Metal and Bone, by Mice, part 4 of 4 ~~~ MULDER RESIDENCE 2630 HEGEL PLACE, APARTMENT 42 ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA EARLY AFTERNOON "No way, boys. I don't think he's ready for it." Mulder leaned back on his couch. Byers shook his head. Mulder had to help. "You're not giving him enough credit, Mulder. He's come a long way since you retired." "Besides," Frohike said, "he'll be here in a few minutes." Langly folded his long, thin arms over his chest and nodded. He leaned back against Mulder's desk and crossed his ankles as well. "He's onto somethin' big, dude. This whole supersoldiers thing could crack wide open. And the nanotech - - damn, we could save Skinner's ass if this turns out to be the real shit." Mulder nodded. "Yeah. It's not like we don't owe him." Byers breathed a quiet sigh of relief. Maybe they could change his mind. "If you could come with us --" Mulder shook his head. "You know I can't. My leg's too mangled for that kind of work anymore." He held up his cane. "This isn't a job for Super-Gimp." It was, unfortunately, the truth. Mulder had been limping around on a cane since he'd gotten out of the hospital bed after his return. If there was trouble, he'd never be able to run, and he'd hardly be able to do a smooth break-in with a cane in one hand. It was only luck that he'd avoided life in a wheelchair. "You're right," Byers said. "I'm sorry. We've just worked together for so many years. It never seems to feel quite right without you. Not when the Bureau's involved." "You think I don't wanna do this?" Mulder asked. "I'd give my left nut to be in on this, guys." "You still have a left nut?" Frohike asked, grinning madly. "It's next to my right one," Mulder said. "Wanna see?" Frohike snorted, while Byers and Langly chuckled. "Uh, I'll pass." "He's afraid of his love for you," Byers said, still laughing. Frohike raised a hand, threatening, but did nothing. Byers just grinned at him. "Maybe you could be in the van with us," Langly said. "We could always use an extra set of eyes for the monitors." Mulder poked Langly's leg with his cane. "You guys want Doggett and Byers to go into the facility?" "Somebody's gotta crack the computer from the inside," Frohike said. "And Langly and I have to deal with the security. It's gonna be a mother." "Yeah, it sure won't be Dogbert crackin' the system," Langly said, flipping Mulder the bird. "Byers, are you sure you can trust him to cover your ass?" Mulder looked over at him. Byers nodded. "As far as I can trust anyone, yes." It was far more than that, but he wasn't about to say anything in front of Mulder. Byers knew Doggett would do his best to get both of them out of the facility in one piece, should anything happen. It was more than he could say for Mulder, when they'd broken into the Lombard fertility clinic all those years ago. Mulder had abandoned him in a hallway, telling him to go to Scully in Allentown -- and Byers had done it to save her life, narrowly avoiding arrest, or worse. It was one of his earliest experiences with serious breaking and entering. It had been one of his more frightening ones. He swore then and there he'd never enter a building alone with Mulder like that again. He couldn't trust the man. Love him dearly as a friend, certainly. Trust Mulder with his life? Not for a million bucks. Mulder gave him an odd look. "I never thought you trusted anybody, Byers." "I trust the guys." Frohike and Langly nodded vigorously. "Yeah. We don't ditch each other, dude," Langly said. He gave Mulder a pointed look. There was a knock on the door. "That's probably him," Mulder said. "One of you guys wanna get that?" "How do you know?" Frohike said. Mulder grinned. "Krycek's dead, and anyway, he would have just picked the lock and walked in with a gun pointed at us." "Right," Langly said. "More like he'd shoot the lock off." He looked over at Byers. Byers shuddered at the mention. He didn't want to think about Krycek or the photos. He knew Langly was weighing whether they should tell Mulder that Krycek was alive, but that would open up an entirely new can of worms. Nothing else would get done. He'd just as soon put it off until later. He went to the door. It was Doggett -- and he had a nasty black eye. "Agent Doggett, what happened?" Byers' heart skipped a beat, and he fought with himself to keep from touching Doggett's face in concern. Doggett looked at him, giving a subtle shake of his head, warning him away. "Hey Byers. Guys." He looked over at the couch. "Mulder." "'Bout time you made it," Langly said. He did a double take. "Man, what happened to you?" "Ran into some trouble last night," Doggett said. "I'm fine, just a little dinged up. How's it goin'?" He walked into the living room with Byers and stood next to him, laying a briefcase on Mulder's desk. Byers was determined to grill him afterwards and get the real story. "Mulder's considering trading in his left nut for a seat in the van when we do the Queens poach," Frohike said, winking. Doggett grimaced. "I didn't need to know that." "I could have lived without that revelation myself," Byers said. He looked over at Mulder. "But with Mulder and Frohike in the same room, it's inevitable." Mulder grinned. "You're just jealous." Byers snorted. "Of what? I'm not the one considering giving up body parts to do this mission." "Frohike's love for me." Mulder's grin broadened as Byers grimaced. "He's really not my type," Byers deadpanned. That, at least, was true. They might be the closest of friends, but he'd never had so much as a twitch of interest in the man. Something about a little too short and a little too furry just didn't do it for him. He could hear Doggett chuckling next to him, and shot him a glare intended to freeze nitrogen. Doggett just grinned. He looked back at Mulder. "So there's a funky poach planned." Everyone nodded, making affirming noises. "Do we know where yet?" Mulder asked. Langly pulled a scrap of paper from his pocket. "I've been workin' on it. Narrowed it down to one of the buildings on the drydock near the old Army base." "And how many buildings are on the drydock?" Doggett gave Langly a look. "Seventeen," Byers answered. "I checked the maps. Only two of them look like warehouses that would be suitable for the kind of operation we're talking about, though." Frohike nodded. "One of 'em's abandoned. The other, we traced to a shell corporation called Proteus Holding Company. We don't know yet who owns it." "Proteus," Byers said, "was a shapeshifter in Greek mythology. Zeus, Proteus." He shrugged. "I think we've got a good shot there. If they're trying to transform humans into something else..." He wasn't positive that it was the right place, but the literary links seemed right. If other evidence backed it up, he was willing to take the chance. "We're gonna do some security camera poaching for a couple of days first--" Langly said. "--to see if we sight anybody we know from our 'Conspiracy's Most Wanted List,'" Frohike finished. "You mean, like Rohrer?" Doggett raised an eyebrow. Byers smiled. "Yeah, like Rohrer." He was pleased that Doggett had picked up on the agenda quickly. It would help quash some of Mulder's objections. "I'll recognize some of the players if they show up," Mulder said. "I've run into quite a few of them over the years. Scully will know some of them too. If we see anyone familiar --" "--or anybody in military fatigues --" Langly added. "-- then we'll know we're on target," Mulder said. Doggett rubbed his chin as he stood. He looked thoughtful but slightly agitated. "Rohrer was in my unit in Lebanon," he said. "I wonder..." "What?" Byers prompted. He touched a hand to Doggett's elbow briefly. Doggett looked at him. "I wonder if anybody else there was involved in this mess. Like, maybe other guys from the unit might have been grabbed by 'em?" "Why would you have reason to suspect that?" Mulder asked. Byers looked at Mulder. "I think it's an excellent question." Doggett hesitated. "Yesterday..." He looked around, then pulled the chair from Mulder's desk and sat. His face paled slightly. Byers and Frohike moved in toward him a bit. Mulder's eyes narrowed with interest. Doggett looked up at them, a flash of annoyance in his eyes. "Back off guys, you're crowding me." They backed away slightly. "What about yesterday?" Byers asked. He knew it couldn't have been about the photos. Or could it? A cold knot tightened in his gut. Were they going to be outed to Mulder now as well? "These supersoldiers, they've infiltrated the Bureau." Doggett looked at Mulder, blue eyes intense. Mulder grimaced. "That figures. Who?" "Gene Crane, for one." Doggett sighed. "Crane? Who got assigned to VCU after the mess in Arizona with the bounty hunter and Gibson Praise?" Mulder quirked an eyebrow. Doggett nodded. "Yeah, him." "How do you know that?" Byers asked. Suddenly the black eye was making more sense. Doggett turned to him. "Ran into him last night on the way to Monica's place. He..." He swallowed uncomfortably. "He tried to grab me. Did this." He tapped his cheek under the deep bruise. "Got a bruise on my ribs too, but it's not serious. Nothin' broken." "What did he want?" Frohike asked, uneasy. "Said I shoulda been one of them." Doggett shuddered. Byers grit his teeth, biting back a hundred questions. This wasn't the time for it, or the place. Fear was useless right now. He had to focus on what they could learn from this. "Did he say anything about the project, or TREYNOR?" "No." Doggett paused and took a breath. "But he had this weird assed bump on the back of his neck --" "Where is he now?" Mulder asked, cutting in. Doggett tapped his fingers nervously on his knee. "Dead. That bump, it's caused by this metal vertebra in their necks. Rohrer has one, and Billy Miles. It's how you can tell what they are." "Miles isn't the same thing," Mulder said. "He's alien- generated; a replacement. The others, I'm not sure how they're created." "Yeah, well," Doggett said, "whatever. They've both got the bumps." "Has Scully done the autopsy yet?" Mulder asked. Doggett pulled a file from the briefcase he'd brought. "Right here." He dropped it in Mulder's lap. "Not much to autopsy though." Mulder opened the file, then blinked. "Uh, no. Guess not." Langly, standing