by Jmalabar

Category: Romance, Action, Drama
Rating(s): NC-17, slash, m/m
Pairing(s): Fraser/Kowalski, Fraser/Vecchio, Kowalski/Turnbull

Plot Summary: Slowly recovering from Muldoon's bullet and the brink of death, Ray Vecchio rejects Fraser's declaration of love, but when a series of FBI screw-ups lead the Iguanas to Ray he runs to the only protection he knows Fraser, and the cover of the Canadian wilderness.

Disclaimers: Not mine in this realm. Unfortunately the boys belong to another kingdom called Alliance ruled by the brilliant and majestic Emperor Paul. As for profits "AS IF!"


Ray Vecchio's injuries were grave. The bullet had not been a clean hit. It had nicked a rib before ricocheting into his spleen and in the process sent two large bone fragments flying in opposite directions. The first fragment punctured his right lung, the second perforated his bowel. The doctors were able to repair the collapsed lung and remove the damaged spleen, but too small to be detected, the microscopic bowel injury had become septic.

When Fraser and Ray Kowalski decided to follow Muldoon to Canada Ray Vecchio had been just out of surgery and the outlook was promising. However, by the time Inspector Thatcher arrived with reinforcements, she also brought word of Ray's drastic downturn and second emergency surgery. Fraser and Ray had been about to set out on an adventure of a lifetime to find the Hand of Franklin when they received the news of Ray's condition. As soon as the capture was completed, the anxious Mountie and the exhausted cop got the first flight back to Chicago.

As Ray Kowalski sat in his aisle seat next to Fraser he began to rewind the last week in his mind. 'Sure I've been edgy ever since Vecchio showed up again. What did he expect. It was like my life had just fallen into a groove for the first time in I dunno how long, and there I was on my ass, rug pulled out from under me. Not Vecchio's fault that me and Frase blew his cover. But it was sorta a shock to see his face staring back from the other side of that door. There Frase was with that goofy Mountie smile on his face looking at some other guy and calling him by my name. It was kinda, I don't know, kinda like sitting in the first car of the coaster and seeing nothing buy sky as you hear the last few 'click click clicks' before ya get to plunge into oblivion. Hearing last 'click' was always worse than the drop.'

'Then this big doofy 'never does anything wrong Mountie and me started bonding, well, we were about to bond at least. The real bonding stuff was more or less supposed to be happening right about now in a tent somewhere just north of the North Pole. OK, so neither of us said it out loud, but I've been pretty sure of how the Mountie felt for some time now and I just haven't had a chance to figure out how I felt about it.'

Fraser had been there to save him more than once. There was that Henry Allen with that buddy breathing thing and this time saving him from hypothermia. Both times he had attributed it to some 'Standard RCMP Training' bologna, but when Frase had opened their coats and put skin to skin out on that mountain to keep him warm, well, let's just say even in his incoherent state Ray understood what was going on. So, yeah, maybe that tongue thing on the Henry Allen could have been an accident since he was moving around treading water and all. But on that mountain, with the Arctic wind smacking them from every side and their chests pressed together, instead of just hugging to stay warm, Frase had been stroking his chest and face and nuzzling his neck. Even semi-conscious and freezing to death, a guy's gotta understand those signals.

Ray twisted in his seat to see Fraser rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands. As he put his head back, Ray took hold of Fraser's hand and squeezed it gently. Fraser turned to look at Ray and was met with a sympathetic but loving smile while Ray's eyes sparkled back at him. As he began rhythmically stroking the Mountie's hand with his thumb, he was rewarded with the beginnings of a half forced, half relieved smile.

They sat that way for about a half hour when Ray finally felt Fraser's head lean toward his shoulder and he thought to himself "this is good, no this is greatness. Finally I get to be the one throwing the lifeline and Frase can rely on me for a change. And I'll be damned if I'm not goin' to be there for him no matter what. And that includes if that stubborn Italian actually LIVES and Frase and him get back together. I'll always be there for this dumb Cannuck so Vecchio better get used to havin' me around." 


 In a small town on the coast of Maine, two men dressed in dark suits and overcoats stealthily cut through the back yard of the small cottage. The lights were out, the cottage's occupant asleep. The first man grabbed the glove of his right hand and yanked it off before he pulled a small tool from his pocket and began to work on the lock to the back door. The second checked for an open window. In the still night the click of the lock sounded loud and unnatural.

He placed the glove back on his hand as they slipped in the back door, silenced guns in hand. They quietly padded up the steps to the bedroom testing each board for squeaks before they placed their full weight on it. Their objective lay there on his back snoring. Carlo Iguana turned to his counterpart and signaled for him to shake the sleeping man awake. There was only a second of confusion in his eyes before the fear shown through. That was what he was waiting to see.

"For all your 'loyalty,' my uncle wanted you to have this."

The man didn't try to struggle. He knew this was it. The men began to empty their clips into his thin torso, when Vito was done he waited for Carlo to put the signature shot through the lifeless man's closely shorn head.

As the blood soaked into the mattress and expensive silk bedding, the traced their steps back out of the house. It was 3:06 AM as they walked to the car and began reversing their directions back to I-95. 


About two hours into the flight Ray could tell by Fraser's breath against his neck that he was asleep. "Geez, FINALLY," Ray thought to himself. "The guy has been awake for like a week and a half here. OK, so maybe he got about two hours sleep when we finally made it to Frobisher's camp, but with Thatcher lurking around undressing him with her eyes the whole time, I think Frase was afraid to sleep with both eyes closed."

Ray tried to look at Fraser face without moving enough to disturb him. There was a stray curl hanging over his eyes and Ray slowly reached over with his left hand to brush it away. 'Soft' he thought as he continued to unconsciously stroke the dark waves. 'Mmmm nice' was the last thing he remembered thinking as he dozed.

The bounce of tires on runway jolted them both out of their sleep. The flight attendant announced their arrival at Chicago's O'Hare airport. The local time was 5:25 AM. "Ugggh. Frase you doin' OK over there Buddy?"

Yes Ray, thank you. I am terribly sorry, but I seem to have fallen asleep on your shoulder. I hope you weren't too uncomfortable."

"Frase, are you UNHINGED or what? I was totally comfortable. Best three hours sleep I had in a long time. Besides, I figure after you carryin' my skinny ass on your back while you climbed to the top of an ice mountain, I owe ya. Anytime you need a shoulder to snuggle up to you can count on me. Oh, and Frase, by the way, I thought I should let you know that you spilled all Canada's national defense secrets talking in your sleep."

A quick look of fear and then amusement from the Mountie before he retorted "Now that's just silly Ray, I am not privy to ALL our national defense secrets. And I am sure since I was stationed in Chicago two years ago that most of the silo codes have changed."

Was that a joke? Not just from the Mountie, but from tired, worried about Vecchio Mountie. Will wonders never cease? Ray smirked as he unbuckled, stood and tried to stretch as much as possible without giving himself a concussion on the overhead baggage compartment. "It's useless" he moaned as he flopped back down into his seat. "We might as well wait a few more minutes until there is some room to stand."

"Nonsense Ray, there is plenty of room" Fraser replied. With this comment he held out his right hand, which Ray took and allowed himself to be out of his seat. Was it just his imagination or as Fraser hauled his tired ass out of the tight chair did he give an extra little jerk there at the end so that Ray ended up pressed flat against hard mountain of Mountie chest?

"Whoa there Frase. Don't want to knock ya over here in the aisle" then quietly he whispered in Fraser's ear "not unless there is room for me to fall on top of you."

Fraser's blush started at the roots of his tousled black hair and seemed to disappear far beneath his customary Henley. Ray could imagine that a shock of red can probably be seen straight down to Fraser's toenails as he accompanied this thought with a lascivious smirk. "Don't worry there Benton buddy, I know the order of importance of things today. First the hospital, then I will get you back to my place so you can take a hot shower, maybe if I can get them to deliver early we can get some pineapple and Canadian bacon pizza into ya and then get some sleep. And I mean REAL sleep Frase. None of this cat napping hanging from cliffs stuff you have been doing for the last week. After that, uh, let's just leave that up in the air for a bit since, well, I guess we gotta see how the Vecchio visit goes first."

Fraser began his answer with the usual neck cracking thing he did when he was uncomfortable. He tilted his head to the right quickly and seemed as if he was about to protest, but then their eyes locked and he blurted out an enthusiastic "Understood, Ray."

The aisle had cleared enough for them to move a little and Fraser grabbed the small brown RCMP knapsack laden with the few personal items they picked up in before their debriefing. He stepped back leaving some room for movement and gestured to Ray, who then slipped out of the seats and into the aisle.

Once off the plane they were greeted by Lieutenant Welsh. "Kowalski! Red! Over here."

"Lieutenant, I wasn't aware you were picking us up. How did you know what flight we were on?" Fraser must have still been a little sleepy to ask a stupid question like that, Ray thought.

"Hey Partner, I know Canada is, like, the wilds and all that, but once in a while we did come across that new invention they call the telephone." Ray smirked as he teased his partner. 'Partner.' Ray wondered if that description would still stick now that Vecchio was back in the picture. 'Guess I'll have to share now.' he thought. 'Never was any good at sharing.' But he did make a promise up there at about 30,000 feet. And, he was gonna stick it out with Frase even if it meant 'just friends'.


The ride to the hospital was a smooth one. Traffic was light that early in the morning and Welsh had commandeered a squad for them so it only took about 25 minutes to get to the hospital. Although the Lieutenant was able to get them to the front of the custom's line, it still took a while for them to finally get on the road. As a result, it was a little after 7:00 AM by the time they he dropped them outside the hospital and went to find parking somewhere other than the ambulance bay.

A seriously exhausted Fraser and Ray got out of the squad car and slowly walked up to the hospital doors. Vecchio was in intensive care. Ray flashed his badge at a very uninterested security guard who pointed toward the elevator and just said "4th floor". Ray was prepared with a little white lie about questioning Vecchio to get them in, but it wasn't necessary since Mrs. Vecchio had put Fraser on the immediate family list before they left.

As they walked out of the elevator doors onto the 4th floor Ray was assaulted by the all too familiar scent of hospital antiseptic and sick people. He hated hospitals. They really creeped him out. Especially when you were walking down quiet corridors looking at strangers hooked up to all sorts of machines through plate glass windows. It reminded him of some weird Frankenstein type movie or something. As expected, there were at least two Vecchio women there at all times. This early morning vigil was being held by Francesca and Mrs. Vecchio. Frannie was in the ICU room with her brother but immediately came out to greet us when she saw Fraser through the window.

"Fraser." Frannie exhaled as she said his name. She put a hand to his face as she noticed the terribly dark circles under his bloodshot eyes and the three day's growth of stubble. She had never seen him look this bad, not even when she visited him in the hospital after the her idiot brother had shot him. That time he had been so doped up he actually let her hold his hand. 'Oh well, time to stop dwelling on those days' she thought to herself.

"Is it is he uh, his condition, is it...?"

'Oh great' Kowalski thought. 'That's just what we need now. Stammering Mountie.'

Fraser finally got a more than one syllable full word out and attempted to compose himself as he cleared his throat. He seemed to be having a hard time making eye contact with Frannie after his little Kowalski aided declaration that 'he liked her' before they left.

Fraser had his eyes directed at the floor and was doing that little back of the thumb rubbing his temple thing when she started to give him the highlights. Francesca walked over to Ray and gave him a big brotherly hug.

"They say it is still touch and go. His fever is still really high and they have him hopped up on pain killers and intravenous antibiotics. He has pretty much been delirious for the last two days and if the antibiotics don't kick in soon they are afraid his fever..." Frannie's voice trailed off as she choked back a sob and continued "afraid he might not come out of it."

She looked at Fraser and continued "Fraser, he has been calling your name in his sleep since the fever hit. He keeps asking for 'Benny'. He also keeps mumbling something that sounds like 'sorry had to go.' I don't know who he is talking to or about. It usually trails off. It's just the same gibberish over and over again. But what is scaring me most is he keeps yelling something like 'I AM Armando' and 'can't let Iguanas find out about Benny'. That one was pretty funny actually. Fraser, do you have some sort of fear of lizards or something?"

For all his Mountie composure, Fraser looked as if he was about to crumple. Kowalski grabbed his arm and turned to Frannie and asked "is it alright if Fraser goes in and sits with him for a while?"

"Well, they'll only let one person in at a time, but yeah, I guess. Ma put him on the immediate family list so it should be OK. But Frase he's not conscious. So, he probably won't realize you are there."

Frannie turned to Ray and ran her fingers through his blonde, disheveled hair. "Come on bro. Let's go try and find some coffee and something for you starving travelers to eat. Go ahead in Frase. Just be there for him, will ya?"

Fraser was still looking down at his Stetson and gently tracing his thumb and forefinger slowly around the brim when he took his first step towards Ray's bed. Once Frannie was out of sight, he moved to the opposite side of the bed, placed the hat on the night table and reached for Ray's hand. It was warm from the fever but terribly limp. With his right hand still holding Ray's, Fraser moved his left hand up to his ex-partner's face and gently rubbed the back of his knuckles across Ray's sweaty forehead and down his cheek.

"Ray, I am I am so sorry. You, you must pull out of this Ray. I won't be able to live with myself if you don't." A tear ran down his cheek as he continued to stroke his partner's face. "I never should have driven you away. It was selfish, my telling you about my feelings. I knew should have known I was only imagining your interest in me. Then you ran away. Disappeared into the most dangerous assignment you could just to get away from me. I don't know how you could have forgiven me enough to attempt to take on Muldoon for me. I just, I am so sorry. Ray, please, please come out of this. I promise, I will go away and you won't have to worry about my feelings ever being known to anyone else. You needn't have run in the first place. All you had to do was tell me to go and I would have disappeared from you, from your family. I am so sorry my weakness, my need for your love pushed you into this."

Fraser let a desperate sob slip, choked and bent his head. He thought he heard someone outside the room and did not want the nurse to see him in this state. He pulled his hand away and looked up. It was odd, but when he did look up there was no one there. He held Ray's hand again in both of his, then after a quick glance toward the door and hall, he carefully he brought it to his lips. They delicately brushed against Ray's long, slender fingers. "I promise" he whispered against the limp hand "I promise that I will go and never ever again cause you such pain if you would only come out of this. Please Ray, I know it is just another selfish gesture on my part, but I could live without seeing you ever again if I just knew you were alive and well. I know you will never return my feelings that you would never consider being in love with a man, but .."

As he said this he knew he saw a shadow move. He looked up with fear and saw it was Sophia. "Benton," she whispered as she moved closer to him.

Fraser feared for Ray. He was terrified she had heard him. But when she came over and cupped his face in her hands and kissed his cheek he was relieved she had not. "I am sorry caro. I did not mean to interrupt your private visit with Ray. I am very glad to see you are back in one piece. Ah, you boys are enough to make an old woman like me lose her hair. Always running off to catch the bad guys. Always trying to be superheroes."

Fraser looked up at her and saw a twinkle of teasing in her eyes as she spoke, "and I am sick of hospitals, Benton. Promise me this is the last time I will have to visit either of you in one of these places."

"Sophia, I promise with all my heart that I will not cause your family any more pain. As soon as I know Ray is going to be alright I am going back to Canada. I have caused enough suffering for you and your loved ones. I don't deserve for you to be so nice to me now."

"Benton! What are you saying? You are as close to me as my own son. And I know you mean more to my skinny sleeping boy here than any of the rest of us put together." Fraser made an attempt to interject but she put her hand up "wait, listen. I know you are best friends. I know it has been a long time since Ray has trusted anyone as much as he does you. I know you would give your life for him as he would for you. Seeing him with you is a joy because he is so happy. I hope you will not leave, but if it is something you must do for your duty I know he will understand, as you did, when he left to do his filthy job."

Fraser stood as she turned to go. "I am going to the chapel to pray for our Ray. Please, will you stay with him until Francesca gets back?"

Fraser was openly crying now. He was consumed with grief and disbelief that this woman could still accept him as her own after he had almost gotten Ray killed. "Of course Sophia, I will stay as long as they let me."

"Good," she turned to go "and caro, please don't jump to conclusions about the reasons Ray left. They go deeper than you think. His father, well, I think he needed to prove something to himself not run away from anything. Just, please promise you will not make any rash decisions."

Fraser was stunned. Had she heard? Was she saying what he thought she was? No. Impossible. He was just exhausted and misinterpreting. He attempted a brief smile for her as she left and he felt it had taken his last bit of strength. Fraser was about to turn back when his friend began to thrash around in the bed. He was yelling "Benny no shot Benny so sorry. I can't --- forgive me please Benny love..." then his voice trailed off.

