The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Marriage a Trois

Number of comments: 19

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From: Domaris Sky
Date: 01/25/2009
I love the slapping scene... the applause - marvelous. Great that House and Wilson had a long-time relationship since before Wilson met Julie. I love her apology and House's reaction to it. I know for a fact that it is possible to love someone and share them with someone else (and even be friends with them).
From: mim
Date: 12/01/2007
Thank you so much for making Julie a sympathetic character, one worthy of House's respect. I love the whole slapping scene (with applause! hah!) and the irresolution (but not) of the ending.
From: Hope
Date: 02/10/2007
This was a very interesting take. I feel compelled to remind you that in "Sex Kills", the episode from the second season where Wilson and House move in together, Wilson says Julie was cheating on HIM, and that's why they split up...I love stories that explain Julie, but this one left out a lot of what we've been told in the show, like how Wilson once said "Julie hates you" to House, and it didn't seem like your version of her did.

I also generally have an issue with "Greg" and "James" instead of House and Wilson, but obviously that's just a personal preference. Pretty good story.
From: charlotte
Date: 05/13/2006
This was *great*. I liked your characterizations of all three of them, and I thought this was a phenomenal twist on the demented romance or the sudden awakening stories (all of which have their good points, mind you). I loved the strong Julie, and her perspective on everything--Greg, James, love, marriage--were just stellar.

I've read a number of short stories all on a row today, so many that I was feeling soured, thinking, "Short stories just can*not* pack the punch I'm looking for." Then I read yours.

I think my favorite exchange was Julie's "I'm sorry I hit you" and Greg's reply. Wow. Wilson's angst and confusion were excellent touches as well.
From: sor_bet
Date: 04/12/2006
Very interesting fic. No one is the villain, no one is the hero. They just all seemed very real, and very in-character.

(Here via the house_slash community on lj)
From: humanyouth
Date: 02/26/2006
I've read this fic like three times, and thought I'd finally comment on it and let you know how AMAZING it is. Ta~
From: RoseWill
Date: 12/13/2005
That is brilliantly done. I had a little trouble in the middle, because I hate situations where someone gets embarraseed, and I'm so glad they didn't see Julie in the parking lot. The metaphor of the buffet table worked well when you came back to it, and so did the women's studies professors. That ending made it feel proper and right and alright. House was very well done. And I loved that Wilson liked the ties -James looked at her like she'd offered him a cure for cancer and a dozen new ties- Very cute line.
From: Ademska
Date: 12/04/2005
As I've never read your work before, I clicked on this for masochism because I love reading badfic, but this is without a doubt anything -but-.

Without a DOUBT one of my favourite portrayals yet.
From: Soren the Lurker
Date: 10/30/2005
" As she left the hospital, Julie wondered how she was going to explain James's sudden absence to her mother. A medical exchange, maybe, or a dying relative in another city. "

No -- he's a *doctor* :: he's just doing a research project that requires him to work long hours, as well as doing his clinics, his rounds, his classes and his role on the Hospital Board.

Anyone that doubted that would clearly never have spoken with a doctor or nurse in their entire life.

BTW, thnk you for offering an explanation for some of the slight dischordant notes in the Wilson/House vibe.
From: cmiller
Date: 10/07/2005
Followed a link here from makesmewannadie's lj.

I really enjoyed this - great characterizations, well-written. I particularly liked Julie and House's first meeting. Great idea to have Julie as someone worthy of respect!
From: viciouswishes
Date: 06/14/2005
Great POV of Julie to get a different angle on Wilson/House. Very nice play on what she notices and what she doesn't.
From: Kass
Date: 05/02/2005
This is completely fabulous. I like the pacing, I like the characterization, I like the way you manage to tell this story without demonizing anyone (or pretending Julie doesn't matter) -- this is just lovely the whole way through.
From: genagirl
Date: 04/10/2005
I loved this! It was perfect, the right tone, the right words, everything. I'm a sucker for "the other man" stories. And Julie was nice in this.
From: rache
Date: 04/10/2005
I love how complicated the relationship is, and how no white-and-black lines were drawn, not in Julie, not in House, and not in Wilson. I was also totally captivated by Julie's response to the situation after talking to House, how adult it was and how willing she was to think about the people aspect. I adore threesome, and while this isn't a traditional one, it feels like it could be made to work, if they wanted to, with a lot of pain and growth on all sides.
From: Carol
Date: 04/08/2005
You know, I don't think any of the stories I've yet read have made me think as much as this one. I like your Julie -- heck, I like all three of them, and ache a little for what they're going through, even while knowing that (except for Julie) they chose their situations. Few portrayals of House make him both credible and sympathetic, but you've managed it.

I really enjoyed this. I do hope you keep writing in this fandom!
From: Telegramsam
Date: 04/07/2005
Definitely the first Julie story I've read where Julie was actually portrayed as a decent person. I'm so happy you didn't let petty fangirlishness turn her into a bitch by default. *hands you a lollypop* :P
From: rockinhamburger
Date: 04/07/2005
"Julie had agreed, because while she wasn't a superstitious person, it seemed like the less this marriage had in common with her first, the greater the chances of success.

And success was something she wanted very much, for her sake, for James's, and so she could prove to her parents that marrying a man you'd known for four months could make more sense than marrying one you'd known your entire life."

I like that bit. I think you've captured Julie perfectly. I like her, but I also like the way she's resolved this so far.

This is very well written, actually. Hope to read more of your writing soon.
From: atlheel
Date: 04/06/2005
Liked this a lot. House seen through her eyes, and the revelation that she was the other woman, not him...
From: otter
Date: 04/06/2005
Oh story, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Firstly, you are one of the best House stories I've ever read. Secondly... well, that first one still applies. What angst! What characterization! What depth! What what!

But most of all, oh most of all, dear story, I love that moment in which James' betrayal of Julie is turned on its side, and becomes James' betrayal of House, and it's somehow oh so much worse.

You wound me, story, right in the heart region. Luckily, I'm a bit of a masochist, angst-wise, because a good mortal wounding is just my cup of tea.

Bravo, gigi. Seriously. Can't say enough about how fabulous you are. I hope there's some manner of bribery I can offer to get more of this sort of thing out of you.

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