Starsky & Hutch Vacation in Spain

    Hutch watched as Starsky peered suspiciously into his plate. "Now what's wrong?"

    "I think you wanted to vacation in Spain so I'd never know what was goin' on. What's this?"

    "Come on, Starsky, be adventurous," Hutch admonished. "We're in beautiful Madrid, enjoying a great vacation, dining on local food...."

    "Which is unrecognizable." Starsky grumbled.

    "It's the house special!" Hutch reminded him. "You've got potatoes, corn--"

    "And two large meaty objects I've never seen before." Tired of Hutch's evasiveness, Starsky waved at the waiter. When the man approached, he pointed to the mystery meat and asked, "What's this?"

    "Cojones, senor," the waiter replied.

    Starsky narrowed his eyes at his partner who was still practicing his innocent look. "What are cojones?" Starsky asked.

    "Cojones," the waiter explained, "are the testicles of the bull who lost at the arena this afternoon."

    Starsky's eyes widened as the waiter attended to another customer. He stared at Hutch in disgust, but then watched as his partner dug into his portion of the meal. Hutch seemed to be relishing the bizarre meal, and continued chiding Starsky's culinary timidity. Finally, if only to shut his partner up, he decided to at least taste the stuff. Tentatively, he put a portion in his mouth.

    "Hey," he said, surprised, "this is pretty good."

    "I tried to tell you you'd like it," Hutch replied. "You're supposed to trust your partner, Starsky."

    "Yeah, well, our taste in food is frequently pretty incompatible," Starsky reminded him, as he continued with his dinner. That was when he noticed that Hutch's portion was far larger than his own.

    "Hey, how come you got so much more than I did?" he complained, nearly finished with his portion.

    "Well," Hutch explained, "the waiter told you these were cojones."

    "Yeah, I heard him. But how come the ones they served you are so much bigger than the ones they served me?"

    Uh, well..." Hutch hedged, "you've got to realize, Starsk, that there are numerous bull fights ever day, but...the bull doesn't lose every time."

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