The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on A Fear of Falling

Number of comments: 3

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From: paxnirvana
Date: 10/27/2005
What a lovely, poignant and aching way to shift their relationship. It worked so well, I could almost see it happening in-series. House's hazy regret and reluctance to risk, Wilson's bewildered pain and longing; being there for him anyway and finally taking those last steps.

Absolutely delightful. I think this has just become my favorite House/Wilson get-together fic. Thank you so much for sharing.
From: Elleria
Date: 10/27/2005
So very lovely...just wow...very well done. :-)
From: LastScorpion
Date: 09/27/2005
What a sweet, nice story! I really enjoyed reading it. I loved the memory of the long-ago drunken snuggling. My favorite line was "he hadn't answered, hadn't called the hospital, hadn't done anything but watch her choose the things she preferred over living with him." Poor Wilson!

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