Can I bring up a subject that's off-topic on the list? Off-Topic Postings: While S/H is the main topic at VP, many of our neighbors enjoy other fandoms. We encourage an open- atmosphere on VenicePlace where neighbors can feel free to discuss anything – including the list itself. While we don't want to lose sight of the main focus of our list, off-topic postings are not discouraged. What is an off-topic post? Basically, anything that is in no way related to S/H -- which is a pretty broad umbrella. I consider the following ON-TOPIC: any information about the actors or participants of the show, discussions about the time period of the show, the general culture of that time, or any information about the show itself. I also feel it is on-topic to discuss slash, fandom, cons, and fan writing. An OFF-TOPIC post might be strictly about some other fandom, like Sentinel, Pros, Highlander, etc. that has no relationship at all to S/H. (Now, if it's about a cross-universe between any of these fandoms and S/H, it's back on-topic!) If you want to bring up an off-topic discussion, all you have to do is label it in the subject line, such as: "OT: New Sentinel Zine coming out!" This way, people inundated with too much mail can delete posts they're not interested in.