The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on The Meaning of Marriage

Number of comments: 11

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From: Lanie Kay
Date: 09/11/2007
I've never read this take on Wilson during their relationship. Utterly brilliant!
From: Amanda
Date: 11/23/2005
What a great story. I love the marriage they have. :)
From: The Toaster
Date: 09/25/2005
"Not only do you leave your towels on the floor and your dishes in the sink, but you don't even have dinner on the table when I get home," House said, leaning his cane against the wall to take off his jacket.

"We drove back together," Wilson pointed out, handing House a hanger from the closet.

Classic. Just classic. This whole thing was very funny, and generally well done. Great fic!
From: RoseHasThorns
Date: 07/02/2005
REALLY good! I enjoyed this so much, fantastic writing.
From: viciouswishes
Date: 06/14/2005
Very excellent cynical House. And isn't that how we'd all like to be apologized to with DVDs. Screw flowers, I say. ;) Him messing with Cuddy was just too great.
From: istima
Date: 05/16/2005
Wow, this is so good. I have really enjoyed it. I kept thinking until the end, 'how is sex going to happen?' and was pleasantly surprised to find that there wasn't. I love stories like this, full of possibilities and heartbreaks and yet hope. Thank you so much for writing this story. It was so satisfying.
From: moonlash
Date: 04/01/2005
Lovely story! The voices are very well done, and I love the way you positioned Cuddy as someone in the know of more than House would want her to be. Wonderfully done overall.
From: Clannadlvr
Date: 04/01/2005

Because? *loves*

Absolutely fantastic mix of the lighthearted and the serious, comedy plus longing...all with perfect trademark House snark.

Really, really impressive!
From: roxy
Date: 04/01/2005
Brilliant story--there were so many lines I fell in love with, that made me laugh out loud, but the over all tone was one of a gentle kind of longing that seemed on the surface at odds with House, but I happen to think is really who he is.

Thank you so much for a deeply satisfying story.
From: Doyle
Date: 04/01/2005
I loved the relationship in this - you got the voices just right, especially House. Going back to read it again.
From: gena
Date: 03/31/2005
Great! I loved the feeling of this, the quiet happiness. I love H/W, they're just so cute together. And House getting cheated on!!! I want more - please????

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