over Mulder's shoulder, paled. "What?" Frohike asked. Doggett sat back. "He fell into an industrial fan." Langly swallowed and blinked. "Oh man. I don't wanna hear anything else." "The vertebra we found, though, it went missing," Doggett said, frustration in his tone. "Just like the last one, damn it. I was gonna bring it to you to check out, Frohike. Nobody's been able to figure out what the hell the damned things are made of." "Your confidence warms the cockles of my heart," Frohike said, chuckling. Doggett shook his head. "I don't want to be anywhere near your cockles, Frohike." "There's nothing on the security record from Quantico?" Byers asked, astonished. "Nothing," Doggett said. "Not just nobody seen breaking in, but nothing at all. No record whatsoever." Mulder snorted. "That figures." Doggett continued. "Some really strange damage to the locker it was stored in, too. It's like it sorta... dry rotted. But we're talking metal here, not wood or anything. It wasn't rust, but the metal was weakened. It was almost like it got kinda spongy -- dry but spongy-textured and all brittle." "That really is strange," Mulder said. "I want to get a look at it. I'll have to talk to Scully." "Weirdness," Frohike muttered. "They must have hacked security and had someone pull the remains," Byers said. "It could just as easily have been an inside job, if Crane was one of them. There must be others in the Bureau as well, like Agent Doggett said. There might be somebody in Forensics in on it." "We gotta find these guys," Langly said. He looked at Doggett. "Like, we don't need anybody hauling you off like they took Scully and Mulder." Byers' gut froze. No, that was the last thing he wanted. He could feel his short fingernails biting into his palms as his hands tightened into fists. He put them in his pockets. "Can we get blueprints for the Proteus warehouse?" he asked. "Tonight," Frohike said. Mulder looked up from the file. "I'm going with you guys, even if it's just for a seat in the van. You may need an extra gun along." Frohike snickered. "Yeah, just make sure you don't lose it." Byers gave him a sharp look. It was true that Mulder had the world's worst history with losing guns and cell phones, but having him along for backup certainly wouldn't hurt. It was, in fact, part of the reason they'd come to see him. Doggett nodded. "Good idea." He looked at Byers. "I don't want you guys getting hurt. Monica's coming too." "And who else will be along for our little circus act?" Mulder asked. "Just Jimmy," Langly said. "I wouldn't trust him with the actual poach, but he can help drive." DOGGETT'S TRUCK EARLY EVENING "Are you sure you're ready to do something like this?" Byers asked. "It's not exactly by the book." "Are you kidding?" Doggett asked. "One thing I'm learning working on the X Files is that the book gets rewritten every day. Of course I'm ready. I need to find out what the hell's going on. There doesn't seem to be any other way to do it." "And how does Agent Reyes feel about coming along for this?" He wasn't sure he wanted to hear it. He knew she didn't like them. Doggett stared out at the moving traffic. "She thinks it's stupid taking you guys along. There's no way we can do this without you, though. She wasn't thrilled about Mulder being along either." That figured. "Well, it's not like he's going to be able to help out much with the actual infiltration." He settled back into the seat. They'd been sent to give Scully the details of what they were planning, and now they were going to Doggett's place so he could pack up. They'd leave in the morning for New York. "But Mulder's right. We'll need extra eyes for this, and another person who's armed probably wouldn't hurt." "It's gonna be dangerous, Johnny. I know you have to go in with me for the hack, but I really want you to be careful." Doggett glanced at Byers for a moment, and Byers could see the worry in his eyes. "Dangerous? Of course it's dangerous! And what the hell happened to you last night?" he snapped. He reached out and gently touched the bruise around Doggett's bloodshot eye, his ginger motion contrasting with his harsh tone of voice. Doggett flinched. "Why didn't you tell us -- why didn't you tell me what happened?" "Because I figured you'd go off like this. I'm fine, Johnny. It's just a black eye and some bruised ribs." He scowled over the steering wheel. "You had a lousy day and I didn't want to put anything more on top of it. I talked to Monica." He seemed uneasy at that last statement. Byers knew that Doggett sometimes saw Reyes. It hadn't been a secret. "It's okay. I mean, I know you two have an... an arrangement. I just... I just wish you'd called me, let me know what happened." Doggett shook his head. "What, and have you up worrying all night? You would have. I know you that well at least." Byers blushed. Doggett was right. He nodded. "Yes, I'd have worried. But at least if you were with Agent Reyes, you were with someone who could help." He wished Doggett had come to him instead, but it wasn't that kind of a relationship. He knew it, accepted it. He was glad for what time Doggett could give him, and for the things they did together. Asking for more would be stepping beyond the bounds of propriety. It might be pushing too far, and he didn't care to drive Doggett away with a wish for a little more emotional connection. "It didn't exactly turn out that way," Doggett said, quiet. "Did you... tell her about the blackmail attempt?" Byers' gut knotted. He hoped not, but he knew Doggett couldn't really keep it a secret from her. It affected all of them. "Yeah," Doggett said. "I did. She was, shall we say, less than thrilled." "Is it going to be all right between you?" Byers was genuinely concerned. Right now, the last thing any of them needed was Doggett and Reyes having a fight about it. Byers knew Reyes didn't like him, but he hoped she'd be able to stay with the case at hand, rather than allowing the situation to become too personal. "I don't know yet. I hope so." They pulled into Doggett's driveway. "C'mon. Let's go in, get some of this stuff together." Byers followed him in, watching him carefully. He wondered if Doggett was genuinely all right, or if he was just brushing off a more serious injury along with the problems he'd faced last night with Agent Reyes. There was some hesitation to certain movements, but no real sign that the rib injuries were anything more than Doggett had claimed earlier. Still, he was concerned. He followed Doggett around the house, helping out when asked. "You wanna give me a hand with this, Johnny?" Doggett pointed to a small pile of clothes he'd tossed on his kitchen table, and a backpack. "I gotta grab some extra clips and load 'em." "Sure." Byers walked over to the table. "But Jack..." He hesitated. "Yeah?" "I..." Byers swallowed nervously. "I just want to be sure you're okay." He reached out and touched Doggett's face gently, brushing the tips of his fingers across the butterfly bandage over his eye. Doggett stood still and let him. The black eye was still a bit warm and definitely swollen, though the eye wasn't completely shut. The white of it was red with broken blood vessels. It probably looked worse than it was. He'd had a few himself over the years. "Your eye is all right?" Doggett nodded. "Yeah. Nothin' wrong with my vision." Doggett reached out to him and pulled him close. The movement was slow and tentative, and Byers took care not to squeeze Doggett's ribs, but he did stroke his back slowly with both hands. Doggett sighed quietly, relaxing a little. "Feels good," he said. "I do worry about you," Byers said softly. Doggett nodded. "I know. Not like I never worry about you. I'm not too crazy about taking you inside the facility, you know. You and the guys, you do crazy shit." "I have to go. You'd never be able to crack the system on your own. I'm the only one that can do it -- Frohike and Langly need to crack security for us. They're better at it than I am. Jimmy can't do either of those jobs, and neither can Agent Reyes. Mulder might be able to do a little bit, but he's no hacker, and he can't do the physical stuff like he used to." "They're all good reasons for you to go in with me," Doggett said, "but I'm still worried about it. If we run into trouble, I want you to run like hell and not look back. I'll cover you, make sure you get out safe if I can." There was a look of uncertainty on his face, as though he didn't think Byers would accept it. "I believe you," Byers said, "and I'll run if I have to. I just don't want it to come to that. If everything goes well, we should be in and out fairly quickly and security should be none the wiser." "If this really is a supersoldier project installation, Johnny, it's not likely to be that easy." Byers closed his eyes. He knew that. The truth was, he was scared half to death, but the mission was necessary. They had to know, to stop it if they could. "We'll do the job," he said, trying to shove confidence into his heart by sheer repetition. "It'll be fine. Nobody's going to get hurt." He looked back up at Doggett. The big man was looking down at him, that odd expression back on his face. Doggett leaned in and kissed him gently. It stirred Byers, leaving his heart beating faster. "Yeah, we will." Doggett slid a hand under Byers' chin and tilted his face up. "Do you have to go home tonight?" Byers thought. As far as he knew, he had everything he needed already packed. The guys were taking care of the rest of the equipment for the mission. "I think I can stay. I should call the guys though, find out if they need me." Doggett nodded. "Why don't you do that." He released Byers from their embrace. It took only a few minutes to resolve the situation. Frohike told him to stay, that it was obvious he'd sleep better if he was with Doggett instead of home worrying about him and fussing at all of them. Byers thanked him, amused. "Okay," Doggett said. "When we finish packing, I want some time with you." Byers tilted his head. "What do you have in mind? Did you want to play? Are you sure you're all right for that?" "Yeah. I don't have anything too strenuous in mind. I'd really like it, and to be honest, I think we both need it. Yesterday was pretty stressful