The Glitter Jungle:

Learning to improve oneself. Smallville

"There, just relax." Lionel instructed. "Don't gag."

Clark nodded minutely.

"Remember, you're doing this for Lex. You don't want to embarrass yourself, or him."

Clark couldn't believe he actually went to Lionel Luthor and asked for his guidance. But he just really didn't want to ask his dad for instructions. Or his mom. Clark shuddered. He really didn't need to think about that right now.

"Do you like the taste?" Lionel inquired. Clark just shrugged. "Well, it's an acquired taste. You'll get used to it." This was as comforting and supportive as Lionel would get. Clark tried again.

"Swallow. Whatever you do, don't spit." Clark closed his eyes and let the unfamiliar liquid slide down his throat. Actually, not that bad. He blinked. Not bad at all.

"Wanna try again?" He asked shyly.

Lionel smirked. "I'll make a brandy drinker out of you yet, Kent," he said smugly.
