The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Prodigal

Number of comments: 13

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From: Nenne
Date: 04/10/2010
Good characterization of Chase; I really liked what you wrote.
From: Dana
Date: 05/15/2006
Great story, love your portrayal of Chase. I was looking for a good, gen character fic- not very common - and this was wonderful.
From: RoseWill
Date: 04/12/2006
I have to review again because I've been trying to find "Before the leg, I used this cane to beat kittens." for weeks. Can I put it on an icon?
From: Minisinoo
Date: 03/18/2006
Very interesting and full of twists! Didn't see the end coming. Good capture of their voices, too, which isn't always easy to do, so brava!

My only constructive comments are that there were a few places that seemed allusive almost to vagueness, though not too much to be figured out by rereading. Also, the newspaper and the obit. I was a bit confused as to why an obit for an Aussie doctor (however reknowned) would be in a local (?) U.S. paper, or why, if it were an Aussie paper, House might not have wondered at that, and suspected a possible set up, unless he knew Chase had an Aussie paper delivered to him at his hospital address (which would certainly not be current). A small point, but it might have been worth remarking on either the special nature of the death announcement in a paper like, say, the NYT, or the foreign publication. (And yes, hee, I really AM that detail oriented.)

But that's really a minor nitpick. Overall, this was a very enjoyable read, and as a couple other folks said in comments above, a conversation I wish we could have seen in an episode.
From: Minisinoo
Date: 03/18/2006
Very interesting and full of twists! Didn't see the end coming. Good capture of their voices, too, which isn't always easy to do, so brava!

My only constructive comments are that there were a few places that seemed allusive almost to vagueness, though not too much to be figured out by rereading. Also, the newspaper and the obit. I was a bit confused as to why an obit for an Aussie doctor (however reknowned) would be in a local (?) U.S. paper, or why, if it were an Aussie paper, House might not have wondered at that, and suspected a possible set up, unless he knew Chase had an Aussie paper delivered to him at his hospital address (which would certainly not be current). A small point, but it might have been worth remarking on either the special nature of the death announcement in a paper like, say, the NYT, or the foreign publication. (And yes, hee, I really AM that detail oriented.)

But that's really a minor nitpick. Overall, this was a very enjoyable read, and as a couple other folks said in comments above, a conversation I wish we could have seen in an episode.
From: Ishafel
Date: 01/15/2006
I almost like this scenario better than the canon one. Very nice portrayal!
From: RoseWill
Date: 11/25/2005
Just how it should be. House's seeing Chase as young-looking in that context was moving. And the conversation about the salt and pepper shakers was just tangential enough for that real House touch, particularly the last comment on Chase's confusion. -"Before the leg, I used this cane to beat kittens."- Brilliant! I want to put it on an icon.
From: Bessie
Date: 10/21/2005
This is a very good story. We need more House & Chase angst stories. I like them....
From: Marggie
Date: 08/10/2005
Very good. It was cool getting to see how Chase reacted to his father's death & him at home. And Dr. was in character, which is hard to do. So great job
From: finickyfeline2
Date: 08/10/2005
Oh...I really like this. Now I'm intrigued about the salt/pepper shakers...did he keep in touch with the nun? I love that image of Chase at home, in jeans, frayed T-shirt and bare toes. I like the way you write the H/Chase interaction, especially in the bit when House admits, "I...shouldn't have meddled."

And House: "I am the soul of brevity." That cracked me up. :D
From: Ishafel
Date: 08/10/2005
VERY nicely done; I've never seen this idea explored before--Chase knowing about his father--but it rings true.
From: Theresa
Date: 08/10/2005
Great story. Kudos.
From: Whipper
Date: 08/10/2005
I've been waiting for someone to write this story for a very long time. But I *never* expected it would be this well-written and in-character. It made for wonderful reading -- thank you!

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