for both of us." Byers smiled a little, and Doggett returned the expression, one side of his mouth quirking upward slightly. "Yes, Sir," Byers said, his heart beating just a little faster. "It would be my pleasure to serve you." "Good." Byers worked quickly, taking care to fit everything into Doggett's backpack efficiently. He'd done this sort of thing for too many years now. That he was doing it for Doggett pleased him. If it saved his Dom a little pain from the bruised ribs, it was all good. He wondered what Doggett had in mind for the night. It was obvious anything vigorous was right out. Slow and gentle sounded good. It would feel good. Or maybe Doggett would just want to be sucked and stroked. That would be fine too. He let his imagination carry him while he helped Doggett finish the packing. By the time everything was done, he was in a state of low but pleasant arousal, his skin slightly sensitive and wanting touch. "Sir?" "Yeah?" Doggett looked up at Byers. "What do you want tonight?" Doggett set down the last clip he'd worked on, held out a hand to him and gestured. "Come with me." Byers took his hand and followed. Doggett's skin was warm and dry, and he held Byers' hand tight. Doggett led him up the stairs to his bedroom. He pointed to a place on the floor. "Strip, boy, and come over here." "Yes, Sir." Byers did as he was told, shivering with anticipation. He lowered his eyes to the floor. Doggett spread a sheet out on the floor near him. "When you're here with me like this," Doggett said, seduction in his voice, "you're mine. Your body is mine, for my pleasure. You'll do as I desire. You'll obey me and follow my orders. If you disobey, you'll be punished. If you're good, you'll be rewarded, and I promise you, you'll enjoy the rewards." Byers closed his eyes, cock getting harder, rising before him now that it was free from his pants. His heart beat faster, breath catching. He wanted this, wanted it badly. He needed - - was grateful for what Doggett gave him in a sharp, bone- deep way he couldn't put in words. "Look at me when I speak to you, boy." The tone was quiet. There was no harshness in it, only a demand for attention. "Yes, Sir. I'm sorry, Sir." He looked up into Doggett's eyes. "What were you thinking?" Doggett asked. Byers hesitated. "You're mine when you're here. You'll answer the questions I put to you. Tell me." Byers could feel himself blush. "I... how good that sounds, Sir. How much I want that." Doggett smiled. "I'm glad you feel that way." His voice lowered, a sensual almost-growl. "What gives me pleasure is hearing you beg, hearing you lose control when I fuck you. The heat of your body under me pleases me. The way you look, kneeling in front of me with your shaft and balls bound, your hands bound. Your mouth --" Doggett's astonishingly blue eyes closed for a moment, his mouth open slightly, "--God, your mouth." Byers shuddered, thinking about that, seeing himself sucking Doggett's thick shaft. "Yes," he whispered. He could feel his own cock leap at the thought. When had he become so addicted to this man? To what Doggett did to his body? Doggett looked back down at him, locking eyes with him. One hand reached out, stroking Byers' hair, following the line of his cheek, whispering fingers across his lips. It was like a tidal wave, overwhelming and electric. He couldn't help gasping. "So hot," Doggett muttered. He pointed to a spot on the sheet. "Kneel there, hands behind your back, knees spread." Byers moved. "Yes, Sir." He knelt, spreading himself open in display as he'd been ordered. One hand clasping the opposite wrist, he sat up straight. The position kept his chest forward. The blatant, erotic exposure excited him. He waited, eyes raised to his Master. He was so hard he ached. Doggett walked around him, just looking, chin in hand. The evaluating gaze was fire on his skin. Waiting was difficult. He wanted to be touched, wanted to suck his Master's hot, stiff rod, to caress the silky skin with his tongue. He wished they could play without condoms. He wanted to taste flesh, taste the salt and bitterness of his Dom's come. He craved the intimacy of the connection, the sensual depth of that contact. Byers wished he could bring himself to ask, but paranoia and distrust still held him. Touch. He craved touch. "Please, Sir," Byers said. Doggett's hand in his hair, fisting. God, it felt good. "Please what, boy?" "T-touch me, Sir. Please." Doggett chuckled. He tugged a little at Byers' hair. It sent an erotic charge through Byers' body. "When I'm ready." Doggett stepped back for a few minutes, hand still in Byers' hair. Eventually, slowly, he ran one fingertip down the center of Byers' chest, from the hollow at the base of his throat to the root of his cock. Byers shivered and moaned, gooseflesh rising, his nipples hardening into tight peaks. "Oh, yeah." Doggett grinned. "I like that sound." Byers took a deep breath, wondering what would happen. He licked his lips, nervous. Doggett knelt before him and tilted Byers' head back. He could feel the heat of Doggett's breath as he moved closer; Doggett's hot, wet mouth fastened gently on his throat, teeth scraping lightly along his skin, and he whimpered. He shook with the effort of remaining still, wanting to reach out and touch, to draw his Master closer, bring them body to body. "Yes," he moaned, closing his eyes to focus on the sensual stroke of Doggett's tongue on his flesh. "Ohhhhhh..." "Mmm." Doggett backed away and stood. "Touch yourself, Johnny." "Sir?" Byers opened his eyes and looked up. "Your cock," Doggett said, his voice low and husky. "I wanna see you stroke yourself. Wanna see you make yourself come for me." Byers swallowed, shivering. He could feel himself flush even more with embarrassment. He'd never been asked to do that before, and wouldn't have considered it without the request. "Y-yes Sir." "Are you nervous, boy?" Doggett's gaze on him narrowed and he leaned forward, towering over Byers. Byers nodded. "Yes, Sir," he whispered. "Good." Doggett smiled. "Do it anyway." He reached down and stroked his fingers through Byers' hair, then grabbed a handful at the back of his head, arching his neck back. Byers gasped and moaned, closing his eyes again. God, it felt good. Even the nervousness felt good. His cock throbbed. "Do it," Doggett insisted. "I want to see you." Byers reached in front of him and ran his fingers slowly from the ridge of his cock to his balls and back. "Yes, Sir." It twitched as he touched himself, getting harder, and he pushed his embarrassment back. He watched as Doggett watched him, his Dom's intense blue eyes fixed on his hand as it moved. Doggett ran his fingers along the front of Byers' throat and Byers shuddered at the soft, deft touch. "You need it, don't you? Giving yourself up like this. You need someone to take control of you before you can let go. Someone to fill you. Someone to train you to pleasure." "Yes." It was barely a whisper -- more like a hiss. He took his shaft in hand and squeezed, stroking slowly. "Ohhhh." "You need to be taken like a whore, don't you? Held down, bound, taught to receive pleasure when it's given to you." Doggett's sensual growl left him shuddering. Byers writhed, groaning. "Oh, yeah." Doggett slipped around him then knelt behind him, wrapping his arms around Byers' waist and pulling him close. "You need to be fucked, don't you, little slut. Look at you, your hot, fuckable body -- God, that sweet ass of yours -- jackin' off where I can watch. So Goddamn sexy. You want cock, don't you?" Byers nodded, the ability to form coherent thought leaking out his ears as his fist stroked and Doggett's hands moved over him. He leaned back on his heels, knees still spread wide, sinking into the firm embrace. "You got a mouth like a whore, boy. You want to suck my rod, don't you?" Doggett's hands slid up his chest, moving over Byers' tight, peaked nipples. Byers nodded and moaned again, and Doggett pinched them, pulling at them. Byers groaned, loud and long, then squeezed his shaft harder, starting to pump in earnest. "Yeah, little cub, do it." One of Doggett's hands moved, sliding down Byers' body. He pulled his other arm from around Byers' waist and caressed his hip, running his fingers over the curve of Byers' ass. A squeeze, and his fingers slipped into the cleft between Byers' cheeks, spreading them, moving over his opening. "I'm gonna fill you, slut, gonna take your ass and fill it until you come." "Ohhh, God. Aaaaannh." Byers was panting, and Doggett curled around him, biting his neck and the top of his shoulder. "Please, please, Sir." "What do you want, boy?" Doggett's voice was right there, right in his ear, a quiet, horny, amused rumble. He could feel the man's body pressed hard against him, thrusting slowly at his ass. His Master's rod was hard and hot enough to burn through the clothes Doggett still wore. "Please, Sir, take me." Byers could barely focus on anything but the need in his body and his tightening balls as he stroked. "Want you. Unnh, God. Need you. God, please, fuck me." Doggett groaned behind him, then shoved him forward and down until his cheek was on the ground, ass in the air. "Stay there, just like that. Keep stroking yourself." "Unnnnh. Yes, Sir." He could feel the chill of moving air on his skin as Doggett rose and walked away. Was he going to get a condom and lube? Byers wanted it desperately, with every fiber of his being. He could almost feel the man enter him already, imagining the heat and hardness and depth of it. He moaned again, pulling mindlessly at his leaking cock. He could hear a drawer open and the shuffle of things moving. There was the distinctive crinkle of a condom being opened, and Byers groaned, stroking himself harder and faster. He could feel Doggett move closer again, looming over him. His heart pounded wildly as he felt the heat of Doggett's body on his skin. One broad hand caressed his cheeks and he moaned low and long. "Unnnh, yeah. Oh God yeah. Please, Sir, please, fuck me." He was begging again, mindless with need. Doggett made him helpless with it. He was so good, felt so good, took him in all the ways Byers needed most. He loved the way Doggett handled his body; his power, his strength, the sheer mass of