The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on The Truth Begins in Lies

Number of comments: 3

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From: Ladyteal
Date: 11/15/2006
A fine start to a series!

Many may kudos both to you and your beta- I have rarely read such literate fanfic... any grammatical eccentricities were in no way incorrect, merely unexpected, and added to the overall depth of the piece. Exceptional marks for technical merit!

Your characterizations of both House and Wilson were very readable and recognizable, although Cuddy was perhaps a tad coarse: you used dialogue in places I would have expected an eyeroll or glare with applicable subtext.

I was, as was I believe the previous commentor, forced to pause and shake my head at the revelation of the world of paranormals and their allies, which was very abrupt, with only minor foreshadowing evident in a second reading of the attack on Wilson. What could have been a story-killer was, however, turned brilliantly into a series-starter by virtue of the length of the piece. In your exploration of House and Wilson's relationship, the reader is given time to come to terms with the history of the Sidhe and their compatriots.

I was also intrigued by references to CSI and possibly in the character of Dr Jackson, to Stargate SG1 (perhaps). Have you or do you intend to expand this series into other fandoms? 'Cause I tell ya, that would be FABULOUS! I can hope that this story was merely the beginning of the mother of all crossover fics.

Thank you for a great read!
From: Laura
Date: 03/01/2006
A great start to the series. I felt that you have all the characters voices spot on, but particularly House and Wilson and that way they have of arguing about everything, but never meaning any harm by it.

The various plot points to this were interesting too. First there was Wilson's attack and the fallout from that, making House examine his feelings. I loved the protectiveness from him, insisting that Wilson move in with him and looking after him so fully. It was great watching their relationship deepen too, seeing how tentative they both were- something which would shock people on the outside, used to seeing the confident fronts both men present.

The paranormal side was intriguing and I like that it's all so mysterious at the moment, with little bits of information being given out sparingly. But the impact it had on House and Wilson's relationship was the most interesting point. I was worried about what House would decide as I saw how upset he was by finding out about Wilson being an Ally. I was quite irritated by Stacy causing these problems, even if she didn't mean to do it.

It was a huge relief when House accepted that he's always trusted Wilson, and always will most likely. It was great to see them back together and exploring their new closeness (hot too).

Looking forward to reading the next part.

From: mer
Date: 02/24/2006
That was lots of fun, and I'm looking forward to what comes next. It certainly isn't evident that English is not your first language.

General Hospital doesn't really work that way, though. It's only first-run, Monday through Friday, and anything that seems like a rerun is simply a rebroadcast of that day or week, on a cable TV channel made just for that purpose. But old episodes are not part of the routine.

My only real "criticism" would be that the sudden revelation of the paranormal world was slightly jarring. There was the hint that--Tanega? sorry, I have trouble remembering names--had something going on, but the transition from the regular world to this new one was somewhat abrupt, and required refocusing. However, it's easy to follow overall, and the sexual scenes were quite readable and enjoyable, which is rare for fan fiction, in my experience.

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