The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Kiss

Number of comments: 8

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From: lookfar
Date: 12/01/2006
I really like your sure, delicate touch with moments here. The last paragraph, the notation of the absence of surprise, that's sublime. Your writing is romantic and poetic. Lovely.
From: Emily
Date: 09/27/2006
I didn't really like it. You need to work on your character development. Their personalites kept changing. While reading it I first thought you had House right and Wilson wrong, but by the end they were both wrong. And by wrong I mean you strayed away from their true characters'that they have in the tv series. Also if you are going to make them gay you need to come up with a reasonable explination on how two obviously straight men turn homosexual.
From: RoseWill
Date: 11/25/2005
Aw! Sweet ending, very nicely handled. I loved the Vampire comments, they were perfect.
From: India
Date: 10/18/2005
Wow. I loved this. Made my stomach flutter. House/Wilson is the only way to go. xD
From: Every1 Lies
Date: 10/15/2005
Very Kool. Liked your story a lot. House/Wilson is the only good prescription for any story.
From: carol
Date: 09/03/2005
Beautifully written. I hope you're going to do more fics, there just isn't enough good House/Wilson in the world.
From: carol
Date: 09/03/2005
Beautifully written. I hope you're going to do more fics, there just isn't enough good House/Wilson in the world.
From: CC
Date: 09/03/2005

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