The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Gambling

Number of comments: 4

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From: Diana
Date: 12/06/2006
Oh wow. That was so sweet! More please. Diana
From: The Scarlet Pervygirl
Date: 07/09/2006
Let me see if I can backhand this in a House way (although not nearly as gracefully, I'm sure): I've never been a fan of dancing in fan fiction, or formal events a the grouchy main character is forced by his smiling-but-firm boss to attend, only to discover the girl of his dreams when she asks him to dance, he turns her down, and what passes for his best friend/conscience talks him into it.

But this . . . this worked. It worked with the characters instead of against them, like clothes that are as comfortable as they are good-looking. The multiple perpectives of the story and the limiting of House's perspective gave it the verisimilitude it needed (verisimilitude, in this case, being similarity to the show's rhythm rather than similarity to reality), and hemming the end with Wilson is almost as sharp a move as making what Wilson's thinking funny but significant to himself. It's written so well I could see it happening in the show.

I personally don't think House would wear Shox with the tux, because doing so wouldn't piss anyone off; but you got me with describing the way he walks with the cane as "wild gracefulness." That rocks, and, even better, it's spot-on.

Stories like this are the reason I read fan fiction. Thanks for writing. I appreciate it.
From: Fiona
Date: 04/02/2006
that was a lovely story...very sweet
From: mes
Date: 03/23/2006
loved it. I can picture it perfectly. Thanks!

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