In the Dark - notes
written 21 May, posted to RS 12 June 2003

So resonant was going to write me Snape/Bill for my birthday. Or so she said. It was one of the options. As it was, she said she couldn't do it without about 400K of backstory, which, okay, I get that you can't just dash that off in a weekend. So I got some lovely Fraser/Kowalski instead, and I was thinking, maybe I'll get Snape/Bill next year. Or maybe it'll be the Next Big Thing she decides to do, once she recovers from Transfigurations (go. read it. now.). 'tever.

And then she turned up in chat one evening having had a crummy day, with dental work and a busted refrigerator. And I said, "Would it help if I tried to tell you a story to cheer you up?" And she said "Do you want to try writing Snape/Bill?"

And two hours later, give or take, I had me a draft. I took out the paperclips and sent it to res for a cleanup, and after a little wand-waving and polishing with a clean soft cloth, here it is.

It's 1982, for those of you who are interested. And cheers to Rahalia for the Brit-pick. :-)

In the Dark