Haircut The House Fan Fiction Archive Home Quicksearch Search Engine Random Story Upload Story   Haircut by hilsonlover Finally Wilson had been able to get the long desired hair-cut. Work had been unbelievably busy the past few months and every time he had tried to squeeze the hairdresser into his schedule after work, House had already made other plans. Of course, House hadn't been willing to give up his plans, especially when his plans seemed to get spoiled because of one of Wilson's girly attitudes. Even after being in this relationship for over a year, Wilson didn't develop enough defenses to be unaffected by these kind of accusations. Wilson was proud of himself for taking the first opportunity at getting the long overdue haircut when his last appointment got canceled. Normally he would have gone over to House's office, and then never getting a chance to see a hairdresser. This time he had snuck off and felt much better now. XXXXX "Hey," he greeted as he walked over to the sofa, leaned down and pecked House on a cheek. House didn't greet back when he withdrew; instead his brows furrowed, his nostrils fluttered and his lips were pressed together tightly. Wilson's mind was already in overdrive, mulling over what he could have done to piss off House that badly. He didn't find anything. Since House only scowled at him and he started to feel awkward standing there, waiting for House to talk, he loosened his tie and said, "So, um, how was your day?" A grunt was the reply. Wilson hated it when House was in one of his mood swings or too childish to simply say what had pissed him off. Maybe Wilson was just too dumb to decipher what's going on. When he had put away his coat and briefcase, he came back to the sofa, plopped down next to House and asked, "Are you hungry? I could fix you something. I already had something to eat while I waited at the hairdresser." The glare this question earned him made him squirm; desperately wracking his brain about what he had done wrong. He still came up with nothing. "This will be an amusing and relaxing evening," he told himself ironically. XXXXX Indeed the evening went by in uncomfortable silence and whatever he'd done - it had to be something severe. House didn't allow him to sleep in his ancestrally sleeping position, curled around House with his head pillowed on House's chest. House always joked that Wilson was a big baby because he needed to hear House's heartbeat to be lulled into sleep. Wilson didn't care as long as House allowed him to sleep like this. However, House turned over on his side, with his back to Wilson. He even snapped at Wilson when he scooted nearer, wanting to spoon behind House. Wilson was on the verge of crying. He curled himself into a ball on the other side of the bed, feeling forlorn, miserable and missing House's warm body next to him. Whatever he'd done, he had to make it up to House - quickly. XXXXX House stayed close-mouthed the next morning as well and blocked every attempt of Wilson getting to the bottom of his unusual behavior. Fortunately for Wilson he had three new patients and was too distracted to worry further about House's behavior or whatever he'd done wrong. He wasn't able to go to lunch with House and opened the door of his office for the second time late in the afternoon. Before he could close the door House's team and Cuddy rushed in, more or less shouting in unison, "Wilson! What is up with House?" He startled and stammered, "Huh? I ... I don't know what you mean." Cuddy stared at him, then groaned;"Please, don't tell me you cheated on him!" Foreman, Chase and Cameron gasped, then glared at Wilson - also in perfect unison. "W-what? I did not! Why would you think so?" "You didn't? Why is he acting like it's the end of the world?" Cuddy asked confused. "He does ...," Wilson interrupted himself by shaking his head before he continued, "Honestly, I don't know why he is acting ... a bit weird. He was like this since yesterday evening." "So, you didn't cheat and you're not planning to break up?" Cuddy inquired further on. Wilson was getting stressed and really anxious. He hadn't seen any signs of House losing interest in him or wanting to end their relationship; but he wasn't very good in seeing or realizing these kind of signs anyway. To conceal that Cuddy had found a very sore spot he snapped, "Go ask him yourself! If you would excuse me, I have work to do!" Foreman and Chase exchanged a glance while Cuddy pressed her lips together in a small line. She didn't like it when one of her staff members spoke to her like this but she also knew her questions had gone too far. To rescue some of her dignity she said, "It would be really nice if you could get him back in line. He's terrible even for his own standard." Wilson sighed and tiredly rubbed his neck, then nodded in defeat, "Okay. I'll try." When Cuddy and House's team had left his office he slumped down on his chair and pressed his hands against his eyes. He wouldn't get any work done in the agitated state he was in. XXXXX He took a deep breath in, stood up and walked to his balcony door. House was leaning against the rail of his balcony, his back to Wilson. Wilson plucked up all his courage to face the fire-breathing dragon, silently climbed over the railing which separated their balconies, and walked over to House. He followed a sudden urge and embraced House from behind. House flinched and Wilson tensed up, fearing that House would shove him off. Instead House sighed, turned around and pulled Wilson close; resting his chin on top of Wilson's head. "Are you here to tame me?" "That's a useless attempt." "So, you're not here because some people wanted you to turn me into my usual charming self?" Wilson chuckled before he answered sincerely in a small voice, "You're scaring me with your behavior. And ... and I don't know what I have done wrong." Although he didn't expect an answer at all, Wilson got a surprising one, "You didn't tell me that you were going to a hairdresser!" Wilson squirmed in House's embrace until it was loosened enough, allowing him to look at House. "You're acting like a jerk because I went to a hairdresser?" he asked with disbelief written all over his face. "It's short! Why did you have to cut it this short?" House whined petulantly. "It was so long that I could tie it up!" "You've worn your hair this long before and it didn't bother you!" "I was twenty years old! It was cool at that time." "You're blushing. There is a reason you're cutting your hair short," House accused him while tightening his grip around Wilson's waist, preventing him from bolting. Wilson stopped his attempt to escape when House asked softly, "Was it anything I said?" "No," Wilson answered, very much surprised by House's question. A hesitant pause later he added with a sigh, "It wasn't you. This week I had a patient who didn't believe I was the department head because of my young appearance. I had to get Brown to confirm that I am head of the department! And every time I'm in the clinic at least one patient calls me 'young man' or 'boy' or believes that I'm a med student. It's ... embarrassing. I just wanted to look a bit older, more serious." "You're wearing a suit, a tie and even a pocket-protector. That isn't serious enough?" "Obviously not." They stared at each other for a long time until House lost the staring contest and grumbled, "I don't like your hair this way. I like the floppy style. I like you looking cute!" Wilson cackled, embraced a scowling and embarrassed House, then said, "It'll grow back. I guess, I can live with some people finding me too young as long as you like it." "Good," House answered sheepishly while rubbing his nose into Wilson's hair. XXXXX "Problem solved, I would say," Chase grinned and pointed at the cozy scene on the balcony, eliciting a grin from Foreman and Cameron as well. END   Please post a comment on this story. Legal Disclaimer: The authors published here make no claims on the ownership of Dr. Gregory House and the other fictional residents of Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. Like the television show House (and quite possibly Dr. Wilson's pocket protector), they are the property of NBC/Universal, David Shore and undoubtedly other individuals of whom I am only peripherally aware. The fan fiction authors published here receive no monetary benefit from their work and intend no copyright infringement nor slight to the actual owners. We love the characters and we love the show, otherwise we wouldn't be here.