and pushed for his tower office.

Arriving at his floor, his secretary gave him his messages and his schedule for the day. "Karen, I'll only be available in the mornings. I'll be leaving for my new apartment every afternoon. Any one who must see me will have to go there. Felina will act as my gofer for all the things you need me to sign and reports I need to see. My doctor has warned me I will be confined to bed rest in a month's time. You might want to get the word out to everyone to complete any open projects, reports and/or investigations that require my attention before that time." He instructed her.

"Is everything going alright with the pregnancy, Commander?" Karen asked concerned.

"So far yes. The only serious concern is my carrying multiples. It's a strain on my body and the doctor wants me to try and keep stress to a minimum to give them time to get bigger." He grimaced. "Actually, I don't know how I'm going to handle them getting any bigger." He sighed.

"How many did they say you are carrying?" She asked this being the first she'd heard the Commander was expecting more than one kitten.

"Triplets." He said grimly. He opened the door to his office leaving his secretary with her mouth gaping in shock.

Hanging his coat, he made a quick stop in the bathroom yet again before heading to his desk. A small pile of reports waited his attention. Sighing and trying to get comfortable, he got busy. He had a lot to get done in the few hours he had set himself.

Two hours later, Steele briskly strode into Feral's office. Frowning, Feral looked up from a lengthy investigation report that required delicate handling. He wasn't happy to be interrupted.

"Sir, I heard you will be in only half days for the next month. Since I'm second in command, I thought it important that I learn what needs to be done so that the flow of work won't be disrupted by your absence and it will help me know what is going on for when you go on maternity leave." Steele said trying to be professional and not give away his anticipation to holding the Chief Enforcer position for a lengthy time.

"And just why do you think I would let you take over?" Feral growled. "As far as I'm concerned you won't get a another chance to sit in this chair. You will be going elsewhere so plan on packing your bags. You've been given plenty of opportunities to try and live up to your rank and you have failed miserably. So for the time being until I find a place for you, you will be delivering files and reports to the people that will be handling them in my absence and finishing any reports you still have pending, if any, and clearing your desk and files to be handed over to your replacement. Now get out until I call you." He ordered and returned to the report in his paws giving Steele no more thought.

Steele stood rooted to the floor in shock for long moments before the Commander's last command had finally penetrated his brain. Turning on his heel, he nearly ran out of the office. He couldn't believe what Feral had said to him. 'A failure, being replaced, being a gofer (yet again) fair.' He tried his best but it was never good enough. Angry, he slammed into his office. He should just quit but he cringed when he remembered that wasn't an option. His family would never hear of it and would cut him off if he dared to. His anger deflating into despair, he plopped down in his chair and put his head in his arms.

It was after one when Feral finally finished the days tasks he had set for himself. He was achingly tired and hungry. He summoned his sergeant to help him out of his chair. The sergeant appeared quickly and gently eased the Commander to his feet. Unobtrusively, he followed Feral down to the limo waiting for him. The sergeant gave an acknowledging nod to the panther taking over the Commander's care as one caretaker to another and briskly returned inside as the panther aided Feral into the car.

Sighing, Feral relaxed gratefully into the comfortable seat. He was very glad the omega criminals seemed to have taken a break and only normal criminal cases were being pursued at the moment. He could rest and not feel guilty about being gone. He really needed to narrow down who would be his new second in command. Eventually it would be Felina, but she didn't have enough time and rank to step in yet. He presently had three likely candidates. He would speak to Felina and get her opinion on them.

All too soon, he was struggling out of the limo with the panther's assistance at his new apartment. A panther guard awaited him in the lobby and escorted Feral to his penthouse. He'd lost his annoyance at the constant presence of guards around him. In his present condition it only made sense so he'd stopped fussing about it. Once in his apartment, he quickly shed his modified uniform and with the butler's assistance removed his boots. The thick carpet felt soothing to his feet and the loose silk lounging clothes were comfortable. He waddled off for a meal in the solarium where Shere had a special hammock put up for him. It allowed Feral to rest more easily than a hard surface and pillows.

