The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Altruism

Number of comments: 20

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From: YNXKdyemEw
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From: Kigan
Date: 05/28/2009
Oh my god! That was AMAZING! A few months ago I was thinking of how nifty it would be if someone made a House/Saw crossover, and I finally found one. It definatly exceeded expectations PLUS it was H/W! I was in bloody heaven reading this! XD
From: Me
Date: 01/10/2009
Wow. When I was reading the parts where Wilson was dying and House had to cut off his leg, I was crying. This may be very disturbing, but I enjoyed it very much.
From: Lord of the Shadows
Date: 07/14/2008
Creepy as hell, but freakin' awesome! *grinning* Kudos.
From: cardenrow
Date: 06/19/2008
Wow....I really liked this story! A lot. It kept my interest, had me on the edge of my seat, and satisfied the desire I'd always had to see Wilson be the "POTW" and the subject of the infamous white board. And you did a good job making it feel canon, too, even along with the H/W. Awesome!
From: Lali
Date: 12/26/2007
I hate "Saw"!! I barely got through the first movie... But, that being said, I was really curious to see your view on it. And see how Wilson and House would fare. Thank God you kept them alive.

It was really good and it seemed well-researched even if I don't know much(anything, actually) about poisons and medicine.

Good job on it!
From: Grace
Date: 10/13/2007
... holy jesus, that was amazing. It's quite possible I've never read anything this good that wasn't published and showered with praise.
From: Jamie
Date: 06/30/2007
Oh, my God... that was so intense! You deserve a writing award of some kind for this particular story. Kudos to you!
From: Lyra
Date: 06/17/2007
Wow, that was really wonderful.

Nice use of actual medical terminology =) The mere fact that you did research amazes me.

When I started reading this story, I thought it was just going to be a copy-cat version of "Saw" but with House characters as replacements. I was excited to see that your writing got more complicated than that. Oh, and I love how you tied in House/Wilson as a major part of the plot. (I'm not even a Hilson shipper. Haha.) It works perfectly!

Keep writing!
From: nikki r
Date: 06/13/2007
i dont really understand the ending: who was doing this to him and what was the polaroid for?
From: Tess
Date: 05/14/2007
Wow 0_0 Just wow. This was amazing, had me on the edge of my seat from the beginning. When I suddenly put two and two together and realized that House was inadvertantly poisoning Wilson, I felt this sickening feeling of 'Oh my god... oh my god...' *had to remind herself they were fictional characters*. And when you confirmed that horrible theory, I couldn't stop thinking about the irony of the situation... I loved it.

And geez... the foot .____. I haven't seen Saw before, but I knew what it's about, and I still got squeamish when you described it... I'm not usually a squeamish person at all.

The ending part was perfect too. So creepy =) Anyway, great job! /end happy gushing
From: Elleria
Date: 05/13/2007
This is so good, I love it.
From: 3Jane
Date: 04/13/2007
Wow. wow, wow! That WAS intense. I was sucking this up in 3 days. I hope you will one day come up with a sequel that will explain the true motifs of the unknown abductor, as I found it rather strange why somebody would do that. But then, a sick mind is a sick mind, right? Loved it 3Jane
From: Jo
Date: 02/01/2007
Wow. Very intense. Usually I am not into violence, esp. to "further" a relationship, as it is often used in fanifc, but this is .. well, different. Very well written, very much in character. Wow again.
From: Ca
Date: 01/23/2007
I definitely appreciate the creepy. I have not seen Saw but this hit all the right buttons. I am a diehard horror fanatic. An artist siad once that true art makes one nautious. This definitely proves that point. It gets a little schmoopy and maybe I would have ended it sooner but I really liked this. Thank you for stepping outside the box<3
From: Oni
Date: 12/07/2006
This was pure genius! I really loved the deep insight of H/W relationship and the dialogues, House's final choice was delightfully surprising, but most of all I enjoyed the plot and its unforeseen twists. Bravo!
From: Finding_Rowan
Date: 12/02/2006
I'm usually not a fan of crossover fiction, but yours was very, very well done. The pacing and character portrayals were excellent. Awesome job!
From: UnSerious Sirius
Date: 11/03/2006
Jesus. This is...a masterpiece. A chilling masterpiece. The part where Wilson nearly dies and House sees the saw, and makes the decision to saw off his ffot, god. I made my stomach roll and tears come to my eyes at the same time. The descriptions were haunting and sickening, and yet the thought of House doing that made me hurt.

Brilliant, brilliant job. And I enjoyed Wilson's little speech at the end, about how he's glad the leg's gone, felt like they were in a threesome with it, etc. Really great work.
From: Cenori
Date: 11/03/2006
I meant to read this when you posted it on LJ, but sadly forgot about it until I saw it here. I'm a big fan of the first Saw movie, and you did a great job of capturing the atmosphere of the film. All your twists were perfectly executed, and I was never once bored. I'm just... SO glad that this fic was good! With such a great concept, I had high expectations, and you definitely met them.
From: cupotrevor
Date: 11/01/2006
you scared the heck out of me there..i got all klenexed up but you made it work out ok..very good really exciting....

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