The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on When he's tired

Number of comments: 4

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From: chowrie
Date: 08/01/2007
WOW. This is a powerful fic. The jealously of Cameron and the changes in how she felt about what she was witnessing was brilliantly written. The ending, Cameron's realization of why it was Wilson there and not her gave her closure I think. I hope House realizes how Wilson feels for him. Because if he does not return that same feeling, in the end, it might be Wilson who is suffering more than Cameron. I trust House. He is in love with Wilson. Wilson just needs to give him time.
From: Robin
Date: 05/20/2007
This is GREAT. I love House/Wilson stories as long as it stays mostly outside of House's head. To even try to speculate on what he thinks and feels seems to lessen the possibilities. Its better from other's POV. In this story you managed to capture both Cameron and Wilson. H/C will not work in the long term because she needs affection from House. Wilson doesn't. He can accept their coded affection which would frustrate Cameron.
From: Carina Scott
Date: 08/07/2006
Wow, this was amazing! You took a simple observation and turned it into so much more. I love this glimpse into their love from the viewpoint of someone who also loves House. In the face of their incredible love for one another, even Cameron realizes her love pales in comparison. Thanks so much for sharing!

From: jo t
Date: 07/19/2006
So good, I just had to say something in appreciation.

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