:-) sideways smiley face (many variations)
;-) sideways wink
:-/ sideways exasperation face
:-P~~~ drooling
:-P hanging tongue out
8-) wearing glasses or wide-eyed smiling face
8-D laughing hard
8-0 screaming
o--8< Ray Doyle (Pros) lying face down (butt shot)
o--B< Starsky lying face down (butt shot)
BTW by the way
<D&R> duck and run
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FWIW for what its worth
FRJH Flying Rambo Jim Heads
FSB Flying Starsky Butts
<G> grin
IMCO in my considered opinion
IMHO in my humble opinion
IMO in my opinion
LOL laughing out loud
OTOH on the other hand
RL Real life, as opposed to net/fan life
<ROTFL> Rolling on the floor laughing
<ROTFLMYAO> Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
TTFN ta ta for now
<VBG> very big grin
YMMV Your Mileage May Vary