Something Else The House Fan Fiction Archive Home Quicksearch Search Engine Random Story Upload Story   Something Else by Jaryn Part 1 House threw his oversized tennis ball against the wall, where it hit with a dull thump before flying back to where he was sitting and into his hand. Considering all the noise he so often made, like now, it was probably a good thing no one had an office next to his. Then again, House reconsidered, maybe it was a pity that Wilson's office wasn't directly next to his. Swapping hands, he thew the ball harder this time, just to hear the sound reverberate around the room. A few days weren't long enough for his anger over what Wilson had done to dissipate completely. It certainly wasn't long enough for him to forgive Wilson yet. It was, however, long enough for the silence between them to start feeling oppressive. They'd been friends for too long to let something like this really get between them. Of course, it helped that House wasn't entirely guilt-free himself, considering he'd stolen the script from Wilson's office not that long ago. The next time House threw the ball, he missed it on the rebound and it sailed past him to bounce off the door to the conference room. A sudden burst of frustration had him grabbing his cane before walking out onto the balcony and hopping over the barricade. At Wilson's office door, House froze in place before he moved to open it. Wilson wasn't alone, but that wasn't the reason House had stopped. It was because Wilson was laughing. House couldn't even remember the last time he'd heard Wilson laugh like that. Stepping up closer to the door, House angled his head so he could see the person sitting across from Wilson. It was a woman; of course it was a woman. Both she and Wilson were so caught up in each other that they didn't notice House was there. That, he decided, obviously had to be rectified. Throwing the door open, House stifled a smirk at the shocked faces that turned his way. "Not interrupting am I?" Wilson frowned at him, "I'm busy." "Is she dying?" House looked at the woman critically. She didn't even look sick. "Are you dying?" "House! This is Dr. Leia Stone. She's one of the oncology interns." Leia smiled, "And you're Dr. Gregory House, I presume." "That's just my stage name," House said blandly. Leia's eyes slid questioningly over to Wilson, obviously uncertain how to take House's attitude. Wilson just rolled his eyes, "Did you want something?" "Me?" House raised his eyebrows. "Why would I want anything?" House didn't wait for an answer; instead he shifted his weight and stared hard at Leia. "Pick her yourself did you?" "Excuse me?" Leia said. House smiled heartlessly, "Wilson likes the dark ones. I've tried to tell him that it's horribly racist to choose his staff by the colour of their skin, but he never listens to me." "House, for God's sake!" Wilson snapped. "Either give me a good reason for being here or get out." "I think I'll be going actually," Leia said icily, getting to her feet. She gave House a spiteful look before smiling stiffly at Wilson and letting herself out. Wilson waited until the door was closed before looking back at House. "What the hell is wrong with you?" "Aw, you said a bad word. That must mean you're angry." Wilson held House's stare for a silent moment, clenching the muscles in his jaw. "Is this your way of trying to get revenge?" "Oh come on, I was doing you a favour. Do you know what would happen to your reputation if everyone found out you were screwing one of your interns? First a patient, now an intern, you're really trying to cover all the bases aren't you?" "I am not-" Wilson started to say, before cutting himself off abruptly. House smirked, knowing full well that Wilson had at least been thinking of sleeping with Leia if he hadn't already. The man couldn't help himself. "Why don't you do what I do and hire a hooker? Save you a lot of trouble. Or maybe you just like playing with fire, is that it? More exciting if there's something at stake." "Shut up," Wilson said. "Just shut up and leave me alone." "Why don't you make me, Casanova?" House fired back. Wilson blinked, "What makes you think you have the right to make judgements?" "Oh, because you never judge me?" House asked bitingly. "That's a good one. Hey, I'm an out of control drug addict who believes he's God, right? Everyone knows that. But you..." House stabbed a finger in Wilson's direction, "you are just as out of control as I am. Maybe even more so." "You're right, I am out of control," Wilson said, surprising House, and threw his hands up in the air before letting them fall flat onto his desk. "I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry." House squinted at Wilson, puzzling over the mix of sarcasm, honesty and defeat in Wilson's voice. "You're always sorry." "What more do you want me to do?" House tilted his head and smiled, "Well...everything I tell you to do would be nice." "Fine, anything you tell me," Wilson said, holding his hands out in a classical pose of surrender. House eyed Wilson for a long moment. "All right, how's this, don't have sex with your intern," he finally said, not actually believing Wilson would comply and not having clue why he was choosing this of all things to demand in the first place. "Don't even flirt with her." "Okay...fine," Wilson said, looking back at House steadily. House snorted his disbelief and took a step back towards the door. They stared at each for another silent minute before House tore his gaze away and turned around, yanking the balcony door open. "I will be greatly amused, the day someone finds out you have more issues than I do," House said and left the room without looking back. House might have dismissed the whole conversation with Wilson out of his mind, but there was something about what Wilson had said and the way he had said it that made him keep going back to it. Even though he was sure now that Wilson hadn't been serious, House found himself watching his friend closely during the next few days. He watched particularly closely if Dr. Leia Stone was anywhere around. However, House only saw Wilson and Leia together twice; once in the clinic and again in front of Wilson's office. Both times Wilson appeared to be behaving completely professionally. In fact, judging by her closed off expression and body language, House got the feeling that Leia wasn't too impressed with Wilson anymore. Despite that, House refused to believe Wilson was actually following through with his promise. Not without further proof anyway. On Monday afternoon, House tracked Leia down in the Oncology wing and cornered her in a patient room. Leia seemed to sense him walk in and turned around, her expression hardening when she saw who it was. "Can I help you?" House smiled lazily, shutting the door at his back. The patient, an elderly man, appeared to be unconscious; though House wouldn't have cared if he was awake and listening in anyway. "Maybe you can. It seems that we have a mutual friend." Leia frowned and replaced the patient's chart at the end of the bed before turning to face House. "Are you talking about Dr. Wilson? Because I can assure you," Leia said coldly, "he and I are not friends." "Aw," House made a pitying face, "you two broke up?" "You two are quite suited to each other though, aren't you?" Leia said, ignoring his response and walking towards the door. "I have other patients to see, if you don't mind." "I do mind, actually," House said, not budging an inch. "You haven't told me the whole story yet." Leia glared at him, "I don't see what business it is of yours." "Come on, tell me what the big bad head of oncology did to you." "He didn't do anything to me. But he has made it abundantly clear that we're no more than colleagues," Leia said, her expression suspicious. It was obvious that she'd guessed Wilson's sudden cold shoulder had something to do with him. House pursed his lips and looked up at the ceiling before shrugging, "What can I say? I keep him on a tight leash." House met Leia's eyes, amused at her stunned expression, before he turned and walked out. The next day, House barged into Wilson's office via the more usual route this time. Wilson looked up at him with a small frown, but didn't seem surprised to see him. "You actually did it. You obeyed me," House said triumphantly, moving to stand in front of Wilson's desk. Wilson screwed up his face and looked back down at his desk, "Do you have to make it sound so...subservient?" "Isn't that what you offered me? Subservience?" House asked, bracing a hand on Wilson's desk and leaning forward. "You said you'd do anything I tell you to." Wilson's eyes met House's before skittering away, "That wasn't an indefinite offer." "Why did you offer in the first place?" House asked. "Guilt?" "I only told Cuddy-." "Oh, I know," House cut in harshly. "You only manipulated everyone because you were worried about me." Wilson rubbed a hand over his face and sighed, "I said I was sorry." "You're going to have to do more than that if you want me to forgive you." "What?" Wilson dropped his hand and looked up again, his expression incredulous. "Like what?" House smiled and straightened up, "Like doing what I tell you to." "You're kidding, right?" "Do I look like I am?" House asked. Wilson's expression, he noted, wasn't as indignant as he thought it should have been. "Be my servant for...hmm, let's say a week and I'll let you off the hook." "Your servant," Wilson repeated. "Don't look so scandalised. You can come over and do my dishes, cook me dinner, that kind of thing." Wilson blinked a few times and sat back. "That's it, you just want me to cook you dinner and do your dishes?" "For a week," House nodded. For a minute, Wilson looked like he was going to say no, or to argue, but then something changed. It was subtle, but House definitely saw it. The hardness, the defiance, went out of Wilson's eyes and his posture relaxed. "If that's what it takes," Wilson sighed. "Not like I haven't done it before." "Exactly," House said and smirked. "You're already well trained." Wilson's expression changed quickly back to irritation, but House didn't give him time to say anything. "This starts tonight. I expect there to be dinner waiting for me when I get home. Use your key." There was a smile on his face when House walked into his apartment later that night. Whatever Wilson was cooking, it smelt damn good. For a change. "Hey Jeeves, I'm home," House called out as he walked over to the closet to hang up his jacket. "Very funny," Wilson said, appearing in the kitchen doorway. "It'll be ready in five." "Good," House said, walking over to the couch. "I'll have it in here. I'd like a beer too." A strange expression crossed over Wilson's face, but he only shook his head and moved to open the fridge. House's lips quirked up as he sat down and reached for the TV remote. Wilson walked over a moment later and held out a bottle of beer, which he'd already opened. "Thanks," House said graciously and took the beer before turning his attention back to the TV, randomly flicking through channels. Wilson's eyes remained on House for a moment longer, no doubt surprised that he'd actually been thanked. Wilson didn't say anything though, before finally turning and going back into the kitchen. Give minutes later, Wilson came back with a bowl of stir-fry and noodles. House thanked him again as he took the bowl, enjoying the perplexed expression Wilson gave him before he went to get his own bowl. Sitting together on the couch, they ate and watched an episode of Family Guy in silence. Wilson finished eating before House, but he didn't get up straight away. House noticed Wilson glancing at him every now and then, but a few minutes passed before Wilson finally spoke. "You're using your cane again. How bad is the pain?" House glanced over at him, finishing his mouthful of food. He then looked down at his right thigh. "Not as bad as it was." "I still have the Vicodin." "On you?" House frowned, not liking the guilt he suddenly felt at Wilson's words. Why should he feel guilty about stealing the script, after what Wilson had done to him? Then again, they'd both been operating under entirely different motivations. To House's surprise, Wilson reached into his pants pocket and produced the bottle. House put his bowl down on his lap, "You've been carrying it around?" Wilson made a face but didn't deny it, "I don't want you to be in pain. It was never about...that." House took the bottle and looked at it a moment before setting it on the coffee table. "You're a strange man, Jimmy." "Likewise," Wilson said and got to his feet, holding out a hand. "Are you finished?" Looking down at his bowl, House realised that he was and handed it over. Wilson took both their bowls into the kitchen and a moment later, the sounds of him doing the dishes could be heard. House sank back on the couch and tried to relax. His eyes kept getting caught on the Vicodin bottle though, almost as if it was mocking him. Annoyed, House grabbed the bottle and got to his feet before walking down the hallway towards the bathroom. Opening the bathroom cabinet, House shoved the bottle in and quickly closed it again. His reflection stared back at him in the mirror, conflicted. Turning away, House went back to the living room. He shut the TV off and sat down at his piano, playing anything that came to mind without any real thought. A few minutes later, Wilson walked out from the kitchen, unrolling his shirt sleeves. "May I go now?" House stopped playing and pretended to think about it. "Yeah, all right." Wilson just shook his head and moved to collect his coat. "Goodnight House," he said on his way out, closing the door gently behind him. Cuddy walked purposefully into House's office on Tuesday morning, though she slowed down when she saw what House was eating. "Pancakes? Are those the same speciality of Wilson's that you were raving about a while ago?" "The very same," House replied, stabbing another piece up with his fork. "Does this mean you're being friendly with each other again or did you just steal them from him?" House swallowed his mouthful of pancake, raising an eyebrow in response to the faint hopeful lilt to Cuddy's voice. "Why, feeling guilty that you gave the game away?" Cuddy rolled her eyes. A moment later her expression shifted to concern however. "Are you two...okay?" "Wilson's making it up to me," House said. "By making you pancakes?" House smiled, "Among other things." Cuddy frowned for a moment, "Well...good," she said. "If you're in such high spirits you won't mind actually doing your clinic duty then." "Hey, now, let's not get ahead of ourselves here." "Play time is over," Cuddy said, giving him a stern look before turning on her heels and leaving again. "Play time is never over," House muttered to himself and went back to his pancakes. Wilson made spaghetti bolognaise for dinner later that night, serving House like he was born to do it. "I think you missed your calling," House said, reclining back on the couch and forking up some of the pasta. "You'd have made a great manservant." "I'll keep that in mind if the doctor thing doesn't work out," Wilson said, sitting down next to him. House smirked, "I would even say you actually like cooking for me." "Cooking for two is easier than cooking for one," Wilson shrugged. "Hmm. Good that you say that, because I think you should move in here for the rest of the week," House said smoothly. "That way you can make me breakfast too." Wilson looked over at him, "You're really going to try and milk this for all it's worth, aren't you?" "Of course," House said, noting Wilson hadn't even tried to argue. "I need another beer," he added, holding out his empty. Wilson eyed him for a moment but he took the empty bottle and went into the kitchen to retrieve another one without saying anything. House might have started to feel like he was taking things a little too far after a few days, but Wilson honestly didn't seem to mind anything House asked him to do. In fact, Wilson started doing things without even being asked, as if he'd been itching for the chance to iron House's shirts and change the sheets on his bed. Living together went a lot more smoothly this time around, since there were no arguments about dishes or stolen food. It was domestic bliss, in House's opinion. On Friday night, House was in a particularly good mood since he'd just solved his most recent case earlier - and saved another life, consequently. He