The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on The Great Escape?

Number of comments: 6

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From: Cleavage Queen
Date: 09/23/2009
That was FREAKIN' HYSTERICAL!!! And original too!!!! I'm still ROFLMA at the video that ran through my mind while reading this. I so want to see conspiratorial House and Wilson having fun again!
From: Cat
Date: 02/27/2007
*wipes tears from eyes*

Someone should make this into an episode! And Wilson riding the bike!

*laughs again*
From: bmax
Date: 10/11/2006
Loved this! You wrote House and Wilson so well! Great story. :)
From: Susanah
Date: 09/04/2006
I really enjoyed this story, it made me laugh so much. Margie was a wonderful secretary, I loved her to death! You captured House and Wilson's relationship beautifully.

However, I found that having Wilson's words italicized interupted the flow of the story. You wrote well enough that there was no need to use different font styles to distinguish who was speaking.

Other than that, it was a terrific story! Thanks and I hope you will continue writing!
From: Sokerchick
Date: 09/04/2006
Hilarious and very well written. Totally in character. I could picture it as I read it!

From: Melody
Date: 09/04/2006
Great story, really fun. The italics for Wilson's words took a little getting used to, but that is a great idea. I can't count the number of dialogue heavy stories I've read that I've had to stop reading and attempt to figure out who was saying what (I usually fail, miserably).

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