Fraser lifted his arm and placed the palm of his hand on Ray's forehead. It was clammier than it had been before. And after the episode Ray seemed to be more peaceful, almost sleeping rather than appearing unconscious. As Fraser was about to pull his hand off Ray's forehead the head moved. It turned and slid to face him on the pillow. Fraser removed his hand from Ray's forehead and once again stroked his partner's face. With this sensation, Ray rolled his whole body on his side and was now fully facing him. Still, his hand lingered taking in each line, each feature of the unconscious man's face. As Fraser leaned forward to whisper something, he was startled as Ray's eyes began to flutter. They opened.

"Hey Benny." Ray slurred the words quietly as he reached for the hand Fraser had on the bed.

"Hello Ray."

Fraser was filled with apprehension. There was a sense of panic that Ray would remember the reason he left and throw him out. Fear that he would pull away from him and worse, an irrational dread that neither would happen.

"Benny, you look like you've been through the ringer. Very unmountielike." A small smile formed at the corner of the Italian's lips. "Tell me about Muldoon."

"Ray, I rather think I should get your doctor and your mother. They will be relieved to see you are feeling better." Fraser stood to leave but Ray still had his right hand.

"In a minute Benny. Tell me what happened. So tired, but wanna hear. Tell me."

Fraser looked at the hand Ray was squeezing as if it did not belong at all to him. He squeezed back and felt Ray relax as he began to recant the story of how he and Ray Kowalski Stan had jumped on the plane wing and gained access to the cabin after it was in the air. He thought he heard a snort when he got to the part where he made Stan jump out of a plane at 17,000 feet into 30 feet of snow. Then Ray was asleep -- peacefully this time.

Fraser moved quietly out of the room to the nurse's station. She went in and checked Ray's temp and paged his doctor. The fever had broken. When doctor Garrison arrived she asked if the patient had been coherent. Fraser explained the conversation and she seemed relieved.

"Well," Dr. Garrison said, "If his fever stays below 100 until around noon we can move him out of ICU." Then to the nurse "keep an eye on him and increase his IV fluids." And then she was already down the hall on her way to answer her next page.

Fraser quietly went into the chapel to tell Mrs. Vecchio. She turned and saw the relief on his face and said "Ah, he is awake then?"

"Was, yes. His fever broke and he was awake, for a few minutes at least, and able to speak. He seems to be sleeping peacefully now. The doctor thinks he may be able to be moved out of ICU in the afternoon if his fever stays down."

"Good. Now Benton, when Francesca and Stan get back I want you boys to go and get some sleep. I will send food over to Stan's apartment later."

"That is not necessary, Sophia. Ray, er, Stan and I are going to get some breakfast and get some sleep. We'll be back this afternoon to see Ray, if that is alright?"

"Of course, caro. Get some rest and you will not look like you crawled back from Canada when you come to see my boy later eh?" She smiled and winked.

Fraser stammered, believing his appearance was somewhat more than how had Ray put it? -- unmountielike -- and began to apologize. "Well, of course, how indecent of me to appear in public like this. I should have..."

"Benton, don't be silly. I was just teasing you. I want you to rest so you will not worry my bambino when he wakes up. He spent the whole week worrying about you in his sleep. Now that he knows you are back in one piece, I want you both to stop worrying and just enjoy each other's company for a change." She was about to finish when she added "Oh, yes, and please, the two of you STAY OUT OF TROUBLE for a while! My old nerves can not take it!"

Fraser smiled as he went in search of Stan and Frannie. He found them on their way back from the cafeteria. Stan handed him a cup of tea and a muffin. "Sorry there Frase, no bark and lichen tea downstairs. But I was able to find an apple bran muffin to satisfy your taste for cardboard."

Fraser's smile broadened as he thanked the two of them and told them about Ray's apparent improvement. Francesca let a small "finally" and told the two she was going back to be with her mother and would be at the station today if they needed anything. Stan and Fraser said their good-byes and began to walk to the elevator.

Stan looked over at Fraser and said "Benton buddy you look like death. Let's go home and get some sleep."

"Agreed" declared Fraser as the two of them stepped out of the elevator into the main lobby and found Lieutenant Welsh.

"Hey Lieu. How about a ride to my apartment. I think Super Mountie here is about to fall asleep on his feet."

"No problem Kowalski. Let's get moving so I can get to the precinct and get started on your transfer paperwork."

Stan missed a step there for a second. "Transfer sir?"

"Yeah, TRANSFER Kowalski. How the hell else am I supposed to explain you hangin' around the 2-7 until you retire?"

Relief was an understatement. Stan was staying, or rather, coming to the 27th precinct officially. He would still get to liase with Fraser on an official unofficial basis. That is, if Vecchio didn't horn him out. Nothing to worry about now. Sleep first. Food second. Deal with the Vecchio situation later. After all, the guy was gonna be out of commission for at least two months. If he was lucky, Vecchio might even get early retirement out of this whole thing. 


As they pulled up in front of the apartment building Stan noticed that Fraser was asleep in the back seat. "Thanks Lieu. I hate to wake him, but hey Fraser buddy. We're here!"

Fraser yawned his thanks to the Lieutenant and opened the car door. As he was pulling himself up he was knocked back by 120 pounds of wolf.

"Diefenbaker. This is most undignified!"

Dief wasn't having any of it. He was happy that his two pack mates were back. "Dief, I am afraid your affections, ugggh and saliva are being wasted, as neither Ray nor I have any doughnuts."

As he said this a bag with six jelly doughnuts came flying over the seat and landed on his chest. "Ah, well I see the Lieutenant has been spoiling you terribly while we were gone. I am happy to tell you that you will not be receiving any more junk food for a while." That worked. Dief just sniffed and backed out of the squad car, making sure to step in a MOST sensitive place with his back foot on his way out.

Fraser grabbed for his crotch and attempted to thank the Lieutenant again as he lifted himself out of the car. Stan just stood there laughing. "Good thing Dief isn't a girl Frase. Or ya mighta had teeth marks where your privates should be."

The three of them made their way up the front steps as Welsh yelled out the window, "By the way Kowalski, it's gonna take at least a week before that transfer is sorted out so I don't expect to see your skinny ass hangin' around the precinct until the eighteenth. Oh, and Red, the Inspector said thanks for the great mark on her record and she doesn't wanna see you until the eighteenth either."

As he drove off, Stan turned to Fraser and said "Greatness! A whole nine days off with pay! What do ya think we should do with all that time Frase?"

"Sleep, Ray."

"Understood there Frase."

Ray was jolted from his sleep by persistent knocking on the apartment door around 5:00. He grumbled, forgot where he was and fell off the couch as he tried to rise to get the door. Fraser was still asleep in the bedroom. As he staggered he started muttering "OK, OK I heard ya the first time. Geez." He finally pulled the door opened and it was Francesca loaded down with food and knocking with her foot.

"For cryin' out loud bro. What took ya so long?"

"Frannie, would ya take your annoying voice down a notch? Fraser's still asleep."

She put the armful of trays and bags down on the kitchen counter and handed him the keys to his GTO. "Lieutenant had me drive your old jalopy over here so you guys could get back to the hospital later. Here, Ma sent over every piece of food in the house. I think we got some lasagna, some sausage and peppers, some fresh milk, some meatballs and fresh bread..."

At the mention of food, Dief somehow got the bedroom door opened and trotted in already wearing his 'they starve me' look. "Heya Dief. Ma sent over a special plate of fried chicken livers, ground beef and egg for ya.. This way Frase can't get too angry. Lemme just pop it in the microwave for ya."

As she moved to the microwave, she noticed the pillow and blanket on the couch. "Well bro. I see ya at least have enough manners to let your guest have the bedroom. Guess ma taught you something over the last year or so." She smirked and started heading for the door.

"Thanks Frannie. Oh, and if there is even the slightest scratch on the GTO, I'm gonna take a scissors to every half shirt and mini-skirt in yer closet." She smiled and kissed his cheek as she turned for the door. He was pulling the plate out of the microwave and putting it on the floor for Dief before the poor (I'm sure) starving animal faded into nothingness.

"In your dreams Kowalski!" The door shut before he could get anything else out of his mouth.

He was trying to fit the extras in the fridge, leaving one tray of lasagna out on the counter. Dief had already wolfed down (so to speak) the meat and was suspiciously eyeing the lasagna. "Forget it furball. That's for the rest of us."

Stan placed the lasagna in the oven on low to warm it and headed for a hot shower. He was going to have to wake Fraser up soon if they wanted to make visiting hours. After a long hot shower and a shave he would try and get him moving. The lasagna would be warm by then and he could get Fraser to eat something before he got cleaned up. That should give the hot water time to recoup before Frase got in.

In the shower Ray leaned his forward against the wall and let the shampoo drain off his head. He was still too tired and sore to think much, but the hot water seemed to be working it's magic on his sore bones and other, uh, extremities. He stood there wondering if he had locked the bathroom door before he got in the shower and then decided that Fraser was still dead to the world so he shouldn't worry about it.

Not that he should be surprised or anything, but the minute he thought of Frase his dick seemed to want some extra attention. He was done rinsing all the Canadian grime off his body so he thought, 'why not?' As he reached for some more soap, his one track mind sort of blocked everything else out, allowing his friend 's presence to go completely unnoticed. As Frase stood outside the glass shower stall, he watched Ray move the shower head so that he could lean against the back wall of the stall and still have warm water hitting him. Then, with his eyes closed, he leaned his head back and began to fondle himself with soap covered hands. After a minute or so he was fully erect. Fraser was staring, not knowing whether etiquette required he attempt to back out quietly or make a noise to let Ray know he was indeed in the room. Just as he was about to attempt an unnoticed retreat, he thought he heard Ray say his name. He stopped and almost answered. Then he heard it again, but this time with a slight moan.

By this time, Fraser was completely erect and tenting the spare RCMP shorts he had donned a few hours ago. He chastised himself and told himself he should leave, but he was fixated. Through the steam and glass he could see Ray's wet blonde head tilting backward against the tile. Could see his right hand sliding up and down his swollen shaft. Then he heard Ray again. This time it was "oh Bennn."

Fraser realized he was at a crossroad. The first of many choices he would have to make over the next few months. Then, something snapped. The normally staid Mountie could take it no longer. In one giant step Fraser was at the shower door. He jerked it open and the cold air startled Ray so much that he hit the back of his head against the tile.

"Frase what the hell! I thought Mounties always knocked! Can't a guy get any privacmmmm..." In one swift movement, Fraser had covered Ray's mouth with his own, cutting off any more attempts at scolding. Ray was in shock, but not so much that he couldn't respond. He grabbed the back of Fraser's head, pulled him into the shower and slammed the door shut without breaking lip contact. The kiss was long and deep, full of the hunger and desperation that Fraser had felt over the last year.

Fraser's tongue was thrusting deep into Ray's welcoming mouth. Twirling around his tongue and darting back out. Somehow Ray knew exactly what his partner needed and, as they were kissing he kept one hand behind Fraser's head, fingers tangling in the wet, dark curls. The other hand he slid slowly down Fraser's side, around to the front of his hip and then landed it directly on mark.

Fraser let out a desperate, muffled growl deep in his throat. His eyes opened and looked directly into Ray's, as if pleading desperately for Ray to continue. It was pure animal need at this point. Ray saw that in his eyes, (not that he was planning on stopping any time soon), and slid his own body down Fraser's front until he was on his knees. Fraser rested his hands lightly on Ray's shoulders and began to stroke his neck while Ray gently lifted Fraser's straining balls, cupping them lightly then beginning to roll them slowly between his fingers. Fraser's head snapped back as he let out a groan.

"Ray, please!"

"Please what Fraser?" he asked wickedly.

"Please, please" a long pause, the he whispered "help me" as his voice trailed off.

It wasn't the answer he expected, but Ray understood completely. He leaned forward, wrapped his hand around the base of Fraser's cock and slid the tip into his mouth. By this point, Fraser had one hand tangled in the back of Ray's hair and was bracing himself against the shower wall with the other. Ray figured he better make this quick and began an efficient combination of sucking, twirling his tongue and pumping the base with his hand. All too quickly Fraser succumbed to Ray's ministrations. Just as he was about to climax in Ray's mouth he attempted to pull away. But Ray wanted this, wanted to taste him so he grabbed Fraser's butt, held him tight and pushed the swollen, throbbing, cock as far down his throat as he could stand.

Fraser let out a cry, arched his back and came hard into Ray's mouth. As each spasm washed over him, he felt more of the tension and loneliness of the last year release. Ray was still swallowing and suckling his shrinking organ as he began to come to his senses. He bent over and helped Ray to his feet, then leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips.

"Ray. I it thank you kindly."

"Wow, Speechless Mountie. Haven't seen that one before"

"Ray, please. You haven't let me, um, let me thank you properly."

"Would love to Frase, but the water's going to get cold soon and you need to get cleaned off. I'll take a rain check on that one. 'Sides, I am a bit waterlogged and starting to resemble a Polish prune here. Oh, lasagna's probably done by now so don't take too long. Gotta get to the hospital for visiting hours at 7:00."

He stepped out of the shower, handed Fraser a clean wash cloth and left a clean towel and a new disposable razor on the sink. Then he grabbed his electric shaver, wrapped a towel around his waist and headed for the kitchen. Once there he set out plates and glasses, got some of the juice Frannie brought out of the fridge and poured some for Fraser. For himself, he found a beer hiding behind some stuff in a jar that kinda looked like they could have been pickles at some time. 'Ewww,' he thought. 'Gotta clean out this fridge later. Especially if Frase is going to stay for a few days.'

Ray turned off the oven, grabbed two pot holders and put the lasagna on the top of the stove to settle a bit while he went to get dressed. As he was pulling up his boxers he heard Fraser enter the bedroom.

"Hey, Frase. Feeling better?"

Fraser was looking down trying to avoid eye contact. "Ray, uh, yes I do. Thank you."

Ray saw how uncomfortable Fraser seemed and walked over to him. "Frase," he said softly as he put a hand on his shoulder. "It's OK. I know ya just needed a release in there. I'm just glad I was able to help. Really. Don't worry, I know how ya feel about Vecchio and I respect that. If, by any chance, that whole thing is over someday, I would love a shot with ya. But we're friends first and that won't change. Besides, we're guys right? What's a little sex between friends?"

Fraser was taken aback. Even after the shower he still felt dirty. Felt that he had taken advantage of Ray's generosity and friendship. Ray was telling him the opposite. That he wanted to do this for him. "I have never had a friend like you, Ray. I would have never expected the reaction I received from you. I am sorry for all of it. I intruded on your privacy and then, well, I don't believe I did that to you."

Ray smiled, "did what to me Fraser? Fulfilled a fantasy that I have been having about fifty times a day for the past year? Don't sweat it. I wanted to do that for you for a long time. Finding a tall, dark, gorgeous Mountie attached to my lips was not the hardship you think. And don't worry about leading me on or anything Frase. I am a GUY, I get it OK? Sometimes you just need to be with someone other than yourself and the first person you see is good enough. So don't worry about me thinkin' you're in love with me or anything, 'cause I know your heart belongs to Vecchio."

Now Fraser looked up with real fear in his eyes. "How could you know? I never told anyone except him, and it disgusted him so much that he needed to take on this horrible assignment to get away from me."

"Is that what you think? That he ran away from YOU? I don't have much first hand knowledge about Vecchio, but even if he was the straightest arrow in the box, I know he wouldn't run away from his best friend for something like that. Even if he didn't want you in that way, he would stick around and talk about it. See, me, well, I've never been much of a talker more action than talk. But that's just because my family wasn't really too affectionate. But those Vecchios, man are they talkers and huggers and kissers and well you've met them.. Anyway, no one in their right mind would EVER run away from you Frase."

Fraser was struck dumb yet again by this fascinating man. He was able to be so open, so honest about his feelings. Fraser could only imagine what kind of freedom he felt to be able to address things head on.

"Come on Frase I'm starving. Let's eat and get to the hospital and, if you're still unhinged after that, we can talk more. 'Kay????"

Fraser nodded and they headed for the kitchen and Ma Vecchio's lasagna.


At the hospital, Ray seemed in good spirits but still exhausted. The doctor was very pleased with his recovery and told him if he kept it up he could be released at the end of the week. The whole Vecchio clan, including Maria's children, were there so it was impossible for Fraser to get any time alone with the recuperating Ray. After about a half hour of loud Vecchios, the nurse came in and said the patient needed his rest. She ushered the Vecchio clan out into the corridor and Fraser was about to leave himself.