sat watching a rerun of The OC while Wilson was in the kitchen, cooking. "It's ready," Wilson announced, walking into the room. House looked over at him and frowned to see that Wilson didn't have anything in his hands. "And...I'm waiting." "I thought we at the table for a change." "Oh you did, did you?" House raised an eyebrow. "Please?" "Well, if you insist," House said, though it was more curiosity that made him switch off the TV and follow Wilson into the kitchen. When he saw that Wilson had gone all out in setting the table, House stopped in surprise and frowned a little. Wilson had used the nicest plates and cutlery House owned, as well as setting out serviettes, a bottle of wine and various dishes of food. "Special occasion?" "No," Wilson replied, turning to face him beside one of the chairs. He pulled the chair back and gestured at it. For a moment House just looked at Wilson inquisitively. When Wilson didn't say or do anything else he limped over to the chair and sat down as Wilson pushed it in for him. House watched in bemusement when Wilson flicked out one of the serviettes before placing it over his lap. Picking up the bottle of wine, Wilson poured some into House's glass before his own. "You're either a lot guiltier than I thought, or something else is going on here," House finally said. Wilson only shrugged and moved to sit next to House, so they were at right angles to each other. "Just playing my part." "Are you sure you're just playing?" House asked, picking up his glass of wine. Wilson looked at him and his eyes communicated something that House couldn't put a name to. "There is something to be said for...taking care of someone." House sipped at his wine, thinking for a moment. "You weren't supposed to like this you know." Wilson began to serve out the food and didn't reply to that. Picking up his knife and fork, House turned to the very important task of eating, though his mind was still puzzling over Wilson's behaviour. Wilson's unusual acceptance of being his would-be servant was a puzzle, and if there was anything House loved, it was being given something for his mind to chew over. While eating the very fine steak Wilson had cooked, House tossed ideas around, not settling on one or another. Halfway through the meal though, House had a eureka moment when he suddenly remembered Wilson's words from Monday. "You're right, I am out of control." Swallowing his mouthful of steak, House picked up his glass of wine to wash it down with and looked over at Wilson. Wilson seemed to be aware of his regard but didn't look up from his plate. It occurred to House that Wilson wasn't getting warm fuzzies by doing his laundry for him. This went much deeper than anything like that. This was about control. House swirled the wine in his glass and looked down at it. Did Wilson get a sense of control by giving up control? It seemed contradictive, but still made some kind of sense. The easy acceptance of being a servant, House thought, was probably linked to Wilson's need to be needed. That was what House liked about Wilson. He didn't just have issues; he had issues within issues within issues. "I think," House began slowly, "if you're actually enjoying this stint as my manservant, I need to be a little tougher." Wilson looked up, his expression suspicious. "There's only two more days left that I agreed to do this for." "Exactly," House said. "And I think you should spend those two days actually doing something uncomfortable." House put one arm on the table and leant in towards Wilson, "Instead of my manservant, you should be my slave." Wilson drew back and stared at him. "Do you really think I'm that desperate to get back into your good graces?" House smiled, "You say that like being my slave would be a horrible thing." "What, exactly, would you even get from a slave that you wouldn't get from a manservant anyway?" "Oh, many things," House replied ambiguously and sat back. "Less arguing for one. Slaves aren't allowed to argue or complain." Wilson dropped his eyes back to his plate, ostensibly concentrating on cutting up his last bit of steak, but House knew better. He knew that Wilson was thinking it over. "You're actually serious about this?" "Of course I am." Moving his fork towards his mouth, Wilson paused and looked over at House. "Fine, whatever. Slave or servant, either way I'm sure I'll still be polishing your shoes." House smiled, "Don't worry, I wear Nike's, you don't actually need to polish them." It was overcast and drizzling outside the next morning, but House cheerier than he had in a long while when he woke up. He yawned and stretched before sitting up and was about to get out of bed when he had a better idea. "Hey, slave!" House called out. Wilson opened the door half a minute later. "You called, Master?" It was said mockingly, but House smirked at the title anyway. "I'll have breakfast in bed today," he said, plumping his pillows behind his back and sitting back against them. Wilson gave a bow with a little added hand twirling before disappearing. House laughed to himself. He knew Wilson was attempting to hold onto his pride by treating this all as joke. Picking up a novel he was reading, House relaxed and read while waiting for his breakfast. Around fifteen minutes later, Wilson walked back in with a tray he had dug out from somewhere, on which sat a plate piled high with syrup-drenched pancakes and a mug of coffee. House tried not to smile too broadly as Wilson carefully placed the tray on his lap. House spread his legs a little to make the surface more stable and picked up the coffee. "Now this is what I call service." "Will that be all, Master?" House eyed Wilson, blowing into his mug. It was obvious Wilson had been up for a while, since he'd already showered and dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. "You're looking a little well-dressed for a slave." "Sorry, I couldn't find any rags." House smiled and took a sip of the coffee, "I think I'll have a bath when I'm finished here." Wilson eyebrows shot up, "A bath?" "I think the appropriate response here would be `yes, Master, I'll attend to that right away'," House admonished lightly, picking up his knife and fork. Wilson only shook his head and left the room. A few minutes later though, House heard the sound of water running into the bath. When House walked into the bathroom after finishing his breakfast, Wilson was just shutting the water off. The room was cloudy with steam, making it seem even smaller than it already was. "What, no bubbles?" House asked. Wilson just gave him a sour look and went to leave. House grabbed his arm before he got to the door, "I didn't say you could go yet." Wilson turned slowly and met his eyes before looking down at where House was gripping him. House kept his hand where it was for a few more seconds before letting go. "You're supposed to be at my beck and call." House started to take off his shirt and Wilson turned his back, standing facing the door with his arms crossed over his chest. After pushing his pyjama pants to the floor, House stepped tentatively into the hot water. The temperature was perfect; hot but not too hot. Sliding all the way in, House sat down with a contented sigh and rested his head back on the rim. This was almost as good as Vicodin. A minute passed before House looked over at Wilson, who still hadn't moved, wondering what was going through his friend's mind. Sliding down into the water, House ducked his head under to get his hair wet before sitting up again. He washed his hair methodically with shampoo and then soaped up the sponge. Holding the sponge in one hand, House stared at it for a minute. "Could use a hand washing my back," House said, trying to sound casual, though he didn't think he quite succeeded. He didn't know what he was doing. Except, maybe, that he was testing how far Wilson would go. Wilson looked back at him, his eyes flickering between House's face and the sponge. Just when House was sure Wilson was going to leave, he walked over to the bath and knelt beside it. Their eyes met for a brief second before Wilson took the sponge out of House's hand. Drawing up his knees, House leaned forward and folded his arms over them. The first touch to his back was light, starting just below his neck before moving back and forth across his shoulders. House closed his eyes and let out a slow breath through his nose. The sponge slid lower, travelling right down to where his body met the water and back up again. Wilson's bare hand suddenly made contact with his back and House tensed up, his eyes snapping open. He didn't breathe as Wilson's fingers traced a random pattern through the soap on his skin, the sponge having come to a rest on his shoulder. Unnerved, House shrugged Wilson's hands off him, "Thanks. You can go now." There was a nerve-racking pause before Wilson dried his hands on a towel from a nearby rack and got to his feet, leaving the room silently. House hadn't seen Wilson's expression because he'd purposely not looked, but as soon as Wilson was gone he wished that he had. After he'd finished with the bath and dressed, House walked down the hallway towards the living room and stopped in the doorway. Wilson was sitting on the couch, his head in his hands, and his packed bag was sitting beside his feet. Grimacing, House rubbed a hand over his face before walking around the couch until he stopped in front of Wilson. "I think I should go home," Wilson said, dragging his hands away from his face, though his eyes remained staring at his shoes. "Maybe you should." Wilson's head shot up; obviously he hadn't expected that. "What are you doing?" "Doing? Just getting my own back. I thought that was obvious." "It's not just that. You're...up to something." Smiling wanly, House looked up at the ceiling. "Are you upset because I'm ordering you around or like it?" Pausing, House lowered his eyes back down to settle on Wilson's, "Some people...get a sense of control by giving up control." Wilson's expression tightened and he stared back at House for a seemingly endless minute. Breaking the gaze abruptly, Wilson stood up and grabbed his bag. After only one step towards the door, Wilson froze for a moment but then kept walking and left the apartment. House stood looking at the front door for a couple of minutes before he sat down heavily on the couch. Part 2 House tramped over to the diagnostic kitchenette and poured himself a coffee, paying attention to what he was doing only enough to avoid scalding himself. It was a nice day outside, warm and clear, but inside the hospital it felt like another world. A sterile world with perfectly maintained air conditioning. Lifting the mug up, House sipped at it and looked out the window, his eyes gravitating towards Wilson's office. He barely heard Chase, who was in the middle of inflicting a joke on Cameron and Foreman. "...the doctor asks `do you gamble, drive fast cars or sexually fool around?'" Chase smirked in preparation of the punch line and leaned forward on the table. "And again the patient says `no'. So, finally, the doctor says `then why do you give a shit if you live to be eighty?'" Cameron made a pained noise, "Where do you get these from?" "Lame Jokes dot com," Foreman deadpanned. "Well, I thought it was funny," Chase muttered, sitting back in his chair and thumping his feet up on the table. House snapped back into the present with a jolt and turned to face them. "Why are you all here?" "No case?" Foreman said, arching an eyebrow. "No, that's why I'm here," House said. "You should all be out somewhere else finding me a case." Foreman rolled his eyes but got to his feet, heading towards the door. Chase shrugged and followed Foreman out, leaving only Cameron behind. House gave her a stony look. "Is something wrong?" Cameron asked, obstinately ignoring his glare. "Yes, it's Tuesday," House snapped at her and walked into his office. Wilson, the stubborn, insufferable fool, hadn't spoken to him since Saturday. Frowning at his computer, House dragged the mouse down slowly to scroll through the webpage. At least this particular website didn't have any intimidating photographs to go along with the information, but it was still difficult to read with a sense of actual reality weighing on his shoulders. A sudden knock on at his door made House jump like a teenager caught watching porn. Rolling his eyes at himself, House looked over at the door accusingly and then at his watch; the delivery boy was late again. Turning off the monitor, House grabbed his cane and walked over to the door, yanking it open in full angry-old-bastard mode. "You're..." House managed to get out before the rest of the sentence died in his throat. He drew back a little and schooled his expression into impassiveness. "Wilson." "Are you...expecting someone?" Wilson asked, almost as if he was looking for an excuse to walk away. "Only my good friend Wong...or Long. Whatever his name is." House gazed down at the bag slung over Wilson's shoulder; it was his luggage bag, not his work bag. Wilson avoided his eyes and shifted his weight when House looked back up. After a moment, House stepped to the side and opened the door wider. Wilson hitched the bag strap further up his shoulder before stepping through, brushing House's arm on the way past. After closing the door, House stared at it for a few seconds before turning around slowly, only to find Wilson facing in the other direction anyway. Standing in the middle of the room next to the couch with his head hanging down, Wilson looked as if he waiting to be condemned. House took a step towards Wilson and then stopped, "What are you doing here?" Wilson swung around stiffly but focused his gaze somewhere over House's shoulder, "That...depends on you." "Actually, I'm pretty sure it depends on you," House said and took another step forward. Wilson glanced at House and then looked away again, clenching his jaw. "You were...right." "I always am," House replied flippantly. "Hence why you need to be a little more specific." "You were right about..." Wilson grimaced and rubbed at the back of his neck before throwing his hand up in the air, "That it. Giving up control." There was a stretch of empty silence. House dropped his chin, purposefully keeping his expression neutral. "Is that why you're here, to give up control?" House asked. "To me?" Wilson's face contorted and he stared down at the floor. If House hadn't been watching so carefully he would have missed the very slight nod Wilson gave a moment later. Closing the space between them, House lifted his free hand and rested it on Wilson's shoulder. Wilson's eyes flew up to House's, partly inquisitive and partly apprehensive. House held the gaze a moment before curling his fingers around the strap of Wilson's bag and tugging it off his shoulder. Wilson let him take it, his expression softening. "Have you eaten yet?" House asked and moved to put the bag down beside the couch. In perfect timing, there was another knock at his door. Wilson shook his head when House glanced at him. "You can share my Chinese then. Go and get us some beers and a couple of bowls." House went to pay the delivery boy. Wilson was setting the drinks and bowls on the coffee table when House brought the food over. He divided it up evenly, noting in his peripheral vision that Wilson had stepped back out of the way and was watching him. When he was done, House handed Wilson a bowl and nodded at the couch, "Sit down." After Wilson sat, House grabbed his own bowl and did the same before turning the TV on, more to have some background noise than any real interest of watching it. He waited a few minutes before speaking again. "We need some rules," House said, picking up his beer. "This....arrangement, it only happens here. Not at work and not anywhere else." Wilson paused in eating and glanced over at him, "Okay." Taking a swig of his beer, House tucked the bottle between his legs and picked up his chopsticks again, "And if either of us wants this to stop, at any time, it ends. No argument." Wilson picked up his own beer and looked distant before nodding once, "No argument." House eyed Wilson a moment and then focused back on the TV. By the time they'd both finished eating, their empty bowls placed on the coffee table and the TV tuned to some old cop show, Wilson had somehow shifted closer to House. Close enough that their legs were pressed together, spreading warmth up through House's body - warmth that House