The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Catalyst

Number of comments: 20

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From: Yvette
Date: 04/29/2007
WOW! What a great story!! I've always wanted to read a story like this! At first I found it hard to picture House acting all tender but by the end it was totally working for me, besides, I don't really care, because I just love the idea of House and this kid (and Wilson!) becoming a family! Thank you so much for writing us and sharing it with us all! I can't wait to read your other stories!! Thanks!! xoxo
From: Joanne
Date: 04/17/2007
That was awesome
From: chaoskir
Date: 04/08/2007
I loved your story. And I´ll read your other stories too but this one will work to me and/or in me (in my heart and in my head) and if I get it / it will be finished working, I´ll read one more of your stories. Your writing style is grandios. I mean, I loved how you describe the relationsships between your characters and I loved the different way you see House in his private life and his life as a Doc. You´re that sensitive and in your stories are a lot of wonderful emotions. I bow me to you and your talent in awe (sorry for this bad english. My only once brain cell isn´t able to use this language better).
From: embeer2004
Date: 03/12/2007
Aww, sad when Steve had to go. Then again, House had a point what with David being a kid and all... Nice that he took him in though and that Wilson became part of the family.
From: Rachel
Date: 01/24/2007
Hi. I've read your Desperados stories several times each, and I tell my friend, Chandler, about them. He's straight and not so much into the H/W aspect, though he doesnt mind as long as it's not uber graphic. I thought you'd like to know that he said if you were writing for - or at least consulting on - the show, crap like the Tritter arc would never have happened, and the whole show would be even better. And he thinks this kind of situation would make a great House episode, maybe with Cuddy adopting the kid, since she wants one. You should write more.
From: lookfar
Date: 01/21/2007
Again, this is so extremely mush-a-tronic, yet I'm enjoying this thoroughly. Totally out of character! Totally adorable!

Have you thought of numbering the titles so that your readers could get them in sequence? I'm sort of figuring it out.
From: RoseWill
Date: 11/22/2006
Oh, I love this. David was great, sweet and little boy and not too much of anything. House and Wilson's argument about his adopting David was spot on the issues, (also duplicated, which you know) and Stacy worked well, too. I liked the vingette style, but it was just a little confusing about David moving in with House (and them getting a new place?). I think that you really need a stronger introduction to each section, separate each story. Right now it reads too much like there are simply scenes missing. I really enjoyed the story that was there. Wilson's developing love for House for sweetly played, too, and I like the simplicity of their coming together (although I would have liked a little more foreshadowing on Wilson's part). And Steve! Well done House. That praciticality from him (like his sacrificing Steve for Foreman) was spot on.
From: kayla
Date: 11/10/2006
OMG I don't know what I'm more in love with, the fic, or you for writing it! lol this is the cutest, sweetest, most wonderfully beautiful House...(eventual House/Wilson)...fic I have *ever* read!! oh dear lord...You have truely made my night! lol will sleep with happy dreams of House, Wilson and their adorable little boy David! woot for you! ;D
From: housepiglet
Date: 11/07/2006
Wow, beautiful! You made me cry :)
From: J L Blackstone
Date: 11/04/2006
Excellent story. I was looking for a kid fic with House and this went beyond my expectations. I'd love to read more stories in this universe.

From: mathwiz
Date: 10/08/2006
Oh. My. God. That was incredible! David was a wonderful character and Wilson and House's relationship was great. You must write more!
From: naughtybookworm
Date: 10/05/2006
I intentionally left that out. I meant to describe the story as a series of vignettes, rather than a continuous narrative. I could write that scene, though. I'm so psyched by the responses that I am already toying with a sequel.

From: naughtybookworm
Date: 10/05/2006
I intentionally left that out. I meant to describe the story as a series of vignettes, rather than a continuous narrative. I could write that scene, though. I'm so psyched by the responses that I am already toying with a sequel.

From: Asioleh
Date: 10/05/2006
I just had to say the I liked this story very, very much. Maybe because I was a little over emotion today but in the end I was crying for their happiness. But even liking it I still missed the part where David´s mother leaves him and he goes to live with House.
From: naughtybookworm
Date: 10/04/2006
BTW, there's an error - there was a section that got duplicated in the wrong place. Somebody tell me how to fix it?
From: naughtybookworm
Date: 10/04/2006
Holy Crow! Thanks!
From: Devon
Date: 10/04/2006
That was AWSOME!!!!! Your words are amazing and at certain parts in the story I started to cry!! Bravo, and keep up the naughty House and Wilson fanfic!
From: jiffylog
Date: 10/04/2006
i would love a sequel.
From: jiffylog
Date: 10/04/2006
i would love a sequel.
From: Bixy
Date: 10/04/2006
An absolutely brilliant, wonderfully thought out, well written, highly enjoyable story. I've never read it's like before, in any fandom. Thank you.

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