"Benny, can you hang out here a minute? It's OK nurse, he's Canadian. They make them really quiet up there."

She was about to argue and then decided it wasn't worth it. "Five minutes only Detective Vecchio."

"Great, just what I need another Ma."

Fraser walked back toward the bed and sat down. "Ray, I.."

"Me first Benny. Look, I know I left in a hurry and didn't have time to explain. I don't know if I can explain it now, except, well it was just something I had to do. There is so much corruption so much well, let's just say I was sad to leave, but unbelievably proud to be able to make a difference you know? When they asked, I thought to myself 'what would Benny do' and then there wasn't any decision to make. I just want you to know, I didn't leave because of what you said before you know? Don't get me wrong, I don't go 'that' way. Guys I mean. But if I did, you would be the catch of the millennium.

Fraser was about to interject but Ray beat him to it. "No, wait. I SWEAR it is OK. Things can go back to the way they were with us just being best friends. I won't let it get in the way if you won't."

Fraser thought to himself 'another crossroad.' The second today and, while he threw himself down a path this morning without thinking of the consequences, this time a carefully considered decision needed to be made. On the one path, he could return to his life with Ray and the Vecchios and, thus return to his previous existence. The second path was back to Canada to try and move on with his life. Either way, could he deny his feelings every day?

"Ray, that is very generous of you, but I know you would be uncomfortable around me now. And besides, well, I made you a promise when you were unconscious to never complicate your life again and I intend to keep my word. I am applying for a transfer back to Canada, hopefully somewhere in the Northwest territories."

Desperately, Ray responded. "Benny, you can't go. Your family is here."

"Ray, I do love your family, but my deeds are not as entirely selfless as you might think. I don't think I can go back to the way things were. Seeing you every day and knowing that even the slightest most innocent touch between us would cause you to flinch. Cause you to pull back. Eventually it would kill any friendship we still have."

Ray reached over and took Benny's hand. He held it for a minute or so in silence and then spoke, "Look, Benny. You don't see me pulling away here. I can do this. I really can. But if you're telling me that I would be the cause of pain for you, well, I just wouldn't be able to live with myself then. So if you can swear THAT is the reason, then I want you to do what you think is best for YOU. But you have to look me in the eye and swear and since Mounties never lie I will have to believe you."

Fraser looked up and made eye contact with the most beautiful but tired, almost pleading, green pools. They were so deep, so tired, so full of love. Then it happened. The hardest thing he had ever done. He lied. Straight out and convincingly lied to the man he loved. "It is Ray. I have to go."

Ray let a breath out and leaned back into the pillow. "Then go Benny. Just promise me you will say good-bye before you leave, OK? And maybe come and have dinner once or twice? And Bring that scrawny blonde guy with you. For some reason Ma has taken a liking to him."

"Understood, Ray." Fraser let his hand linger a few seconds longer before he picked up his Stetson and walked out, leaving behind all he had lived and breathed for the last three years.

Ray let out another breath and closed his eyes. He needed sleep, but he knew he wouldn't get any. He just lost his best friend and probably the last person in the world that would ever love him. Then his eyes opened. 'Why the heck would I even think that?' Just as he was about to close his eyes again Welsh, Huey and Dewey showed up for a visit. 


The drive back to the apartment was a quiet one. Dief kept leaning over the seat and nudging Ray in the back of the head. "Hey Frase, what the heck's up with the wolf? He keeps smackin' me in the head! FRASE!! EARTH TO FRASE!"

"What? Oh sorry Ray. I ... my mind was elsewhere. What did you say?"

"OW! Dief cut it out! THAT Frase. The wolf keeps head butting me."

"Ah, well I would expect that all the Vecchio food has made its way through his system and now he is in need of....RAYYY!!"

The car screeched to a halt next to a small park and Ray had jumped out, pulled his seat forward and yelled "OUT DIEF!" before Fraser had any idea what the heck had happened.

A very grateful wolf practically bowled him over as he ran for the bushes. Fraser scolded him as he left the car "serves you right for having that second helping of lasagna after Ray told you no." Yelling out the window after the racing wolf, "maybe next time you will think better of it." Then muttered "but I seriously doubt it."

Ray slid back in the car and sat quietly with Fraser. He finally broke the silence. "Look, Frase, I want to make sure you are OK with what happened this afternoon, 'cause I don't think you need any more reasons to be freakin' out here than you already have."

"I, well, Ray I was worried. I think you need to know something. I am, I was in love with Ray Vecchio but he has made it clear that he doesn't return my affections not in the same way. While he was unconscious I made him a promise that I wouldn't cause any more trouble for him or his family and I meant that. So I am going to contact Ottawa and request a transfer."

"You're goin' back to the Yukon territories? Why Frase? I thought Chicago was your home now?"

"Ray, it is either the YUKON or the NORTHWEST TERRITORIES. Somehow I thought BEING THERE would have helped you get that straight in your head by now."

Uh, oh. Snippety Mountie. Haven't had that one yet. "OK, so you are going back to the frozen tundra. Is that your final answer?"

"Yes Ray. However, as I have no where else to go at the moment, I am afraid you are stuck with me until my transfer comes through if that would be alright with you?"

"Alright? Alright? Yeah, Frase, that's fine. Hey, at least we have a little time to hang out now without anyone trying to push us out of a plane or freeze us to death or shoot us with a bazooka. I'm hungry again. When Dief gets back wanna pick up some honest to goodness Chinese food and watch the hockey game at home?"

"That sounds like a fine idea Ray. But since Dief and I are going to be your guests for a while, I insist on paying for dinner."

"Whatever Benton buddy. Wolf's back. Let's go." 


It was almost 10:00 when they finally sat down to eat. They ate quietly, too quietly for Ray's tastes. Finally he broke down and said, "look Frase. We gotta talk. I don't want this hangin' over our heads for the next two weeks."

"I believe we probably should Ray," Fraser answered.

"Me first. See, here's how it is for me wait don't talk yet. Let me finish. I like ya a lot buddy, but I know what you are feelin' for Vecchio. Been there. Done that. And it ain't the same. Sure I love ya, but I am not IN love with ya. So whatever happens this week if any extra ciricular activities happen at all well, I just want ya to know it is OK. You wouldn't be taking advantage of me and I wouldn't be trying to take advantage of you. But you are the one with the broken heart here, so if anything is going to happen you gotta call the shots."

"Ray, I am not sure anything will happen. I don't know. I did, well, 'enjoy' seems like such an ineffective word in this case, but, well I did. I just don't believe in sexual relations without love."

They were finished eating and Ray got up to toss the paper plates and put the leftovers in the fridge. "Look, Frase, you love me like a friend right? Well, that would be good enough for me if it is good enough for you. No pressure here buddy. Just letting ya know that the offer is open if you want. Just one thing. If it does happen, I want it to be 'me' you are with. OK?"

"Ray I.." Fraser tried to interject as they walked into the living room.

Ray grabbed for the remote and stopped. He was looking at the floor when he started again more timidly, "Wait Frase, I guess what I am trying to say is, if anything else does happen, and, well, maybe for the rest of your time here, could you do me a favor and call me Stan?" Still looking at the floor he continued. "Anyhow, that's my name and all, and I guess it is time to go back to bein' the guy I am and not the guy I tried to be for Stella and Welsh and Vecchio.""

They were sitting on the couch and Fraser turned to respond. "Ra--Stan. I understand." Fraser felt an overwhelming urge to console his friend. He understood, only too well at times, what it was like to try and be someone you are not. To be someone others expected you to be.

"So, Stan, what you are saying is that if I were to be doing this to you, would want me to be calling your name and not anyone else's". With that Fraser began to demonstrate. He leaned over and kissed Stan on the side of the neck then tilted his chin slightly and breathed "oh Stan" in his ear.

The short blonde hairs on the back of Stan's neck (and other, more remote places) suddenly pricked up. "Uh, yeah. I think ya got the idea."

"Or, maybe you meant that when I was doing this," he pushed Stan back on the couch, leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. "I should be thinking only of you."

"Mmummm" he half heartedly pushed Fraser up off him enough to get out "yeah, Frase. If ya want to do that, then I just wanna know you are doin' it with me and not Vecchio."

"Understood, Stan. Now, I believe you have an IOU to cash in." Fraser pushed him back again and began devouring his mouth, kissing and licking down his neck. Pausing, only to head back up to his mouth."

Breathlessly Fraser finally broke the kiss. "Stan, I don't believe I have ever told you how much I love your hair." He began stroking it and rubbing his fingers through the blonde spikes. "I love how the sun sparkles off it. I love how all the shades blend together. I love that it looks hard but is actually so soft to the touch." With this he nuzzled into it and began kissing down the side of Stan's face to his ear.

"I also don't believe I have ever told you that I have wanted to lick your ear since the first day I met you." This he followed with another demonstration. He gently traced his tongue in circles around the lobe then gave a nibble before letting his tongue continue its sensual journey lower, tracing along the throbbing vein in Stan's neck.

"And your neck. I have wanted to kiss you here for so long I can't ever remember not wanting it." Stan had his hands stroking up and down Fraser's back as he was accosted by Oral Mountie.

"This is good. No this is greatness. I really like Oral Mountie." He blurted out.

"Ah, so if I came back to worship your lips, you wouldn't be disappointed." Fraser punctuated that comment with an all out assault on his mouth. His tongue plunged deep into Ray's mouth and began its probinb quest to learn every taste, every texture. And in the process he was driving one Chicago cop completely out of his mind. As he was intent on getting his partner as crazed as possible, he emphasized each new movement by grinding their hips together.

"Ohhh. Frase. Wanna feel you. Every part of you. Skin to skin there buddy."

"Understood, Ray." Fraser pulled back and began tugging the bottom of Stan's tee-shirt out of his jeans. He then helped lift it over his head. Next, began carefully unbuttoning the 501s. VERY carefully because he had watched his partner getting dressed before and knew there was nothing between those hard metal buttons and his skin.

"Uh, Frase? I think one of us is a little behind in this whole 'naked' thing don't you?"

Stan yet out a little moan as he felt the sudden absence of his partner. Fraser was quickly and efficiently undressing himself as Stan began to wiggle out of his jeans and socks. He lay back expecting to wait for Anal Retentive Mountie to fold his clothes, but instead as each piece came off it was tossed haphazardly around the living room. Shirt thrown back over the chair, socks one on the stereo, one on the table, jeans on the floor where he stepped out of them and boxers on Ray's face.

"Nice shot there, Frase." Stan chastised, however unconvincingly. "I think I like Messy Mountie."

As he pulled the boxers off his face he was finally able to really look at Fraser standing above him. The word 'god' probably didn't do him justice. His dark hair, mussed and curling from all the activity, framed his pale face. Staring into his eyes, Stan could see the heat and desire that was missing from the exigent shower session. He was all shoulders and bare chest with the most beautiful pink nipples standing erect from his pale skin.

"Stan, Stan, STAN! You are staring. It isn't like you have never seen me naked before."

"Yeah, Frase. But all those other times I never really looked, ya know? You really are incredible. You look like something out of one of those romance novels. Not like my skinny ass."

Finally, Stan got confirmation of just how far down the Mountie's blush went. "Well, thank you kindly Stan, but I happen to be very fond of your, uh, posterior. He leaned in and slid his hands under Stan and squeezed. Firm, and just the right size. As he did this his tongue darted around the edges of one of Stan's nipples and he dragged his middle finger up and down along Stan's moist crack. Stan's hips jerked up off the couch as he let out a somewhat startled moan.

"Gawwwwwd. Fraser. Give a guy a little notice next time, will ya?"

"Ah, well, if you would prefer I could stop..."

"Hey, let's not jump the gun here. What I meant to say was ohhhhhhh yeahhhh."

Fraser had pulled Stan up toward him as his face fell forward to meet his turgid shaft. His tongue darted out and licked the first drops of pre-cum off the end. As Stan's hips once again lifted, he was able to slide his finger well into the moist crack.

"Uh, Frase. Not that I don't like that and all 'cause I did, but I, I uh never, well I kinda never did anything like that before and..."

"Stan, neither have I, but I assure you from my research I believe you will like it. I won't try anything other than my finger alright? And any time it is uncomfortable just tell me and I will stop." Without waiting for Stan to answer Fraser was once again face down on his swollen cock. Twirling his tongue around as he sucked. Then he pulled back, held the base of Stan's shaft tight with his free hand and began to use the wide, flat, back part of his tongue, undulate across every centimeter of the underside.

Stan was speechless. "Never had. Oh. My. God." A grin spread across Fraser's overflowing mouth. "What the hell was thaaoooooooh." As Fraser licked again with the back of his tongue Stan grasped at the cushion on the back of the couch and, finding no support there, almost fell off. Fraser pulled back and generously licked his middle finger before returning it to Stan's bottom.

"One more lick like that and you're goin' ta haveta peel me off the ceiling, Frase." He leaned in again and this time when Stan lifted his hips he replaced his wet finger and began to push into that soft pucker. Stan was about to protest when Frase began a rhythmic lapping alternating between the small light tip of his tongue and the wide, firmer back. As Stan began thrusting up into Fraser's mouth the finger probed slowly, but deeper with each thrust. Finally it found the target it was aiming for and Stan was so incoherent he didn't know whether to push up or back or just die right there.

A loud moan was wrenched from deep in his throat as he came, spilling hot seed into his partner's mouth. He was almost completely numb when there was one last movement of Fraser's finger and he incredibly shot again. Fraser swallowed and savored Stan until every drop was done. Then he slowly, very carefully removed his finger.

Stan was just a beautiful, blonde pool of jello by that point. He couldn't even lift his arm up to pull Fraser down for a kiss. "Frase. God. You incredible gotta have, morethat."

"Stan, you are prattling on incoherently." Fraser teased. "What exactly are you trying to say?"

Finally Stan's synapses began to fire again and his arms went up, grabbed the back of his partner's neck and pulled him down into the deepest most gratifying kiss Fraser had ever experienced. "Just that. Oh, and if ya think I am gonna let ya out of my sight or my bed for the next two weeks or so, you are SADLY mistaken."

Fraser leaned in for another kiss as Stan reached for where he thought would be Fraser's erection. "Frase?" There wasn't one. "Are you OK? Did I do something wrong?"

"Stan, of course I am fine. It's just, well, I already..."

"Oh God, you came just by doing me? Oh man! That is probably the most incredible thing anyone has ever told me!"

"Let me just get cleaned up and...."

"Forget it Frase." Stan pulled him down on top of him again. "I don't care how messy ya are. Just sleep here with me." Fraser snuggled in closer to Stan and rested his head on the blonde's shoulder. Stan reached up and dragged the light cotton blanket off the back of the couch and arranged it over the two of them. Fraser was out cold before he was done with the blanket.

Just as he himself was falling asleep Stan thought "God. How the hell am I gonna let you go."


Ray Vecchio was supposed to be released at the end of last week but by Thursday of the next week Fraser hadn't heard from Sophia yet and was getting worried. He was about to call the Vecchio house when the phone rang. It was Lieutenant Welsh.

"Lieutenant. I haven't heard from the Vecchios and was just about to call them. Do you have news of Ray's condition?"

"Ray's OK. Safe for now, but listen Red -- Find Kowalski and get your butts over here ASAP that's American for NOW. Got it?"

"Understood, sir."

Stan just emerged from taking a shower when Fraser told him what the Lieutenant said.

"Hey! I thought we had off until Monday. What is this crap?"

"I am afraid I don't know but he said it was most urgent. I think you should get dressed and we should get right over to the precinct.

At the precinct, Welsh was waiting by his office door. As they walked into the squad room he bellowed "Fraser! Kowalski! My office -- NOW!"

Welsh closed the door and then pulled the blinds. He walked around the desk, sat down and gestured for them to bring their chairs in close. He then leaned forward and whispered, "Vecchio has got a problem. The Feds had a leak."

Fraser looked as if he was almost going to keel over. "Don't worry, Red. We got the Vecchio clan and Ray to a safe house already. Seems that the real Armando Langoustini wasn't entirely deceased die before they put Ray in his place. The Feds lied. They had cut a deal with Langoustini for information and had him in witness protection. But one of the Feds leaked the information about his, shall we say, UN-demise, and he was really taken out. Thirteen bullets to the upper torso and one through the head. Problem is, since they found him AFTER the replacement Armando AKA Vecchio met his own untimely demise, they knew the Feds had a double in his place. Now they are looking to get rid of Ray before he can testify."


