The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on At the Bottom of a Glass

Number of comments: 60

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From: Carol
Date: 12/12/2005
James Wilson is a pearl beyond price, and House is so lucky to have him as you so excellently illustrated in this story. Thanks so much for a great story.
From: wanderingwidget
Date: 10/09/2005
Just dropping a line to say that I'm still loving this story. Especially these bits:

/Certain days, though, you just wanted to hold head-first in a bottle's worth of scotch until they stopped kicking.

His life was a metaphor for the prolog of a metaphor and that seemed deeply wrong.

He also found himself humming "Every Sperm is Sacred," which seemed to be all that was needed to finish Wilson off./

Definately the best thing 'random' could have spat out at me tonight ^^
From: Jane
Date: 10/05/2005
This paragraph killed me dead with funny:

House was good at this, he knew. All those years of experience told him what Wilson liked, but since House was House and also a guy, he knew that if you put a vacuum cleaner attachment on most men's dicks, you'd get positive results. And a gunked-up vacuum cleaner. But he also knew how to press, just there behind the balls, and knew how to squeeze just there. He also found himself humming "Every Sperm is Sacred," which seemed to be all that was needed to finish Wilson off.

Maudlin House & the final comment about Wilson not needing to take care of House were both very sweet.
From: Carol
Date: 04/15/2005
I really, really like your work. Great imagery, great dialogue, realistic and smoothly written. Looking forward to reading more!

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