did his best not to notice. It started raining later that night. It had been threatening to all day, so it came with some relief when House heard the first heavy drops hitting the windows while he was sitting at his piano. House stopped playing and turned to look out the window. The sound of the rain hitting the glass was better music than he had been making; he was too distracted to play properly. Wilson, after cleaning up the kitchen, had sprawled on the easychair with a medical journal and was still there now, reading. They hadn't talked about how long Wilson was going to stay with him. He guessed that Wilson was planning to complete the week he'd agreed to be a `slave' for, but something stopped him from clarifying that. House rubbed at the back of his neck, feeling the start of a tension headache building at the base of his skull. Referred pain was a very strange thing, House thought with an inwardly wry smile. Deciding he'd go to bed, even though it was early for him yet, he got to his feet and walked towards the hallway. "Are you all right?" Wilson asked just before House left the room. Pausing, House looked back at Wilson with a slight frown. His usual response would be to say he was fine, or make some other dismissive comment. House didn't know, then, why he actually told the truth for once. "Getting a tension headache. I'm going to bed." House continued walking and was not all that surprised when Wilson got to his feet and trailed after him. In his bedroom, House stopped beside his bed and leant his cane against the bedside table. For a moment, he just stood there, sensing Wilson's presence at the doorway behind him. When Wilson didn't move, House lifted his hands and started unbuttoning his shirt. He had only reached the second button when Wilson was suddenly there, gently turning him and pushing House's hands away. "Let me," Wilson said quietly, taking over the unbuttoning and meeting House's eyes before dropping his gaze down to watch what he was doing. Holding his hands stiffly at his sides, House looked down as well and watched Wilson's fingers moving deftly over the buttons. He'd told himself that he wouldn't make the same mistake he'd made with the bath incident. That he wouldn't let this get...intimate again. For whatever reason though, House couldn't bring himself to tell Wilson to stop. Finishing with the buttons, Wilson pushed the shirt off House's shoulders, his fingers momentarily brushing over bare skin, and tugged it off. When the shirt was free, Wilson folded it up and walked over to place it on the desk. Before Wilson could try divesting him of any more clothes, House moved to lie down on the bed, on his back, and used the heel of his palm to rub at an eye. Wilson walked back over and stopped beside the bed, looking down at him. "Do you have any menthol rub?" Wilson asked. House let his hand fall to his side and moved his eyes slowly to look over at Wilson. "There's some in the bathroom cabinet," he found himself saying. Wilson left and House rolled over onto his stomach, using his arms to pillow his head before closing his eyes. He tried not to think too deeply about what he - they - were doing. The sound of feet moving across the floorboards heralded Wilson's return and then House felt the bed dip as Wilson sat down next to him. House listened to the sounds of a plastic cap being opened and then there was a pause before a few blobs of cold liquid landed on his back, making him flinch. In contrast, Wilson's hands were warm as they began to slowly rub the gel over House's shoulders and the back of his neck. The skin to skin touch made House uneasy, but the gentle massage and the heat seeping into his muscles gradually enabled him to relax. After a couple of minutes, Wilson began to deepen the massage, digging in harder until the knots in House's back began to give way. It was painful, yet House was glad for the distraction since it turned his thoughts away from the feel of Wilson's hands gliding over his skin. A while later Wilson began to gentle the massage again and by that time the beginnings of House's headache had vanished completely, though he was left feeling strangely exhausted. He fell asleep to the slow rhythm of Wilson's fingers running along his spine. Two days passed and Wilson made no indications of going back to his own apartment. House almost said something about it a handful of times, but the words never made it past his lips. He couldn't deny that he wanted Wilson to stay, though if that was because he was getting his meals cooked for him and the housework done free of charge or if it was...something else, House wasn't sure. On Friday, House was signing out of the clinic when he saw Wilson standing next to the elevators nearby, chatting up a nurse. Everything else faded away as he stood there staring at them. "Wilson!" House barked, making a handful of people nearby look at him with startled expressions - including Wilson and the nurse. "House?" Wilson's expression had a hint of wariness. "Come with me. Now," House said and made his way over to the elevators before punching the up button. He knew Wilson could ignore him if he wanted to, that he was under no obligation to obey since they were at work, but House didn't think he would. Wilson stared at House for a moment before he turned to the nurse with an apologetic smile and said something quietly to her before walking over to where House was. House looked back at the elevators just as the door opened and, after the two people inside got out, stepped inside. Wilson followed him and House hit the button for the fourth floor with the head of his cane. "What is this-?" "Not here," House cut Wilson off, keeping his eyes on the elevator doors. When they arrived on the fourth floor, House got out and walked towards his office without checking to see if Wilson was following him or not. Once in his office, House stopped in the middle of the room and turned around, just in time to see Wilson come through the door. "House," Wilson ground out, exasperated now. "I think you need another rule," House said, before Wilson could say anything else. "What?" "You're not to flirt, or have sex, with anyone without my permission." "What?" Wilson spluttered. House took a step into Wilson's space. "You agreed," he said simply. "I didn't...not to this!" Wilson fired back, gesturing sharply in the air with one hand. "You said that our...that it doesn't leave your apartment." House grabbed Wilson's wrist and took another step forward, so that they were almost nose to nose. "You can't keep screwing everyone who smiles at you twice and marrying everyone you screw. You don't have any self-control!" House paused suddenly as something fell into place. "That's why you need to give me control, isn't it?" Wilson swallowed visibly but didn't try to pull away, even though House wasn't holding onto him that tightly. "Why are you doing this?" It wasn't clear to House whether Wilson meant the new rule or the whole arrangement, but he supposed it amounted to the same thing. "Because, obviously, you need it," House replied and, after a beat, released Wilson's wrist. An almost challenging expression settled onto Wilson's features, "And what are you going to do if I ignore this new rule?" House smiled, "Punish you, of course. Isn't that how it works?" A strange look passed over Wilson's face before quickly disappearing again. He shook his head and walked out. All House could remember of the dream that jolted him awake, was the sound of Wilson's voice in his ear. He half expected to find Wilson, in reality, telling him to get up, but it was quiet in his apartment. Looking at his alarm clock, House frowned to see that it was nearly nine. Shoving his blankets away, House yawned and got to his feet, surprised at the lack of pain in his thigh. It was still a little stiff, but the ache that he had long ago become accustomed to was missing. Cautiously, House managed to limp his way to the bathroom without any aids. He stopped in front of the bathroom mirror and opened the cabinet. His `extra' Vicodin bottle, the one Wilson had given him, was still there. House closed the cabinet again without touching it. Ten minutes later he went back to his bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and got dressed. Smothering another yawn, House ventured into the kitchen and stopped in surprise to see that Wilson was still on the couch, asleep. House walked over and looked down at Wilson with a contemplative expression. Curled up on his side, with one hand tucked under his cheek and his hair in a bedraggled mess, Wilson looked quite a bit younger than he really was. Lowering himself down to sit on the coffee table, House had his hand hovering over Wilson's head before he realised what he was doing. He held his hand there for a long moment before giving in to his initial impulse and brushing Wilson's hair back from his forehead. Wilson opened his eyes and blinked confusedly at him. House slowly drew his hand back and rested it on his knee, carefully keeping his expression blank. "You're going to be late." Pushing himself up onto an elbow, Wilson reached out towards him and House jerked back without thinking. Wilson gave him a puzzled look and froze for a second before he laid his hand lightly on House's wrist and turned it to see his watch. Wilson cursed and let go, pushing the comforter down before getting to his feet. Staying where he was, House watched Wilson hurriedly putting the comforter and pillow away. Wilson stopped before he left the room though and turned back towards House with a small frown, "Where's your cane?" House gave Wilson a worried look, "Oh no! Have I lost it? I must have left it lying around here somewhere..." he said, patting himself down. Long used to his sarcasm, Wilson was unfazed. "Your leg doesn't hurt?" House's expression twisted before he sighed, "A brief respite, don't get excited." Wilson frowned at him for a moment longer but didn't comment further. "I'll drive us both in after I've had a shower," he said and walked off down the hallway. "Wait for you to finish in the bathroom? I'll be here all day!" House called after him but didn't get a reply. House had started to wonder if, or when, Wilson would test him. He didn't completely understand why - though maybe it was for the challenge - but House actually wanted Wilson to disobey, to fight him, to show something other than complete obedience. So when House came across Wilson flirting with the same nurse he had caught Wilson with last time, he wasn't shocked or angry. That the place and timing of their meeting, outside Wilson's office, seemed suspiciously staged made it easy for House to remain composed. The nurse saw House first and she said something to Wilson before hurrying off. Wilson looked around, at least appearing to be confused, and his eyes widened when saw House. They stared at each other for a long moment. Eventually, House broke the eye contact and walked away. Since they were at work he wasn't going to say anything. He was pretty sure he didn't have to say anything. Later that night, House got home first for a change, though he barely had time to put his feet up before Wilson came through the door. House glanced at him just long enough to notice Wilson's subdued expression before looking back at the TV. His attention, however, remained on Wilson. After taking off his jacket and shoes, Wilson rounded the couch to stand just to the left of House. House ignored him, keeping his eyes on the TV. Some minutes passed before Wilson knelt, very self-consciously, at House's feet. The action took House by surprise, though he made sure it didn't show on his face, and he quickly tried to weigh up everything the gesture might mean. "You broke a rule," House finally stated. "I know. I'm sorry," Wilson said. House looked at the top of Wilson's head, feeling both uncertain and determined. "You know what I said. If you break a rule you'll be punished." Wilson nodded but didn't say anything. Grabbing the remote, House switched off the TV. "Look at me." Wilson looked up slowly and House was taken aback by the raw need he saw in Wilson's eyes. It was unlike anything he had ever seen from Wilson before and hinted at what House had already started to suspect; Wilson had set this whole thing up because he wanted to be punished. Not for flirting, and not even for the deceit that had started this all off in the first place. It went much deeper than that. House tossed the remote onto the coffee table. "Stand up," he said. Something undefinable passed over Wilson's face but he got to his feet. House shifted sideways until he was sitting in the middle of the couch and trained his eyes on Wilson's. "Push your pants down and lie over my lap." Wilson's lips parted in shock and a moment later he flushed, " can't be-." "Now," House interrupted, trying to at least appear more in control than he actually felt. The truth was he didn't really know why he was doing this; only that Wilson, for some reason, needed it. Wilson looked nervous, conflicted, embarrassed and a variety of other things but, after an eternity, one hand slowly and stiffly moved to his belt buckle. It stayed there, not moving, until Wilson dropped his eyes down and slowly threaded it open. His hands were shaking very slightly as he unzipped his fly. House sat back but kept his eyes averted while Wilson awkwardly knelt on the couch next to him. Pushing his pants and underwear down at the back, Wilson lowered himself over House's thighs, turning his head away so House couldn't see his face. The warm weight of Wilson's body over his lap, the sudden intimacy of it, startled House. It was something he hadn't considered preparing himself for. Breathing out, House cautiously rested his hand on Wilson's lower back, feeling the muscles there quiver under his hand. Wilson's shirt was covering his backside and House left it like that for the moment. Slowly, he stroked up and down Wilson's back, vaguely thinking back to the massage Wilson had given him a week ago. How had touching each other become so recurrent? Wilson shifted slightly and his muscles relaxed under House's hand, though there was still a sense of nervous energy about him. Keeping his eyes on the back of Wilson's head, House bunched Wilson's shirt up onto his lower back, exposing him. Wilson breathed in suddenly - House felt the expansion of Wilson's chest against his thigh - but didn't make a sound. Not even quite believing what he was about to do, House steeled his nerves and pulled his hand back, where it stayed motionless for a few erratic heartbeats, before he brought it down hard on Wilson's arse. Wilson gasped and gripped onto the couch cushion, burying his face deeper into his arms. House repeated the motion, this time on the other cheek. Wilson didn't gasp again as House continued raining slaps but, by the strangled noises he was making, it was obvious that was only because he was trying hard not to make any sound. Increasing the pace of the slaps, House gradually made them harder and harder until a red flush started to appear in stark contrast to Wilson's pale skin. House lost track of how much time passed before Wilson finally lost the battle to remain quiet and started crying out with each slap. The force House was using began to drive Wilson's hips forward against his thigh and it was then, with a sudden shocking awareness, he realised Wilson was hard. House faltered and almost stopped, but some instinct made him continue. As he did, House reassured himself that it was only a physical response from the friction and adrenaline. Maybe that made it okay for him to ignore, or maybe he just truly didn't care. House didn't know what he waiting for until it happened. Something, finally, seemed to break in Wilson and he let out a strangled sob after a particularly hard smack of House's hand. It was a sound that tore at House somewhere - somewhere he couldn't identify - but he still didn't stop, not even when Wilson started pleading with him to. Not even when Wilson's backside became bright red and painful looking. It was when both the sobbing and pleading faded to become quiet gasps that House finally ceased, feeling strange in the sudden stillness of the room. Wilson's rough breathing quietened, though a tremble went through his body every few seconds. Realising that his hand was still on Wilson's arse, House moved it quickly and held it in the air before settling it onto Wilson's back, stroking