The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Three Out of Two

Number of comments: 11

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From: Luci
Date: 08/06/2008
Oh wow! I gotta tell you, I found this fic totally by accident and I never thought I'd enjoy a Huddy fic as much I have thoroughly enjoyed this one. I've been reading it on and off all afternoon when I was supposed to be working. Congrats, you did an amazing job!

From: An
Date: 06/07/2007
Loved the story.
From: Yoyo
Date: 05/13/2007
Sorry for the double comment, but I forgot to ask: why Caleb Cuddy-House??? shouldn't it be Caleb House, or Caleb House Cuddy??? I'm lost LOL I really don't know how's the name thing in the US :S

Thanks for the answer!!! :D
From: Yoyo
Date: 05/13/2007
OMFG that was soooooooooooooooo good. Excellent!!! I just loved it!!! :D and I really want this to happen on the show, House has to be the father of Cuddy's baby :D

Excellent :D
From: Dina C
Date: 05/08/2007
Lovely story. It was so refreshing to see a healthy, heart-whole House. Thanks.
From: carla Bustos
Date: 03/30/2007
i really liked your story somehow it was cannon not to the story but to the personalities of the characters. I hope you write some more on house/cuddy since its ur only story of them.Anyway love your writing i like how you devloped chase and his not asking cameron on anything, about the marring staff im not so sure i like it.Really good at the sarcasm and the loyal professionalism of wilson i like it i really did. so long and thanks
From: Zulu
Date: 03/20/2007
So much awww! There were a few times when it got a little too sentimental for my tastes, but there were so many hormones floating about that it mostly felt like you'd simply amplified the characters' natural tendencies, transplanted them to a situation where they could grow. Awesome, long, satisfying read. Go you!
From: JD11
Date: 02/21/2007
Wow! I loved it! Totally them, absolutely plausible, and extremely cute. You dealt very well with them telling people, especially Wilson. I also really liked the slow transformation from helping her out, to conceiving, to "dating", to moving in, to actually becoming parents. It was very intimate in its own way. Very well done and well written. Hugs, ~JD
From: annonmyous
Date: 02/12/2007
From: Tamara
Date: 02/05/2007
Must. Have. Sequel! (And a middle name. Maybe James? lol) Seriously, great. And please write a sequel.
From: Aim
Date: 01/26/2007
I thought this was a fantastic story...Very well written!

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