"Yeah, that about covers it Kowalski. Look, I wanted you to know that there are only a few minor loose ends left before you get squared away and start being Detective Kowalski again. Since you ARE Stanley Kowalski there shouldn't be anything to worry about with these guys. Unlike the Feds, we were careful to cover our tracks. As far as we know there isn't anything out there that will any hit men to the replacement Vecchio.


Stan wasn't quite convinced, but put up a good front. "Whatever Lieu. I'm cool."

"Yeah, well I just wanted you to know that while he was away, Vecchio's address stayed the same. We got all the police records and pictures changed in the files and the personnel system and made sure the Feds got their stuff updated. So, I guess I just wanted to let you know to just be a little more careful and make sure you got your piece on you at all times. And Constable, I expect you to also show the utmost care during the rest of your visit here. Oh, and Kowalski, you get a little more vacation until things quiet down. Why don't you keep your mug out of here until after Red here leaves. We'll work something out after that."

Stan looked over at Fraser. So Welsh already knew about Fraser's transfer. It had been pushed through fast because the RCMP wanted its most current hero home quickly. "No problem Lieu. Frase is only here another couple of weeks. I can lay low until this blows over I guess. When I get back to work I can spend a few days cleaning up paperwork as Kowalski. So, I guess I couldn't find any place safer to hang out until you find these guys."

"Sir, may I ask about the Vecchios?"

"Unfortunately, no Constable. Even if I had the information, which I don't, I wouldn't risk anyone else's life with it. Suffice it to say that they are all safe and having a great family vacation on the Feds. As soon as these guys are caught everything will be back to normal."

"Ah, well then I believe there is really nothing else we can do here." His statement surprised both other men. "Stan, shall we take in a movie this afternoon? I know we were going to take Dief for a run in the park but, under the circumstances, I think that is rather too much open space to cover. I will take Dief for a run myself and we can go after that. Thank you kindly for the information. Lieutenant."

He stood to leave and both Welsh and Kowalski just looked at each other. 'Wow' Stan thought. 'Never EVER thought Rude Mountie would surface.' With one last quizzical glance at Welsh, he got up to follow Fraser out.

The lieutenant stopped him. "Kowalski, until this is over we will only discuss them as my cousins the Gibsons, and well, the main character in this little skit will be my cousin Steve. Got it?"

"Got it Lieu. See ya in a couple of days."

Dief had followed Fraser out. They were both already in the GTO by the time Stan got outside. "What the heck was that Fraser? You were almost down right rude?"

"I'm sorry. I'll apologize to the Lieutenant."

"Don't be an idiot Fraser. You don't need to apologize to anyone. Wanna just let me in on what's goin' on in that thick Canadian head of yours? It can't just be Vecchio, 'cause you heard Welsh. He's safe."

"I'm sorry Stan. It isn't anything I can put my finger on. It is probably just a selfish reaction. I promised Ray I would say good-bye before I left to start at my new posting and now I won't have the chance to."

"Look Frase, I know this sucks and all, but they're gonna catch these guys and when they do you can come back for a visit. You know you are always welcome to pop in on me any time." Stan followed that comment with the lewdest grin he could muster.

Fraser had to laugh. "Yes, I would imagine so, Stan. As are you welcome to visit Dief and I in the frozen tundra any time you like."

As they drove off Stan was quiet. 'This has been the best week of my life. Havin' Frase around has been incredible and the sex, well, let's just say it is something I never figured existed in this realm. I thought sex with Stella was great, but this is past that, it is probably what they call 'mind blowing'. Wonder if that is also just 'standard RCMP training.' He laughed.

"Something funny Stan?"

"Nah, not really Frase. Just thinkin' about what movie you were so anxious to see?"

"Well, none really. But after I get Dief all tired out, maybe we could 'negotiate' on the afternoon's activity schedule?"

"Oh yeah buddy. Negotiation is my middle name."

"Ah. I was under the impression that your middle name was Raymond?"

"Har-dee har har."

Stan dropped them off at the park and drove the few blocks back to the apartment. He was about to open hall door when it swung at him, almost knocking him onto his butt. Just as he went for his gun he heard a familiar voice.

"Detective Vech, uh, well anyway, so sorry. I didn't mean to bowl you over like that. We received a letter for Constable Fraser and it seemed rather important so I wanted to drop it by."

"Geeeeez, Turnbull. Ya almost got your head blown off there. Oh, and it is Kowalski. Stan Kowalski now, OK?"

"Of course, how silly of me to forget. Is Constable Fraser here?"

"He's got Dief at the park, but he should be back in a little while. Do ya wanna come up and wait?" Stan figured the Mountie would just hand him the letter and head out, but his answer surprised him.

"Actually Detective, I would rather like that. The Consulate is closed for the evening and I wouldn't want to have to bring the letter all the way back. You see, it came in the diplomatic pouch with strict instructions that Constable Fraser needed to sign for it in person."

"Whatever, come on in. Take a load off. Want some coffee? Or tea? I think I might even have some of that bark stuff you Canadians seem ta like to so much."

"Regular tea would be very nice, Detective." Turnbull answered as he continued to hover about the kitchen. "Detective, I do hope that after Constable Fraser returns to Canada you will be able to continue as the department's liaison to the Consulate."

Stan looked up and saw a slight flash of hope which Turnbull quickly masked. "Uh, Turnbull, call me Stan, would ya?"

"Stan, well yes, if you will call me Rennie."

"Rennie? What kinda weird Canadian name is that?"

"Well, it is short for Renfield. It was a family name. I believe my parents were convinced I was to be a girl and when I came out they weren't prepared with a name. So they stuck me with the first thing they could think of."

"Hey, it coulda been worse. They could have named you one of those girly guy names like 'Leslie' or looked around the room and named ya after the first thing they saw like 'lava lamp' or something.

This got a broad small smile out of the tall Canadian. Stan looked at him and wondered why he never really noticed how tall he was. Broad shoulders and massive chests must be some kind of Canadian standard. They probably throw them back if they're under the limit.

"So, Rennie, what's with the letter?"

"I really couldn't guess, except if I HAD to I would say it had something to do with Constable Fraser's posting. It is stamped urgent," he held up the envelope so Stan could see the stamp, "so I expect it must need immediate attention."

They sat down at the kitchen table and waited for Fraser to return with Dief. They were into a heated debate over curling and its designation as a sporting event when Fraser opened the door.

"Constable Turnbull. What can I do for you?"

"Ah. Constable Fraser. This letter came in the diplomatic pouch for you this afternoon and as it was marked URGENT and required your personal signature, I thought it best to deliver it immediately." Fraser took the receipt and signed it, then took the letter and opened it.

"Seems that they need me a few days early at the new post, and, well, it also seems that I have been promoted to Sergeant."

"Sir! That's wonderful! The promotion, I mean. Not the early posting. Ah well, I really should be going. I hope you have a chance to stop by the Consulate before you leave."

Turnbull started for the door as Fraser thanked him. "Yes, well thank you Turnbull. I hoped to have some time, however, it seems I am due at post in three days. Excuse me I need to get my flights arranged."

Turnbull turned to say good-bye to Stan when he saw the devastation on his face. He thought better about addressing him and just gave a sympathetic look as he opened the door and left quietly.

"So this is it Frase? You're really goin'?" Stan asked with a confused look on his face. 'What a stupid thing to say. You KNOW he is going. What are you thinkin' you idiot.'

"What I meant to say is, you're not leavin' tonight or anything are you?"

"Well, no Stan. But I do think I must take the first available flight tomorrow. It will take me about 15 hours to get to the post, and I will need to find a place to live and get some rest before my first duty begins. The good news is that it is only about a two hour drive from the cabin, so when you come and visit we can holiday there."

'He said WHEN I Visit, not IF. Well at least that's something,' Stan thought "Yeah, Frase. I just thought we had a little more time, that's all."

"Let me get these arrangements ironed out and then we will start taking advantage of the time we do have left. What do you say?"

"Sounds great to me!" He answered but it even sounded half hearted to himself. 'What the hell are you so stupid about Kowalski! You knew this was comin' and you made the rules up yourself in the beginning. So the guy's goin'. Friends right not in love right?'

As Fraser hung up the phone he walked over behind him. Even from behind the chair he could see the tension in Fraser's back. Stan began to massage Fraser's shoulders and neck. He didn't say anything, but looked over and saw 9:15AM Flight 743 on the pad in front of him. 'OK, so we've got until around 7:30 tomorrow morning. That's 13 hours.'

Fraser was becoming visibly less tense. He let his head roll back to lean against Stan's stomach. Stan had made the rules. No commitments. Just friends taking care of each other. And he was right to do so, because even with those conditions, Fraser had to force himself to squash the beginnings of something deeper. If he hadn't know time was so short, things would have been drastically different.

Stan stopped rubbing and leaned over to give his partner a hug, He kissed the back of Fraser's neck and began to drag his teeth and tongue slowly down to where his neck met his upper bacas his hands began to unbutton the flannel shirt. Surprisingly, Fraser did not have his customary Henley on. While Stan kissed the back of his neck he began to trace circles around Fraser's nipples. An occasional pinch to one then the other brought small gasps of pleasure from his partner. Stan slid the shirt down past his shoulders and kissed across Fraser's back and shoulders.

Suddenly he was overcome with the need to memorize every curve, every muscle. He began to run his tongue down Fraser's spine as far down as the chair back would allow. Then he continued rubbing the tension out of his shoulder blades. First the left. Then a kiss on the spine, then he moved to the right.

Fraser was relaxing and enjoying the sensual, but not sexual, exploration of Stan's hands, lips and tongue. He couldn't remember ever feeling this at home in his life. Fraser stood to break the spell and turned to face Stan. He took Stan's hand and led him to the bedroom. Up until now the sex they shared had been based on physical need. He felt that this last night things needed to be more. Stan had saved him from a life of depression and grief over Ray Vecchio. He showed him that he would be able to someday love again, and he took care of all his physical and emotional needs over the last week. For all that he was grateful, and he wanted to show it tonight.

Fraser went into the bathroom and came out with some massage oil he had observed under Stan's sink. Stan reached for it thinking Fraser wanted him to continue what he had started earlier, but Fraser just said "No" and began to undress him. Fraser made him lay his lithe, naked body down on his back in the middle of the bed while he undressed himself. He went back into the bathroom to get a towel and came out ready.

Stan lay there on his back, eyes closed, waiting. He finally felt the bed give when Fraser kneeled. For some reason neither was physically aroused yet. Normally, when each saw the other naked it was an immediate reaction. 'Body must know to pace itself tonight' Stan thought.

Fraser began with Stan's feet. Kneading the arches, heels and balls. He kissed each toe as he rubbed the tips, heels, in between and back up to the balls. The kneading was relaxing Stan. Making him almost too relaxed. As Fraser slowly worked his way up to his thighs, more than a few times Stan found himself almost giving in to the slow, methodical kneading. He had to fight hard to bring himself back to full consciousness.

Fraser, seeing the struggle Stan was having, whispered "it's alright Stan. Nap if you like."

Stan propped himself up on his elbows so he could look at his partner. "Frase, I'm not gonna miss a minute of tonight. So just get any ideas of sleepin' out of that thick Canadian head of yours OK?"

He smiled, this time pure and loving. "Yes Stan. Understood."

When Fraser had finished with Stan's front he asked him to roll over, but Stan began to protest. "Frase, buddy, not that this isn't greatness and all, but I feel like I am takin' advantage of you here. I mean, I am the one getting all the attention."

"Stan, this is something I have wanted to do for a long time. In a sexual sense, we have come to know each other's bodies incredibly well over the last few weeks. I know it is probable we will be apart for a long period, possibly longer than either of us would like to admit. And, if you meet someone while I am gone, this could be our last night together. I just want to know all of you. I want acquire an imprint of each part of you in my memory, through use of all my senses. Smell, sight, touch..."

"Taste." Stan playfully interjected.

"Yes, well I should say I have that information rather safely filed away already. Wouldn't you?"

"Oh yeah, buddy. I definitely would. As a matter of fact, I think you wrote the book on that one." Stan leaned in and gave the Canadian a deep, kiss on the lips. Then, as he was rolling over, he cupped his face gently, leaned in and kissed him on the forehead before he flamboyantly flopped his body over making quite a bounce.

"You know you are a Freak." He could feel Fraser's warm smile behind him. "OK well then, feel away buddy."

Again Fraser began at the bottom, rubbing ankles, calves and thighs. Then he straddled the limp body and began working on his shoulders. Kneading. Rubbing every knot, every tense spot until there was total relaxation beneath his hands.

Even with total relaxation, there was no way Stan's body was going to ignore the incredible friction being created by the Mountie straddled across his back. As Fraser slid down to work his shoulder blades, paying particular attention to the muscle that ran along the inside of the bone near the spine, Stan let out a groan.

"That is amazing Fraser. Where did you learn that? No wait. Don't tell me. Inuit shaman school."

"Well, as a matter of fact I did learn some techniques from the relaxation therapies of the Inuit. You see, after a productive hunt, the wives would prepare a warm, pungent poultice of moose dung, lichen, beaver theramones and...."

"Ewww. Don't even tell me. I DO NOT want to know. Didn't these people ever hear of Johnson's Baby Oil?"

By this time the Mountie had also begun to feel the benefits of the friction caused by rubbing against his partner's slick back. He slid down farther, straddling Stan's thighs so he could work the lower back. Unfortunately this task was harder to concentrate on, as his erection continually bumped Stan's firm cheeks. He applied more oil and moved his hands farther down, kneading the firm mounds. Fraser was unexpectedly assaulted with the image of himself buried inside Stan's welcoming body.

He was shocked. They hadn't done anything even remotely close to anal sex -- hadn't even broached the subject -- so Fraser just concluded that this wasn't something either of them had any real interest in exploring. However, with the prospect so close at hand (so to speak) his thoughts were wandering. At one point he began rubbing closer and closer to Stan's opening. Sliding his oiled thumbs well down into the dark crack. By the fourth or fifth pass Stan had unconsciously started to move his hips into the kneading rhythm. Fraser had also picked up the rhythm brushing his now weeping cock gently against Stan's slick posterior. As he realized that Stan's movements were an invitation, he took a chance. He leaned in and ran his tongue along the whole length of the slick, warm crevice.

Stan almost jumped out of his skin from the sensation. "My God. Fraser that felt so unbelievable."

Satisfied that his subject was truthful, he leaned in again, this time pausing and paying particular attention to the small dark opening. This time there was an uncontrolled moan, almost a growl, emanating from his partner.

"Frase. I want you. Want to feel you inside me."

Fraser was taken aback slightly. Then, believing Stan had only meant 'inside' him as they had done before with his finger, he coated both his hand and Stan with more oil and gently slid his finger inside.

Another groan. "More Frase."

Fraser slid a second finger in and Stan's hips bucked backward to meet him.

"God. So good." Then he confused his partner by saying "STOP."

Fraser immediately froze. He thought he had hurt him and pulled his fingers out. "Stan I am so sorry, I thought you wanted..."

"Shut up you freak. I just want to roll onto my back so I can see you." He rolled over and bent his knees. "Now carry on Sergeant."

Fraser was relieved. However, as he was about to continue his manual ministrations, Stan grabbed his wrist. "No Frase. Not like that. I want to feel YOU inside me. All of you. Understand?"

Fraser did understand. He was frightened, yet excited beyond imagination. His cock immediately responded to Stan's request by twitching. He must have wanted this and had just not realized it before now. All this time he had assumed that Stan wouldn't be interested in this type of activity, so he had convinced himself that he wasn't either. Now, hearing the soft, pleading words from Stan's mouth he regretted not having asked before.

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you. I don't want your last image of me to be mixed with memories of pain."

"Frase, right this minute all I can think of is having you, feeling you filling me. I want to feel myself wrapped so tight around you that I can feel you pulse when you come."

That was all it took. Fraser was close to sensory overload as it was. He lifted Stan's legs and placed them over his shoulders. His eyes locked with those dusty blue ones looking back at him through heavy lids. He saw the passion and need that he hoped was a reflection of what he himself was projecting.

Stan reached for the oil and placed a generous amount on Fraser's dripping cock. "Stop. Stan, wait. I am too close. Give me a second."

Fraser pulled back and began to massage more oil into his partner's opening. "God Frase. You think YOU are close? I'm just about ready to explode here. Do it, please do it!"

Fraser had successfully regained his composure. Well, at least enough to have some rational thought. He slid his erection past the two firm mounds and pressed it up to Stan. Then he pulled his own foreskin back to expose the stretched, shiny flesh and pushed again, slowly. This time he felt the outer ring give. He pushed a little farther and stopped again.