him again. When Wilson had stopped shaking, House carefully tugged at Wilson's underwear and pants until he was covered up again. "Sit up," House said and watched as Wilson tried to surreptitiously wipe at his face with his sleeve before he slowly pushed himself back onto his knees, not able to hide a wince at the movement. Wilson did his fly and belt back up and slid sideways to sit down properly, staring away at nothing. Taking in Wilson's expression, House had to admit that he really didn't know what Wilson's motivations were for apparently having needed this. Nor did he understand his own motivations for giving Wilson what he needed. House cleared his throat, "We need to talk." Wilson looked startled for only a few seconds before his expression became resigned and he nodded. "I didn't mean for this to go so far," House said, keeping his eyes averted. "I would have..." Wilson stopped and half-covered his face with a hand. "You...didn't do anything I didn't want," he confessed in rush, voice so strained that it was barely audible. "That doesn't make this healthy." Wilson laughed shortly and dropped his hand, looking over at House. "You're worried about what's healthy? When have we ever had a `healthy' anything?" House shook his head, "What the hell are we doing?" "You know already. You know what this is," Wilson replied, holding House's gaze. House wanted to yell that he didn't know, that he didn't have a damn clue. However, a niggling voice in the back of his mind told him that he did. For the first time, House asked himself seriously what he was getting out of this. This had gone far beyond getting revenge and having a joke. And despite trying to insist to himself, beforehand, that the punishment was all about Wilson's needs, House had liked the power of taking - pushing - Wilson somewhere he needed to go. "This is screwed up," House said. "Maybe," Wilson agreed easily. "But we are screwed up, aren't we?" And that, House supposed, was enough of an answer. For now. A few days later, House and Wilson were in their customary spots in front of the TV after dinner. It was late and it had been a long day, for both of them it seemed. Wilson started to doze off, his head dropping sideways against House's shoulder. At the contact, House reached up instinctively to push Wilson away but he didn't follow through with the action. Turning sideways so he could see more of Wilson's face, House pushed his fingers slowly through Wilson's hair. Wilson sighed audibly and rested a little more heavily against him. House frowned and forced himself to stop, moving Wilson's head to rest against the back of the couch before getting to his feet. The movement seemed to jolt Wilson fully awake and he sat forward, looking up at House with a dazed expression. "I'm going to bed," House said and made his way down to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Wilson had gotten into the habit of helping him get ready for bed, so House wasn't surprised when he walked into his bedroom a few minutes later to see Wilson was there. However, seeing that the blankets on his bed had been turned back and his pyjamas laid out already, he didn't know why Wilson was still standing, almost expectantly, next to the bed. "What do you want?" House asked coolly, moving to sit on the other side of the bed to where Wilson was. Wilson circled around the bed slowly and, meeting House's eyes, knelt in front of him. "To help." "I don't need any help," House said but Wilson ignored him, reaching to take one of House's feet in his hands and tugging the sock free. Annoyed, House reached down and grabbed Wilson's wrist, hard enough to hurt a little. "I said I don't need any help." "Please," was all Wilson said. House let go of Wilson's wrist abruptly and stared at him. Then he closed his eyes for a moment and shook his head before making a `whatever' gesture with his hand. Moving cautiously, as if he wasn't sure he'd gotten the signal right, Wilson lifted House's other foot and removed the sock. He then shifted forward between House's knees and raised his hands, deftly opening the buttons of House's shirt. House focused his eyes over Wilson's head at the wall, staring blankly at it. After taking the shirt off, Wilson reached for the old t-shirt that House slept in and held it out for him. House took the shirt and put it over his head, frowning when Wilson took over and tugged the shirt down into place before he could. It made House feel mildly ridiculous, to be helped in and out of his clothes, as if he couldn't do it himself. But then, Wilson wasn't behaving in that manner. His manner was almost...reverential. Wilson's hands settled on his hips and House looked down, startled, but also - despite himself - curious. His hands moving to House's belt buckle, Wilson began to undo it. House opened his mouth, a scathing comment already in place on his tongue, but none of the words voiced themselves. When the belt was hanging open, Wilson moved on to unbutton and unzip his pants. House only just managed to up to stop a shudder from overtaking his body when Wilson's fingers grazed over his crotch. He tried to tell himself it had been a while since he'd had sex and that was the only reason his body was reacting like it was. Glancing briefly up at House's face, Wilson pulled his hands away and scooted back. House only looked at him a moment before slowly rising to his feet. His jeans fell to the floor and House stepped out of them. Wilson moved the jeans aside before grabbing House's pyjama pants off the bed. He held them open at House's feet with an infinite aura of patience, as if he'd kneel there all night waiting for House to move. Letting out a breath, House put his right foot through one of the legs first and then put a hand on Wilson's shoulder for support before putting his left through. Wilson raised the pants up slowly to House's hips and House swallowed thickly. For a long time neither of them moved and Wilson's hands remained clamped on House's hips. Unsettled suddenly, House twisted out of Wilson's grip and turned around, sliding in under the covers of his bed. Wilson followed him and tugged the blankets up over House's body. His hand came to rest on House's shoulder. "You're not using your cane again." House closed his eyes, a small frown between his eyebrows. He didn't know why his leg had been feeling better again lately, though he had purposely avoided thinking about it too much. Thinking about it could mean being hopeful again and House didn't think he'd be able to handle the disappointment for a second time. "Doesn't mean anything," House finally said. "I don't always need it at home." Wilson squeezed his shoulder, "Okay." Taking his hand away, Wilson switched the bedside lamps off and House heard him walk away. "Goodnight," Wilson said quietly. The door closed a moment later and House let out a slow breath, feeling both thankful and oddly bereft to be left alone. House sat behind his desk, rubbing at his forehead as if by rubbing hard enough he'd be able to block out the incensed clamour, which was so loud it was making his whole office shake. Well, perhaps it wasn't quite as dramatic as that, he conceded, but it might as well have been from the headache he was getting. Along with his three fellows, Cuddy and Wilson had invaded his sanctum all within seconds of each other. "You can't blame me for-." "-expect that to hold up in court?" "House was the one that should-." "I wasn't even in the room when he-." "Will you all just shut up!" The room fell silent instantly. House's hand dropped slowly away from his face and he looked up. That hadn't come from his lips, though he'd certainly been thinking it. His eyes went to Wilson, who had crossed his arms over his chest and was looking intensely irritated. Everyone else was looking at Wilson too, with varying degrees of shock. It was a rare, rare time when Wilson brought out his claws. Wilson looked back at them all defiantly. "House cut some corners to save a patient's life, so what? None of this is new. In fact, the only reason Jeffrey's mother is trying to sue is because Cameron told her what was going on," Wilson said, with a cold look directed towards her. "And give me five minutes alone with the mother and I'll bet you she'll drop the case anyway." House realised his lips were quirking up and quickly forced his expression back into impassiveness. "Are you sure about that?' Cuddy asked, still looking a little startled. Wilson shrugged, "She probably only feels obligated to sue more than anything. House did save her son's life after all. I don't think she's about to forget that, no matter what little birdies have been whispering into her ear." Cameron was looking red in the face, but she didn't say anything. After another moment, she turned and left the room. Cuddy sighed before turning to Chase and Foreman, "Go after her and make sure she doesn't do anything to make this worse." The two men shared a glance before leaving the room and walking off in the direction Cameron had gone in. House allowed himself a slight smirk then, though it faded when he caught Wilson's eyes, a wordless message passing between them. Sensing Cuddy's attention, House quickly broke the gaze and looked over at her. "Well, that was entertaining," House said. Cuddy's eyes kept flickering between him and Wilson, her expression a mix of curiosity and bemusement. "What?" House asked, alarm bells suddenly ringing loudly in his head. "Nothing. I'm, nothing," Cuddy said and swept a strand of hair back from her face as she turned to Wilson. "If you really think you can convince Mrs. Lawrence to drop the case then the sooner you speak to her the better," she said. After another curious glance between the two men, Cuddy turned and left after the others. House kept his eyes on the door until Cuddy was completely out of sight before looking at Wilson. "She suspects something." "What? What are you talking about?" "Did you miss the way she was just looking at us?" House asked incredulously. Wilson rolled his eyes, "People usually are surprised when someone actually defends you." "You didn't have to come to my rescue, you know. I'm a big boy, I can tell people to shut up all by myself," House said. Wilson frowned, "Right, well, excuse me for helping then." House reached for his Game Boy and started it up, putting his feet up on his desk, "You're excused." Though House's office door couldn't be slammed, Wilson did his best to anyway. Part 3 The pain was incredible. It throbbed down into House's toes, up into his chest, his head, and then back down again in excruciating waves. It had been a stupid thing to do, to try exercising again; recent lapses in pain notwithstanding. House had known it was stupid. Stupid, too, to have any hope that the lack of pain had meant anything. However, if there was anything good to be said of pain, it effectively distracted you from everything else. And House had a lot to be distracted from. Leaving the treadmill, House grabbed his cane and somehow made it into the locker room, where he collapsed heavily onto one of the wooden benches. Pulling his jacket over from where he had left it, House rifled through the pockets but came up with nothing. "Fuck!" House threw the jacket away and pressed his face into his hands. He remained like that, hunched over and breathing hard as the pain felt as if it was trying to turn him inside out. At some point House thought he heard the door opening and someone calling his name, but it sounded like it came from miles away and he didn't have the strength to look up. Then the voice was gone again. It could have been a minute or an hour later when House suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder and another tugging one of his away from his face. Something was pressed against his palm and House squinted at it. A pill. Vicodin. Looking up, House met a pair of concerned looking brown eyes and grimaced. He tossed the pill to the back of his throat, struggled to work up some saliva, and swallowed. "Chase found you and came to me," Wilson said, as if House had asked. "I think he was too afraid to try helping you directly. He said you seemed pretty out of it." House just grunted and rubbed at this thigh, waiting for the pill to kick in. Wilson stood there for a moment before he knelt - an action that was becoming more and more common - and pushed House's hands away from his thigh. Replacing House's hands with his own, Wilson then began a very light massage over the abused muscles. "Don't-" House choked out and tried to knock Wilson's hands away while shooting an apprehensive look at the door. "It's locked," Wilson said patiently, not losing a beat in the massage. House sighed and clenched his eyes shut, leaning back on his hands. It had started to occur to him that the control he had over Wilson seemed to be an illusion more than anything. Wilson was the one who always got what he wanted. That brought up the question of what he wanted, but... House didn't know. He had no idea what he wanted. What scared House more, though, was that it felt like he was giving up some kind of control too. The pain and tension in his muscles slowly began to abate from the massage and the effects of the drug. Wilson soon reduced the massage to rubbing his hands up and down House's thigh. Without the pain, there was no distraction from the feel of Wilson's warm hands on his body, gliding up very close to his groin before moving back to his knee. House opened his eyes and looked down, his breath hitching when Wilson fingers came within a fingertip breadth of touching his crotch on the upstroke. Sitting up, House gripped Wilson's wrists and physically forced his hands away. Wilson only looked up and met his eyes calmly. "I need a shower," House said, hating how hoarse his voice sounded, and let go of Wilson's wrists. "Can you stand?" Wilson asked, sitting back on his heels. House looked down at his thigh and flexed the muscles tentatively, not bothering to reply. Sliding forward on the bench, House pushed himself up with his good leg and grunted as he straightened to stand. He lost his balance, however, and accidentally put too much weight on his right leg all at once. The muscles in that leg gave out completely and he began to fall. Wilson was there though, planting his hands on House's hips and holding him up. Putting a hand on Wilson's shoulder without thinking about it, House recovered his balance. "House," Wilson said quietly and House closed his eyes before looking down. "Let me..." House could have tried to pretend to himself that he didn't know what Wilson meant, but he wasn't - perhaps unfortunately in this circumstance - stupid. It would be so easy, he thought, just to say yes. "No," House said, before he could think any further down that path. Wilson opened his mouth before apparently changing his mind and closing it again, giving a small nod. Dropping his hands away from House's hips, Wilson got to his feet. "If you're finished for the day, I'll drive you home when you're ready." House didn't reply and Wilson eventually turned and left. Undressing quickly, House grabbed a towel and limped into the shower cubicle. He hung the towel up on the back of the door and grabbed the lever, staring at it a moment before twisting it hard to the right. A blast of freezing water poured over his body and House swore under his breath, his lungs seizing up at the abrupt temperature change. After a few seconds, House shoved the lever in the other direction, head hanging down in relief as the water began to warm. For a long time he just stood there, staring down at the water disappearing into the drain. They didn't speak on the way out of the hospital and, wanting to evade any chance of conversation, House pulled out his iPod. Putting it on shuffle, House kept punching the forward button over and over, unable to settle on anything. After another few stabs at the button, he gave up and shut it off, yanking the buds out of his ears. Wilson looked across at him as they walked outside, but didn't say anything. During the drive in Wilson's car, House sat and stared out the window, resisting the urge to rub at his thigh. He'd had enough of Wilson's concerned looks as it was. When they were home, Wilson stayed one step ahead of him, opening the car door and then the apartment door, holding his hand out for House's jacket and bag. House clenched his jaw in a sudden bout of irritation but said nothing, letting