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Aftermath 2

"Which will it be? Jail for Calandar - or Hutch's life?" Starsky's voice was a ragged plea. Dobey dropped into his chair, running his fingers through his hair. Starsky left him there, trotting back to the Torino. Huggy was waiting, perched on the fender.

"What now?"

"Back to Roper. The hit man's gotta come to his target." The Torino sped away, tires screaming. Huggy held on, heart in his throat at the desperation in Starsky's eyes.

They'd gone two lights before Starsky slammed on the brakes, swinging the Torino in a tight circle.

"Whoa man! Where we going?" Huggy fought to stay in his seat.

"Roper's limo." Starsky swung in behind the vehicle, two cars between them. The limo continued for several blocks then stopped in front of a liquor warehouse. Starsky parked across the street. Roper and two of his guards entered the warehouse. A moment later, they emerged.

Starsky's sharp eyes narrowed as he caught movement in the alley. He was moving across the street before he was conscious of it. "Roper! Get down!"

Time slowed down for thirty seconds as everything happened at once. Roper dove for cover, his guards pulling him for the car, guns out, desperately searching for the threat. Starsky's gun was out as he ducked behind a car, then sprinted closer to the limo. Calandar stepped clear of the alley. His first shot went over Roper's head as he ducked into the car, and the next two quick shots were fired at Starsky.

Starsky dove for cover, rolled and came up on one knee. Calandar was ready for the move. Two more shots followed Starsky's movements and caught him in the chest, knocking him to the street. He didn't move.

Time returned to normal and Huggy was out of the Torino, running to his friend. Roper's limo pulled away and Calandar faded back into the alley. Huggy fell to his knees, next to Starsky.

"Starsky! Starsky!?" He rolled his friend into his arms, pulled off his shades. "Oh man! What'd you do that for?" Starsky's leather jacket was soaked in blood.

" bad?" Starsky grimaced, fought for breath.

"Bad. I called for help. Hang on man."

Starsky coughed, bright red blood on his lips. "Doesn't matter. Hug...sorry you're seeing...this. Hutch...always there...kept me...straight. Without Calandar...he's gone too."

"Don't talk that way, man. You and Hutch'll outlive me." Huggy took Starsky's hand, feeling the cold seeping in. A crowd was beginning to form. A solid cloud darkened the sun, casting Starsky in a cold shadow. "Stay with me, Starsk."

Starsky smiled a little. "Don't cry, Hug. Tell Hutch...see him...on the other...side."

"Starsky, no." Huggy could only watch as Starsky's eyes closed, and one final breath raised his bloody chest. "No." Huggy dropped his head, buried his face into the brown curls and cried.

Huggy met Dobey at the hospital. "How's Hutch?"

"Not good Without the serum he doesn't have a chance."

"Do we tell him about Starsky?"

"Dr. Kaufman doesn't think he'll keep fighting if he knows. I agree."

Huggy looked into the isolation room at Hutch's figure, partially obscured by the oxygen tent. "We're gonna lose both of them, aren't we?"

"'Fraid so."

"Life sucks, Cap'n."

The voice penetrated the fog of pain and heat. "Hutch. Hutch! Open your eyes and look at me."

Hutch cracked his eyes, taking a moment from his fight for air. "Starsk? What are you doing here?" His voice got stronger as he spoke and his eyes widen. Why didn't it hurt?

"Come to get you. Time to get outta here." Starsky's face was glowing, a grin covered it from ear to ear, his eyes sparkling.

"What do you mean? Starsk - what's happening? I don't hurt anymore. Did you find the serum?"

Starsky reached forward, offered his hand. "Take my hand, Hutch. Don't be afraid. We're going some place where you can't ever be hurt again."

Hutch reached out, took Starsky's ungloved hand. Starsky pulled and he sat up. Starsky pulled him off the bed and steadied him with a hand on the waist.

"Where we going?" Hutch smiled, feeling better than he had in a long time.

"Some place better. Trust me." Starsky's smile was radiant. "Don't you trust me?"

"Always." Hutch took a step, and then another, never looking back at the empty shell he left behind, his hand firmly gripping his partner's.

Outside the isolation room, Dobey and Huggy watched the heart monitor beep irregularly twice, than flat-lined.

Huggy took Dobey's arm. "He's gone."

Dobey dropped his head, eyes full of tears. "Come on Huggy, we have some phone calls to make." He looked at the peaceful body for a moment. "Goodbye, Hutch. Find peace...and Starsky."

The End