"Frase. So good. More Ben. Please."

"Stan. Please. I don't want to hurt you. If I lose control I'm afraid I won't be able to stop."

The picture in his mind of Out Of Control Mountie was more than he could handle. Stan tightened his legs on Fraser's shoulders, leaned in hard and impaled himself on his partner. Fraser let out a primal scream. He couldn't hold back any longer and began to thrust into the divine offering. He thrust deep then pulled back. He wrapped his hand around the neglected penis bobbing in front of him and began pumping as he thrust again. This time he hit Stan's prostate full on and he began to buck and moan uncontrollably.

Stan thought he was flying outside his body. The sensations were overwhelming. Being filled by Fraser. Fraser inside him. Hitting THAT spot. Full again and then that shot of pleasure. He wanted to hold back, to prolong his own sweet agony, but when Fraser twisted his oil slick hand on the down stroke at the same moment as he again pounded hit his prostate, he began spurting warm, thick seed all over himself. He was shuddering and sensitive but still he impaled himself again on the welcome fullness and cried "BEN!"

Fraser was desperately trying to hold back against the pulsing around his shaft. But the vision before him of Stan's head thrown back, the blonde spikes smashed into the pillow, ecstasy on his face, warm fluids dripping down his chest and, God yes, hearing Stan cry "BEN!" as he came was too much. He felt his orgasm build from his groin to his chest. It felt as if it was about to strangle him when he suddenly pounded again into the body before him and seed burst from him harder than he could even register.

Stan felt Fraser shudder over and over again as he erupted into him. It was as if Fraser had become a part of Stan's vitality -- a part of his spirit.

Fraser slumped over his partner and kissed him delicately on the lips as he allowed his softening penis to slowly slip out of his friend. "Are you alright? I'm sorry, I just couldn't hold back. The sensations, no, YOU were so extraordinary I just couldn't stop myself."

Stan's eyes were closed but his lips were smiling. "Ben, shut up and come up here. Now I only have the energy to say this once so listen carefully. That was infuckincredible. Like no one else, nothing else ever. We have GOT to do that again one of these days, but not until I am able to sit again."

He opened one eye enough to peeked at his friend's face. "Take that look of panic off your face and listen to what I said. I said 'GOOD.' 'GREATNESS.' 'MORE.' Forget all the other words. Those are the only three you need to hear. You'll understand. Someday when you find someone you love and trust enough to do that with, you will understand. Now, (yawn) sleep."

He rolled over, leaned his head on Fraser's chest and pulled him close as he immediately fell into the deepest, most contented sleep of his life. The Mountie was exhausted also and was just beginning give himself over to slumber when it hit him. His eyes popped opened and he replayed Stan's last sentence back to himself. Yes, this time it was clear. Stan had said he loved him. Loved HIM. Benton Fraser.

'Not now. I can not think about this now. I am leaving in the morning and he is staying and that is all there is to know about it.' He thought to himself as he pulled the comforter over the Chicago flat foot whose hair, at the moment, was more experimental than he had ever seen it before. He smiled at the memory of that moment in their lives and followed his lover into sleep.


Although the two had wanted to spend more time 'awake' before Fraser left, the sleep they had fallen into had overtaken their desires. Fraser was usually up much earlier than Stan, but today the alarm woke them both. Stan had set it for 5:30AM. That gave them two hours before they had to leave. Fraser reached over and shut the screaming alarm.

"Stan, I believe it is time to get up." As Fraser said this Stan promptly yanked the covers up over his head and he groaned.

"Change your flight Fraser. This is too ungodly a time to get out of bed."

"Well, you know I can not change my flight, so if you are too busy sleeping to drive me to the airport I will just call a taxi."

Fraser was up and into the bathroom as he said this last bit. Stan jumped out from under the covers and accosted him. "Yeah, right. My best friend is leaving, probably forever, and I am goin' to send him off in a taxi."

It was meant as a joke, but he was unable to contain the sadness he felt from leaking into that statement. He tried to recover "besides, the taxi driver won't wait for ya while the wolf runs amuck around the park for an hour." He smiled and reached for the shower knobs. Now, I think since last year there was such a drought, we should try to practice some water conservation measures here."

Stan reached out and dragged the naked Mountie into the stall and closed the door. They shampooed and washed each other. There was no real hurry, but they did keep this fairly professional. Well, at least as professional as you can with an incredible dark haired god standing naked and wet in front of you. Stan was behind Fraser, his soapy hands running up and down the naked chest. When he accidentally brushed a nipple he noticed a small reaction in the Canadian's nether regions.

"Stan, if we are going to get out of here on time, I don't think we should start this oh myyy." Stan was now licking the back of his neck. Slowly tracing his tongue up and down the tense muscles.

"Frase, I wish we had time for me to return the favor from last night." He felt the body in front of him stiffen and not in a good way. "What I mean is, the massage part. It was unbelievable. I won't ever forget the feel of your hands brushing over every inch of my body."

He felt Fraser relax a bit, but not much. He continued to stroke the pert nipples as the water rinsed them off. Stan, how do you feel this morning? Is it, rather, are you sore?" He still remembered what the blonde had said before falling asleep.

"Doesn't matter. A little. Not much. It was worth every second."

"I think we should..."

"See, that's your problem, Frase. You think too much. No more thinking. No more talking. Just feel this one last thing I want to do for you." Stan slid down Fraser's body again, purposefully emulating the first time they were in the shower together. It seemed a lifetime ago to him. This time, there was no urgency. He prolonged it and gave his partner a pleasure that was both sweet and sad. When Fraser had finished, he shut the water and tossed him a towel.

More than a little wobbly, the Canadian stepped out of the shower. He wrapped the towel around Stan's back and used it to pull him close. He kissed the blonde on the lips. Slowly and deeply, but more in an attempt to imprint this moment on his brain than to impress a sexual urge. For Stan, the kiss was delicious agony. At first long and deep then interspersed with smaller, less urgent kisses. Knowing this was the last time he would feel this sensation was almost too much. As Fraser once again deepened the kiss he gently pulled back.

"We need to get moving if the wolf is gonna get some exercise before the flight."

Fraser let go, but did not look up into Stan's eyes when he responded. "You are right. We should go."

They broke apart and Stan hesitated a second longer than normal before opening the bathroom door. It was as if the cooler air outside smacked him with the final realization. A tear slid down his face as he walked into the bedroom to get dressed.

The Canadian also had a shock. He had believed that he loved his old partner. He still did love Ray. But Ray wasn't here offering him the world. Then he became Fraser again. Rational, think too much Fraser. He needed to understand his feelings for these two men before he jumped into anything irrational. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt Stan and if he allowed him to see his true feelings right now, he was afraid he wouldn't be able to take them back if things changed. Best to leave it and not try to make promises that most likely would never be kept. After all, Stan had been the one to set the ground rules in the beginning.

They dressed quietly. Fraser had thrown his few personal items into his duffel bag, retrieved his passport and was ready in about fifteen minutes. Stan would ship his trunk with the rest of his possessions later once he got to his new post. While he packed, Stan took Dief out for a quick walk with the promise of a run after breakfast. When they returned, Fraser was waiting downstairs by the GTO.

They went across the street to Syd's Diner and had a hearty breakfast. Whey Stan told Syd that Fraser and Dief were leaving today he even let the wolf eat inside. They tried to make small talk about Fraser's new posting and about Stanley Kowalski's return to the 27th precinct. But there were such long, silent gaps between subjects that they finally gave up talking and concentrated on getting through their food.

They got to the park and walked a bit, again in silence, as Dief ran about chasing imaginary rabbits and squirrels or more likely candy bars and jelly doughnuts. When they once again were loaded in the car Fraser reached over and took Stan's hand. They sat there for a minute before he started the car and they were on their way to the airport.


"Stan, this is a white zone."

"So what's your point Fraser?" Stan answered feigning annoyance.

"The white zone is for loading or unloading passengers only."

"Yeah, well, technically I AM unloading passengers and, technically with that flashing red light on top I am on official business. See, there is this visiting Canadian official that I am escorting to the gate. So, don't worry about it."

For a moment there was the old spark again between them. Stan flashed his badge and said "official business" to the approaching meter maid as they walked into the airport.

Fraser went to the counter and retrieved his tickets and the required security papers for Dief. They were about to go through the metal detectors when Fraser stopped. "Stan, I think we should say our good-byes here."

"I guess so. There isn't really any more to say is there?" Stan meant it as a statement, but it came out a little more like a question, which he at once regretted. Quickly he added "besides, I don't wanna hang out in there with the wolf while he begs poor unsuspecting foreigners for airport pastries."

They both laughed nervously. Then Fraser held out his right hand to Stan who took it and shook it. Then, as Stan was about to pull away, Fraser did something very unFraserlike. He pulled him close into an embrace and kissed him once on each cheek. Could he leave this man? Should he leave this man? It would be so easy to take one road and unbearable to take the other, but at this crossroad Fraser was certain of which direction he must take.

"I will miss you Stanley Kowalski." As the embrace continued, he added, "write to me, call me, e-mail me. I promise I will always respond. And remember, you are spending your vacation this year in the frozen north, so don't make any other plans."

Stan smiled as he walked away from the pair. They were really gone. Fraser was gone and it would never be the same. Last night, they had both known it would never be the same. 


The weeks and months passed quickly at his new post. He and Dief were able to be out on patrol for days at a time without meeting another soul, but Fraser swore he wouldn't stay away from post more than two or three days until he heard from Ray or Lieutenant Welsh.

Worry for his friend was beginning to wear him down. It had now been three months since Ray and his family went into hiding. Lieutenant Welsh was kind enough to provide weekly updates on the FBI's progress, which was non existent at best. At first he worried about leaving Stan. He did miss him. It is amazing how your body can get used to another so quickly. He had gone years without any physical contact before Stan and was able to tolerate the time with only the mildest of urges. Now, even three months later, his body yearned for his former partner. But the separation had been for the best. Stan needed Chicago. He needed to be where there was action and people and take-out. Fraser let out a chuckle when he tried to imagine Stan living without pizza and Chinese food, replacing those foods with pemmican, game stew and lichen tarts.

Stan had been keeping in touch. He received daily e-mails in the first few weeks but they had tapered off to about two a week. Fraser knew that was partially his fault since he was rarely back at the post to respond to his mail. But whether he responded or not, Stan still sent long, rambling descriptions of his current cases, of Chicago and of how he missed his friend. It seems that Turnbull had been assigned as temporary liaison officer and due to the integral part he played in solving three recent cases, he was asked to continue on.

When discussing Constable Turnbull, the tone of Stan's e-mails had originally inflected a growing annoyance, then worked their way to toleration and finally actual respect. It seems that Constable Turnbull had recently saved Stan's life (and, as Stan tells it, his job) by catching a drug dealer who had sold the drugs that killed an Alderman's thirteen year old son. The dealer had pulled a gun and was about to shoot Stan when Turnbull had thrown himself between them and got shot in the process. Although there were momentary tinges of jealousy, overall he was happy and relieved his friend had a partner he could trust and respect. But more importantly, he had partner that would keep him safe and not endanger his life in wildly bizarre ways.

Fraser and Dief were about a three hour hike from the Post. It was getting dark and Dief thought they should make camp. But for some reason Fraser wanted to get back tonight. He pushed Dief on and they made it back to the Post by ten.

The Post was remote and only equipped to accommodate one or two officers at a time. There was a small front office with a few chairs, a desk, file cabinet, gun cabinet and munitions locker, fax, phone and computer for official RCMP duties. The front room was heated by a wood stove which stood next to the nine square meter metal cage used as a temporary holding cell.

There was also a back room which was used as living quarters for the Senior duty officer. The living quarters were actually quite spacious and luxurious by Fraser's standards. There were two stoves, one in the kitchen area for cooking and heating the hot water tank and on the opposite corner at the foot of the cot was another to heat the room. Fraser was ashamed at his relief over the Post's added luxury of indoor plumbing.

Although it was August, the night time temperatures at this latitude could still drop near freezing. As soon as he shucked his gear, Fraser started fires in all three stoves. He was exhausted but since tomorrow was his day off he decided to spend an hour or so catching up on some paperwork and e-mails before retiring. When Dief saw him roll his sleeves up and start to work he gave a snort, moved to the rug near the stove, turned twice then curled up and promptly fell asleep.

When the computer had booted up he logged into his e-mail. There were six messages. Four were RCMP alerts and two were from Stan. He read the RCMP alerts first. Then he opened the oldest one from Stan. It was dated four days ago.


Where the heck are you? I have been trying to reach you by phone all night. I have news. Vecchio is back. The Feds finally caught the guys that took out Langoustini and the guy they fingered as the Capo that put out the hit. So all the Vecchios are back and safe. Ray looks good. He's just about completely recovered from his bullet wounds and is already making a pest of himself back at the station. Seems he didn't want to take the retirement they offered him so he should be back full time in a month or so. Welsh says I am gonna be stuck with him as an 'official' partner, which is kinda worrying Turnbull. The two of us have been working really good together lately not as good as you and me, but good, ya know? I still can't believe the stupid Canadian threw himself in front of a bullet for me. His arm is pretty much healed and the doctors say he should have full use back in a few weeks. He's already back at the Consulate on desk duty (as if there is any other at the Consulate!).

Gotta go. Call me as soon as you get this message. Oh, and call Vecchio will ya? He is drivin' me nuts!


A wave of relief washed over Fraser. Ray was alright. The Vecchios were safe. The gunmen and their boss were in jail. Then, just as quickly as it came, the relief was replaced once again with terror as he opened the second e-mail, this one dated today.


I really hope you get back from the woods and pick up your mail sometime today! I've got some bad news. Turns out that Santorelli scum (the Capo) we got in the joint wasn't acting on his own initiative. Vecchio is OK, but the mob tried to take him out again. This time I was with him and almost got myself popped too. Kinda funny though since they blew up his new Riv! Sorry, that still makes me laugh. The Vecchios have been packed up again, but that idiot Italian of yours won't go with them. He insists on smoking out Don Iguana himself, but things here are getting too hot for him to stick around here. He just took off without back-up and is headin' your way. When Welsh found out he went ballistic. Seems the Feds aren't ready to admit they blew it so they aren't gonna ask Canada to bring in the storm troopers to help him with his little plan. So me and Rennie decided to get our butts up there and help. We are about twelve hours behind him. WAIT FOR US before you two try anything. He should be at the cabin late tonight or early morning. If things get hot at the cabin, set out for the cute blonde's place. You know, the one that made you turn around so she could kiss me in the parking lot? We'll get there as soon as we can -- don't do anything stupid until we get there. I wouldn't want you endangering your life in a wildly bizarre way without taking me along for the ride!

Gotta run and get my gear together.



The cabin. He was exhausted, but he wasn't about to leave Ray alone without any food or back-up all night. He quickly sent an e-mail to his superior telling him he would be 'patrolling' the area for the next week and could be reached by radio or cell phone. He started loading the gear into the jeep. Guns, ammunition, extra cell batteries, radio, two tents, a large cooler and extra bed rolls. He changed out of his field uniform and into hiking clothes, packed extra clothes in his backpack and woke Dief.

Dief let out a growl and rolled over. "We don't have time for one of your little moods Dief. Ray is at the cabin and he is in danger."

When he heard Ray's name he jumped up, barked, and ran out to the jeep. Fraser loaded the last of the gear and they took off toward the general store.

When they arrived at the store he woke the owner, Jerry Stanton, who was a little more than slightly annoyed until he saw how much the Sergeant was buying. As Jerry packed the boxes he noticed there was enough freeze dried foods to feed a troop for a month and enough lamp oil to last through next winter. There were also three tin eating sets complete with plate, cups and utensils, a hunting knife, a Swiss Army knife, an axe and a compass. Added to that were ten pounds of coffee, tea, a case of vacuum packed milk, fifteen pounds of sugar, a dozen eggs, three tins of cookies, twenty pounds of flour, two canned hams, an assortment of canned fruits and vegetables, two pounds of salt cured bacon, three containers of oatmeal and five pounds of pemmican. Almost unconsciously, he added a case of locally brewed beer and two pounds of Smarties.

Jerry raised an eye at the beer. "Plannin' on havin' yourself a party out there in the woods Sergeant Fraser?"

"I am actually on a case right now, however, once it is wrapped up I will have some friends arriving at the cabin from the states for a hunting excursion." Fraser thought then added "we'll probably be heading south to Branson's pass for Caribou. I heard from a few hunters I ran into last week that there were three herds grazing in that general area. Oh, please add the tank of gas and two additional five gallon gas containers in to the total."

