Jatona Walker

    Kenneth Hutchinson examined himself in the full-length mirror with a critical eye - turning this way and that, pulling and straightening, until the powder blue tux and white formal shirt were like everything else about this night - perfect.

    At last, satisfied, he allowed himself to anticipate the event to come. "I'll show those snobs!", he vowed. Grabbing his wallet and keys, he left the apartment.


    The five young men, resplendent in formal dress, stood on at the base of the grand staircase talking about themselves. Every once in a while, one of them would scan the seemingly endless stream of arriving guest for their target.

    "‘Maybe he won't come", said one, a young man in his 20s.

    Another nodded his head. This one was about 16. "Yeah. I've heard dad talk about the Kenneth Hutchinson. Said he was always a radical. Always had to do his own thing. Why should be bother?"

    "Oh, he'll come", countered another. He, too, was in the 20's "My father says he has to. Dignity and honor, or some such nonsense."

    "My father said he never could resist a challenge", replied the leader. "Personally", he continued. "I think he's over his head. Right?"


    The leader looked around to find he companions staring at a newly arrived limo. "What...?"

    "We're looking at that!", confirmed the 16-year old.

    The leader joined the group, pushing his way to the front. What he beheld caused his mouth to open in awe.

    Two men were emerging from the limo. The blond one they recognized, instantly, from the painting hanging in their host's library. They did not, however, recognize the gorgeous brunette in the white tux and dark blue formal shirt who stood beside him.

    Then the two turned and approached them. All five stared in further awe and disbelief.

    "Surely it can't be him!", the 16 year old whispered.

    "Who'd have thought it!", added the leader.

    "How many times have I told you, son", came a new and older voice behind them. "Never judge a book by its cover."

    Not waiting for a reply, the prominent official went to embrace his special guests, leaving his son and friends to ponder his words of wisdom. "Happy Valentine's Day, Starsk, Hutch! I'm so glad you both could make it...."

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