The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on A Pretty Taste For Paradox

Number of comments: 3

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From: Amanda
Date: 10/27/2005
I've been reading through all of your fanfics at this site and this one was one of my favorites. Great job!
From: for_filosofia
Date: 05/12/2005
Love it. Love it ALL. Absolutely beautiful, raw, and true. You've made a House and a House/Cameron fan of me. Seriously - I don't even have a tv!

Please write more!

From: Clannadlvr
Date: 04/30/2005
gah!!! I'm so glad you're continuing this storyline.

Dude...I just...god, that was hot and angsty and lovely all at once. Half the time I'm applauding Cameron for her ability to handle him...and the rest of time I'm screaming at her to realize that she's more than somewhat in over her head. It's a fantastic interplay. I was describing this story to a friend and saying how this is the ideal House and Cameron...they way they'd be if they both decided to try to be together. But even then it would be frought with issues and desires. Fascinating!

I especially love how House tries to regain control at the end:

"This still wasn't a date."

Excellent reminder of his general character. I love that this story never gets too sappy or romantic. Can't wait to see more!

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