The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Lesser Expectations

Number of comments: 5

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From: Ritaann
Date: 10/16/2005
This story is exactly the reason why I just *love* Gen. Beautiful, well written and gave insight into characters without making them have sex all over the page in an effort to gain the reader's attention. Well done!
From: Elisa
Date: 06/04/2005
Oooh, what a wonderful story. You definitely are one of the best authors on this site. Your characterization is flawless and I think you've almost turned me into a Wilson/Cameron shipper with this one.
From: Ilana
Date: 05/05/2005
I wouldn't have thought about Wilson and Cameron interacting like this, but you make it completely believable. They're both in character, and full of angst just the way I like them. Great fic.
From: gena
Date: 01/23/2005
Great story. Very calm, quiet but so telling. Wilson is a very interesting person and you seem to be peeling him like an onion, going for the core. Thanks.
From: shalott
Date: 01/23/2005
Oh, this was great. Wilson and Cameron together, both perfectly in character and also satellites orbiting around House's black hole. I love the quiet melancholy of the end, and Wilson's reluctant introspection:

"He wondered if it would've mattered who he'd found there. Or if all that would've mattered was whether that person needed him more than his dark house and sleeping wife did."

Lovely, and the very last line just gets you in the gut.

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