Fraser hoped that if anyone showed up looking for them, they would receive this information. It was never too early to start planning. If anyone did follow his friends up here, Branson's pass was strategically an excellent area to spring a trap. If Ray was wrong, and he rarely was, strategy would not be necessary and they could really enjoy the fishing at Branson lake just beyond the pass.

"Americans -- eh? Well, try not to get yourself shot up by one of them caribou Uzi things they bring up."

Fraser smiled and handed Jerry about two week's salary to cover the gear, food and gas. They loaded the already crowded jeep and the two took off for the cabin with Dief, sitting up straight watching, cautiously alert.

The normally calm, level headed Mountie was beginning to get frustrated. It took an extra half hour to get clear of the woods near the cabin. The recent high winds and thunderstorms in the area had left the dirt access road muddy and littered with pot holes and tree limbs. Fraser had to get out of the truck six times on the way in to remove large debris from the road so they could pass. When they finally broke free of the trees the cabin was in sight. There was light coming from the window. Fraser, still cautious, cut the headlights and stopped the jeep a few hundred yards from the house. He opened the door and let Dief out to scout. When Dief ran straight to the door, tail wagging, he started the engine again and pulled up to the cabin.

He jumped out and looked in the window. Ray was asleep in the chair with the quilt wrapped around him. Fraser mused at how peaceful he looked. He continued to stare at his old partner through the window. The lamp light was flickering across his face. Even from this distance Fraser could see his long, dark eyelashes laying softly on his cheek. His head was tilted to the side giving a perfect view of his long, elegant neck. Fraser took advantage of his vantage point to drink the features he was too long deprived of seeing.

There was a chill in the air but Fraser didn't feel it. Staring at Ray, he felt the heat build in him. A small line of sweat broke out on his brow. He scratched at his forehead with the back of his thumb as he also unconsciously flicked his tongue out to moisten his lower lip. Dief was so anxious to see his old friend he let out a muffled "woof" at Fraser's feet. As he saw Ray stir, Fraser immediately pulled back from the window and moved toward the jeep. Dief sensed that Ray was awake and began scratching at the door. When it opened he was bowled over by the excited wolf.

"Heya Dief! Yeah, I missed you too! Ewww. No licking the face you mutt!" He pushed the wolf off and looked around. "Where's Benny, Dief?"

Hearing Ray say his nickname didn't help to still the rising heat in his body. He decided it was best to camouflage his reaction behind the boxes of supplies. Holding three of them in front he walked through the door.

"Hi ya Benny!"

"Hello, Ray." Fraser was still trying to disguise the need in his voice. All he wanted to do was take his friend in his arms and hold him, but he knew that Ray would probably be uncomfortable.

"Benny, put those damn boxes down. For crying out loud, what did you do? Buy out the entire supermarket? You're worse than Ma!"

Fraser put the boxes down glad that his loose hunting jacket was covering his embarrassing bulge. Unexpectedly Ray grabbed him and pulled him into a bear hug.

"God, Benny. I really missed you! Do you know how insane I was going being cooped up with my family for three months?"

Fraser cautiously returned the hug. For a brief period he gave himself over to the sensation. Feeling Ray's supple body pressed tightly against his. Smelling the faint scent of Armani cologne, probably left over from yesterday, mingling with the scent that was just Ray. He breathed deeply to try and calm his growing arousal but was assaulted with the smells that he so dearly loved. Ray -- his Ray -- here and in his arms. He couldn't believe he had ever been apart from this man. He knew that he could never be apart from him again. Even if he never touched him again he needed to see him, feel him, smell him, know he was there. Having Ray back was like a part of his body that had been lame and useless for years had finally been given back to him. He was whole again.

As Ray was holding Fraser close, he felt his ex-partner's arousal. He was about to pull back and thought better of it. If he pulled away, Fraser would be self conscious and what he said in the hospital would be right. Since Fraser was always right, he wasn't going to give him the satisfaction this time. So he continued to hug him until the moment had passed and then they broke naturally.

"Hey, how much gear did you bring with you? It looks like you robbed a sporting goods store out there."

"Well, I had most of the essentials at the Post, the rest I picked up on the way here."

"On the way here? You mean like NOW? In the middle of the night?" You didn't have to go waking up the world Benny. I coulda made it through the night here by myself. I am a big boy and cop after all! You ARE worse than Ma!"

He continued to chastise his partner, but Fraser knew he was only teasing. They worked at unpacking the jeep until every box and piece of equipment was in the cabin. Once the last of it was stowed in the corner Ray noticed how tired Fraser was.

"Hey Benny, when was the last time you slept? You look really exhausted." Ray reached for Fraser's bedroll and laid it out next to the fireplace. He added a few logs and then reached for one of the other bedrolls and put it next to Fraser's. When he finished he dragged the quilt over himself and patted the bedroll next to him.

"Come on Benny, it won't help anything if you are dead on your feet. Let's grab a few hours of shut-eye before we have to deal with the cold, cruel world again."

Fraser wanted badly to lie next to Ray, to hear his breathing, feel his heat. But he knew it would be a bad idea. "Ray, I'll just take the bedroll and sleep outside tonight."

"Outside!? Are you nuts! There are bears and stuff out there and it is freezing!"

"Ray, I assure you it is NOT freezing. And as for the bears, well, I sleep deeper in the woods than this and have not been eaten yet."

Ray had reached his own crossroad. This time he was determined not to take the same path he had in the hospital. "Yeah, but that is when you don't have a perfectly comfortable floor to sleep on with a nice warm fireplace to cuddle up next to. Besides, I'd rather be able to see you so I don't end up thinking you are one of Iguana's soldiers and shoot you again." He was smiling, but Fraser knew he was serious.

"Alright, Ray. If it would make you more comfortable." He took off his boots, jeans and flannel shirt and climbed under the comforter wearing only his red long johns. They fell asleep back to back.

A few hours later Fraser woke to Ray thrashing out in his sleep screaming something that sounded like "Nero! Get off me you goon!"

Fraser rolled over and shook Ray. "Ray, Ray, RAY!"

Ray jumped up ready for battle. "Benny, what the heck are you doing here? Oh," then he remembered where they were. "Sorry. I was having a bad dream."

"Apparently someone called Nero was assaulting you?"

"Nah, Nero was my butler, kinda. He took care of me. It was hard Benny. Harder than you can ever imagine. I don't think I slept more than an hour at a stretch the whole time I was under cover. I was always afraid I would say something in my sleep to give myself away, or worse say something that would put you or my family in danger. I kept thinking that one night someone would just slip in and kill Armando and no one would ever know what happened to Ray Vecchio. No one would miss me."

Fraser reached out and put his hand on Ray's shoulder. "You don't have to do this, Ray."

"Yeah, I do Benny. I want you to know I thought about you a lot. Thought about all the stupid things you used to do and make ME do too. I would look out at the desert at night and think the stupid Mountie would probably follow some shoplifter in there on foot to get back a candy bar. Sometimes I would see something really gross smelling on the ground and picture you tasting it!"

"Then there were times that I would talk to you. Lots of times. Like I had you in the room with me at every mob meet. You were there every time Armando had to do something filthy. I saw you there as my back-up. You kept telling me to be strong. Told me when to bluff and when to fold, and what to say. Things like that. I know you were only in my head, but God, Benny, without you I would have never gotten through this assignment. I never would have been able to hold it together."

"Will you tell me about it Ray? Sometime I mean. I want to be able to help you and, I think talking about it, letting it all out might help."

"I don't know Benny. Some of it was pretty awful. I was pretty awful. I did things that were disgusting. I did things that were not right and it was getting easier. I was a terrible person." Tears started streaming down his cheeks.

Fraser reached over and brushed one away with his thumb. Ray smiled a little as Fraser began to comfort him. "Ray, that wasn't you. None of that was YOU. This is you. This is the man you are, the man you have become. Armando was something you were forced to be. It is not a reflection of the real you. It was something you had to do to survive."

"No Benny! You don't understand. I took the assignment because I wanted you to be proud of me. You were always jumping out windows and hanging on to the hoods of cars and stuff. A real hero. I wanted to be good like you. But when I had to do those things, all I could think of was 'this would disgust Benny. He would never do anything like this.' And sometimes I tried to think of other ways out of situations. Stuff I could do that wasn't bad but still wouldn't blow my cover. Once in a while they worked. There were times when I was able to talk my way out of things instead of shooting. But mostly, I did things that just had to be done. I became one of them. I became like Zuko."

Fraser reached over and held his partner. "Ray, you are NOT like Zuko. You could never be like Zuko. Zuko never had any regrets about his actions, well except maybe for Irene. He killed and enjoyed it. There was no need to think or talk his way out of a situation because the beating and killing pleased him. He stole without remorse. He beat people without compunction. He killed without contrition. You could never be that way."

"Damn it Benny, I AM that way! For what SHE did to you -- I could have killed her! Killed her slow and without regret. You don't understand! I WOULD HAVE killed Victoria without regret, in cold blood and walked away from the body and never looked back. That's how I know. I know I am like Zuko."

"So what you are saying is that my whole presence in your life has ruined any thread of decency and hope you ever had? My actions and my proximity in your life has caused you to become dark and cruel? I don't believe that Ray! Because what you would have done to her would have been motivated by good, not evil. Brotherhood. Friendship. Compassion..."

"Love." Ray finished the Canadian's sentence. "Benny, I know what I said about us in the hospital, but I also know how I feel. The whole time I was undercover it wasn't being away from my family that bothered me. I knew you would take care of them. It wasn't the fact that I was surrounded by evil and death on a daily basis so much either. I could handle that. It was that you weren't there. I had no one to support me, to back me up, to talk to. I missed you more than a guy should miss another guy. When I was cooped up those three months with my family, I realized I do love you, but I don't think I can make it the way you want. And I can't ask you to live without that stuff, even if I DO sometimes think I might want it too. You deserve the whole enchilada and I don't think I could ever give it to you."

Fraser should have felt like a hammer hit him in the gut. He should have felt rejection and despair. But out of those words all he hung on to was the hope they presented. Ray had just said he loved him. He DID think of him that way. That was enough to live a lifetime on. Even if nothing ever happened between them physically.

"Ray, I... Let's get some sleep. We are both too tired to deal with this now. When this is over and you are safe we will talk about it again."

"That's just it Benny. When this is over, one of us might not be around to talk about it. And I didn't want to leave you again without you knowing. It was cruel of me to do it the first time. It's not you, it's me. If I were different you would be the perfect person to spend the rest of my life with. Hell, you ARE the most perfect person on the face of the earth. You could have anyone, man or woman. I'm the one with the problem here."

"Ray, let's sleep. I promise you things will look different after you have rested." They both lay back and Fraser pulled the covers over them. He was just about asleep when he felt it. Fingers entwining his own. Ray had reached out to him physically. It was the first step and they both knew it. That is probably why, for the first time since they met, they both slept like there wasn't a worry in their world. 



The door opened and two weary travelers stumbled in. They had been traveling for fifteen hours and were exhausted. It

was 9:00 AM and the scene they walked in on was unbelievable. At first Stan felt rage, but it quickly subsided. remembered he had his own Mountie now and was still a bit worried about how to break it to Fraser. This would definitely help.

On the floor in front of them were two sleeping bodies. One spooned behind the other. Ray's arm flung protectively over Fraser. Dief padded over to greet Stan and Rennie. Stan put his finger to his lips to shush the wolf as he gave a quiet whine, but it was still enough to wake Fraser.

Fraser was startled at first that someone had gotten into the cabin and he hadn't heard them. Then he realized who it was and was relieved. He slowly untangled himself from the sleeping Italian and stood to greet his visitors.

Stan looked Fraser up and down with a grin. He shouldn't have been happy to see he was dressed from head to toe, wearing those silly long johns, but when he did see all that red he put on a bigger smile. "Hey Frase."

"Stan, Constable Turnbull. How was your trip?"

"Exhausting. And Stan insisted on carrying all the bags. I don't know why, my arm has healed and I am perfectly capable of contributing, but he insisted. By the time we got out of the airport I thought he was going to fall over."

"Yeah, well, I already broke ya once and I didn't want to do it again. You know the Dragon Lady warned me that I would be considered an enemy of Canada if I returned ya damaged again!" They exchanged a look that didn't go unnoticed by Fraser. He was sure he had seen it and, although he wanted to be jealous, he was just happy. Happy that Stan had found someone to be with.

"So Frase. What's goin' on here? You and Vecchio? 'Cause, if not, Rennie and me would love to invite you to...."

An agitated voice came from under the blanket "touch him and I'll kill both of you with my bare hands!" Ray rolled over and sat up. He looked like a little kid rubbing his eyes and yawning before he stood and stretched.

"Uhhh. That felt good. What time is it?"

"Well, by the position of the sun I would say it was about 9:00." Fraser answered.

"No kidding. Super Mountie here slept past the crack of dawn? Somebody musta worn you out last night." Stan accompanied that statement with the most devious leer.

"Now Stan, don't go jumping to conclusions. As you can see, both of them are fully clothed and, however it may look, I am sure that Ray would not appreciate you insinuating anything of the sort." Rennie was also smiling when Ray cut in.

"Yeah, well, at least not until there is something to really insinuate about. How about some breakfast guys. I'm starving! Hey Benny, I don't suppose you put some indoor plumbing in since the last time I was here?"

"No, Ray. Sorry. But since we are all up here, maybe we could do something about adding on to the cabin before you all return. I am sure Stan would be quite qualified to dig a new privy."

"You heard the man, Stanley. Get moving!"

"In your dreams, Vecchio."

Fraser fixed breakfast as the four of them continued their conversation and camaraderie. When breakfast was done, they brought their coffee cups out to the porch. There was serious conversation to be had, and it had to be had now. There probably wasn't much time.

Stan & Rennie's cop instincts had kicked in before they left. Even without having spoken they were on the same page as Fraser and made sure they laid a trail that any idiot could follow. They just hoped that the idiot in question did.

Fraser pulled out a topographical map of the surrounding fifty miles. The cabin was northeast of Branson's Pass. The Pass was about a day's hike from the cabin and about a four hour hike from the closest road. Fraser pointed to another road that was about a five hour drive with an additional six and a half hour hike to the Pass.

"This route is rougher and longer and therefore it is less likely they would come in from this direction. If we leave the jeep here it will give us an escape route. They would assume we were making for the closer road and we could have a chance to lose them. But, I think it is unlikely it will get that far. I am sure we could trap them here." He pointed to a small rocky section. "We could lure them in here and then Stan and I could repel down and surprise them from the flank."

"Repel? Are you nuts Benny? That map has that formation at about fifteen hundred feet. You could get killed!"

"Ray, I assure you that I am experienced climber."

"Yeah, but what about Stanley here. I'll bet he ain't never been above thirty feet and then only in an elevator! And I don't want you in trouble up there with a beginner!"

"For your information, Vecchio, I used to rock climb when I was in high school. And I also did a bunch of outward bound kinda trips after I got married. Stella said we should make some of our vacations separate so twice a year I went with the boys and she went to some stupid spa."

Fraser added, "we will be perfectly safe. Besides, you are the ones that will have to keep them occupied without getting killed long enough for us to get there."

"Sergeant, I assure you that I will protect Detective Vecchio with my life." Rennie was dead serious as he spoke to his superior officer.

"Turnbull, please drop the formalities and call me Fraser or Ben or something. In this operation I am not your superior officer. This is strictly voluntary." He looked over at Stan and added "besides, you are an equal here in every aspect."

Stan was glad Fraser had put that out there. He knew that Rennie was a little intimidated at being 'open' in front of his superior officer. But after he saw the two of them asleep he kind of loosened up a bit on that one. Still, Frase was his superior officer and it was probably too much to ask for him to lose all those 'sirs' all at once.

Fraser looked at his watch. "We should set out by 1:00 PM. That will give us plenty of time to get to the end of the road. We'll make camp near the jeep and get hiking first thing in the morning."

They packed their camping gear and loaded it into the jeep. Then Fraser had them break down each weapon, clean and reload. It was now 11:30. Stan and Rennie were taking a nap before they set out. The last thing they needed was some water for the hike, so Fraser grabbed all the canteens and a few empty water bottles and walked down to the stream to fill them.

Ray saw him set out and followed him at a distance. They had been apart so long he just wanted to watch him. His pace was steady, his strides long. Ray had to hurry to keep up with him. When he reached the stream Ray watched him squat by the water. His legs and butt had gotten stronger since he was away. 'He must have been running again.' Ray thought.

