Click here to write the author. Used respectfully without permission.

I am the author of all stories on these pages, as well as the designer of this site.

Last update: 7 July 1999.

I look nothing like this. Image used respectfully without permission.

This site contains slash - i.e., fanfiction that is focused on m/m sex. So don't click anywhere except the back button if you are under the legal age or it offends you to read such material.

A pretty picture, much nicer than <HR>.

Where I hide the Stories

Follow the link. Click on the pretty picture of the fandom of your choice to find the lists of stories hiding here. Remember: When you see this symbol (Readme!) then the link is alive and happy and waiting for you to read it. When you see this symbol (It's dead, Jim.) then that title is a dead link and goes nowhere, because I'm still working on it.

A pretty picture, much nicer than <HR>.

You need more fan fiction?
Karen's Index of Fan Fiction on the Net.

Do you need more slash? Go to The Complete Kingdom of Slash Archive run by Belynda.

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Me and my 'muse'

Me and my 'music'

Built obsessively listening to Winamp.

This is a mirror site of my tripod page. Please pardon the mess.

A pretty picture, much nicer than <HR>.

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A pretty picture, much nicer than <HR>.

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