Fandom Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Jargon

(much of this is pre-net, but not all of it)

ADZINE A zine whose main purpose is to list zines, their content and availability, i.e. The New Monthly. Write to: Joy Baker <>
AU or A/U Alternate Universe
APA Amateur Press Association, similar to letterzines
ATG Any Two Guys
B/D Bodie/Doyle (Professionals)
b&d or B&D bondage & discipline
B5 Babylon 5
B7 Blake's 7
C/C Crockett/Castillo (Miami Vice)
CI5 the organization Bodie & Doyle work for (Pros)
CON Convention. A gathering of fans. Fan conventions usually have panels where fandom issues are discussed, dealer's rooms where fandom products are bought and sold, and other kinds of programming like song vids, costume contests, etc.
CROSS-UNIVERSE or crossover melding the characters and story elements of one show with another, such as when Starsky & Hutch got to Cascade to work a case with Jim and Blair
C/T Crockett/Tubbs (Miami Vice)
dead tree fandom print fandom (paper zines)
DS On VenicePlace this usually stands for David Soul
DS or dS can also stand for: Due South
DS9 Star Trek: Deep Space 9
f/f female/female slash
fen plural of "fan"
fiawol pre-net expression: Fandom Is A Way Of Life
fijagh ditto: Fandom Is Just A Goddamned Hobby
filksong fannish folksongs
FK Forever Knight
gafiate pre-net expression: Getting Away From It All, meaning , to give up fandom completely, to become a mundane
h/c hurt/comfort, a story genre that depends on one member of the pair being hurt, and the other to give comfort, which, in slash stories often leads to love
H/J Harry/Johnny (Magnum Force) - an offshoot of S/H fandom pairing a character of David Soul (Johnny) with Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry. This fandom had a lot of followers and produced zines, stories, and even a songvid.
HL Highlander
HMc Hardcastle & McCormick
K/S Kirk/Spock (Star Trek) The first media slash -- how we all got here.
LOC letter of comment (usually to a zine editor)
MARY-SUE Originally, in Trek fiction, this referred to a new female character which was often a representative of the author, who was usually smarter, more attractive, stronger, and superior in every way to the major male characters, who usually fell desperately in love with her. Over time, however, the deserved hostility toward the cardboard character that MarySue represented has evolved to encompass most female protagonists in fanfic.
MM multimedia--a zine or songvid with multiple fandoms
m/m male/male slash,  as opposed to female/female slash
MFU The Man from UNCLE
mundane a person who is not in fandom
MV Miami Vice
MW or MWC MediaWest*Con (fan Mecca)
neofan a new fan,  also "neo"
netfic fanfic published directly onto the net as opposed to printfic - zines (also known as "dead tree fandom"
newbies new fans
PWP Plot? What Plot? (i.e. slash stories with little or no plot, that are focused primarily on the love scene)
Pros The Professionals
QL Quantum Leap
RS or RoS Robin of Sherwood
SAAB Space: Above and Beyond
SASE self-addressed stamped envelope
S/H Starsky/Hutch (slash fandom) (ya hadda ask?)
SH Starsky & Hutch fandom, all aspects
S&H Starsky & Hutch (gen fandom)
Slash a genre of stories that involve homoerotic relationships between (usually) male characters from a TV show. The relationships can either be implied or explicit.
ST Star Trek (usually the original series)
ST:TOS Star Trek, The Original Show
ST:TNG Star Trek,  The Next Generation
SW Star Wars
TNG Star Trek: The Next Generation
TOS Star Trek (the original TV series)
Virgule Synonym for '/' mark, also a Seattle-based slash con, also a slash mailing list
WG Wiseguy
WW or WoW War of the Worlds
WWW or W3 Wild Wild West
ZINES Print zines, "magazines" of either fiction or non-fiction put together by fans and sold to other fans either through the mail or at cons that are usually specific to a fandom or a fannish interest.
zine--adult An adult zine usually contains "adult" stories -- either (hetero) sexual or extremely violent. A zine with both hetero sex and slash would be called "mixed." An age statement (that purchaser is over 18 or 21) is usually required when ordering.
zine--dedicated A zine dedicated to one particular show or theme
zine--gen "Gen" usually refers to (hetero) stories that could be considered up to PG-13 or sometimes R rating.
zine--multimedia  a zine that collects stories from many different fandoms
zine—slash A slash zine depicts homoerotic relationships, usually m/m but sometimes f/f as well. The relationships might be implied or explicit.