Fraser sensed Ray's presence but didn't let on. He wanted his friend to see him. Wanted him to watch. When the bottles and canteen were full he took off his shirt, placed it on a nearby rock and kneeled in front of the stream to splash water on his face and chest. He made a feeble attempt at trying to clean himself without a towel or soap. He leaned back again, head and torso drenched and waited. He felt that Ray was closer.

A minute or two went by before Ray was close enough for him to hear his breathing. Still he sat and looked out across the stream. When the touch came he did not jump. He felt the long, slender finger drag along the side of his neck and down his spine.

"Ray." The whisper escaped his lips as he leaned back into his friend's touch.

Ray kneeled behind his partner and wrapped his arms around the naked torso. Fraser held his arms over Ray's. "So beautiful, Benny. I can't believe anyone so beautiful would ever settle for me."

Fraser wanted to turn and grab him and kiss him hard to show him how much he loved him. But this had to go at Ray's pace, if it was going to happen at all. Still, he leaned back into the embrace to comfort his love.

"Benny, I know it's wrong for me to love you but I don't care. I can't guarantee anything after we go back to Chicago, but here, now, I want to be with you. If anything happens to me up here... I, well I just want to know this before I go."

Fraser had heard the words Ray said, he also realized something his partner didn't. He had said 'after WE go back'. Ray's subconscious had already accepted this. Fraser leaned his head back and turned to face his partner. Their eyes were locked before Fraser closed his and leaned in to brush his lips gently over Ray's. When he opened his eyes again, he saw that Ray's were closed now. He leaned in again and deepened the kiss this time. It was not his imagination when his partner kissed him back. Kissed him with more need than he had ever felt in another human being.

It was Ray who first slid his tongue, apprehensively into Fraser's mouth. Fraser responded immediately with his own, the two lightly dancing across each other. When the kiss ended they were both breathless.

"Geez. Benny. I never knew it could be like that with a guy. You kiss like there's no tomorrow." He stopped when he realized that there may very well not be a tomorrow for one or more of them.

"Ray, as much as I would like no, truly LOVE for this to continue, we need to be getting back.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Too much, too soon." Ray responded looking slightly dispirited.

"Yes, well, I was considering that the things I would like to do for you ... your first time should be, well, it should not be rushed. And as we only have about ten minutes left before we are leaving, I think we should stop before -- before I can't stop."

Ray smiled, stood and held his hand out for him. He took it and allowed Ray to pull him up and into an embrace. With a sharp intake of breath, Ray ran the palms of his hands across Fraser's chest. "So beautiful, caro. Later."

Fraser smiled and put his shirt back on a little ashamed at stooping to this kind of manipulation, but he'd get over it. They walked back to the cabin hand in hand.


Meanwhile, at a small border crossing in rural North Dakota, two Canadian border guards lay bleeding in the washroom. Both were dead from single shots to the head. The black Range Rover passed through the gate and headed north with its illegal cargo. Along with automatic weapons, it held the latest portable communications, tracking and GPS systems to pinpoint and capture their prey.

Giorgio was driving while the other two slept. About half an hour after the killings at the border crossing they stopped at a roadside diner, had lunch and now were resting. None of the men had trouble sleeping. They were bred to kill, born into the service of the most blood thirsty of the Sicilian Families and fine tuned their craft working with some of the most wanted and most deadly mercenaries the CIA ever trained. This 'Family' had taken care of the 'needs' of political leaders, covert departments and crime families alike. Many syndicates throughout the world had attempted to recruit them into their fold out of both fear and respect for their skill, but these Sicilians held no loyalties past the end of each job. They were ruthless and without soul, enjoying their business. The value of these deadly attributes were reflected in their price.

Don Iguana hand picked the most deadly soldiers money could buy for this task. He brought them in from the Sicilian countryside where he had kept them at the ready since he first suspected something was going on with Langoustini. For eight months they enjoyed the high life of free flowing liquor and women while they waited for the call. Now it had come. Once Don Iguana's task was completed, each would receive two million dollars in a Cayman Island account.

Giorgio, the leader of the group believed this job would be cake. They wouldn't even have to worry about dumping the bodies. No one would ever find them out there in the Canadian wilderness. If some hiker ever happened across the scene there wouldn't be anything left after the wolves and bears finished.

The plan was for Giorgio, Ignatzio and Franco to track down Vecchio and his group. Once they had them they were given free reign with all but Vecchio. They could kill them immediately or enjoy playing with them first. This was Don Iguana's gift. The one stipulation was that the betrayer, Vecchio, was alive enough to know what was happening when The Don got there. Word was out he wanted to do Vecchio himself.

Don Iguana had every resource in the Family at his disposal. The very survival of his empire depended upon it. He was disappointed he couldn't buy his way into the RCMP for the information he needed, but the US State Department and the Canadian Secret Service were more pliable (albeit more expensive) sources. His informants provided all the information on Vecchio's friend, Fraser, and his dead old man that he needed in exchange for $500,000 US cash. As a consequence, he knew where the cabin was located but he didn't expect the two of them to act like sitting ducks. From everything he had found out about this Fraser character, he figured he would get Vecchio into the wilderness where he had the upper hand and hope they could lay low until reinforcements got there. They didn't realize there wouldn't be any reinforcements. Don Iguana spared no expense or contact to see to that.

With his private helicopter already awaiting his arrival in Whitehorse and his private jet fueled and on twenty-four hour stand-by, Don Iguana waited. Once his soldiers gave the word he could reach Whitehorse from his Palm Springs compound in around five hours. Then this threat to the Family would be dealt with by his own hand, dead and done with in the Canadian wilderness.


As the group of four officers headed in the direction of their goal, they made sure to stop frequently allowing as many people to see them as possible. They stopped for gas at four separate stations and made sure they walked in to each establishment and spoke to the workers. It was imperative that the trail leave little doubt that they had taken the shortest route into the Pass. Five miles before they reached the fork, they stopped and had an early had supper at a local truck stop. Each time the waitress came by, they made sure to speak of their plan to reach the end of the road to Branson's Pass shortly and how they would pitch camp and hike in to the Pass in the morning. This was the last stop they would make. Don Iguana's soldiers would only find a trail that went this far as here. The lack of additional information would lead them exactly where the group wanted.

When they reached their destination Fraser and Rennie easily pitched the two tents while Ray and Stan attempted to get a fire going. It was 9:00 before they had camp set-up.

"Seems like an awful lot of work if we're just gonna take it all down in the morning." Stan flopped onto his back in front of the fire."

"Even though it is only August, the nights can get quite chilly. That's why in addition to the bedrolls we have the sleeping bags. Around 0200 you will be glad you are in the tent and away from the elements," answered Fraser.

"Yeah, and I would think you two should be happy for the privacy," Ray added.

Rennie and Fraser both blushed at the same time. Stan looked at Ray and asked, "what is that? Is that a Canadian thing or are all Mounties supposed to turn the color of their uniform before they get a badge?"

"Come on Rennie. I'm ready to turn in." Stan looked at his new partner and winked causing yet another blush.

"Yes, er, well I am also quite tired so if you will excuse us," Rennie said as they headed toward the tent.

The tents were RCMP issue and thus were meant to be functional, but the only function they were meant for was sleep. The 6'4" Mountie seemed to be hanging out no matter which way he turned. Stan finally took pity on him and helped him wiggle out of his pants. Next he efficiently yanked his own off.

Outside the tent Ray was watching Stan and Rennie's tent laughing. Every couple of seconds you would see a foot or an elbow or something poking up against the nylon. "Hey, you guys playin' twister in there or what?"

From inside the tent Stan shouted "shut the hell up Vecchio. I'd like to see trying to get undressed in here with six foot four inch, two hundred and fifteen pound Mountie."

"I'm sure you would like to see that Stanley you little voyeur you!"

"Vecchio, if I wasn't so happily tangled in Mountie here I would come out there and pop you one!" Then the tent became suspiciously quiet.

"What do you say we turn in too Benny?"

"Ray, if you want you could take the tent and Dief and I could sleep out here."

Ray walked over and sat next to Fraser. "Look, I'm probably not ready for anything too much yet, but I would like to sleep up against you. If that's not gonna bother you too much?"

Ray's eyes were so full of anticipation and need that Fraser just said "Of course, Ray. It's not like we haven't slept together in close quarters before." He held the tent flap opened as his partner crawled in with him close behind. They had just gotten undressed and settled under the extra sleeping bag when Ray leaned in and kissed Fraser gently.


"Yes Ray?"

"Would it be OK if I put my head here on your chest for a bit?"

"I would like that Ray."

They lay that way for about ten minutes. Fraser was beginning to doze when they began to hear low moans from the other tent.

"Rennie, yessss. Ohhhh. So good. Your mouth is sooo hot. You are killing me here....." Then another loud moan. "No, don't stop! God you are evil."

"Well Stan, I thought you had requested that you come with me inside you?"

From the other tent, Rennie sounded deadpan in his delivery but Ray could picture a sly smile on the Mountie's face as Stan answered breathlessly "ooohhh GOD YEAH. But how the heck are we gonna do that in here?"

"Roll over, Stan."

"Yeah, that might work if ya lean over, like." There was the sound of people flopping around and the tent poles shaking, then Stan called out "Rennie, yessss! Harder!"

Fraser was embarrassed to be witnessing this. He hoped Ray was asleep. It was hard enough keeping his own arousal in check with Ray breathing on his neck then shifting and breathing over his nipple. But with the sounds of love emanating from the other tent he had immediately responded in the uh nether regions. Right now he had a major erection and could not exactly take care of it with Ray sleeping up against him.

Ray was also feeling the effects of the close quarters, Fraser's unsteady breathing and the show coming from the other tent were effecting his own arousal. He was pretending to be asleep and shifted his hips up against Fraser's thigh letting him feel the hot bulge through his briefs. He wanted Benny to understand that he wanted this too. At the same time he shifted his arm farther down to lay across Fraser's stomach with his wrist just barely brushing the tip of his partner's growing erection.

The sounds coming from the other tent were now of a sort that Fraser pictured Turnbull's thighs smacking into Stan's backside as he drove into him. Then a "Stan!!!!" as the other Mountie obviously climaxed. That was immediately followed by a "Yes! Love you! Ahhhhh Rennie!" as Stan also climaxed. Then there was just a loud "OOOF!" as Turnbull apparently collapsed onto Stan.

As Ray's wrist neared his erection, instinctively Fraser's hips moved into the sensation before he caught himself. Ray, with his eyes closed began to kiss down the side of Fraser's chest. "Lord, Ray NO. I can't hold back with you doing that. Please!"

"Benny, I'm no tease. I'm not too sure of the logistics on something like this, but I promise you that you don't have to hold back here. I'm gonna have to let you show me what it is that I want, but I promise you I want it."

Fraser rolled over shoving Ray onto his back and began to devour his mouth. He ran the backs of his fingers down the hairline in the center of Ray's chest and followed it to the waistband of his briefs. Ray was dizzy. He couldn't believe the sensation that just invaded his body. Fraser's hot mouth covering his, that probing, amazing tongue fucking his mouth. He couldn't believe that his self-possessed Canadian was actually raping him with his tongue. And it was incredible. He wanted more. Wanted to feel every part of him. Ray reached around and pulled Fraser in so that his erection was pressed against his thigh. Ray slowly began to rub his thigh against the hardness above it.

"Ray" breathless, a whisper escaped from Fraser into his mouth. Fraser reached down and slid his index finger beneath the waistband of Ray's briefs. Then he slid the others in behind it. Ray was flying as he was jolted into consciousness by Fraser pumping his swollen shaft.

Ray's hips began to move into Fraser's grip when the rhythm slowed. "Don't stop, please Benny, don't stop."

Fraser began kissing the hollow of Ray's neck. In between kisses he said "loved" kiss "your neck" kiss "the first time I" kiss "saw" kiss "it." Then the kisses were followed by his tongue tracing a line down the center of his chest. He moved left and took a nipple in his mouth. Ray had never felt this sensation before. It was like there was a string attached to where Benny was sucking and his cock. Every time Benny licked or sucked jolts of pleasure shot straight south.

"God, Benny where did you learn that?"

"I just do what I like. Try to concentrate on the spots on your body that are sensitive on mine."

"Well, you're doing damn good job of it. Keep it up Sergeant and you just might get lucky tonight."

"I am already lucky, Ray" he whispered as he dragged his tongue along to the other nipple.

Ray's hips were thrusting up now and Fraser pulled back again. "Geez, Benny, what are you doing to me here?"

He smiled and slid both index fingers into the waistband of Ray's briefs and yanked them down. The cool air felt like velvet on Ray's erection and he moaned. Suddenly, cool was the last thing in the world he felt as an amazing warm, wet cavern engulfed his erection and began sucking and licking with remarkable talent.

"Jesus! Benny! I never... that is ... SO GODDAMNGOOD..." Fraser allowed Ray set the pace and the deepness of his thrusts, trusting him, as he did Stan, not to hurt him. Ray was out of control thrusting into his mouth, against his tongue, to the back of his throat. When he tried to pull back Fraser grabbed his hips and bent further down to keep him there.

"Benny, I can't hold back. Please I'm gonna, now!!!" He came in his partner's mouth. Hard and long. Harder than he had ever come before. Most women weren't as into this type of 'activity.' He could only remember Angie doing it a few times over their marriage, mainly on his birthday or something. But never, not EVER was it like this.

Fraser lapped every drop of Ray's essence he could milk. He felt like he was being filled with life itself. Ray didn't realize that he was arched almost completely off the ground until he fell. He couldn't form words and was still only seeing spots in front of his eyes so he kept them closed and reached for his lover. He pulled him close, kissed him then said breathlessly, "Benny. Like no one else. Ever. I swear. Nothing like that has ever happened for me."

"I'm glad you have given me the chance give you pleasure Ray. You did seem to be enjoying it. Especially that part where you were mumbling in Italian."

"I was? I don't even remember saying anything. You are killing me Benny. I am totally dead here."

Fraser was smiling and completely oblivious of his own need at this moment. He was elated to have given Ray such pleasure. He wanted to invoke the requisite Mountie modesty, but having seen, felt and swallowed Ray's reaction all he could say was "you did seem to be enjoying yourself. Thank you kindly Ray."

"No, Mountie. Thank YOU kindly," Ray said as he slid his hand down Fraser's boxers. Fraser was so aroused from watching Ray climax that it only took Ray about two minutes to bring him to completion. Ray held on until he felt Fraser's cock subside. When he pulled it out of the boxers it was covered with Fraser. Then he did something he would have bet real money he never would have done. He brought it to his mouth and tasted it.

"You Benny. That's you. If I never taste you again I will always remember this. I'll have it imprinted on my soul into the next life."

"Ray, please don't talk like that. We are going to keep you safe."

"I'm not worried Benny, and you don't have to protect me. Fight WITH me not FOR me here because it is the right thing to do and not because I am making you do it. I know I didn't give you much of a choice, but I never thought you would have any other answer. Please, if you wanna go then I want you to. I don't want to ever again be the cause of you getting hurt."

"Ray, don't be ridiculous. I will fight FOR you. I will fight WITH you. I would fight to the death for this cause because it is the creed that all Mounties live by. You know that. Don't doubt your own intelligence now. These men are evil and must be stopped. As a Mountie, as a human being and as the person who loves you I will fight that fight to protect you and protect others."

"Yeah, well after the last half hour I am more convinced than ever that you Mounties always get your man." Ray smirked evilly as he said this.

"You know perfectly well, Ray, that the Mountie motto is Maintain the Right. But, in this instance I would imagine both adequately apply. Now, let's get some sleep."

Ray leaned back into his partner's neck and said "I love you Benny."

"I love you too, Ray. Oh, and remind me to ask Stan and Rennie to keep up the good work."

They both chuckled and fell asleep.


Despite the night's activities, Fraser was up at dawn breaking camp. He had all non-essential equipment in the packs and was dragging Ray out of the tent kicking and screaming so he could pack the bedrolls and sleeping bag. By the time Ray took care of morning business, Rennie had Stan out of the tent and was working on their gear. The two detectives just stood next to each other and took in the sight of the efficient Mounties at work.

"Gotta love em." Stan observed.

"Absolutely Stanley. Absolutely," Ray responded.

"Vecchio, cut out the Stanley crap before coffee. I can't be responsible for my actions until after caffeine."

"Whatever you say, Stanley."