Wilson take his things. He started to limp across the room to the couch but stopped and turned to face Wilson. After hanging their jackets up, Wilson turned to him, eyes wary. "This can't go on forever," House said. Something that might have been panic started to show on Wilson's face before vanishing. "What can't?" "This. This thing between us." "You're calling it off?" Wilson asked. House frowned. "Where do you see this going? Are you going to keep living here, sleeping on my couch? This isn't... we're not in a relationship." There was no expression on Wilson's face, which told House more than if had he looked angry or upset. "I don't mind the couch." House shook his head and looked away. He heard footsteps a moment later and looked back to find Wilson suddenly standing right in front of him. Lifting a hand as if he was caught in slow motion, Wilson set it on House's shoulder and gripped a handful of his shirt. The impassive expression on Wilson's face slowly broke apart. "Please... don't," Wilson whispered. "Just... don't do this." "Have you even got your head around what all this means?" House asked, frustrated and angry because he was frustrated. "Do you even understand what you're doing?" Wilson held House's gaze. "I'm agreeing to submit to you." A strange, warm flush went through House's body at Wilson's words. Submission. Domination. These words had taken on spectacularly different meanings for House in such a short amount of time. And such powerful meanings they were. Pulling his gaze away from Wilson's, House breathed in slowly and then let it out. "Take your hand off me." There was a beat and then Wilson let go of him, taking a step back. House turned towards the couch, but looked back at Wilson again, "Go and make us something to eat. Something quick and easy." Wilson stared at him in clear confusion until relief flooded his whole posture. Nodding with a faint smile, Wilson went into the kitchen. Later that night, House told Wilson to move in with him properly. Walking through the front door, the first thing House saw was Wilson lying on the couch on his stomach, looking exhausted. Closing the door, House looked around; noticing what of Wilson's belongings had been melded into his own. Not a lot it seemed, but then House hadn't had a lot of space to give, even after packing a few boxes of his things away. Wilson had said he hadn't cared about that though. The sight of Wilson's belongings with his own gave House a pang of uncertainty about Wilson living with him permanently. As permanent as it could be considered when Wilson still had his apartment. But keeping his apartment meant he had a place to go if they ever needed space from each other... or if this didn't work out. House, after taking off his shoes and jacket, walked over to the couch. Wilson raised his head before starting to push himself up but House shook his head. "Stay where you are." Wilson sighed gratefully and relaxed again, though he turned his head so he could see House. "You're back early." "I won five hundred on Doppelganger," House said with a tight smile. "Didn't think I'd hang around longer to try and beat that." "What are you going to blow that on?" "Haven't decided yet," House replied, moving closer to the couch. "You've been busy I see." "It's... all right?" "It's fine," House said, looking around again and then down at Wilson. "You did a good job." Wilson smiled but didn't reply. House considered him a moment before he leant his cane against the coffee table. He then perched himself on the edge of the couch next to Wilson's hip. Wilson only looked at him in confusion when House put a hand on his shoulder and massaged it lightly, clearly able to feel the tension in his muscles. "Take your shirt off," House said, before he could change his mind, and took his hand away again. Wilson frowned at him uncertainly and didn't move. "That wasn't a suggestion." Wilson's eyes widened briefly. Levering his upper body up, he used one hand to pull his t-shirt up over his head. Dropping it onto the floor, Wilson glanced uncertainly at House again before he laid back down, resting his head on his folded arms. Putting his hand on Wilson's lower back, House slid it slowly up to his shoulders, the feel of Wilson's warm skin giving him a strange jolt to his stomach. Wilson shivered and House looked up in time to see him close his eyes. Leaning over him, House put his other hand on Wilson's back and started a firm massage, concentrating on Wilson's shoulders and the back of his neck. A few minutes later, House looked up again and saw that Wilson looked more peaceful than he'd looked in a long while. The position he was in soon started to make House's back ache from the uncomfortable angle. After a brief hesitation, he lifted his knee over Wilson's hips, straddling him, while keeping his bad leg stretched out off the couch. Wilson made a small noise when House sat down, resting his weight onto the back of Wilson's thighs, but otherwise didn't react. Sliding his hands down either side of Wilson's back, House bent his thumbs and used the knuckles to massage into the muscle that ran along Wilson's spine. When he'd gone up and down a few times, House settled his hands on Wilson's lower back, just above the hem of his jeans. House found thoughts of what might have happened back in the exercise room at the hospital filling his mind until he forced them away. Leaning forward, House went back to rubbing Wilson's shoulders, digging in harder until he felt some of the tension finally ease. A small sound came from Wilson's throat before he choked it off. Watching Wilson's face, House leaned down further, pressing more of his weight onto Wilson, until his lips were near Wilson's ear. "Are you hard?" House asked in a rough voice. Wilson flushed and tried to turn his head away but House gripped his chin, keeping it where it was. "Answer me." Wilson twisted underneath him but House easily kept him in place and he went still again. "Yes," Wilson finally ground out, keeping his eyes tightly shut. Letting go of Wilson's chin, House sat back and raised his weight off Wilson. "Turn over," he commanded. It took a moment, but Wilson rolled over onto his back without dislodging House's position and stared up at him, his expression a mixture of embarrassment, disbelief, fear and arousal. House eyed Wilson's face for a moment and then let his eyes travel lower, down Wilson's bare chest and stomach, to the obvious bulge of his erection. For a long while, House didn't move or say anything else. He had realised lately that the more Wilson gave him, the more he wanted. He didn't just want the power to make Wilson do his cooking and cleaning, or to stop him having sex with anyone else. House wanted more... much more. Scooting back further, House raised his eyes to meet Wilson's. "Touch yourself," he said. Wilson's lips parted and his breath hitched. This time when he flushed, House noticed, it went right down his neck to the top of his chest. "What?" Wilson finally managed choke out. "You don't get to ask questions," House snapped. "I tell you to do something and you do it." Wilson swallowed nervously but there was a flash of something in his eyes at the same time. He put a hand on his stomach and slowly slid it down his body. House watched its path until Wilson's hand reached his groin. Closing his eyes, Wilson began to rub himself through his jeans, expression tightening in pleasure. Licking his suddenly dry lips, House ran his eyes up and down Wilson's body, alternating between watching his hand and his face. "Open your jeans and push them down." Wilson froze. His expression was still completely open and House felt like he could almost see what was going on in Wilson's mind - the fight between his needs, his desires, his fears. Finally, Wilson moved to pop the buttons of his fly open. When they were all undone, Wilson raised his hips and pushed his jeans down as far as they could go with House sitting on his legs. "Your underwear too," House added, his voice strained with doubt, but he calmed a little when Wilson didn't hesitate this time to comply. House, not giving himself time to think, trailed his eyes slowly down to Wilson's penis. It twitched as soon as he looked at it, as if Wilson could sense his gaze. There was some kind of power about now knowing the size and shape of Wilson's cock, House thought. The way it curved slightly to the right, the positioning of his circumcision scar. It made House feel, even if it wasn't true, that Wilson wouldn't be able to hide anything from him any more. Looking back at Wilson's face, the next words he said spilled from House's lips before he could question them. "Get yourself off." Wilson's breathing faulted again and House felt Wilson's body tense underneath him. Wilson didn't look shocked any more though. In fact, if anything, he looked even more aroused. Breathing in deeply, Wilson moved his hand to his cock, wrapping his fingers around it and squeezing. Shuddering, Wilson pushed his hips up and started to stroke himself firmly, the muscles in his forearm standing out as his hand moved. A moment later and House began to be uncomfortably aware that he was getting hard. His cock felt as if it was throbbing in time to Wilson's hand. Without thinking, House tugged Wilson's jeans a little further down his legs. Wilson gasped when House's fingers brushed against his bare skin and House paused, realising what he had just done. Inexplicably curious, House moved his hand again, stroking his fingertips lightly over the top of Wilson's thigh. Moaning quietly, Wilson jerked himself faster, his head thrown back to bare the line of his throat. House continued lightly rubbing Wilson's thigh with his fingertips. He was almost tempted to touch more, to do more, but refused to give in to that urge. He wasn't gay, House told himself. This didn't make him gay. Breathing faster, Wilson's face was red with exertion and shiny with sweat while his hand was almost a blur on his cock. His mouth opened in a silent cry and a moment later he was coming, his whole body tightening as he ejaculated. When it was over, Wilson slumped boneless back against the couch, panting hard. For a crazy couple of seconds, House had a vision of pulling his cock out and jerking off right there, adding to the mess on Wilson's body. It shocked him enough that he quickly climbed off Wilson and got to his feet, grabbing up his cane at the same time. House didn't look back as he walked away to his bedroom. Shutting his bedroom door, House walked over to lie down on his bed, praying that Wilson wouldn't try to follow him. Trying not to think about anything at all, House opened his fly, pushed down his pants, and wrapped his hand around his cock before starting to jerk himself off fast and rough. Despite the effort not to think, it was the image of Wilson coming that pushed House over the edge only a minute later. The next day was a Sunday. Which was unfortunate, House thought, because if it had been a work day he'd at least have had something to distract him. Instead, he lay in bed for a long time, staring up at the ceiling while the events of the evening before played through his mind. He was the most confused he'd ever felt in his life. There was an endless circle of whys going through his head and he didn't have an answer for a single one of them. House could hear Wilson moving around in the kitchen and dreaded getting up to face him. It wasn't like he could avoid Wilson though. Giving in to inevitability, House forced himself out of bed and grabbed some clean clothes out of his wardrobe before heading into the bathroom to take a shower. Fifteen minutes later, House grabbed his cane and made his way down the hallway to the kitchen. Wilson, his expression subdued, was standing by the stove cooking bacon and eggs. Wilson's eyes darted over to House and then quickly away again. Doing his best to act like everything was normal, House moved from the doorway to the fridge and pulled out some milk, drinking straight from the bottle. There was a strange lack of protesting from Wilson's direction. Seeing that Wilson had also made some coffee, House heated it up and grabbed a mug. He debated with himself as he poured the coffee before sitting down at the table. "Do you want some?" Wilson asked, finally breaking the silence, and pointed at the pan with the spatula. "No," House said, deciding he wasn't hungry, and glanced up at Wilson, "thanks." Wilson served himself and hesitantly sat down at the table. They sat in a strained silence; Wilson ate and House sipped at his coffee. When he'd finished, Wilson scrapped off his plate and rinsed it in the sink. "Wilson," House said, just before Wilson left the room. Wilson froze but didn't turn around. House got to his feet and walked over to him without using his cane, until he was standing right at Wilson's back. Cautiously, House raised his hands and placed them on Wilson's shoulders. After a moment, Wilson's head dropped down and he leant back into House's hold. House ran his hands slowly down Wilson's arms to his wrists and back up again. Somehow, this felt stranger to House than telling Wilson to jerk off in front of him. Closing his eyes, House moved an arm to wrap around Wilson's chest, pulling Wilson back against him. They remained standing like that for a long time before House finally disengaged himself and walked away into the living room. Wilson didn't go after him, but instead walked down the hallway into the bathroom. An hour later, Wilson joined House on the couch to watch an old western movie. Halfway through the film, House noticed that Wilson had edged closer to him until there was only a small gap between their bodies. Starting to get into the habit of not questioning himself or his actions around Wilson, House wrapped his hand around the back of Wilson's neck, massaging it firmly. Wilson sighed and leaned sideways into House so that their shoulders were pressed together. "If you..." House started to say, trying to force his awkwardness away, "...if you ever want or need anything, just ask me. No matter what it is. I may not give it to you, but you can ask." "Anything?" Wilson repeated after a moment. House looked back at the TV, "Getting deaf in your old age?" Wilson was silent, but it was a thoughtful silence. "Can I sleep in your bedroom tonight?" "What?" House snapped his eyes back to Wilson, incredulous. "I have a futon I could set up on the floor," Wilson said, his voice carefully measured. House forced himself not to react with his knee-jerk urge, which was to say no. "Why do you want to sleep in my room?" "It's... lonely on your couch," Wilson replied after a moment, still in the same measured voice. House thought for a few minutes, weighing things up in his mind. "I think sleeping in my room is something to be earned. What would you do to earn it?" "Anything you want." House raised his eyebrows. "I... trust you." House blinked. No one trusted him. He didn't even think Stacy had trusted him during the whole time they'd been together. Sure, she had loved him, but trust? That was something that didn't usually go with him and rightly so, because he wasn't trustworthy. The memory of stealing the script from Wilson's office suddenly gave House an unpleasant twinge. He wasn't used to feeling guilt. Had it been anyone but Wilson he probably wouldn't have. Instead of wanting to test Wilson's apparent trust in him though, to poke holes in it, House uncomfortably realised it actually made him want to live up to it. "If you make something really, really good for dinner tonight, you can sleep in my bedroom," House finally said. "That's it?" Wilson looked surprised. "I said really, really good." Wilson smiled, "I can do that." They went back to the watching the movie and didn't speak again. Later that night, House found that having Wilson with him in his bedroom didn't feel like an invasion of space or privacy, which he'd half expected it to. It felt... companionable. Comfortable. Sliding into the booth, House planted his and Wilson's drinks on the table and made a disgruntled noise, "This place didn't used to be so crowded." His leg had actually been well enough, even after a full day at work, to do without his cane, but being jostled by the crowds hadn't done him any favours. Wilson, House noticed, hadn't said anything this time about the missing cane, though he had been given a questioning look earlier. "I did offer to get the drinks," Wilson