The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Can I Call You James?

Number of comments: 3

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From: Catrina
Date: 07/21/2007
Oh, that message was just perfect. So House. And he did save Jimmy/James as you pointed out ~grin~
From: Prins
Date: 06/15/2007
(Friendship really is everything, huh.) Great for a short story, perfectly well-written, and with that warm touch that never falters. Thank you for brighting up my evening.
From: Berlin
Date: 05/26/2007
A nice little think piece. I've sometimes wondered what it is that Wilson gets out of his relationship with House, and this is a plausible explanation. About that name thing, though, which I bring up because you reminded me of it, not because it's your fault. I'm Jewish, and James Evan Wilson is the least Jewish name I've ever heard on a Jewish man. I appreciate that the writers didn't want to burden the character with something stereotypic, but there are lots of names associated with Jewish people that don't boil down to Saul Rabinowitz. Assuming I wanted to save that silly J.E.W. pun, I'd have named him something like Joseph Eli Weiss, and had it make a little more sense.

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