him as he surrounded Byers' own slighter frame and dominated him. Lubed fingers slid into his ass and Byers cried out, wordlessly. "Oh, yeah, that's right, boy. Let me hear you. God, I love the way you sound when you need it that much." Byers shuddered as the fingers stroked and invaded him, and he spread his legs wider, pumped his cock harder. "Ohhhhhh. Mmmm." A quick thrust, and something cool and hard filled him. He howled. Doggett slid his arms under Byers', pulling him up by his shoulders until he knelt upright again, body arched back, completely exposed. "Take it, boy. Fuck yourself for me." Doggett's arms left Byers, his body suddenly bare and unsupported. He kept stroking, helpless as he moaned, eyes squeezed shut. When he opened his eyes again to see his Dom's face, Doggett stood before him, grinning broadly. "Oh God oh God oh --" Doggett toggled something in his hand and suddenly the big, cool toy in Byers' ass took on a life of its own. "Aaah! Aaaaaaah!" He could hear the mechanical grind as it spun and moved inside him. Gasping, he leaned forward onto one hand, squeezing his cock tight. It drove him, squirming and groaning, to the edge. "Back as you were," Doggett snapped. "Stroke yourself, little cub. Come for me. I wanna see you come." It was an effort to move with any control, but he leaned back on his heels, pumping himself hard, hips thrusting. He shouted, incoherent, as Doggett played with the controls, changing the speed of the vibrator randomly. "Yeah, boy, that's it." Byers could hear the excitement in Doggett's voice. "God, you're gorgeous like that. I can't wait to watch Sergio fuck you in front of me. Wanna watch him take you, make you scream." What little control Byers still had snapped and he threw his head back, bellowing as he shot. As his cock jerked and spat the thick, viscous liquid, he collapsed on the floor. The vibrator kept moving in him, left him writhing on the floor at Doggett's feet, clutching his cock hard while the fingers of his other hand dug into the sheet. "Damn, you're so hot." Doggett's voice was breathless and close, and when Byers opened his eyes, he was right there, kneeling next to him. "Unnh, Master, oh God, please, unh..." Doggett's hands stroked his side and back as he bucked and trembled. "Is that what you want, boy? To be my slave? To wear my collar?" There was a tremor in his voice, and he traced the line of a collar around Byers' throat with one finger. Byers just moaned, unable to form coherent sound. All he wanted was to keep feeling like this. He wanted anything that would give this to him, loved the sound of Doggett's voice, the touch of his skin. Calling the man his Master seemed to come as a reflex sometimes. Maybe he did want to be Doggett's slave, but if he did, he was too afraid to face that desire. He'd deny it if forced to answer. "It's not like this, Johnny, being a slave." Doggett's voice was quiet, intimate, close in his ear. Hands on his chest, fingers pinching his nipples, Doggett's hand on his own, squeezing his shaft. "I'd love to take you like that, to own you, but you're not ready. You may never be." "Aaaaunh. Unh." He'd stopped spurting, but the movement inside him kept him on edge, gasping. "I love the sound of that word on your lips, little cub, my hot, beautiful boy, but if you want me to collar you, you'll have to earn it. You'll have to prove you understand it, that you really want it." Byers groaned. The motion inside him slowed, then finally stopped, and Doggett's strong arms collected him, clutching him to his broad, warm chest. He heard Doggett's heart thundering, almost as swiftly as his own. Byers burrowed his face in Doggett's chest, making small, incoherent sounds. Doggett held him as he got his breathing under control again, heart starting to slow to a more normal rate. He was floating. "Oh, God, Sir," he finally whispered, voice hoarse. Doggett reached a hand between Byers' legs and took the vibrator, playing gently with it, slipping it slowly in and out a few times before he pulled it carefully from Byers' body. Byers went limp in Doggett's arms. Doggett held him close and kissed him deep. "God, Johnny, you're beautiful," Doggett whispered, lips moving in Byers' hair. He caressed Byers, kissing him again. Byers sucked at his tongue, wanting everything Doggett gave him, until he pulled away. "So beautiful when you come." "Thank you, Sir," Byers mumbled. He could barely move, and his body sang with exhaustion and pleasure. "We're not done yet," Doggett said. Byers looked up at him. Doggett grinned. Byers blinked and swallowed. "No, Sir. Of course not, Sir. Y- you haven't had your pleasure yet." "Oh, I'm very pleased, but you're right. That'll be a while. I'm not done playing with you yet." Byers shivered, not knowing what was coming but wanting it anyway. Doggett let Byers lie back down on the floor. He reached into the top drawer of his bedside stand and pulled out a short length of chain. Nipple clips. Byers shivered in anticipation. He wondered if he'd be able to tolerate the clips so soon after coming. Everything tended to be hypersensitive for a while. He shuddered and moaned as his Master tightened them down on his nipples. God, it felt good, stirring a wave of pleasure through his body down to the base of his spine. "Come sit here on the bed," Doggett said. Byers' legs felt like rubber as Doggett helped him to the edge of the bed. They collapsed under him as soon as the backs of his thighs touched it. He was trembling as he worked to keep himself upright. Doggett stripped and sat beside him, rolling a condom onto his hard shaft. "Go ahead and lie on your side," he whispered in Byers' ear. They lay together, bodies touching, while Byers closed his eyes. Doggett stroked Byers' sweat-slick body slowly, tracing patterns on his skin with the tips of his fingers. He lay on his good side, enjoying the feel of Byers' flesh under his hands. He licked and nipped at Byers' throat, listening to his sub's quiet moans. He wasn't sure when Byers had become so beautiful to him. Byers himself hadn't changed, but the way Doggett saw him certainly had. The flush of his skin when he was aroused left Doggett breathless. The way his lashes lay dark on his cheeks drew Doggett in. The way he moved -- Doggett tugged gently at the nipple clips and Byers groaned and clutched at him. "Beautiful," he whispered. "So beautiful, Johnny." Doggett was hard from watching Byers, from listening to the sounds his sub made when he came. The salt in his glistening sweat burned Doggett's tongue and left him wanting more. Byers tasted of need and desire. He smelled of heat and sex and pure ecstasy. Byers' hands slid along Doggett's body, exploring tentatively. They moved softly over his side, up his chest. The touch left him tingling, like current passing over him. He held back a shudder and pulled Byers close, holding him tight. It felt so right. He could hear Byers' almost silent sigh. The emotion in it was layered and complex -- need, relief, pleasure. He slipped one hand between them, caressing Byers' half-hard cock. "Mmmmmmm." He nibbled at Byers' ear. "Sweet. So sweet." Byers hummed again as Doggett sucked at his earlobe, stroking his sub's cock gently. A shudder passed through Byers' body and Doggett rolled onto him and kissed him. Byers responded, still shaking, opening to Doggett's moving tongue. Doggett nipped at his lips and he moaned, panting. When Doggett slipped his tongue into Byers' mouth again, Byers sucked at it, eyes closed, his whole body surrendering to Doggett's rough demand. He backed off and whispered into Byers' ear. "Suck me, little cub. I want to feel your hot mouth on my rod. Please me. Make me come." His breath was ragged with want. Byers groaned, loud, and opened his eyes. They were dilated, big and dark, filled with lust and arousal. "Yes, Sir," he said, lips moving against Doggett's. "Anything for you." God, the look in his eyes -- Doggett's heart skipped a beat at the words and their wild, decadent promise. *Anything.* Yes. He wanted this so much, wanted Byers' touch and his attention. Doggett rolled off his sub and lay on his back, one knee raised in a languid, open posture. He ran a hand through Byers' soft hair, caressing the back of his head as Byers lowered himself to Doggett's throat. "Yeah, Johnny. Ohhhhhh..." Doggett let himself relax as Byers' lips and tongue played softly on his neck, under his chin. Byers' beard was soft and scratchy on his skin, and he arched his head back for more of the complex, erotic sensation. God, he was so lucky. His hand fisted in Byers' hair, pulling a moan from the man. Byers kissed and bit at his skin with even more enthusiasm as he moved down Doggett's body. "That's your fantasy, isn't it boy?" Doggett's voice was rough as he spoke, barely controlled. "To be a slave. To wear a collar." He panted as Byers whimpered into his chest, biting at Doggett's nipple. Doggett yipped and slapped Byers' hip. "Not so hard, slut." "I'm sorry, Sir." It was a quick gasp, then Byers' soothing tongue slipping over the aroused flesh. A suck and a pull, and Doggett groaned. Byers kept his mouth moving on Doggett's chest, working his way lower. Doggett grabbed Byers' thigh and pulled at him, making him move so his hip was near Doggett's face. He stroked Byers' ass with one hand, letting his hand slip around between his sub's legs to caress his balls. Byers whimpered again. "You want a Master, don't you?" Doggett asked. He scratched gently from Byers' pucker down over his balls to his cock. Byers moaned, head back, shaking. "Don't you?" Doggett demanded. He thrust a finger into Byers' ass, then pulled it out. Byers was gasping now, shuddering. He spread his legs further apart, his shaft hard and purple. Doggett slapped his ass hard. "Answer me, slut!" "S-sir, I --" Doggett grabbed Byers' hair again. He shoved Byers' face into his crotch. "Suck!" he ordered, voice sharp and harsh. Byers groaned and took him in, mouth wet and burning. Doggett held his head down and thrust into his mouth. "A slave obeys orders instantly, boy." God, Byers' tongue in his slit was amazing. He tried to silence his own gasp, only half-succeeding. "Disobedience brings punishment." He slapped Byers' ass