The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on The A

Number of comments: 5

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From: deviousli
Date: 02/10/2007
I love how you took an idea that could have easily been hokey and ridiculous and created something gorgeous from it. X was beautiful in a way that we could have only ever seen through House. I found myself wanting there to be more letters in our alphabet. I adored reading this story and had to re-read it twice. Rec'ing to high heaven.
From: Stephie
Date: 12/17/2006
Good stuff. The alpahbet idea is cute, and I like how it's on an even keel. Best half hour I've wasted NOT doing my project all day. : )
From: Monica
Date: 08/28/2006
I adored this - particularly H, V, and Z. Now I wish for a longer alphebet so there could be more of these.
From: Caitlyn
Date: 08/23/2006
"the death of love presents in broken bones and ruined flesh."

That was an utterly fantastic line. On the whole, the fic was fantastic, I had no complaints with it at any point. Good idea, good word choices -- Q in particular amused me -- good writing. Good job!
From: Kate
Date: 07/23/2006
I loved it, keep up the wonderful work.

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