Relief The House Fan Fiction Archive Home Quicksearch Search Engine Random Story Upload Story   Relief by Kass The third time House fidgeted with the handle of his cane, Wilson dragged his attention away from the television. "You'd better get rid of that excess energy or this date is going to be a nightmare." "It's going to be a nightmare anyway." House scowled at General Hospital. "But you're right. I know: I'll go for a run!" Wilson rolled his eyes. "Great plan." "Hey, it worked when I was in high school." House sounded more plaintive than he probably intended. "You're a better man than I," Wilson said, lightly. "I always just masturbated." House bit out a laugh. "Why does that not surprise me?" "Hey, in high school that comprised a major portion of my leisure activities." "Which is unlike now in what way, exactly?" Getting a rise out of House was such fun. "Plus, it took the edge off. I didn't want to come the minute my date let me touch her breasts." "Suave," House muttered. But he was smiling, despite himself. "So, doctor, what's your recommendation?" "I was thinking along these lines," Wilson said, and slid to the floor to kneel between House's legs. He pressed his lips to the fabric of House's pants, breathing through them. House's legs opened wider, his head fell back, and he stifled what sounded suspiciously like a groan. Jackpot. After mouthing him a while through his chinos, Wilson unfastened them and worked his way to bare skin. He took a while to lick, nice and slow, while House tried not to quiver. Eventually House pushed up, seeking his mouth. Wilson was having too much fun, though; he moved away. "Jerk," House managed. Wilson grinned. "You think Cameron would be more straightforward about her blowjobs?" "Fuck Cameron." House's voice was fervent. Wilson pretended to consider. "Yeah, you could do that." "Fuck you." Wilson lapped at the head of his erection, then pulled back again. "Make up your mind," he chided. Though it was all a game. They both knew it wouldn't matter what House did with Cameron. Just like it didn't matter what Wilson did with Julie. They would still wind up here: Wilson kneeling on the carpet with House's dick nudging his lips. The thought gave him a deep satisfaction he preferred not to analyze. "Come on," House said, in a tone he would have denied was pleading. Wilson took pity and slid his mouth all the way down, finally giving him rhythm and suction. He filed away, for later, the soft desperate sound House made when he came. Orgasm was the only time House was ever inarticulate. Wilson loved being able to render him speechless, even if only for a minute. He stood, stretched out the kink in his back, and rejoined House on the couch. "Better?" "Always." "Good. Go put that blue shirt on, it's time to get moving." "What, are you in cahoots with Cuddy?" House's voice was a parody of disbelief. "Don't tell me you like what it does for my eyes, too?" "Actually, yeah," Wilson said. (500 words)   Please post a comment on this story. Legal Disclaimer: The authors published here make no claims on the ownership of Dr. Gregory House and the other fictional residents of Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. Like the television show House (and quite possibly Dr. Wilson's pocket protector), they are the property of Fox Television, David Shore and undoubtedly other individuals of whom I am only peripherally aware. The fan fiction authors published here receive no monetary benefit from their work and intend no copyright infringement nor slight to the actual owners. We love the characters and we love the show, otherwise we wouldn't be here.