hard, several times, not letting him raise his head. His shaft muffled Byers' cries. He shuddered as the vibration of it rang in his body. "A slave has no safewords, John." He tugged at the chain that joined Byers' nipples, and Byers moaned, sucking harder, desperation in his movements. He could see Byers' cock jumping, beginning to leak. The scent of his arousal was thick, and Doggett barely managed to resist moving to suck Byers' dick, dangling so close. Damn, he felt so hot. "Is that what you want? Can you really handle offering me 'anything'?" Byers only seemed to call him Master when he was on the knife-edge of losing himself, when he was coming. Doggett thought it had to be something buried deep in him, some desire that scared him too much to accept when he was more in control. Byers sucked deeper and his mouth was an inferno of bliss, pushing Doggett to the edge. His tongue was committing acts of pure torture on Doggett's shaft. "Unnnnngh. Fuck Johnny, oh God." Byers' hands were on his balls, caressing his ass, slipping close to his opening -- too close. Doggett was about to explode. He jerked the chain again, thrusting up into Byers' mouth. Byers groaned deep, then swallowed him, head bobbing quickly. Doggett pulled him off by his hair, and Byers moaned a wordless objection. He tugged again at the nipple clips and shouted, "Off the bed and on your knees, slut!" Byers, eyes squeezed shut, slipped off the edge of the bed to his knees beside it. "Y-yes, Sir," he gasped. Doggett stood, still holding the chain. He could barely control his breathing, he was so hot. He wanted in Byers' ass so badly he was shaking. "You were out of line, boy." Byers bowed his head. "Yes, Sir," he whispered. "Kiss my rod." Doggett tugged at the nipple clips again, and Byers gave a loud groan, bending his head to kiss. Doggett almost lost it at the touch of Byers' lips. "Turn the covers down," Doggett said. He let go of the chain and gestured at the bed. "Yes, Sir." Byers, still on his knees, moved to comply. "On the bed." Doggett slapped Byers' ass hard. Byers hissed at the blow and lay down on his back. Doggett could see Byers' dick throb with his rapid pulse. "No, roll over. On your stomach, boy. I'm gonna take you from behind." Doggett stood, watching Byers. His sub had been riveting as he stroked himself, as he sucked Doggett's cock. He stroked his shaft, sliding a finger over the slit. His ribs hurt, but he knew what he wanted tonight, what he needed. He knew it wouldn't be what Byers was expecting. Byers spread himself out on the bed, hands fisting into the sheets, legs spread wide. He raised his ass into the air, moaning quietly. Doggett could see he was resisting the urge to rut into the bed. "Good boy," he said softly. He knelt on the bed over Byers' body, stroking his back. The caress turned to scratches as Byers moaned louder, trembling beneath him. "You need it, don't you? Need my rod in your ass." One hand slid down over the firm roundness of Byers' cheek. "You need to be pushed, to be taken." "Ohhhhh..." His fingers slipped across Byers' opening. Byers hissed and rocked back, trying to press against his hand. Doggett slapped his ass with a sharp, stinging blow. "Ahh!" Byers' body jerked and flattened to the bed. "Not until I'm ready, little cub. You'll move when I let you move." "P-please, Sir..." Doggett leaned into the small of Byers' back, pinning him to the bed with his weight. Byers groaned and ground his hips into the bed, fingers clutching the sheets in helpless spasms. "Yeah, boy, like that." He leaned down and whispered into Byers' ear. "Gonna take you so deep, nail you to the bed. I'm gonna make you come so hard. You want a Master? I'll Master you, little cub. I'll make you a slave to my desire." Byers' whimper sent a shiver through him. He loved how the man reacted. It was so easy to get turned on when he was with Byers. Doggett was achingly hard. He couldn't take any more. He wanted to be inside Byers, wanted to weigh him down and slip into his tight ass, the root of his dick gripped hard. He wanted to feel his balls against Byers, the length of their bodies together. "Gonna put it in you so deep you're gonna taste it when I come." He lay on Byers' back, feeling the man writhe under him, groaning wordlessly. The body contact was delicious, comforting. His shaft felt like it would explode if he didn't fuck Byers right now. "So hot, boy. You burn; it feels so good." He reached up and grabbed Byers' wrists, pinning him hard to the bed. "Love it when you're like this. God, I wanna take you." "Yes," Byers gasped, "please, Sir." His voice shook, barely controlled. Doggett could feel how close he was to the edge. He rose from Byers' body and moved toward the head of the bed, still straddling Byers. Pulling a tube of lube from the bedside drawer, he slicked himself. "Unh, God, pl--" Byers' eyes were closed, his body flushed. He looked so good. Doggett lay his body over Byers again, pinning his wrists, bracing himself and thrusting the head of his rod against Byers' ass. Byers bit into a pillow, muffling his howl. His body shook as Doggett slid slowly into him. "Mmm! Mmm! Mmmm!" Byers was sweating under him. "Oh, God, sweet," Doggett panted. He kept moving slowly, deliberately, pushing further and further into the tight heat of Byers' ass. The searing pleasure of Byers' body grew as Doggett moved. He groaned as Byers struggled under him, shouting into the pillow. With a rough, sharp thrust, he penetrated as far as his body would let him, balls slapping against Byers' body. He growled and bit down on Byers' shoulder, holding himself still, buried to the root. Byers turned his head to gasp for breath. "Aaaaangh! Aaaahhh!" He tried to buck into Doggett's body, but Doggett held him down with his greater weight, and his leverage. "God damn, fuck, so hot." He struggled to hold himself still, letting the sensations blow through him like a gale-force wind. The heat of Byers' sweating body beneath him, the scent of his arousal, and the salt taste of his skin pulled Doggett closer to the edge. He needed this, needed to hold on, to keep still as long as he could with his throbbing rod buried in Byers. Byers' firm, slim body drove him into raw, pure lust. This was what he'd missed so badly last night. He craved this sensation, this closeness, this incredible heat. He needed the feeling of control he had when he was with Byers, to make the man surrender. His chest was full to bursting with the weight of his desire for this man. He could barely fathom the depth of his need and attraction. It was becoming a compulsion; one he didn't understand, but couldn't give up. "Unh, John, God." His own body was dripping with sweat from the intensity of this nearly motionless joining. Byers kept crying out under him, still struggling to move. "Aaaaaangh! Master -- unh, fu-fuck..." Master. Hearing the word again snapped something in him, and he couldn't hold out any longer. He wanted that -- wanted to own this beautiful, sensual man. He wanted into the fantasy that Byers' word betrayed, to take him as his slave. Doggett bucked into him, pumping hard and fast, ribs aching, and Byers screamed under him, coming hard. "Yes, yes, yes, oh God, yes --" Doggett chanted the words into Byers' ear, gasping for breath as he spiraled down into helpless sensation. "Mine, John, you're mine." The world could end around him, the house come tumbling down, and all he'd be able to do was fuck senselessly. He could feel it build in his gut and his tight balls, slamming through him like a bullet. He shot into Byers, gasping for breath, unable to stop thrusting. Everything intensified, and Doggett was sure time stood still as he pounded into Byers even harder. His rod kept pulsing and he kept coming, clinging to Byers mindlessly. They moaned and howled together, lost in their orgasm, bodies melded. He didn't know, didn't care if either of them said anything that made sense. His mind and body blazed with the intensity of his pleasure, not wanting to let go of it. Slowly, the flood subsided. Doggett thought he might pass out from the pleasure, and the pain in his ribs. He rolled onto his good side, pulling Byers with him so they lay spooned together. He slipped his hand gently down Byers' chest to his damp, sticky stomach, trailing his fingers down into Byers' pubic hair and tracing the root of his limp cock. Byers was gasping, chest heaving as he lay on his side in Doggett's arms. Doggett's own breath was just as heavy. He squeezed Byers carefully. The relief of their joining left him floating, dizzy. Water. He needed water. He didn't want to let go of Byers. Didn't want to pull his cock out of him. Byers was trembling in his arms, exhausted. There was no way Byers would be able to walk. Doggett wasn't sure he could either. Water would have to wait. He squeezed Byers again and wriggled his hips against him, half-hard shaft still tingling as it moved in Byers' body. "Unnnnnh." "Oh, God, John." Doggett took another deep breath before he tried to speak again. Byers tilted his head weakly, and Doggett kissed him. It was soft but possessive. He wanted Byers, wanted so much to keep him, to have him in his bed every night. It was too much like desperation. He could hardly imagine having this wish fulfilled, but it didn't prevent him from wanting. "Jack." It was a bare whisper. Byers looked at him, eyes half open. "That... amazing." Doggett kissed him again, and Byers sighed into it, taking hold of Doggett's hands and pulling them tighter around him. Doggett's ribs ached, but he didn't care. He was still too buzzed on the high of his orgasm. "You liked it?" His own voice was a whisper as well. Byers groaned, then nodded. "God, yes... oh, God... so good." Doggett grinned, then grimaced when the muscles pulled at the bruise on his face. "Hey." Byers turned slightly, pulling away. His breath was coming more easily now. Doggett slipped out of him, his shaft mostly limp. Byers lay on his back and ran one gentle, trembling hand over the bruise. Doggett tried not to twitch. Byers looked down at his body. "How're the ribs?" Doggett snorted. "Sore. I don't care." "You should." "God, I'm tired." Byers kissed his cheek. "We should sleep." "Need some water first. Gotta