The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on fiveletterword

Number of comments: 6

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From: frostedpeony
Date: 11/18/2009
so obviously I'm not the only person who'd love to pin Wilson against the wall and ravish him...*smirk*
From: Siarra
Date: 03/28/2007
Holy UST, Batman! :D Wow, this just might be one of the best teaserfics filled with unresolved sexual tension I've ever read. The characterization was very interesting and hooking, and together with the compelling narrative it made a very intriguing and immersive story. Not often am I on the edge of my seat, torn between savouring every line and hurrying to see what happens next. Great work. My only complain was the sudden pov jumps between the general narrative and Chase's thoughts, which could've been included in the text and done quite a bit smoother that way. I'd love to see some kind of sequel for this, be it Chase offering more of such special favours and Wilson remaining oblivious, or Wilson himself beginning to pick up the clues. Sorry about the cramped text, I kept getting an error message complaining about using enter. *mutters*
From: XiMaPyRoMaNiAcX
Date: 04/11/2006
Hey, I know that this may seem a little late but have you thought of a sequel? that would be great. I absolutely LOVE the pairing, there arn't too many Chase/Wilson fics. Keep up good work

From: Mithri
Date: 11/06/2005
Ooh, you can't just leave it like that! *cries for sequel*
From: Riverflame
Date: 03/25/2005
Mmmm. Very hot. You practically had me drooling, hee! And I loved the pairing.

You switched perspectives in there for a sentence or two - it might have been Chase's thoughts, but I couldn't tell as the text didn't have any thought markers. You might want to fix that :) Some of Chase's thoughts at the beginning struck me as a little cheesy too, but it definitely improved as the fic went on.

Great fic, keep writing! :D
From: RazZadig
Date: 03/22/2005
Where's the rest of this intriguing little fic? (in other words, I want more!) Unusual pairing and very sensual touching--in a rather public place. Also, good angle integrating the story with the crossword puzzle.

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