said, pulling his beer towards him. House didn't reply. He'd gone to get the drinks because he didn't want to encourage Wilson's submissiveness when they weren't at home. Perhaps he was overcompensating a little though, he thought. "You can get the next round," House declared, picking up his beer and taking a sip. They talked a little about House's recent case and about one of the doctor's on the board that had been pissing Wilson off lately, lapsing every now and then into a comfortable silence. When they'd both finished their drinks, Wilson got up to get them some refills. House relaxed back against the padded seats, watching Wilson thread his way through the crowd to the bar. While Wilson was standing in line, a dark-haired woman started talking to him and suddenly House was sitting up straight again. The woman was clearly flirting with Wilson, and while Wilson didn't seem to be encouraging her, he didn't seem to be discouraging her either. Laughing at something Wilson had said, the woman put a hand on his arm and leant into him. Before he really registered what he was doing, House was on his feet and walking over to them. Wrapping his hand around Wilson's bicep, House tugged him away from the woman's grip and glared at her. "We're leaving," he said, talking to Wilson even though his eyes didn't move from the woman's, who was staring back at him in shock and suspicion. "What? House-" Wilson sputtered. House pulled him away towards the exit without saying anything more. Outside, he glanced at where his Corvette was parked before pushing Wilson down a nearby alley. Finding a particularly dark and shadowed spot, House pressed Wilson up against the wall. "House, I wasn't-" Wilson tried to say, but House put a hand over his mouth, cutting him off. He focused on breathing for a moment, trying to control the raging emotions that were threatening to make him do something stupid. Turning Wilson's head a little, House shoved his lower body in firmly against Wilson's and leaned in until his lips were next to Wilson's ear. "She touched you," House said gruffly before sliding his hand off Wilson's mouth. "I was just being polite. I wasn't... flirting back," Wilson pleaded apprehensively. "I'm not punishing you," House managed to say, moving his hand down Wilson's body to grip his hip. He didn't really know what he was doing, or why he was feeling what he was feeling. House pressed his face in closer, against Wilson's neck, and breathed in deeply, closing his eyes. Wilson's breath hitched and his hands grabbed at House's shirt. Slowly pushing his hips into Wilson's, House parted his lips against Wilson's neck. A second later he bit down, hard. Wilson gasped and fought against him, but House held him in place. Wilson went still. For a long moment, House didn't move, breathing harshly through his nose and feeling both his and Wilson's pounding heartbeats where their chests were pressed together. Eventually, he relaxed his jaw and let go, pulling back. Wilson's eyes were wide when they met his and he seemed to be having trouble catching his breath. House was feeling much the same way. He pushed his hips against Wilson's again, swallowing thickly at the feel of their erections pressing together. It didn't even occur to House, in the state he was in, that he shouldn't be aroused by the feel of another man's cock against his own. That he shouldn't be aroused at all. "We're going home," House said and Wilson only nodded dazedly. Letting Wilson go completely, House turned and walked towards his car with Wilson following a step behind. They were silent in the car during the entire drive. House led the way into his - their - apartment and stopped a few steps into the living room, waiting for Wilson to follow him in and close the door. Then he glanced back over his shoulder, just enough time to catch Wilson's eyes, and walked to his bedroom. Wilson followed him. "House?" Wilson said, stopping in the doorway of House's bedroom. It was as much his bedroom now really, House thought, since Wilson had been sleeping every night on the futon next to his bed. House kicked off his shoes before turning to Wilson. He felt a lot calmer now that they were alone again and he'd had time to get a handle on his emotions. At the same time he still didn't have any answers about what was happening. "Come here." Looking equal parts unsure and resolved, Wilson walked over and stopped in front of him. Hesitantly, House raised a hand and traced a finger over the bite mark he'd left on Wilson's neck, eliciting a shiver. House closed his eyes for a brief moment, his hand dropping to Wilson's shoulder. Then he pulled it away entirely. "Strip." A conflicted expression passed over Wilson's face and he stared back at House, as if searching for something. He appeared to have found what he was looking for, because after a minute he began to undress. Wilson got rid of his shoes and socks, his shirt and then his slacks until he was only in his underwear. Glancing quickly at House, Wilson pushed those down too. Naked, he stood in front of House, completely exposed in more than one way and shivering either because he was cold or from nerves. Slowly, House let his eyes trail down Wilson's body, pausing a moment at his cock, which was half hard, before rising back up. Lifting a hand, House brushed the back of his fingers down Wilson's chest to his stomach and then up to grip Wilson's shoulder, pulling him forward against his body. Wilson's naked body pressing against his clothed one gave House a peculiar rush and he felt his own cock, which had softened during the drive home, start to harden again. House's slid his hands down Wilson's back to his arse, which seemed to fit into his hands perfectly. Wilson shuddered but didn't otherwise move, to get closer or to get away. Turning his head, House rubbed his nose against the side of Wilson's neck and breathed in. After a moment, House let him go. "Undress me," House said, surprised when his voice actually came out steadily. Wilson leaned back, meeting House's eyes for a moment before he raised his hands, which were shaking a little, to unbutton House's shirt. Once the buttons were all open he slipped the shirt from House's shoulders and pulled it off, letting it fall to the floor. Then he sank to his knees and lifted each of House's feet to pull his socks off. Instead of going straight to House's belt next, Wilson slid his hands slowly up House's legs and stroked the inside of his thighs. House bit the inside of his cheek, stopping himself from making any noise. When Wilson's hands finally started to undo his belt, House tilted his head back to stare at the ceiling, as if he might find an explanation to what they were doing up there. Wilson efficiently opened his fly and slid his pants down to the floor, helping House step out of them. Clasping House's thighs again, Wilson looked up questioningly. House just nodded, not trusting himself to speak. Wilson's fingers slid under the waistband of House's boxer-briefs and pulled them down to the floor. After stepping out of them, House looked down, forcing himself to meet Wilson's eyes. "Lie down on the bed," House commanded. Wilson moved to comply and, when he was on the bed, House walked over, letting himself just look for moment. Wilson flushed at the attention but didn't try to cover himself up. Shifting onto the bed at Wilson's side, House laid a hand on Wilson's stomach, feeling the muscles there jump at his touch. He slid his hand slowly up to Wilson's chest and leaned in, pressing his lips against Wilson's shoulder in a sort-of kiss. Wilson shivered and turned his face towards House. Moving his lips to the bite mark on Wilson's neck, House found himself instinctively nudging Wilson's legs open with his knee. Without hesitation, Wilson spread his legs and House repositioned himself to kneel in between them. Lifting his head, House met Wilson's eyes and they stared at each other. Wilson went to raise his hands but then aborted the movement. "Can I... touch you?" House gripped Wilson's wrists and pushed his hands into the mattress above his head. "No," he said, keeping his eyes on Wilson's. Wilson looked vaguely unsettled for a moment and pulled against House's hold. House just gripped him harder and didn't break the eye contact. Some kind of realisation showed on Wilson's face and he stopped struggling. Lowering his head, House kissed the side of Wilson's neck, lips sliding over the bite mark again before sucking it gently. Wilson made a small noise and turned his head to give House more access. Taking advantage, House took the lobe of Wilson's ear into his mouth, rubbing it with his tongue as he slowly lowered his body onto Wilson's. The feel of warm skin against warm skin gave House an electric shock through his middle, which intensified when Wilson gasped and pressed up against him. Leaning in again, House followed the line of Wilson's jaw with his lips and teeth. He nudged Wilson to face him and searched his eyes. Seeing only a need that reflected his own, House lowered his head and pressed his lips against Wilson's in a brief closed-mouth kiss. It wasn't as strange as House expected it to be, to be kissing a man, to be kissing this man. Feeling more confident, he leaned in a kissed Wilson more firmly, parting his lips and sucking at Wilson's before thrusting his tongue into Wilson's mouth. Wilson moaned and opened his mouth wider, rubbing his tongue against House's encouragingly. Without thinking about it, House rolled his hips and groaned at the shock of sensation. Tightening his grip on Wilson's wrists, House began to thrust harder against him. He kissed Wilson aggressively, not caring if he was bruising Wilson's lips or scraping him with his stubble. Digging his feet into the mattress, Wilson gasped into House's mouth and rolled his hips up to meet House's thrusts. House pushed Wilson's hands further up to the head of the bed and broke the kiss, panting hard into the side of Wilson's neck as he thrust faster, ignoring the twinges of pain in his thigh. A few more thrusts were all it took to reach oblivion. House was hardly even aware of it when he bit down on Wilson's neck again but heard Wilson cry out and felt Wilson stiffen before his cock pulsed between them a moment later. Letting out a deep breath, House slumped against Wilson before slowly releasing his wrists. Judging by how stiff his fingers were, he wouldn't be surprised if Wilson had bruises there later. House barely managed to shift some of his weight off Wilson before collapsing again. A few minutes later he was asleep, oblivious to Wilson's arm wrapping around him. Part 4 House woke up to the incessant beeping of his alarm to find himself alone in his bed. When the beeping became too much, he rolled over and shut off the alarm with a smack of his hand. Then shoving back the blanket, House looked down at his naked body, taking in the dried semen on his skin. The knowledge that it wasn't just his gave him an unsettled feeling. Getting to his feet, House found his underwear and pulled them on before searching for some clean clothes. It was quiet in his apartment, but he tried not to think the worst. It wouldn't be unusual if Wilson had already left for work. Except... this morning of all mornings, House thought Wilson would have stayed. Or woken him up at least. Fifteen minutes later, House had showered and dressed in his work clothes before he made his way to the kitchen, half-hoping to find some pre-made breakfast. Or, at least, some sign that Wilson hadn't just fled. There was nothing immediately visible on the counters and House was just about to check in the fridge when he finally saw Wilson. Wilson, who was sitting fully clothed on the couch, as still as a statue. House stepped into the living room, his eyes moving slowly from Wilson to what Wilson was staring at on the coffee table. A Vicodin bottle. A sudden sinking sensation made House's stomach tighten. "It's funny... how this is dated the very day you came to me and asked for a script. A script I didn't give you," Wilson said before House had the chance to say anything. "And yet it also has my name on it." House fought the urge to reply with something scathing. "Yeah, funny." Wilson looked over at him, "You stole the script. You went into my office, after I turned you down, and stole it. You know what that is? It's the actions of a drug addict who places drugs above everything else!" Wilson said, getting angrier as he spoke. "You've been using your cane less and less. Are you even in any pain? Or are you just pretending so no one will question you taking the drugs?" "Don't be an idiot," House fired back, gripping onto the doorframe with one hand. "I'm an idiot?" Wilson said, getting to his feet, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. He stared at House fiercely for a long minute and then his body slumped. "Yeah, I guess I am. I thought I could trust you." House gave a harsh laugh, "Don't start with the trust thing, because you have no goddamn high horse to sit on." "Keeping something from you because I was trying to help you is a little different from going behind your back for personal gain," Wilson replied coldly. Not giving House a chance to respond, Wilson turned and grabbed his work bag and jacket from where they had been sitting next to the couch and left the apartment. House stood there staring at the Vicodin bottle before he walked over and snatched it up. In a flash of anger and frustration he threw it over towards the piano, where it hit the floor hard and popped open, scattering pills everywhere. It was inevitable, really, that something like this was going to happen. That thought didn't bring House any comfort however. Although it was a nice day outside, House had drawn all the blinds in his office, creating a dark little alcove for himself that suited his mood. He sat staring at his recent patient's file, unable to make sense of anything he was seeing. Time was ticking and he had no answers, or even an idea of what was wrong with this woman. He had his fellows out taking pointless tests and meanwhile all he could do was stare at the damn file. The door to his office opened and House dragged his eyes up to see Cameron walk in. Of all people, House was least in the mood to deal with her. She'd been sour ever since Wilson had `subtly' reamed her out in front of everyone. "Finished so soon?" House asked sarcastically. Cameron crossed her arms over her chest, "This is a waste of time and you know it. What's going on now? Does your leg hurt? Or are you and Wilson just having relationship problems again?" House's lungs seized up and he opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He'd been afraid of Cuddy picking up on something being different between him and Wilson... but Cameron? House had not been worried about her. Until now. "Why do you look so shocked?" Cameron asked. "You must be aware that the two of you behave like a couple." House laughed shortly, a release of tension. Then he smiled. "I was worried you'd realised we are actually screwing each other," he said tonelessly. Cameron rolled her eyes, "Whatever's going on, you need to get your act together or Emma is going to die." Dropping her arms, Cameron turned and left. House sat back in his chair and contemplated the ceiling. More was at stake than his patient's life. When he got home from work House went straight to his bedroom, exhausted. He was also starving but had no desire to make or eat anything - not even his infamous peanut butter sandwiches that Wilson had been trying to ween him off. After Cameron's visit, House had finally figured out a diagnosis and Emma was currently being treated. They'd know in the morning if she was going to make it or not. If he had failed or not. Seeing a bag of Wilson's things on the floor next to the futon, House kicked at it in a sudden rush of frustration and then cried out in pain; he'd used his right leg without thinking. Gripping his thigh, House limped over to his bed and sat down, hissing through his teeth until the pain abated. Looking down at the floor, House saw that his action of kicking the bag had spilled its contents everywhere. There was a shirt rolled up tightly half under a medical book that gave House a strange sense of recognition. Standing up, House moved over to it and squatted down awkwardly. Pulling the shirt out from under the book, House could only stare at it for a full minute. It was his