Hutch Finally Wins an SH Olympics
Sep 1998
 Sandy R.

Mel whined:
> It was about the last S&H Olympics. One last thing and then I'll shut up, honest...
>  I think all the judges agreed that Starsky is really more butch than Hutch.
>  BUT, if Starsky is really so much more terribly butch than
>  Hutch.... Why was he only 1.09 points out of 10 behind Hutch?
>  Methinks something is amiss.
>  Maybe Starsky is not as butch as we think he is? Or maybe
>  Hutch is not as light in the loafers as we thought he was?

Isn't it funny how "whiney" and "nasty" those Hutchies get when their guy wins one little Olympics?;-)  Apparently, Hutch just woke up this morning(after a three day drunk to celebrate bringing home the gold) and figured out, "Hey! I didn't want to win that one!"(waving his limp wrist frantically)  Starsky, of course, tries in vain to assure him of his supreme butchness, but there's no reasoning with him.  I can see them arguing all day and into the night.

Maybe going something like this......

We find our darling duo sharing a big brass bed.  Hutch is sitting against the headboard, arms crossed, looking something like a pouting Viking statue and Starsky is beside him, gesturing wildly wearing a pleading expression(and nothing else).

"Y're butch, Hutch!  Very, very butch.  You make John Wayne look like a ballerina, swear t' God!  I'd let you do me right now, just to prove it, if we hadn't used up all the KY celebratin'." Thank God, Starsky thought, cause after a day like today, I don't think I could get it up with a block and tackle.  How come whenever that Cluck guy opens his mouth, it's always my balls that end up in a vice grip?  "Tell you what, why don't we both grab some Z's and I bet things will look a lot better in the morning.  What do you say? Uh?" He reinforced this plea with his most endearing expression.

Hutch looked at him and being only human and rather tired himself, gave in. His stony visage soften as he said "Okay, we'll leave it alone.  For now.  Let's get some sleep."  He was rewarded with a smile and a gentle kiss from his lover.  Then Starsky turned over and slid under the covers, going face first into his pillow with a grateful sigh.  A moment later, a muffled voice came from somewhere in the depths of the goose down, saying "Get the lights, will ya?"

"Sure," Hutch said, giving the prominent rump under the covers a pat as he slid out of bed.  While he was up he thought he might as well check the locks again and make sure everything was off in the kitchen.

As he made his careful way through the dark apartment, he heard Starsky's voice from the bedroom.  Unmuffled, having evidently decided that breathing was the better part of valor, he said "I read something in a magazine the other day that is pretty apr, applepro..."

Hutch stuck his head around the room divider and said "Apropos."

"Yeah, that's it." Starsky agreed.  "A-pro-po to this situation."

"What did it say?" Hutch hated to answer but he had been too well conditioned over the years not to.

"It said that there was one sure-fire way to tell who was 'in charge' in a relationship.  It said that when you were laying in bed at night and the lights were still on, when you got up to turn them out, that you should do something." Starsky paused.

Hutch, having assured himself of the safety of house and home had made his way back to the bedroom.  He stood poised by the light switch, looking at his partner.  "Do what?" he asked.

"It said just as your hand reaches the switch, you should look back at the bed, 'cause that's who's in charge!"

Hutch had just enough time to see the laughing face disappear under the covers before he plunged the room into darkness and launched himself at the bed.

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