The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Gumboots

Number of comments: 16

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From: Bonnie Barrow
Date: 08/10/2012
The characters were right on; I could hear House and Wilson voices speaking those lines. Well written, thanks for the wet dream.
From: Mica363
Date: 05/05/2010
Brilliant! Thank you for that well written, clever, lemony goodness.
From: snorsekek
Date: 03/12/2010
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From: GauckValeweew
Date: 03/14/2009
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From: liederlady221b
Date: 09/16/2008
Just great! I used to watch the show faithfully, but have gotten away from it. I love that discussing H & W broke the ice.
From: Marisa
Date: 01/28/2008
Oh my gosh, this is EPIC. :o I absolutely LOVE the intro, where they're talking about Holmes, and a TV show, and... and... the irony of EVERYTHING is just awesome. That last line cinches it X3
From: suggsygirl
Date: 05/04/2007
Oh my God this was hot, my tummy did a massive flip when they kissed for the first time. Well done.
From: anon
Date: 04/02/2007
whoa *tries to catch breath*
From: ems
Date: 12/07/2006
I love Paul Simon! I vaguely realized when I saw your story's title that it was Graceland related, and when House said that one line from the song, I stopped and thought, "Whoa, that seems familiar..." Love it!
From: Sariyuki
Date: 12/01/2006
Wonderful story. I enjoyed it a lot. Thank you for sharing. Cheers!
From: Laura
Date: 10/30/2006
I liked the Holmes/Watson House/Wilson parallels and the angst as House waited for Wilson to catch on and Wilson berated himself for falling in love when he assumed House only wanted the sex. I'm glad they got it all sorted out, and in such a hot way too :).

From: Jayne
Date: 04/20/2006
I loved this. The Holmes/Watson, House/Wilson imagery was perfect and you really captured the characters. Hope you'll write lots more.
From: CanSpy
Date: 04/13/2006
It's all about the meta, eh? Can I be really embarassed and admit that this was the first time I've noticed the connection between the names. House/Holmes, Wilson/Watson. gah. thanks for the enlightenment!
From: Teflon Woman
Date: 04/09/2006
Oh wow, please write more.
From: RazZadig
Date: 04/08/2006
Though I may be despondent over the lack of good Watson/Holmes slashfic out there, I am assuaged by the great Wilson/House stories. Good charactarization and action. Keep writing!
From: Ally
Date: 04/01/2006
That was good; that was really good! I loved your story and the way you wrote the characters. Just wonderful. :)

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