The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Clouded

Number of comments: 4

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From: moose
Date: 12/15/2008
I really enjoyed this (and clarity, but I'm commenting this, so I'll stick to this.)

Is it weird that, out of the whole thing, the thing that bothered me most wasn't the relationship turbulance -- though it did get to me and make me NEED to keep reading, which doesn't happen often -- but the sex on the piano? Not even the condom issue mentioned in an earlier comment (I figured you may not have written them all in the order they ended up in, so maybe it WAS a first for them when you wrote it), no, it was the fact that they were having SEX ON A PIANO; the poor piano ;-; And House has a pretty nice piano, too. For the first three months my piano teacher had her baby grand, we had to play on a keyboard because she didn't want anyone else touching it. My voice teacher trained me out of my habbit of grabbing things when I run out of breath because I was leaving prints on her grand. Of course, when House's place got raided in the actual show, I didn't throw a fit about them going through all his stuff, but removing his guitar from its stand.

The Harvey reference was delightful for me. For some reason I drew a connection from the Loch Ness Monster bit to the Puca(Pooka, whatever), whether it was intended or not. Well, I've left you a long, rambling comment, so my work here is done. I enjoy your stories and hope to read more in the future!
From: Joxer
Date: 01/24/2008
This and the prequel was really a good story and a good read. I am defiiately looking forward to your future works.

On a technical point, I think I should pont out that during the scene with House and Chase making love on the piano, you stated that it was a first for them, because they would not be using protection. Actually, that would be a second, because you had them making love in the shower without protection, it was the scene where house wanted to tire him out so Chase could sleep, just before House started to feel pain in his leg again. Just thought you might want to know this so you could fix it.

Lovely story though.
From: Ashley
Date: 07/20/2007
OMG... firstly i cannot tell you how much i enjoyed this fic. I thought it was absolutely brilliant <3

The way you portrayed the characters was perfect and i just couldn't get enough of it. Great, great, great, great job. You are AWESOME! =]
From: cassa_andra
Date: 01/22/2007
Fantastic! I really enjoyed both this fic and the Clarity. I loved the way that House told his Parents he found Chase attractive - It was almost as cute as the section where House annouced that Chase was wearing his socks. I also Loved the part where Chase 'delt' with the situation with the 15 year old girl and Wilson & Cuttie where impressed by it.

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