clean up." Byers groaned then nodded. "You're right. I'm in the wet spot." He grimaced. "Ugh." "Come on." Doggett pointed to the bathroom. Byers rolled his eyes. "Do I have to?" "You wanna lie in the wet spot all night?" Doggett got up. Byers sighed and rose with him. They cleaned up quickly, and Byers dried the sheet with a towel, then tossed a clean one over the still-damp spot. Doggett got a big glass of water and drank it down, thirstily. He offered one to Byers, who also drank deep. They slid into the bed together, barely managing to stay awake. "Dinner later," Doggett said. "It's early yet." Byers shifted his weight and snuggled up against Doggett. "I'm not hungry yet. Maybe when we wake up, we can call out for something." He yawned. "Right now, I just want to sleep." Doggett nodded, putting his arms around Byers. "Mm-hmm." It wasn't even quite dark yet, as the summer days were long, but he was too tired to think. Holding Byers left him feeling content, despite the deep ache in his ribs and the still- tender bruise on his face. "Thank you," Byers whispered. He kissed Doggett softly, his beard scratching slightly. "All you ever have to do is ask," Doggett said. He smiled when Byers closed his eyes and snuggled closer. There was something so right about this. One last caress, and he closed his own eyes too, settling into their embrace. LONE GUNMEN'S MICROBUS ON THE DOCKS QUEENS, NEW YORK LATE NIGHT, TWO DAYS LATER "Haven't we got enough surveillance yet?" Doggett asked. He was cramped, and the steady diet of junk food and coffee wasn't setting well with him. Byers, Jimmy and Reyes were all off in a nearby motel, catching some sleep. They'd been on duty earlier in the day. He was bored and half asleep himself. Stakeouts had never been his favorite activity, and he much preferred the idea of being curled up next to Byers right now. Frohike shook his head. "Haven't seen anybody we recognize going into the building. I'm starting to think Blondie was wrong about which one we're after." Mulder, leaning back in one of the seats, sipped at his coffee. "No, I'm sure Langly and Byers were right about this. It's gotta be this one." "Thanks for the vote of confidence," Langly said. "God, I hate this. Fro, gimme another Jolt." Frohike reached down into the cooler at his feet and flipped a chilly can to Langly. "Hey, dude, watch it. You shake it up and we'll be cleanin' it out of the equipment for days." "Sorry." Mulder straightened up in his seat. "Holy -- this can't be real." He slammed his fist down on the tiny counter where he watched the surveillance screen. "What?" Doggett asked. "Fuck," Mulder said. "It looks like Krycek. The bastard's dead. It has to be a shapeshifter. He went into the warehouse." Everyone stilled, and Doggett and the Gunmen exchanged uneasy glances. Mulder looked over at them. "Okay, what aren't you guys telling me?" he snapped. "What do you know about this, and how long have you known it?" Doggett waited, watching the Gunmen sweat. He was nervous too, though he didn't care to admit it. It had been his own indiscretions that had brought Krycek out of the woodwork. He shifted, and Mulder nailed him to the passenger seat with his eyes. "Spill it, Doggett." Doggett cleared his throat. "He showed up a couple days ago at the Gunmen's place. Left an envelope. They got him on surveillance tape, but it was a quick flash. They --" "We weren't sure it was even him, Mulder," Frohike said. "It could have been a clone. A shapeshifter. Hell, it could have been somebody in a mask. Who knows?" "Well, at least now we got our confirmation," Langly said. "He delivered an envelope?" Mulder wasn't going to be deterred. "What was in it? The Gunmen looked at Doggett. It was his responsibility. He'd have to take this particular bull by the horns. "A blackmail attempt." Mulder looked over at Langly. "What did you do this time?" Langly held his hands up in the air. "Hey, it wasn't me this time, dude. It was Byers." Mulder laughed, astonished. "Byers? Yeah, right. What the hell does Byers ever do that's worthy of blackmail?" Langly looked at Doggett, his eyes begging for help. "I got the same envelope," Doggett said. Mulder stared at Doggett. "The same?" Doggett nodded. "We... uh... the information was somewhat compromising. Nothing graphic. It wasn't enough to keep us off the case." Mulder's eyes widened. "You? And... and Byers?" He shook his head, disbelief clearly written on his face. "I always kind of wondered if Byers wasn't a closet case, but you?" Doggett nodded again. "Yeah. Me. You got a problem with that?" "No." Mulder shook his head. "I'm just surprised. I never thought you had it in you." "What?" Doggett said, "Tough ex-Marine, can't possibly like guys?" "It never even crossed my mind. And Byers -- well, let's just say I'd never have guessed he was your type, or that you were his." "Leave Byers alone, Mulder," Frohike said. "He doesn't need your shit. We give him enough on our own." "Why am I always the last to know?" Mulder said, crossing his arms over his chest. "'Cuz nobody loves you," Langly said. "Get used to it." "Look, Mulder," Doggett growled, "this really isn't germane to the case. The envelopes were delivered. We ignored the threat. Whatever happens, happens, and we'll deal with it. This is between me and John, and it's none of your Goddamned business. The fact is, now we know Krycek's involved with this, and we know that this is the right building. I figured this was why the blackmail attempt was made. They wanted to keep us away from this." Mulder looked like he wanted to hit him. "Anything having to do with Krycek is my business. If you end up getting the guys hurt because of this --" "Oh, shut it, Mulder," Frohike snapped, sliding into the driver's seat as Langly moved to shut down the surveillance equipment. "You're not the center of the fuckin' universe, and this fighting isn't gonna solve a damned thing. We have what we need. Let's get back to the motel and catch some sleep. We can figure out what the deal is with Krycek later, when we have some breathing space. We'll plan the poach tomorrow and do the deed tomorrow night." "No!" Mulder shouted, "We have to go in now! We can find out --" "Mulder," Langly said. "What?" "Shut up. Like, we're not goin' in without everybody here. You know the drill." Frohike started the engine. PROTEUS HOLDING COMPANY WAREHOUSE QUEENS, NEW YORK NEXT NIGHT "Okay," Frohike's voice hissed in Byers' earpiece, "you're in. Go!" "Check," Byers muttered. He nodded and gestured to Doggett, and they hurried across the open space to one of the back doors of the warehouse building. Frohike and Langly were in an underground access tunnel several blocks away. Mulder was monitoring the situation from the microbus near the entrance to the tunnel, and Reyes and Jimmy were in Reyes' car, hidden behind a nearby building on the dock. They were far enough away to be concealed, but close enough to act as backup if needed. When they got to the door, Byers scanned the area while Doggett opened it, pistol in hand. They both slipped through quickly. Byers closed the door securely behind them. "We're in." "Check." It was Langly's voice this time. "You've got a hallway going left and right. Go right." Doggett nodded and led the way. Byers prayed that they'd be in and out before their presence could be discovered. They were both dressed in black, Doggett in jeans and a tight turtleneck, Byers in the multi-pocketed jumper that he always wore for these missions. Doggett wore a leather jacket that concealed his shoulder holster. Byers' heart was pounding in triple-time with fear. If he wasn't so scared, he knew he'd be very distracted by Doggett in that outfit. "At the end of the hallway, turn left, and it looks like the third door." Frohike again. "There's a card swipe at the door. We'll try to open it from here." "I've got the lockpick if you can't," Byers said. He patted one of his cargo pockets, thankful for the high tech they dedicated so much of their lives to cracking. It wasn't long before they found the door Frohike indicated. "This should lead to a complex of hallways and a bunch of offices," Frohike said. "Got the lock," Langly added. Doggett raised his weapon and nodded to Byers. Byers turned the handle and tugged with one gloved hand. The red light went green and the door clicked open. Doggett whirled into the doorway, weapon held in both hands before him, scanning the corridor. Byers followed when he moved forward. Doggett seemed calm and collected, moving like a tiger. Byers envied his steadiness and grace. He looked around at the corridors that moved out before them and to either side. "Which way?" Byers asked. "We got no idea what's in there," Langly said. "Any windows on the doors?" "No," Byers whispered. "Any of your data file numbers from the files you found marked on the doors?" Mulder asked. Byers glanced at the numbers on the doors. "Numerical strings aren't long enough," he said quietly. "It looks like regular room numbering." "Try going left," Reyes said. Doggett hurried along the left corridor, moving with almost ghostly silence, gun at the ready. There was only one door there. It was a heavy one. There was a card swipe there, along with a numeric keypad. "How about it, guys?" Byers whispered. "Working on it," Langly said. They stood for several too-long moments, waiting for Langly's green light, but it didn't come. "What's happening?" Byers was starting to sweat. "Try the lockpick," Frohike said. "No joy here." "Fuck," Doggett muttered. They looked at each other. Doggett's outer calm was betrayed by the uneasiness in his eyes and the tension in his shoulders. Byers could think of a million places he'd rather be. Byers pulled the device from a pocket. He put the card into the slot and waited for the lockpick to find the code. In a moment, it blinked green. He tried the door. It didn't open. "Guys." Frohike's voice again. "Hang on Rover One. Try it again. We'll go for the number pad from here." "Too much of this and it might set off an alarm," Byers hissed. "I know, I know," Langly muttered. "Go, dude, try it again." Byers did the card swipe again, and this time two sets of green lights came up. The door opened when he turned the handle. He let