Comments on A Strange Lull

Number of comments: 5

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From: Ts Kiti
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Date: 08/07/2012
Wow this is such an inspired and original story, amazingly so. It feels so real that the whole scenario seems like an outtake of Potc 1. Its premise is highly plausible, and it develops so well that every event is driven naturally and seamlessly by perfectly in-character actions. Nothing feels contrived, but we know there is so much craft in it. And I like the idea that each character is in his or her own right, all justified and worthy of interest to the reader. I didn't want the story to end while I read, and I wish the writer could write more of this fandom.
From: NautilusL2
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Date: 09/02/2009
Ok hey! I was directed to this fic in a rec and I am so glad that I started reading it! First of all, I haven't finished yet. Actually Im still in the first few paragraphs. But I can already tell this is a winner because of Anamaria and her choices of sea shanties! All For Me Grog is totally one of my favorites! I sing it all the time. So good job. Yes, thank you. Off to read now.
From: Pearlsie
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Date: 08/08/2009
That was brilliant. utterly brilliant. So brilliant that me saying what all I thought was brilliant would require pretty much a synopsis of the whole fic.

But mostly, I just wanted to say congrats and thanks to you for writing the Navy as, well, Navy. As some of, if not the, finest damned sailors of the Age of Sail. For writing James as the sailor that even Disney/TnT claim he's supposed to be.

And for some very priceless Sparrington snark, and that brilliant response to the old 'why join the Navy? lets all fangirl and romanticize pirates instead!' theme with James "Exactly". (Definitely paraphrased there, xD).

So yes, great job. Brilliant. I think I need to invent a new adjective.
From: porridgebird
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Date: 07/28/2009
Ahh.. I had forgotten how much I love this fic. Your Jack and James are spot on, and it's such a pleasure to see them Captaining! Your Ana is also perfect, and your Duke of Ledingham is hilarious.

Best of all is the relationship between Jack and James, as their respect for each other grows into a bond that becomes very personal.

Thank you for this wonderful story.
From: smithkingsley
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Date: 07/22/2009
This is such a beautiful story, and it's PURE Sparrington (for want of a better term). I'd have to quote the whole fic if I went looking for my favourite parts, but two parts I loved were James trying to work out which port the Pearl had come from, and Jack asking Gibbs what James had been like to serve under; I love the way they size each other up and inevitably come together. And James loving the Dauntless, and Jack seeing that he does, is just so much in character for both of them. The end is just perfection (as is the entire story), with the bead with the jade. Absolutely gorgeous from start to finish, and such a wonderful, wonderful read.

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