The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on My Body the Hand Grenade

Number of comments: 4

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From: Ritaann
Date: 10/17/2005
You meshed past and present so very skillfully to explain events and the motives behind them in a way that keeps one's eyes draw to the screen. Very Yummy Fanfic I must say...lovely.
From: LastScorpion
Date: 10/08/2005
I really liked this story, especially the part where House met Stacy. It's really hard to write in second person, and you did a beautiful job!
From: Tamarak
Date: 04/05/2005
Your fictions always blow me away, but this one is extra good!

The narration, especially the courthouse stuff, rocks.

From: Sanlin
Date: 04/05/2005
I am always charmed and disarmed by your writing style. :-) Drawn in, won over and left with the glowing feeling that I've just had a glimpse into a parallel world where magic and subtext combine to form pictures that can't be held in the hand any more than a bird soaring through the sky, unseen, but recognized, from its lingering musical reply... Your tales are ethereally lovely and crowded with the lingering afterimages of ghosts and unspoken conversations in rooms that are always located just around the next corner. Thanks for sharing. :-)

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