The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on A Tune for the Taking

Number of comments: 2

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From: MASHFanficChick
Date: 04/19/2010
Oh! That was just beautiful! I have a serious thing for House and Wilson being serious together, and a separate thing for music, and yet another thing for, y'know, GOOD WRITNG, and so this...this was just amazing. Sweet and funny and perfectly "them" (I love how House just accepts in his own mind that his teasing doesn't count, because OF COURSE Wilson should know what he means)...and the end was just perfect. Thanks so much for the great read! :-)
From: Cheryl
Date: 09/02/2007
Another great story from you--I especially liked the last part where they have the conversation in the car...and I now have this firm mental image stuck in my head of the two of them flying down the road singing "Born to Run"...

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