shirt, one that had been stained beyond repair. One that House had told Wilson to throw out two weeks ago. At first, House considered that it may have just gotten mixed up with Wilson's things by accident. Or maybe Wilson had got it into his head that he could get it fixed. It didn't seem likely though. The likeliest explanation, even if it was hard to believe, was that Wilson had chosen to keep it. Various thoughts cascaded through House's mind. A vision of Wilson's cold eyes boring into him contrasted sharply against Wilson's eyes when he said the words `I'm agreeing to submit to you' and `I trust you'. Some minutes passed before House rolled the shirt up and packed the rest of Wilson's things back into his bag. Then he stood up and limped into the kitchen, snatching up his phone. Hitting the speed dial, House pressed it to his ear and listened to it ringing. "Yeah?" Wilson finally answered, sounding tired and wary. "Where are you?" "I'm... still at work. Why?" House leant back against the kitchen counter and gripped it tightly with his free hand, hard enough to hurt. "Are you... are you coming home?" There was a long silence from Wilson's end and House pressed the phone tighter to his ear, as if he'd be able to gain anything by the sound of Wilson's breathing. "I'm not sure," Wilson said, his voice muffled as if he had his hand over his face. "Damn it, Wilson. I'm hungry and I'm tired and I... I want you here," House forced out, closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead with his fingers. There was another silence, one that felt like it went on forever. "Okay," Wilson finally sighed. "I'm coming." Wilson hung up and House took the phone away from his ear, putting it back on its dock slowly. He wasn't sure now if he was relieved or not. Wilson coming home meant facing what had happened, both the sex the night before and the script thievery. House walked into the living room and dumped himself on the couch. Turning the TV on seemed like a great idea to distract himself, but he didn't need distraction. He needed to think. Half an hour later, Wilson walked through the front door carrying a pizza box. House looked over at him but didn't say anything - and neither did Wilson - although their eyes met briefly. Wilson got them some beers from the fridge before he sat down next to House with the pizza. Wilson offered the box to him and House picked up a slice, catching Wilson's eyes again for another significant moment. House found himself staring at the blank TV while he ate. Some time later, Wilson put his half-eaten second slice back in the box before sipping his beer, his eyes focused on the TV as well. "You said once... that I could ask you for anything," Wilson said slowly and then paused. "I want..." Wilson turned and looked at House, "I want you to submit to me." House snapped his eyes to Wilson's and stared at him. "What? Why?" "Because I want you to know...." Wilson shook his head and tried again, "I want you to understand." "I'm not into pain," House warned. Wilson smiled tightly, "I didn't say I was going to punish you. This isn't about pain. This is about... this is about us." House looked away, not saying anything for short while. "I'm making no promises that I'll be able to do it." "Okay," Wilson said. "That's okay." House drank his beer, thinking he probably deserved punishment and wondering why Wilson didn't seem to want that. The bigger question, of course, was what Wilson wanted him to understand by submitting to him. "I'm still angry at you," Wilson said, as if House had doubted it. "But I think we might finally have a way to..." Wilson shook his head and sighed. "Well, I guess we'll find out." Frowning, House looked over at him and Wilson met his eyes. "Is this going to be a... sex thing? Submitting to you?" Wilson blinked and then averted his face, "Would you rather do housework?" House opened his mouth, shut it again, and looked away as well. "No." Later that night, Wilson slept on the futon again and House tried not to think about the feeling of loss he had in the pit of his stomach. Thankfully, his exhaustion had him passing out a few minutes after his head hit the pillow. Two days went by with a heavy, subdued nature about them. House's patient got better and it was back to avoiding clinic work and hanging around in his office playing video games again. He had a feeling Wilson was waiting for the weekend - and he was right. Friday night, after they'd eaten dinner, Wilson disappeared into the bedroom for ten minutes before coming back to where House was sitting on the couch. "House," Wilson said, his tone both questioning and insistent. "Yeah," House replied and turned off the TV. He got to his feet and followed Wilson back down the hallway. Once past the doorway of the bedroom, House stopped and looked around with a small frown. Wilson had set up a small stereo on his desk, which was playing some low mood music. It could barely be heard but it effectively cut off the sounds from the outside world, which House supposed was probably the point. Wilson's futon, House also noticed, had been packed away and there were fresh sheets on his bed. "So, where are the romantic candles and incense?" House asked, looking at Wilson. He doubted the sarcasm did anything to hide his growing unease with the situation. "Take off your clothes and lie down on the bed, on your front," Wilson said, not reacting at all to the question. House stared at Wilson for a long moment. Then, moving stiffly, he began to undress, and tried to ignore that Wilson was watching him. When he was naked he moved to the bed and lay down, resting his head on his arms and closing his eyes. A minute passed before the bed dipped under Wilson's weight. There was another pause before Wilson straddled his hips and House could feel that Wilson was still fully clothed by the scratch of fabric against his skin. Wilson's hands settled on House's shoulders and he started a light massage. House breathed out and tried to relax, but his mind kept on racing with concerns about where this was going and what Wilson wanted from him. Some time later, House felt a faint brush of lips over his shoulder and - despite what was going on in his head - a shiver ran down his back, tingling at the base of his spine. Sliding further down the bed, Wilson's hands moved lower on House's body, running down his back to the curve of his arse. House tensed up again, fighting the urge to turn and push Wilson's hands away. He felt Wilson's lips on him again, travelling slowly down his back and then - shocking House - to the cheeks of his arse. House swallowed a noise, a rush of conflicting emotions ranging from anxiety to lust flooding through him. Before he could settle on any particular emotion, Wilson moved down to massage his legs, stroking his hands right down to House's feet and back up again. Sliding his hands in between House's thighs, Wilson then began to gently, but firmly, push them apart. Feeling a sudden rush of panic, House fought against the pressure, locking his legs together. Instead of fighting him back by using more of his strength, Wilson just continued the steady pressure. Eventually, House gave in, allowing his legs to be spread, though his hands had become tight fists and his muscles were tensed for any sign Wilson was about to do something he couldn't handle. All that Wilson did, however, was continue stroking and massaging him until House didn't have a choice but to relax again. "I told you, I'm not going to hurt you," Wilson said, his voice low and holding an element in it that House had never heard before. "Turn over." House opened his eyes and fought another rush of unease before he slowly twisted and rolled over onto his back. Wilson had moved to the side to give him room and House looked at him, blinking when he saw that Wilson had taken off his tie and was holding it in one hand. Straddling him again, Wilson grabbed House's wrists and pushed them against the mattress above his head. Wilson met House's eyes and leaned down until they were breathing each other's air. Although House managed to keep his expression blank, he couldn't stop his heart from starting to thump wildly. Before House could even think about fighting him, Wilson pressed his wrists together and used his tie to bind them together. As soon as Wilson sat back, House tried to pull his hands apart, but while the tie wasn't uncomfortably tight, he realised it would take a lot of struggling to be free of it. "I knew learning sailing knots would come in handy one day," Wilson murmured and House snapped his eyes up to Wilson's face again, wondering where the hell this side of Wilson had come from. Wilson smiled, as if he could tell what House was thinking, and slid his hands over House's chest, his palms rubbing over House's nipples and making him shudder despite himself. Wrapping one hand under the back of House's neck, Wilson lowered his head and suddenly forced their lips together in a hard, reckless kiss. Getting a chance to release some of his rising frustration, House kissed Wilson back fiercely and they battled each other with lips and tongue, each trying to take the lead. Wilson, not surprisingly since he had the upper hand, won and forced his tongue into House's mouth. House pulled at his arms again, forgetting for a moment that his wrists were tied together until the feel of the tie digging into his skin reminded him. Giving that up, he tried twisting underneath Wilson and bucking his hips up. Wilson easily held him down however, though he ended the kiss and gazed down at House with a meaningful look. House just glared back at him. For a moment, Wilson looked like he was going to say something but then he broke the eye contact and slid back down House's body. House bit the inside of his cheek when Wilson's body grazed his half-hard cock and turned his head to the side, squeezing his eyes shut. The next thing he was aware of was Wilson's lips on his chest, sliding towards a nipple. A gasp tried to escape House's throat when Wilson closed his lips around the bud and sucked firmly, but he choked it off and stopped himself from making any other noise by clenching his teeth together. After a minute or so, Wilson's mouth left House's nipple and began to move slowly but surely down his body. House hated the feeling of complete vulnerability that suddenly assaulted him then, knowing that he was naked and tied up when Wilson was clothed and free to do anything he wanted to. A breath later though and House was almost able to overlook all that because Wilson's hand was on his cock, stroking him slowly into a fuller erection. House twisted again, but this time it was in pleasure. Wilson's other hand slid under to cup and roll his balls and House lost another fight then, because he couldn't stop a groan from escaping his throat. Wilson's hand was warm and firm, but it was nothing compared to the sudden soft wetness at the head of his cock. House gasped and looked down, hardly able to believe what he was seeing. Wilson looked up and brushed his tongue over the tip of House's cock again before taking the head into his mouth, sucking and rubbing the glans gently with his tongue. House's breath caught in the back of his throat, as if his lungs had forgotten how to work. Swallowing him down further with a frown of concentration, Wilson began to bob his head slowly up and down while dragging his lips over the shaft. He had one hand planted on the bed next to House's hip and his other hand on House's balls. House's whole body shuddered and he let his head fall back onto the pillow, his eyes sliding closed again. The urge to thrust up into Wilson's mouth was nearly overwhelming but House kept himself in check, breathing hard and straining with the effort. He didn't want to do anything that might make Wilson stop what he was doing. House knew he had lost completely when Wilson began to suck harder and gripped his left hip, preventing House from moving. He felt himself surrendering entirely to the sensations, to Wilson's control, and to a need to give up control that he had never before given into. He tried to make a noise, to warn Wilson, but his orgasm came on too strongly and too quickly. House cried out, his back arching him off the bed as much as Wilson's grip allowed and shot his come down Wilson's throat. Wilson didn't pull away and House's breath stuck at the back of his throat again while he rode out the incredible high. When his cock throbbed for a last time, House breathed out in a rush and slumped back onto the mattress. Wilson kept sucking him as he softened and House made a choked, protesting noise; the sensation too much for his overtaxed body. Seemingly taking pity on him, Wilson let him go and moved up to straddle House's hips again. The sound of a zipper being pulled down made House crack his eyes open. They opened further at the sight of Wilson's flushed face; somehow the idea of Wilson being turned on by sucking him off was more surprising than anything else that had happened so far. Wilson pulled his erection free of his pants and House swallowed thickly when Wilson started to stroke himself. House watched Wilson's hand for a short while before looking up and meeting Wilson's gaze. He wasn't sure what he saw in Wilson's eyes, but whatever it was made House suddenly want to reach out and touch him; to touch his cock, even to suck him... whatever it took to get him off. It shocked him and yet made House suddenly realise why Wilson was doing this. It didn't matter who was in what role, because they fit together. And they trusted each other like this, when there was nothing between them, when everything was laid out in the open. Something changed subtly in Wilson's expression for a moment; a shared understanding maybe. "Oh god," Wilson muttered a moment later, breaking their gaze and tipping his head back. He came with a choked sob over House's stomach, bucking into his own fist. When it was over, Wilson slumped down onto the bed next to House. After a few minutes, he pushed himself up on an elbow and undid the tie, freeing House's hands. Tossing the tie away, Wilson met House's eyes and they studied each other. Wilson raised an eyebrow. House closed his eyes and put a hand on Wilson's hip. Something that might have been a smile quirked his lips. "Yeah." "Are you busy?" House turned to face Cuddy, who was standing in the doorway and holding the door open. "Exceedingly so. Isn't it obvious?" He flipped his yoyo over his wrist and raised an eyebrow. Cuddy stepped into his office and let the door close. "I haven't had any complaints about you in two weeks. It's making me nervous. What's going on?" "Oh ye of little faith," House said and smiled at her. Cuddy frowned at him, "Which faith are you referring to?" "The faith that I will always make your life difficult," House replied. "Ah, that faith. So, you are up to something." House flicked the yoyo up into his hand and moved to sit down at his desk. "That would be telling." Cuddy crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a contemplative look. "Have you... met someone?" "What?" House slapped his yoyo on the desk and looked up at her. "There's the lack of complaints and the general lack of moodiness that's usually hanging around this part of the hospital like a storm cloud. You're also... smiling. I'm just wondering who the lucky-," Cuddy turned when the door opened and Wilson walked in, "-woman is." Wilson looked from her to House and back again with a perplexed expression. "Am I interrupting something?" "Nothing interesting," House said and snapped his fingers in the direction of the file Wilson was holding. Wilson rolled his eyes but walked over and held it out for him to take. House opened it, revealing an MRI print. Picking it up, House swung his chair around and held it up against the light coming in from the windows. Cuddy walked over so she could see it, "Is that what I think it is?" "Probably," Wilson said, smiling. House shared a lingering look with him, not even caring that Cuddy was there to see it. "Some of the muscle and tissue has regenerated. Not a lot, but... it's something." "I'm getting this framed," House decided out loud. "That is amazing," Cuddy said. "How-?" "A mixture of the ketamine treatment and exercise, maybe. Couldn't say for sure," Wilson said. House put the print down on his desk and glanced at Wilson before smirking at Cuddy, "I have been getting a lot of vigorous exercise