That is where Shere found his mate later in the day, lulled asleep by the swaying motion of the hammock. Smiling warmly at the sight, he leaned down and kissed his mate tenderly. For Ulysses' sake he would be glad when this pregnancy was over. His mate was so exhausted all the time. He was truly grateful the heavy hitting criminals had taken a break for now. He hoped it would continue, one less worry for his mate right now.

Two weeks later found the Commander confined sooner than he'd wanted. His size was now too difficult to get around and he had conceded defeat and remained home. He spent nearly eighty percent of his time in the hammock. Rest was almost impossible, exhaustion a near constant companion. Shere was very worried so much so that he began remaining at home and conducting his business in his small home office. Felina, temporary second in command Major Renward, and the sergeant were constant daily visitors bringing reports, messages, and other important matters to the Commander. As a favor to Felina, the SWAT Kats had stepped up their patrols in case an omega wanted to take advantage of the Commander's absence. The only news during this time that really cheered the Commander was the news his mate provided him one day after his confinement at home. Khan had finally found a place for Steele. He was shipped off to Cape Suzette to join the local police force there. Feral was well pleased and relieved not to have to see that twit again.

Despite all their careful planning and hopes, just days before Feral was expected to deliver, the Pastmaster decided to make a bold attack. Instead of his usual frontal assault, the wily gnome snuck in hiding his vortex in a brief thunderstorm. He flew in on a pterodactyl and hid in the mountains until nightfall. Under a moonless sky, he and his mount swooped down to the Megakat Museum. Entering through the roof, he used his watch to reach the main floor. He froze the guard as he strode through the rare gem exhibit. He was after a special stone that had been recently unearthed that had hidden magical powers. With it he could enhance his watches energies and take over the city faster than its defenders could react.

Cackling in triumph, the ugly wizard quickly found the bluish glowing stone. Using magic he removed it without setting off any alarms then using his watch he got back to the roof and his ride. He flew toward city hall's clock tower keeping a watchful eye for the SWAT Kats. Landing, he prepared his spell.

Despite his caution, a sharp eyed enforcer had spotted the Pastmaster flying toward city hall and raised the alarm. As soon as she was alerted and arrived at Enforcer Headquarters, Felina summoned the SWAT Kats. Meanwhile she and Major Renward gathered their troops and mounted an offensive against the Pastmaster.

The Pastmaster had already had time to invoke his spell and the city began to heave and change. At Khan's tower the world shook beneath them. Feral was already awake and resting in his hammock. Because he was in the air he didn't feel the tremors but Khan did. Awakening in a panic, he rushed to Ulysses' side to make sure his mate was alright.

"Get me a phone, Shere. I need to know what is going on." Feral barked. Reluctantly his mate retrieved his cell phone. While Feral was getting a report, Khan looked at a city gone mad. Buildings were disappearing and being replaced by an ancient time. Shaking his head, he turned to his mate who was just hanging up.

"I take it that strange creature known as the Pastmaster is at fault for this?" Khan asked concerned.

"Yes! Felina and Major Renward said the little creep had sneaked in and was already making a spell when they found out he was here. It's a war zone at city hall and I'm stuck here." Feral groaned bitterly.

At that moment, the Turbokat sped past their building. "Well no matter how you may feel about them, my love, the SWAT Kats will hopefully be able to defeat that abominable creature." Khan observed. Feral only grumbled angrily. They were lucky so far that the Khan tower hadn't been shifted as yet meanwhile it shook constantly. Feral's angry grumbling changed to pained discomfort.

Khan moved to his side immediately. "My love, what is it?" He asked anxiously. Now would not be a good time for Ulysses to start labor.

"My back aches and I feel so uncomfortable." Ulysses moaned trying to shift but the hammock didn't allow much ease in changing position. Shere quickly helped his mate get to an upright position. Ulysses moaned and gripped Shere suddenly in a hard hold, his teeth gritting in pain. Shere tried to tamp down insipid panic as he realized Uly was indeed in labor. There was no way to transport him to the hospital with Pastmaster shaking and altering the city. He prayed the SWAT Kats would be able to put an end to it fast for the Commander's sake.

For now all he could do was summon help from his staff and make his mate as comfortable as he could until it was safe to take him to the hospital. Reaching for the intercom he called for assistance. Very quickly the solarium was filled with his panther guards, servants and his personal physician.

