The Glitter Jungle:

Fast Love
Sex on Super Speed. Wally/Clark [Flash/Superman]

Not fast. Not fast, not fast enough, not fast enou-

Yes. Right there.

Come on, c'mon c'mon come *ON* -

"Just stick it in me!"

Clark is startled. Wally is normally impatient but now he's just plain - rude, he wants to say, but the word is more - *demanding*, and pushy. And vibrating, which can be very nice but not when you're trying to aim your cock into -

"Stay put!" Clark holds him down and Wally vibrates more quietly and then Clark can get inside him and - fuck. Just thrust and be careful about strength but for once, hurrah, for once not minding about speed.


He doesn't really want to hurt Wally but it's too late anyway because Wally managed to wiggle out of his grip and fuck himself, pushing backwards with great zeal and moaning, and vibrating harder and harder. Man of Steel, Clark says to himself again and again in his head, Man of Steel. I can outlast a speedster. I can outlast *Wally*. I can. Man of Steel.

Wally comes with a shout and a buck and a push that spears him back on Clark's cock as deep as it can go, and white hot and messy sheets and wild red hair, wet with sweat in his eyes.

Clark thrusts a few more times, mostly for show, and then lets go and mouths Wally's neck to silence his scream.

That was *good*.

That was *fast*.

That was *good*.

That was Wally rolling over and looking at him expectantly. Clark risked a quick glance southward.



Inspiring though extremely short fridgeporn:

stick it in me
