The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Let Be

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From: Kat
Date: 07/04/2008
Love this. Was recommended by a friend and felt frankly dubious as to what House and Torchwood could possibly have in common. Forgot the tremendous pain, love, hate, personal betrayal, etc.

This is just very sweet and eloquent. Thank you for not painting Jack as a slut. He has his moments, but not when people really need him. You paint him wondefully, and Wilson's pain and desperation are perfect and so, so touching. Color me charmed and enchanted and hopeful that the writers on House can handle Wilson's heartache half so well. Something tells me that he and House are in for some hard times next season. (Like Jack and co. aren't in for some hard times next series themselves.)

Some fanfic writers are rubbish, but there are fics out there that leave you wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin' that the show's writers were half as in-tune with the viewers as certain other fanfic writers can be. You're in the latter league by far

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