out a sigh of relief. His stomach hurt. Again, Doggett took the lead, weapon at the ready. The corridor ahead of them led to an elevator. "Looks like we're going up," Doggett said. "Nothin' under you guys right now but dock and water," Langly said, "so I sure as hell hope so." There was a card swipe on the elevator as well. "Y'think they're paranoid?" Doggett whispered. Byers swiped the lockpick again. This time, the button next to the door lit. Byers pushed it. He could hear the sound of the elevator mechanism hum to life. "Second floor?" Byers asked. He heard the rustling of paper. "There are several large open areas indicated on the second floor plans," Reyes said. "They might be labs of some sort, or file storage areas." "Yeah," Langly said. "At least one of 'em's probably clean storage. If you can, get a look into them. You might be able to find some samples." Doggett nodded. "Sounds good for a start." They stepped into the elevator when the door opened. Byers pressed the button for the second floor. "Check for these number strings," Mulder added, and rattled off a long series of numbers. "Whoa, whoa, slow down here," Doggett muttered. Byers shook his head. "It's okay, I got them." He laid a hand on Doggett's arm. "You two can get cute later," Frohike said. Byers looked up at the surveillance camera, jerking his hand away. Frohike chuckled. "Smile, you're on Candid Camera." "I'll kick his ass later," Doggett said. "Cut the chatter, boys." They stood along the sides of the elevator as the doors opened onto the second floor, Doggett scanning the hallway then nodding to Byers and signaling him forward. There were four doors in the hallway, spaced far apart. The security here was tight. "Guards headed in your direction," Langly said. "Routine patrol. Let's get you into one of those rooms, like now." Byers hurried to the first door on the left. It was a massive metal double door that looked extremely heavy. He guessed it was several inches thick. "I wonder what they're trying to keep out," he whispered. Looking around, he saw the other doors were equally massive. "Or what they're trying to keep in," Doggett said softly. "Hurry up," Frohike snapped. "They're about to round the corner." Byers shuddered. He slipped the lockpick through the card swipe as Frohike and Langly worked on the keypad. Two green lights, and they were in. The double doors slid shut with a click behind them. "Just in time, boys," Mulder said. Byers looked around. There were several large mainframes in the room, with workstations on long tables in the center. Another door opened into the room from the far side. Around the walls were long rows of file drawers. The room was cold, intended to accommodate electronics, not the humans that operated them. He hurried around the perimeter of the room, scanning the labels on the drawers. Recognizing several of the numbers Mulder had recited to him, he pointed out a couple of drawers to Doggett. Turning quickly, he ran to one of the workstations and powered it up. Frohike and Langly were on the security with him, cracking the system. It didn't take long. Doggett came over to him, holding several small glass vials. They had tiny samples of... something in them. Each of the numbered vials had a name on it. One of the names was Knowle Rohrer. "Shit," Doggett whispered. "Looks like this is connected to the supersoldiers project." "Keep checking the drawers," Byers said, turning quickly back to the monitor. "I'll be a few minutes downloading information here." His fingers flew over the keyboard as Doggett went back to the walls of file drawers. Byers slipped a CD into one of the burners and began copying files, moving as fast as he could. "Status," he said. "Guards are gone from the hall," Frohike replied. "You should be safe for about another twenty minutes, if the patrol information was correct." Byers sighed with relief, focusing his entire attention back on his work. The materials he found amazed him. "TREYNOR," he whispered. "I found the acronym. You guys aren't going to believe this." "What?" Langly asked. " TRansgenic-Extraterrestrial Yoked Nanotechnological ORganism," Byers replied. Langly and Frohike both stifled laughs. "Oh God," Langly said. "That is *so* lame!" "Yeah," Byers muttered. "Your tax dollars at work." "My three-year-old cousin could do better than that," Langly snorted. "Nobody ever accused the government of intelligence," Frohike said. "Extraterrestrials," Mulder said. "That's it! This is the proof!" "Now we just have to get out of here with it," Byers said nervously. "Still looks clear," Frohike said. "Keep downloading." Byers nodded and focused on the monitor again. "Holy shit," Doggett hissed, shock in his voice. Byers spun and saw Doggett holding a paper file in his hand, his eyes wide. He'd gone pale as milk. "What?" Doggett looked up at him, fear on his face. "This." He hurried over to Byers. The file had Doggett's name on it. "Oh, no." Byers felt like he'd been punched in the gut. "Dudes, total alarm here! We've been made! Your door's been locked down!" Langly's voice snapped in Byers' ear. Byers turned to the keyboard. "I need to finish this up!" "No," Mulder shouted, "you got a bogey coming for the back door to that lab!" Frohike's voice was loud in his ear. "Get out! Get out!" Byers kept on the download, pushing for just another few seconds. Doggett looked down at him. "Come on, damn it!" "Go! Go!" Frohike shouted. "We're hacking the door!" The door in the opposite wall opened, and a tall, muscular man stepped through. His hair was close-cropped, and he was dressed in military fatigues. Doggett and Byers both looked up. Doggett slipped the paper file into his waistband and raised his gun. "Shit. Run, Johnny!" Byers slapped the eject button on the CD burner and jerked the disc out of the drive. He ran for the door. Skidding to a halt, he hit the button to open it. It didn't budge. "Damn it, do something!" "Stop right there," Doggett snapped at the soldier. Byers turned and saw him aiming at the man. The soldier kept on coming. Byers' stomach leapt into his throat. "Open the door, open the door!" He could hear his voice rising in panic. He kept pushing the button. Nothing happened. Byers heard a shot, and turned his head back to Doggett. There was terror in Doggett's face. Another shot, and the soldier jerked but didn't slow. It was one of *them.* Byers pounded on the door. "Open the door!" he screamed. The door slid open, and he dashed through. He looked behind him, but Doggett hadn't moved. "Come on, damn it!" Doggett shot again, and the soldier kept on coming, running now. Doggett turned to follow Byers, but the soldier, moving like lightning, caught up to him. He picked Doggett up with one hand and threw him. Doggett sailed past Byers and slammed into the wall across the hallway with a sickening crunch. The gun fell from his hand and skittered to Byers' feet. "Holy -- shut the door!" "Working on it!" Langly shouted. "Shit! The fucker's locked down again! Working on it!" "More bogeys headed your way," Mulder said. "On your floor, maybe a minute away from you." Byers' heart was trying to crawl out his throat. He looked back at Doggett, slumped on the floor, unmoving. He looked back at the oncoming soldier, then down at the gun at his feet. Tucking the disc in his pocket, he scooped the gun off the floor and pointed it at the soldier, hands shaking. He backed up several steps until he was standing over Doggett's fallen form. "S-stop!" The soldier kept coming and Byers pulled the trigger. The first shot slammed him back up against the wall with the sudden, unexpected recoil. With a yelp, he pulled the barrel down again, hysterically muttering, "Center of mass, center of mass--" Byers fired again, closer this time, and again and again, striking the soldier repeatedly in random locations. The man didn't even flinch. Byers thought he was going to pass out. The doors slid shut. Byers took a quick breath and looked at the elevator but spun back to the door when he heard pounding. "Oh, my God." "We're on backup!" Reyes shouted. "We'll be there in just a minute! Get out of there!" After the first two blows, he could see dents beginning to appear in the door. Byers stood, frozen with terror. "We got you, man! Get to the elevator!" Frohike shouted. Frohike's voice snapped him out of it. The pounding got harder as Byers stuffed Doggett's pistol in a pocket. He grabbed Doggett's ankles and heaved, dragging the larger man toward the elevator door. The pounding got louder, more dents appearing in the lab door. Byers was close to blind panic, barely holding on. When the elevator door opened, he heaved with all his strength, dragging Doggett inside far enough for the door to close. He leaned against the side wall of the elevator, panting, heart pounding on his ribs as hard as the supersoldier had pounded on the lab door. "Shit, shit, shit," Byers muttered. The doors slid open on the first floor. Byers got down near Doggett and shifted, pulling him into a fireman's carry. He had no idea if he could do it, but he had to try. He wasn't going to leave Doggett behind. There would be no second chance. With all his strength, he staggered to his feet. Doggett weighed more than he did, was larger and bulkier, but his terror and the adrenaline in his system forced one foot in front of the other. He wobbled down the hallway as quickly as he could, Langly's voice guiding him back along the turns, through the doors where they'd entered. He could feel muscles pulling and groaned, pushing the pain away. He had to do this. He had no choice. If he left Doggett, they'd kill him, or experiment on him. He would not let that happen. He'd rather die. Gasping for breath, he staggered the last few feet to the door they'd come in through. Praying, he shoving against it, and it opened. Reyes and Jimmy ran up to the door. Reyes' car was idling a few yards away, doors open. Byers' knees buckled. Jimmy dragged Doggett from his shoulders before Byers hit the ground, and Reyes pulled him back to his feet. "Come on, in the car, now!" Jimmy shoved Doggett's unconscious form into the back seat, then climbed in after him, and Byers nearly fell into the front passenger seat. Every muscle in his body was