lately." "So... there is a woman as well?" Cuddy asked, raising her eyebrows. "I don't kiss and tell," House said. Cuddy gave an ironic laugh, "Not when it doesn't suit you, you don't." Shaking her head, she walked towards the door and then stopped, looking back. Her expression hinted of something that House couldn't put his finger on. "I'm... happy for you. Really. It's great... news." House gave her a tight smile and nodded, watching as she pulled the door open and left before looking at Wilson again. "She's cute when she's jealous." "You wish," Wilson said, his usual exasperated expression in place. He reached over though and put a hand on House's shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "We should celebrate tonight." "Oh, we'll be celebrating," House assured him. Walking into the kitchen, House stood watching Wilson doing the dishes before walking up behind him, pressing his body against Wilson's back. Planting his hands on Wilson's hips, House nuzzled his neck, breathing in the scent of shampoo and skin. "Can I take this as an offer to help?" Wilson asked, leaning back into him. House laughed and slid one hand around to squeeze Wilson's crotch, eliciting a low groan. "I'm just here as the support team." "That's being distracting, not supportive," Wilson said but gamely tried to continue washing the pot in his hands. House kept rubbing Wilson's cock through his pants a moment before he relented and stepped back, "I hope you're taking a shower after this. I don't want you smelling, or god forbids tasting, like dishwashing liquid later." "Yes, Master," Wilson said, amusement in his voice. "I'll take a shower." "Good, I'll be waiting in the bedroom," House said and walked away. Things had changed quite a bit after the night he had submitted to Wilson, House mused. There were still roles that they played, during sex and in every day life, but the roles were there to be picked up or put away again at whim. They had actually melded, House realised, into a relationship in the full sense of the word, without it being discussed between them and without any declarations being voiced. More of Wilson's belongings had been combined with his; Wilson's toiletries were in the bathroom, his clothes were in the closet next to his House's. There were now even things around the apartment that House wasn't sure were his or Wilson's. Wilson's futon had been packed away for good and they slept every night in the same bed. If they weren't in a relationship - screwed up or not as it was - House didn't know what else to call it. Taking off his shoes and socks, House lay down on the bed on his back and tucked his hands behind his head. A while passed, barely noticed, while he was wrapped up in his thoughts. Looking back, House felt like it had all happened at an amazing speed, but he supposed it hadn't really. Especially not when you took into account how long he and Wilson had been friends and how close they'd already been. Maybe they'd always been a lot closer than either of them had realised until the whole master-slave thing has started. Effectively distracting him from his thoughts, Wilson walked into the bedroom then, dressed only in a towel. "I was about to come and check that you hadn't drowned," House told him, sitting up. "Right, because I was in there for all of two minutes," Wilson said, walking over to stand beside the bed. House pursed his lips, "Two minutes? You? I guess stranger things have happened." His eyes travelled down Wilson's naked chest, which was still covered with a few errant drops of water. House slid his legs over so he was sitting on the edge of the bed. "Take that off," he said, gesturing at the towel. Wilson just looked at him a moment before a faint smile appeared on his face and he untucked the towel, letting it fall free to the floor. He didn't get a chance to do anything else, because House grabbed him and pulled him forward between his legs. Slowly swiping up a drop of water on Wilson's chest with his tongue, House then mouthed down to his stomach and bit him a couple of times, sharply enough to make Wilson gasp. Pushing Wilson back a little, House looked up at him for a moment. Without taking his eyes off Wilson's, House dipped his head down to press a light kiss on Wilson's flaccid penis. Wilson trembled at the touch and gripped House's shoulder tightly. They seemed to be frozen in space until House pulled his head back and the moment broke. "I think it's about time we broke those cuffs in," House murmured, brushing his fingers teasingly over Wilson's cock until it started to harden. Then he pulled back and gave Wilson a small push, "Go and get them... and the blindfold." Wilson walked over to the closet and opened it, pulling out the small wooden box inside. Watching Wilson open it, House got rid of his shirt and tossed it to the floor before standing up. After gathering up the red, cotton blindfold and set of leather cuffs, which were joined together with a long chain, Wilson walked back over to House before offering the items to him. "Lie down on your back," House said, taking the cuffs and blindfold. When Wilson was in place, he slid onto the bed and straddled him. Watching Wilson's face, House buckled one of the cuffs around Wilson's wrists. Shifting forward, House threaded the chain through the metal loop he'd screwed into the headboard before reaching for Wilson's other wrist. "Comfortable?" House asked, buckling the other cuff and testing its hold. "Yes," Wilson sighed, all tension melting out of his body. House traced the pad of his thumb over Wilson's lips before leaning in and kissing him. Wilson opened his mouth and allowed House's tongue entry, moaning when it rubbed against his own. After a minute, House broke the kiss and held up the blindfold. Wilson obediently closed his eyes and House pressed the blindfold over them, tying it at the back of Wilson's head. "I'll be right back," House said, after he made sure the blindfold was properly in place, and got off the bed before walking over to the box. A week ago he'd used some of the five hundred dollars he'd won at the races to shop on an online adult store and had ended up buying more than he'd intended to. As well as the cuffs and blindfold, House had bought a leather paddle, a set of cock rings, nipple clamps, and - with some doubt - a bottle of lube and a box of condoms. One of the cock rings was made of soft leather and had two loops which fit around the penis and balls concurrently. Picking that up, House also grabbed the lube and, after a hesitant pause, a condom. Going back to the bed, he set the things on the side of the bed and knelt on the mattress. Wilson turned his face towards him and House reached out, stroking a hand down Wilson's stomach to rest on his abdomen. Then he slid lower and cupped Wilson's genitals, gently sliding Wilson's cock through the leather loop of the cock ring before wrapping the strap around his scrotum. Wilson made a muffled noise and shivered when House snapped the button closed. Moving in between his legs, House slowly stroked Wilson until he was fully erect and then he let go, ignoring the disappointed sound he got in response. Putting his hands on Wilson's thighs, House rubbed them a few times, looking up at Wilson's face. It amazed House that before all this had happened he had never once really looked at Wilson in a sexual light - not consciously anyway. And yet now, it felt completely natural to; to find him attractive, to want to touch and kiss him. Leaning over Wilson's body, House mouthed the hollow at the inside of his hip and then kissed his way up to Wilson's chest. Taking a nipple into his mouth, House sucked on it a moment, sweeping across it with his tongue before biting down hard. Wilson cried out and arched up, the cuff chain clinking when he tried to move his hands. "Keep still," House growled and Wilson sank back onto the bed, a quiver going through his muscles. Planting his hands either side of Wilson's chest, House pressed a kiss to the side of Wilson's neck before drawing skin into his mouth and sucking. He felt Wilson stiffen, struggling to hold himself in check, as he sucked harder and harder to the point of it being painful. A choked sound forced its way out past Wilson's lips but he managed not to move. Releasing him, House kissed the spot he'd just been sucking on, which was now bruised red, before trailing one hand back down Wilson's body. Sliding it under one of Wilson's thighs, House lifted his leg up to hook over his shoulder. Wilson's his lips parted but he didn't resist, even when House slid his hand down to Wilson's arse, squeezing a cheek firmly. Still watching Wilson's face carefully, House slid a finger between his arse cheeks and ran a line from just behind his bound balls to his anus. Wilson's breath hitched and his hands closed into fists. Looking down, House saw a drop of clear pre-come appear at the tip of Wilson's cock as he massaged his finger across the puckered skin. Wilson started to breathe faster and made a needy noise in the back of his throat. Skimming his hand up, House used his thumb to rub the pre-come over the head of Wilson's cock. "Don't come until I tell you to," House said. Wilson only moaned in reply. Sitting back while keeping Wilson's leg over his shoulder, House picked up the bottle of lube and squirted a decent amount onto his fingers. He rubbed his fingers together, warming the liquid, before moving them back between the cheeks of Wilson's arse. "Oh god!" Wilson choked out when House's slick fingers began to massage him. House pressed the tip of one finger inside experimentally, smearing the lube around. "Relax," he said and began to slowly push his finger further inside. This wasn't the first time House had done this in a sexual sense so he wasn't sure why he was feeling so hesitant. Maybe only because it was Wilson. The ring of muscle clamped around House's finger but Wilson breathed in and out deeply and managed to relax, allowing House's finger the rest of the way in. Grabbing the bottle again, House added more lube and began to thrust his finger in and out. Glancing up, House saw that Wilson looked both faintly surprised and intensely aroused. It was an expression that sent a jolt of pleasure straight down to House's cock, which started to throb and harden. When he felt that Wilson was loose enough, he added yet more lube and began to work another finger inside him. Wilson made a pained noise and tried to move away from the intrusion. Pulling his fingers out, House smacked Wilson on the side of his thigh. Wilson gave a cry, though it was more of shock than pain. "I told you to hold still and relax." "I'm sorry," Wilson whispered, gulping for air before he relaxed back against House again. House slipped his fingers back between Wilson's arse cheeks, pushing one finger easily back inside and then, slower this time, a second finger. He scissored them gently, stretching the ring of muscles and then pushed in deeper, rubbing against Wilson's prostate. The air left Wilson's lungs in a whoosh. He moaned and turned his head to press his face against his arm. It was easier for House from then on to work Wilson open further and get him to accept another finger. After another couple minutes of thrusting and teasing Wilson's prostate, House pulled his fingers out and wiped his hand on the edge of the sheet before opening the fly of his jeans. Freeing his cock, House allowed himself a few strokes of his hand, his eyes drifting closed at the rush of relief before he stopped and pushed his jeans down further. He would have taken them off entirely but he was impatient and it never failed to give him a thrill when Wilson was naked while he was clothed. Snatching up the condom, House ripped it open with his teeth and spat the wrapper to the floor before rolling the condom down his erection. Wilson, who had obviously gathered what he had in mind, had started to breathe even faster while his expression was a mix of trepidation and need. After smearing some lube over the condom, House picked up Wilson's other leg and put it over his shoulder and then slowly pushed forward, forcing Wilson to curl up. His cock brushed against Wilson's arse and House groaned, rubbing himself there a few times before he reached down and wrapped his hand around himself, nudging the head of his cock against Wilson's opening. House held his breath, breathed out, and then slowly began to push forward. Wilson hissed through his teeth and House was frozen in place for a long moment, unable to go further, before Wilson managed to relax and loosen around him. Clenching his jaw, House slowly sunk in deeper. He stopped half way and pulled back, thrusting in and out until he felt Wilson was ready to accept more. Letting go of himself, House transferred his hand to Wilson's cock, which had softened a little, and squeezed it. Wilson's expression was a mixture of pain and pleasure as House thrust himself inside right up to the root. Suddenly needing to see Wilson's eyes, House reached up and pulled the blindfold off. Wilson opened his eyes, blinking rapidly for a few seconds, and gazed up at House in amazement. House wasn't sure if the amazement came from an emotional or physical feeling, but supposed that it could be both. Switching his weight onto his other hand, House reached up and stroked the back of his fingers gently over Wilson's cheek. Wilson turned his head and kissed the palm of House's hand, his eyes sliding closed. This, House thought, was why neither of them had said anything about what they were now or how they felt; they didn't need to. "Move with me," House said, and put both hands on the mattress as he pulled out of Wilson halfway before driving back in. Wilson's expression tightened; clearly uncomfortable but fighting to relax and do as House had asked. It took all of House's willpower to keep his thrusts slow and easy. When Wilson's expression began to soften, House gradually began to pick up the pace; pulling out until the head of his cock was still inside Wilson's body before thrusting back in. The exertion began to make his thigh hurt, but House ignored it, focusing on the shameless sounds Wilson started to make, the feel of the pulsating tightness wrapped around his cock, the creaking of the bed and the clinking of the chain when Wilson pulled at his bonds. "Please," Wilson started to beg, pushing himself onto House's cock. "I need... please, let me...." "Not yet," House said, feeling a drop of sweat start to drip down his face. He clenched his eyes shut, breathing in great ragged gasps. When he felt the pressure start to build, House fumbled down between them and released the cock ring. "Now," House gasped, driving his cock in hard one last time before he came. Wilson cried out before he followed a mere second later, his head thrown back and his whole body tightening up like a bow string about to snap. Instead of snapping though, Wilson crumpled onto the mattress under House's sudden dead weight. They lay there like that before House got enough of his bearings back to realise Wilson was going to start hurting if he stayed where he was. Carefully, he pulled out and lowered Wilson's legs to the bed before disposing of the condom. House freed Wilson from the cuffs before collapsing again. Wilson rolled towards him and pressed up against his side, draping an arm over House's middle. Turning his head, House lazily kissed Wilson's forehead, his cheek and then his lips. Wilson smiled faintly before kissing him back. It was a lethargic, relaxed kiss that slowly petered out after a minute. House brushed the sweaty locks of hair hanging over Wilson's forehead back from his face before resting his hand on Wilson's chest and closing his eyes. This, House thought before he drifted off into sleep, was screwed up bliss.   Please post a comment on this story. Legal Disclaimer: The authors published here make no claims on the ownership of Dr. Gregory House and the other fictional residents of Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. Like the television show House (and quite possibly Dr. Wilson's pocket protector), they are the property of NBC/Universal, David Shore and undoubtedly other individuals of whom I am only peripherally aware. The fan fiction authors published here receive no monetary benefit from their work and intend no copyright infringement nor slight to the actual owners. We love the characters and we love the show, otherwise we wouldn't be here.