The Glitter Jungle:

Ficlet for the livejournal outage. Giles/Ethan

omg no lj!

"This time, you've gone too far." Giles' face was pale with rage. His hand tightened around Ethan's throat.

"It... wasn't me," the tied up man managed to hiss.

"Who else would do something like this, cause this much chaos?"

"I'd love to take credit, but I didn't do it. Why would I destroy livejournal? I can't update, just the same as you!"

"You have an LJ?" Giles was very suspicious. "What's on it?"

"......Recipes." Big innocent eyes that fooled no one. But Ethan didn't want to tell Giles he's posting nude pictures of his ex lover twice a week, on a community that now entertained over five hundred friends.


In January 2005, Livejournal was down for the longest while, during which everyone went insane. Er.
