Now Comes the Night

Stories about the relationship between Timothy 'Speed' Speedle and Horatio Caine. They contain incest, BDSM, talk of drug abuse, cutting and suicide. Later stories will include mpreg, rape and a major character death.

A Mother's Grief

A mother should not have to bury her child, much less two of them.

Grease Monkey

Speed is helping Horatio tune his car. Written for starkindler for the Sylum Clan secret Santa fic exchange.

A Dearth of Irony

Ryan finds out that Horatio has a fantasy to be seduced by a stranger and decides to make it come true. Contains mild D/s and questionable consent issues.

CSI Fanfic Award 2008 Nominee

Blues from a Gun

Tim decides to risk losing Ryan's friendship by asking for something more only to discover that Horatio has beaten him to it. Contains mentions of rape and domestic abuse.

Karma's a Bitch

When Carmen Henney arrives at the crime lab to report that she's been the victim of a crime, no one is inclined to believe her.

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