screaming in protest. He felt dizzy and light-headed, sure he'd vomit. Reyes slammed her door and peeled out, tires squealing. "We've got 'em! Go, guys! Get the hell out of here!" Reyes shouted into her headset. Byers passed out. ASTORIA GENERAL HOSPITAL, ROOM 247 QUEENS, NEW YORK TWO HOURS LATER Byers sat, exhausted and miserable, in a chair next to Doggett's bed. Doggett had been admitted for observation. The doctor said he'd had a bad concussion. Doggett's vision had been blurred when he'd become coherent enough to examine, and he'd been vomiting, and now he was lying, asleep, next to him. There was an IV in one hand, filling the man with saline and drugs. It was a miracle he was in the room at all. Mulder had been forced to offer the duty nurse a substantial bribe to let any of them into Doggett's room, but he and Reyes had finally been let in, and a blind eye turned to their movements. Mulder had made a crack about the Gunmen becoming an expensive habit, but somebody with a gun needed to be in there if one of the supersoldiers -- or Krycek -- came calling. Not that a gun would do any good. Byers had seen that himself. Reyes had seemed torn between anger at him for trying to stay on the download, and admiration for saving Doggett's life. He was still beating himself up over waiting, but Langly and Frohike had taken issue with that behavior. They'd said several times that the door controls were taken away from them and, even if he had run when they first told him to, the door wouldn't have been opened any faster. Reyes had said nothing, but her anger seemed somewhat diminished by their insistence. Reyes had gone a few minutes ago to phone Scully and Skinner and let them know what had happened. He hoped she'd be away for a while. He really just wanted to be alone with Doggett. Byers had no idea how he'd carried Doggett out of the building. Looking back on the whole thing, he couldn't believe he'd done it. His body told him otherwise; it ached everywhere. He'd been given some muscle relaxants and anti- inflammatories for the sprains, but the pain filled him like a dull fire. Byers suspected he'd have a hard time walking for the next week or so. His neck and shoulders throbbed and he had a terrible headache. His lower back burned, and he wasn't sure he'd even be able to stand when the time came to get out of his chair. The room around him was dark, dawn still an hour or two away. Frohike, Langly and Mulder were probably working on the files he'd burned onto the CD, and going through the paper file Doggett had found with his own name on it. The idea left Byers with a cold numbness in the pit of his stomach. Reaching out, he took Doggett's hand in his own. Doggett was warm, but Byers felt like he was bearing a glacier inside. His own hands were freezing. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm so sorry." Even though the guys couldn't have gotten the door open any sooner, he still felt guilty. He'd had the habit so long, sometimes it was hard not to feel that way. The image of the supersoldier throwing Doggett through the air like a toy kept replaying in his mind. Shutting his eyes didn't make it stop; if anything, it only seemed to bring the picture into sharper focus. He could still hear the crunch of Doggett hitting the far wall. The doctor had said that, from the impact Doggett sustained, he was lucky he hadn't suffered far more serious injuries. They expected to release him late tomorrow if his vision cleared. Byers squeezed Doggett's hand. There was no response. Aching, he shifted his weight carefully and slid an arm around Doggett's chest. He laid his head on the sleeping man's shoulder and closed his eyes, just listening to Doggett's heartbeat, and the steadiness of his breathing. He'd almost lost him. Shaking, Byers could feel a raw, burning tear slip down his cheek. His hand clenched in the fabric of Doggett's hospital gown. He held it tight. ROOM 247 ONE HOUR LATER Doggett's eyes fluttered open. He moaned softly. His head was muzzy. For a brief moment, he wondered what had happened, panicking with the thought that the supersoldiers might have him. He remembered being picked up and thrown. The last thing he'd felt was his back hitting the wall. His head was throbbing with every beat of his heart. After a moment, he remembered waking in the ER, and a doctor testing his vision, asking him questions, but he didn't remember most of his answers. At least, thank God, he wasn't a prisoner, or a medical experiment. It was dark. He turned his head slightly. It hurt and he hissed. Then he saw Byers, his head resting on the bed next to his shoulder. Byers' hand was in his. He was safe -- they'd both gotten out, and Doggett suddenly realized just how much that meant to him. Byers looked all right, though there was pain in his face, even asleep. Doggett raised his other hand slowly. There was an IV attached to it. He moved carefully to avoid pulling at the line and laid his hand on Byers' shoulder. He stroked his way softly down Byers' arm, but Byers didn't stir. That feeling was back -- the one that had left him so confused. It was that fullness in his chest, and he tightened his grip on Byers' hand. He knew what it was now, recognized the feeling. It made sense of so many other things he'd been puzzling over lately where Byers was concerned. He'd fallen in love. For a moment, he wanted to deny it, reject it. It was the drugs. It was some kind of delusion. He'd never been in love with a man before. He'd never even thought he could love a man. Byers didn't love him, never would; he couldn't, it would never work. Byers would leave, like all the others. He'd... Doggett didn't care. Byers was here, now, asleep next to him. Somehow, the man must have managed to get him out of the building. He couldn't imagine how, but here they both were. He swallowed and closed his eyes, trying to will the feeling away, but it wouldn't leave. And then he didn't want it to. The intensity of it stole his breath. The door opened quietly, a shaft of light coming in from the hallway. Doggett looked up. Reyes entered the room. "John?" she whispered. "M-Monica." His voice was harsh and rough, his throat sore. She smiled, the white of her teeth light in the darkened room. "You're finally awake." She sat on the bed next to him, not far from Byers' arm. Reyes looked down at Byers. "I can't believe what he did." "What happened?" Reyes shook her head. "He carried you out of there." "No." Doggett blinked. "No way. He's not strong enough." He coughed, trying to get past the soreness in his throat. Reyes picked up a cup from the bedside table and slipped an ice chip into his mouth. Sucking on it helped the raw burn. She nodded. "He did. I saw it. I thought he'd run, John. I thought he'd leave you there and save his own skin." "No," Doggett whispered, "don't even think that. I told him to run. I made him promise he'd run if we got in trouble. He... he didn't. He got me out." He looked back at Byers, touched his cheek. "He didn't leave me there." He blinked, his eyes damp and stinging. After a moment he looked back up at Reyes. "You're so wrong about him, Mon." Reyes looked at Doggett, silent for several minutes. She reached out and took Doggett's cheek in her palm. "Maybe..." she said softly, "maybe I should give him a chance." Doggett took her hand. He squeezed and she squeezed back. "For you," she said, "I'll try." DOGGETT RESIDENCE FALLS CHURCH, VIRGINIA EVENING THREE DAYS LATER Doggett was putting the finishing touches on dinner when the doorbell rang. That would be Byers. It was the first time they'd seen each other since they'd arrived home from Queens. Doggett's head had ached too much, and Byers had been too stiff and sore to leave the Gunmen's warehouse. When Doggett opened the door, Jimmy was standing there with Byers. "Uh, hi, Jimmy." This wasn't exactly what they'd arranged. He looked at Byers. "Johnny." "Don't worry, Agent Doggett, I'm just dropping him off." Jimmy grinned. Byers blushed. "I'm not quite in shape to drive yet," he said. "Well," Jimmy said, turning away, "I'll be heading back. Byers, when you need a ride home, let me know, okay? I'll come get you." "Thanks, Jimmy." Byers limped through the door. He really wasn't moving very well yet, Doggett noted. He closed the door behind Byers. "How's the research been going?" he asked. Byers gave him an uneasy glance. "Bits and pieces of several dozen projects," he said, his voice low. "They're... they're looking at attempting to breed supersoldiers. And the nanotech, it does seem to be linked to what happened to Skinner. We --" Byers took a breath. "This is dangerous stuff, Jack. Very dangerous. We're going to have to move carefully on it." Doggett nodded. He moved closer and put his arms around Byers, pulling him into a gentle hug. Byers sighed and settled into the embrace. It was warm, comforting. He didn't want to think about the file with his name on it. All he really wanted right now was dinner. Dinner and Byers. It felt so good just to hold Byers. Mulder had told him what had happened in the Proteus warehouse. Had shown him some captured video. Doggett never once thought he'd see Byers with a gun in his hands. It was obvious Byers had never fired one before, and the terror on his face was stark. Yet he'd stood there, trying to hold off the supersoldier until the doors closed. The damned things looked almost indestructible. Doggett could barely wrap his brain around how much damage that many shots would have done to an ordinary human. It was hard to even imagine how Byers must have felt, facing that thing alone. He pulled Byers closer, until a quiet sound told him he'd squeezed too hard. "Sorry," he said. "Didn't mean to do that." "I know, I'm okay," Byers said. "I just... if you could take it easy for a week or so, I'd really appreciate it. Everything still aches." "Let's go eat." He caressed Byers' face and kissed him, soft. "Then we can watch a movie or something." "The Hunt for Red October?" Byers asked, a slight tone of skepticism in his voice. Doggett grinned. "Nah. I rented the original Mummy for you. Figured I had to see it eventually." The smile that bloomed on Byers' face lit Doggett's heart. Yeah. He could so get used to this. ~~fin~~