The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Fading Light

Number of comments: 17

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From: lQtMjEfaik
Date: 07/30/2013
Source drug test information xanax - xanax drug screening detection
From: kelly
Date: 08/02/2009
bonjour cette fanfiction et vraiment magnifique elle et vraiment trés belle méme si j'ai du mal a suivre a cause de la traduction des mots et sens inverser merci pour sette histoire
From: Lakstingala
Date: 08/02/2009
This was simply beautiful. Calm yet intense, and I admit to almost crying in the end of both parts.

"The world had been lost to his sight, and he needed something he could hold onto in the darkness and though House might not be too steady on his feet his heart was the steadiest of all."

This part was a real gem, the whole thing about House not being steady on his feet is just so brilliant. Good job and thanks for sharing!
From: Max
Date: 02/16/2009
Wow. Amazing. I had to take ten minutes to get my bawling under control before I could even write this. You really feel like you're experiencing Wilson's and House's pain. It very realistic and well-written. <3
From: Susanna
Date: 07/25/2008
Oh, this story is heartbreaking. The scene at the end, where Wilson goes blind, is just beatiful.
From: Anonymiss731
Date: 12/25/2006
That was beautiful but it was painful.I'm crying so hard my ribs hurt and I broke into sobs a few times.I'm a bit paranoid that I'll go blind when I get older. My Grandmother was blind in one eye and the other wasn't that great either. For the past couple of years my visions been getting worse along with other symptoms. I freaked out once to my mother but she didn't say much. It was horribly real that I related with Jimmy. Not just with a fear of losing sight but begin alone. Your story made me feel incredibly sad but hopeful too. The support and love that you wovn into Greg was amazing. It's rare to see love like that in reality. Your story reminded me of the sort of this I've been trying to forget exist. I don't think I've ever felt personally connected to a story before. I have felt sorry for characters before (your description and skill made me feel for them as if they were real). You're incredibly talented. The feelings you draw out are raw and powerful. The language and description is truly magnificient. Thank you.
From: Kathleen
Date: 09/15/2006
Well, as soon as my eyes are dry enough to see to type, I'll just say that this was the most moving piece of fan fiction that I've read in years. Seeing the loss from both their perspectives I think is what made it such a lovely read. I've just really gotten into the show, and have a lot of catching up to do, but I could see House reacting this way to such a terrible crisis in Wilson's life. The descriptions of House playing for Wilson, then holding him and soothing him are so vividly real, and make for such a lovely mental picture. Thank you.
From: Devon
Date: 09/12/2006
That was sooooo touching!!! Fabulously entertaining and I think you should write a Part 2, you know after Wilson goes blind and after Wilson admits his love to House!! I support that idea 100%.
From: Sylvia Sylverton
Date: 09/09/2006
This was so sad and beautiful. It made me cry.
From: Belladonna
Date: 09/09/2006
Wow, this was so heart rending, and I loved both pov's...excellent angsty story-nowI need to read a happy one or I'll be depressed!! lol
From: Jackyblu
Date: 09/09/2006
Devastatingly beautiful, I am still wiping away tears. You are a gifted writer Gena, and I always look forward to your postings.
From: Oni
Date: 09/09/2006
This is really beautifully written and deeply mooving. Very delicate but also extremely in character. i found very impressive the use you made of silence to picture their relationship and understanding. Sad and romantic at the same time and the rythm really made me think of a sunste, slow and inevitable. And the last scene, with Wilson's sight fading away with one last blink of eyes, it was so perfect it is burned in my imagination forever...
From: Bri
Date: 09/08/2006
This is simply amazing. You have a beautiful style of writing - your descriptions are very vivid. I love the relationship you painted between the two of them, it's simple and subtle yet truly loving.

Probably my biggest fear is going blind, so the way you wrote them dealing with it made me bawl like a baby - in the best way possible, of course. I rarely cry over stories/films/books/whatever, so this is a testament to how powerful this piece is.
From: Caej
Date: 09/08/2006
That was the saddest thing in the world. I love this story a lot.
From: quantuminferno
Date: 09/08/2006
you are freaking brilliant. this story was sooo good... *sob... too good.
From: Kate
Date: 09/07/2006
I have read quite a few stories on this site, but this one I felt absolutely compelled to congratulate you on. Its magnitude was incredible; it's hard to say which point of view was more powerful.

Absolutely phenomenal. Thank you for sharing your talent.

From: Susan
Date: 09/07/2006
This was beautiful. My heart ached for Wilson, but House made me cry. Thank you.

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