The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Black Ice

Number of comments: 2

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From: Housepiglet
Date: 03/25/2007
This was truly excellent! I felt that you managed to convey a sense resounding emptiness just perfectly. There were so many great lines that I've lost track of them all, but I particularly liked this one. Not just the idea, but also the rhythm of it.

"There was a space in the office that was swallowing up the room."

Great, great stuff :) Many thanks for posting it.
From: blackmare
Date: 01/14/2007
Hi there. I got here from a link topaz_eyes posted on her LiveJournal account. Excellent story, refreshing for its take on Foreman and what he means to the team. He's such a difficult character to get a grip on, and I've never found a good place to start writing him. Interesting to define him by his absence the way you've done here, and I found your writing of Cameron and Chase absolutely believable. Cameron on the show irritates me, but you've made me like her here. Really, really well done. If you'd like to find me I'm blackmare_9 over on LiveJournal.

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