Giving rapid orders, Dr. Wanser asked for a foam pad, water proof sheet, blanket, a variety of other supplies and a stretcher. The panther guards and servants rushed to obey. Dr. Wanser moved to his patient and examined him. Ulysses grit his teeth as another contraction squeezed him tight. He clung to Shere throughout it, then slumped panting when it passed.

"I'll do a pelvic exam as soon as everything is set up. I want you, Mr. Khan to provide your mate support to lean against. I don't want him lying down flat." Dr. Wanser instructed. Khan nodded worriedly

Some ten minutes later everything was in place. Two of Khan's panther guards gently helped get Feral down to the pad and hold him until their boss had positioned himself behind Feral then carefully leaned him back against the tiger. The doctor ordered two of the servants to remove the Commander's clothing below the waist. It took a bit of effort due to Feral's bulk, but with help from the guards to lift Feral a little, the servants were able to remove them.

Feral couldn't control a writhe of pain as another contraction gripped him. "Breathe through it Commander don't hold your breath it only makes it more painful. Pant, that will help to ease some of the pain." Dr. Wanser instructed the laboring tom.

Feral tried, it did seem to help a little. When the contraction eased, Dr. Wanser had a look to check the dark tom's progress. "Well you're doing alright so far. You're only dilated to three centimeters so we have some time at least." The building shook again. "I hope that will stop soon though." Dr. Wanser said concerned.

"One can only hope the SWAT Kats and enforcers will be successful soon, Doctor." Khan said grimly.

Some thirty minutes passed as the city continued to shake and Feral labored, his contractions picking up. He was sweating and trembling. Dr. Wanser was becoming concerned. Feral had gone to five centimeters rather quickly. Wanser didn't want to try to deliver the kittens here, it was too dangerous. Another thirty minutes more and the city was once more back to normal but Commander Feral was in serious trouble. His blood pressure was rising and he was now seven centimeters. He needed to be transported now but the city was in a mess and it would take an ambulance far too long to get through it to reach Khan towers. Khan's chopper was not equipped to take someone laying down on a stretcher then Khan had a brilliant idea. It took a nerve racking ten more minutes to reach Felina but he'd finally gotten through. His request met with shocked surprise but he was quickly assured she could do it.

"Get Ulysses ready for transport doctor, air transport is on the way." Khan said urgently.

"Alright, we need to get him on the stretcher." Dr. Wanser instructed the panther guards. He turned to a servant, "Get some pillows to prop him up." She ran to do his bidding. "Everyone in position, lift on a count of three. One...two...three lift." They lifted Feral carefully and lowered him onto the stretcher. The servant returned with three pillows to place behind the tom's back to keep him in a reclined position. Quickly they strapped him in.

Four of the strongest guards lifted the stretcher at the same time and began transporting the Commander to the elevator. Khan and Doctor Wanser squeezed in the car with the stretcher and they headed to the roof of the penthouse. As they arrived, the roar of a powerful jet was heard. Moments later the sleek form of the Turbokat was making a VTOL landing next to Khan's chopper.

Razor jumped out while T-Bone remained at the controls. Running over to the group he gestured to the rear of the jet where a ramp was descending and led them onboard. Making sure his passengers were secured, Razor signaled the ramp closed then climbed back up to his seat.

"Take it easy on take off T-Bone, from the looks of it Feral is really close and we don't want to be the ones to cause a premature arrival of a kitten." Razor warned.

"You got that right. Taking it slow and easy." T-Bone acknowledged as he sent the jet back up slowly and gently. Once he reached the right height, he switched the jet to forward motion still taking great care not to go to fast. Even at their slowest speed they would be at the hospital quickly.

As they approached Megakat Memorial Hospital, Razor radioed ahead, "This is the SWAT Kats, we have Commander Feral in advanced labor with his physician and mate onboard. Estimated landing time two minutes. Acknowledge!"

"Trauma One, acknowledge. We'll be ready for you!" The on duty medic answered.

"Roger, we are landing now." Razor warned. T-Bone set them down like a feather. As the engines idled, Razor lowered the ramp for the medical team. Within minutes Feral and group were rolling into the hospital. Raising the ramp, the Turbokat lifted off again. It's errand of mercy completed.

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