Rennie had the fire going and coffee was brewing. Fraser broke out the dehydrated eggs and added water to them in the small skillet then pulled a bag of Smarties out of his pack for Stan's coffee.

Stan laughed and said "Thank you kindly Fraser." They ate the eggs scrambled mixed with small bits of pemmican before they locked up the jeep and headed off toward the Pass. Dief took point and set the pace. Fraser informed them if they kept this pace they could make the stream in about two hours, take a short break, and make the Pass in time for lunch.

Dief was in the lead, with Fraser behind him. Rennie was struggling to keep up with Fraser, but was still far ahead of the two detectives. Ray and Stan continued their annoying banter for most of the first two hours. When they sat to rest, Stan could see that Rennie was favoring his arm. He went into his pack and grabbed three Tylenol and his water bottle.

"Here. Take these."

"I am fine Stan. I really don't need drugs."

"These aren't drugs, they are Tylenol and they will take the edge off that arm." Rennie was still refusing the offer stating that it was not that bad.

"Damn it Rennie. Why the fuck can't you Mounties just admit it when you need some help. For cryin' out loud! You were in the hospital all drugged up and you still wouldn't let anyone help you. I practically had to tackle you to keep you from ripping out your IV."

Fraser took in the scene and walked over to them. He knew that Turnbull was trying to put on a strong front in front of a superior officer and decided to try and help. "Stan, my back is rather sore. I wouldn't want to deplete your supply, but do you think you could spare one or two?"

"Frase, I brought a bottle of 500. We could take down a moose with all these." Then turning to Rennie, "See that! Even Super Mountie over here needs help once in a while." Stan handed Fraser two pills. Fraser turned and picked up his water bottle and, with his back to Rennie acted out taking the pills.

"Thank you kindly Stan. Constable, I suggest that you take those. I am going to need you in top form by the time we get to the Pass."

"Yes sir," and, rather than refusing a direct order, he took them.

Fraser walked over to the stream and refilled the canteens. Ray put his hand out and Fraser slipped the pills into it. "I figured. You Mounties are ridiculous. Remember that time when Geiger stabbed you and you just got out of surgery and had to hop around and still wouldn't take an aspirin? Nice thing you did for the kid, though. Just remember, if I think you are really in pain I am going to get those things in you one way or another. I need YOU in top form Constable!"

Fraser looked up at Ray and playfully responded "yes sir." 


The three soldiers spent the night at the larger of the two small hotel in Whitehorse. In the morning they went to a sporting goods store and bought some camping essentials. While Giorgio and Ignazio were picking out gear, Franco stood at the counter looking at knives. There he found a very expensive hand made one behind the case. It had a ten inch blade with a handle carved from ivory. The store owner occasionally purchased novelty or collector items at auction and resold them in the store. It had cost him about $200, but when he saw the tourists buying expensive gear he gladly told the tall one it was $600. After a bit of haggling, he finally sold it for $525 Canadian and threw in a leather sheath. Franco tucked it into his jacket pocket as the other two came over to pay for the gear.

Giorgio had not seen him buy the knife. Franco had it out in the car and was working it in both hands flipping it and catching it to get used to the weighting. "What the hell is that?"

"Just a little souvenir I picked up at the store. Cool, huh? I can do some serious carving with this thing. Maybe put my initials in the Mountie before I kill him? Or how about cutting his balls off and feeding them to his little Vecchio bitch?"

"Are you crazy buying a thing like that? We were trying to be low key here and you go and do something stupid like that! That guy is gonna remember us now."

"Giorgio," Ignazio interrupted. "Three guys with Italian accents just bought two grand worth of camping gear in there. You think he was gonna forget us?"

"You're right. I'm slipping. We shoulda done him while we were there."

"Look, Giorgio. I saw his kid in the back room. I really don't wanna do some guy in front of his kid and I ain't no baby killer. So just leave it. We'll be outta the country before anyone finds the bodies anyway."

"I don't know. It just doesn't sit right. It's a loose end and I hate loose ends. But we already put thirty miles between us so I guess it's too late now if we want to pick up their trail tonight." Giorgio stared out of the passenger window at the scenery. He really didn't like loose ends. Maybe they would stop at the store again on the way back.

They drove for four hours and then stopped for gas at a general store. While Ignazio filled the tank, the other two went inside and struck up a conversation with the store owner. It was a fishing expedition. They asked about hunting licenses and how to get them. Whether they had to go to a police station or not to register their weapons. They also asked about where the best hunting was.

Jerry Stanton answered. "There's not too much big game running around here at this time of year, boys. If you are hunting with buckshot, you don't need to register at the RCMP station. Even if you did, the Mountie in charge is out hunting himself. Said he was going over to Branson's Pass. Some hunters saw a few herds of caribou hanging around out there." Jerry pulled out a map and showed them the shortest route into the Pass.

As he rang up the gas, map and sodas he added, "now you boys be careful out there. Make sure you wear your orange hats or something so you don't get yourselves shot by those trigger happy Americans out there with the Mountie."

When they got back into the car Giorgio turned to the other two and said, "could it possibly be this easy? Either these Canadians are the biggest idiots in the world, or they are laying a trap."

"Either way, boss, we gotta go after them right? So what the hell. Might as well get as close as we can before we start worrying about traps. That Mountie ain't gonna try nothing anywhere near innocent citizens, so we just gotta follow the trail and try and get a jump on them."

"Yeah, you're right. But I don't like it. I don't like it a bit," Giorgio answered pensively as they drove off.


Dief was the first to get to the camp at Branson's pass. It was situated about fifteen feet from the edge of the river and its small rapids. A few hundred yards downstream the water deposited into a two hundred acre lake. There were thick woods directly behind, and the foot of Branson's Rock about fifty yards upstream. It looked like camp was a dead end, but it was actually on an outcropping of rock that hung about four feet over the river. Approaching from the woods you could not tell that there was a drop off until you were on top of it. It could provide excellent cover and a hasty retreat if necessary. Fraser dropped over the edge with a package. His descent was followed by a whooshing sound.

"Frase! What the hell are you doing down there?" Stan was leaning over the edge to see what was going on.

"Just inflating the raft and tying it off in case we need to make a water retreat. Would you each go in your packs and pull out the foldable oars?"

"Oars? We got oars in these things?" Ray was searching. "Benny, what the hell does a foldable oar look like?"

"It's in the black drawstring pack tied behind your bedroll." They all located them and put them together.

Carrying them down to Fraser, Rennie looked upstream to the sky. "Looks like we may have some storm clouds over the mountains."

"Rennie, they look like they are headin' away from us."

"Yes, Stan they are. But they will most likely drop some significant rain at the higher elevations."

"So? What's the catch here? Are you Mounties afraid of thunder or something?"

"Ray, Mounties are not afraid of anything. However, Rennie has been very observant. You see, if it does rain up there, we could see significant rise in water level and speed of the current here. We should anchor this to a tree on higher ground and camouflage the rope with some brush."

"Yes, Sir. I'll see to it immediately."

About an hour and a half later the tents were set up and a fire made. Fraser had been able to net two good size salmons and fillet them for lunch. They were cooking while they went over their various options.

Fraser drew a crude map of the immediate area in the dirt. "We are here. Rocks upstream, river, lake down here, woods behind. Access will be tough from three sides, and with Dief, we should have ample warning of any approach from the woods. When they come, what we need to do is get them here."

Fraser pointed to a spot behind Branson's rock. It looked like a small mountain, but it was actually a group of rocks, the largest being only about 200 meters above camp level. However, camp was at the highest level point. As you traveled counter clockwise around the group of rocks the ground dropped off steeply another 100 meters.

"Stan and I will climb up the water side and set up the equipment. There is actually a fairly easy climbing path up that face. It should only take about fifteen or twenty minutes if we hurry. The alternate side, where Ray and Rennie will be, is a sheer drop. Stan and I will anchor to the rock and repel. Ground level is actually a little trickier. The ground is soft and very steep. It should take you two about thirty minutes to get around. I think we should attempt a trial run this afternoon."

"Agreed." Ray suddenly had a sullen expression on his face. "Look, guys, I just want you to know that I really appreciate this. None of you had to stick your neck out here and I won't forget it."

Stan and Fraser began to speak but Ray stopped them. "Wait. I gotta say this. If it comes down to it if it is me or you guys, then I want it to be me. If this thing goes sour I will give myself up to them so you can get away."

Fraser looked sick. "Ray, we have the upper hand here. I am sure that will not be necessary. Besides, I would emplore one of our party to execute you ourselves before I would let those filthy killers get their hands on you."

"Look guys. It ain't gonna come to that. As much as I would like to shoot Vecchio myself, it just ain't gonna happen." Then looking at Ray, "these are bad guys, wise guys. We all took an oath to protect and serve whatever country we happen to be in at the time we gotta hold up that oath. So, if you think we are doin' this for you, Vecchio, you are wrong. See, me personally, I am doin' it for the fame and glory."

"Yes, as am I," Rennie interjected. "However, the wonderful scenery and the endless array of possibilities for al fresco sex combinations here are most certainly added benefits."

They all turned, mouths open, to stare at Rennie who continued to hold a straight face. Then Ray noticed Fraser fighting the slightest flicker of a grin. "Oh great. So I gotta have the Three Stooges here with me to fight the mob. What are you gonna do, hit em with cream pies?"

Stan's mouth was still open as he leaned in and whispered to Rennie, "were ya serious?"

Rennie whispered back, "I love you Stan, but I would not be opposed to you or I entertaining either or both of our associates at sometime for fun and pleasure especially covered in those cream pies! Just remember that I only love you. I will always only love you and anything we might do would just be for sexual gratification."

As Stan leaned back he slipped off the log he was sitting on and he hit the floor with a thump. "Stan, are you alright?"

"Yeah, Stanley. You feelin' OK?"

"Oh, I should think he just had a bit of a shock. He shall be alright as soon as his motor functions kick back in."

"Rennie. I love ya but you are TOO MUCH. You totally GOT me with that one."

"I am sorry to have misled you Stan. I was totally serious in my offer, however, I believe it would be best if we put that idea aside for a bit and concentrated on the plan."

Dief woofed and Fraser turned toward the fire. "Right you are Dief. They do seem done. Gentlemen, shall we eat?"

They had a delicious meal of grilled salmon seasoned with thyme and basil and re-hydrated peas on the side. Leave it to Fraser to go camping with an portable spice rack in his pack. For dessert there was re-hydrated apple cobbler which Rennie deftly mixed and heated over the fire. After the meal was gone they took a well deserved rest period and agreed to meet at four for the run through.

The drill went off without a hitch. Although it did take an hour as Fraser and Stan needed to secure their equipment, and Rennie and Ray picked about until they found a path that would give them ample cover and give the climbers ample time.

Fraser and Stan took the longer route the rock face carrying their gear. When they reached the top they anchored the ropes and tested the hooks and belts. When they all finally returned they were exhausted, but they needed one more meeting.

"I think it is time to go finalize the primary plan and go over plans the back-up plans." Frase once again drew the small map. We are at the end of the moon's cycle. So we will only have a quarter or new moon tonight. By tomorrow there will be no moonlight to speak of at all for two nights. Should they attempt their attack at night both trails would be too treacherous. We would need to go to Plan B. I have put a pack full of supplies in the boat, hopefully we won't have any hungry bears sniffing around. Well, as I was saying, plan B. If you receive a signal from Dief or myself, the three of you will drop quietly over the edge and get the boat in the water. Dief and I will lead them away upstream as far as possible."

Fraser finished. "And?" Stan asked. "What happens then?"

"Well, either we are able to lose them, or not. Either way the three of you will be safe."

"Benny. That's not a plan. That's suicide. We all go together or not at all."

"No, Ray. I have a better chance of surviving alone. And with the criminals chasing a Mountie, Rennie will be able to call in for reinforcements. We could have a hundred men out here within twenty four hours. I could certainly out run them for a day.

"No way Frase. I'm with Vecchio here. What's plan C?"

"Plan C is we turn here and fight. The guns are our last option."

"Are you NUTS? Do you think these guys give a crap about us and honor and all that? Guns come FIRST with them. If we could take em alive, then great. But if not, it's no skin off my ass." For the first time Fraser caught a glimpse of Armando.

"Yes, Ray. But that is what sets us apart from them. Actually, I am worried about the possibility of the attack taking place from both the woods and the water. It is possible that they could get a helicopter to land a clearing about a half mile upstream and take a raft down. The wind seems to be blowing to the east, from the woods toward the water, and Dief might not get their scent if they come in from the east."

"Well, don't keep us in suspense here, Frase, what do we do then?"

"If we hear a helicopter at any point and have enough time to get ahead of them, the best bet is to work a modified plan A and get them to follow us into the rocks. I think that should be our best defense. However, if one or more of us is not in a position to engage in this plan, then those parties should immediately get to the boat and hit the rapids hard. Then we will all rendezvous on the other side of the lake."

"So, we stick close to camp. Real close. If this is gonna happen it is gonna happen within a few nights. Those boys couldn't be that far behind me. My guess is it will be tomorrow sometime. After that we should just give up and go fishing."

They all laughed at Ray's comment, but they knew it was time to be serious. It was getting dark. "Rennie, would you take the first watch? I will relieve you in four hours."

"Yes sir." Rennie grabbed his firearm, made sure once again that he had a full clip and a bullet in the chamber and took up position at the edge of the woods. Stan was about to follow him when Fraser stopped him.

"Stan, he needs to pay attention. I am afraid you would be quite the distraction. Why don't you get some sleep? You can take first shift in the morning."

"I guess I am pretty tired from that climb. Might as well get some shut eye." Stan returned to his tent and let the flap close as he plopped back onto the bed roll. He was asleep before he even pulled the cover up.


 The three soldiers made camp near the Land Rover. It was getting too dark to start the hike into the Pass. They would make the hike in the morning. They called The Don right after they left the general store. He was already on his way to Whitehorse. He would stay the night there and await their call in the morning. Once they found their prey the helicopter could be there within two hours. Assuming all went according to plan, Vecchio and his friends would be dead by dinner.

Giorgio had decided to travel light to the Pass. Everything would stay at their camp except the essentials. Weapons, water, binoculars and communications gear. When they took care of the cops, they would spend the night in their camp and eat their food and get back in the morning. He took pleasure in picturing them savoring the food and shelter of their victims.

Don Iguana had an associate with a hunting cabin about half an hour drive from the tiny Whitehorse airport. As his plane descended into the darkness, he began to experience flurries of victory in his stomach. This would be his ultimate coup. Vecchio had done damage to all four of the families in the syndicate. Thanks to the Bookman, the Colellas stood to lose half their gambling operations across the country. The Santa Luci family their Prostitution ring. Even worse, the Palmieri family Senate connections were to be exposed. Once he had taken care of this family problem, he would leverage his triumph to become the head of all four of the syndicate crime families. Don Palmieri, current head of they Syndicate, would never know what hit him.

Don Iguana was fingering the gold crucifix hanging from his neck as the wheels touched down. He whispered into the darkness, "vengeance will be mine Vecchio. The other families lost business by your hand, but what you did to mia familia is the most powerful reason for revenge. Your plan was brilliant. Get the families to die from within. Have the power structures fight each other. Have weaker men take over as Family heads and cause each family's destruction. You thought I would never find out about the seeds you planted in my son's head to eliminate his own father.

The lies you told my son about imaginary plans for me to give the business to his cousin, Angelo were disgusting. Then, your fatal mistake. You both believed no one had noticed the small bit of information he passed to Don Palmieri at the last Syndicate meet, but I saw. I heard. I have eyes and ears everywhere. Thanks to my son, Angelo is dead by the hand of Don Palmieri and this plan of yours forced me to eliminate my Costentino, my only son. Now with both Angelo and Costentino dead you will pay with the lives of those you know as brothers, as well as your own."

As the plane came to a stop at the hanger, Don Iguana kissed the crucifix. The vow he had spoken was now sealed. He returned the small piece of gold beneath his shirt as he exited into the cold night.



At midnight Fraser quietly slipped out of his tent to relieve Rennie. He softly called out so as not to startle Rennie. There was no need. Even after their exile to Chicago, their Mountie senses were sharp. Rennie was already standing as he tread up behind him.

"Sir. It is a beautiful night, sir." Rennie looked a bit wistful and added " I have missed this solitude terribly all those months in the city."

"As have I, Rennie."

"Sir uh, Fraser I have been quite worried about what you would think about Stan and my arrangement."

"You mean relationship, don't you?" Added Fraser.

"Well, yes I do. I know about your previous relationship and I know that he loved you. He still does. I am also sure he loves me just as intensely."

"I did love Stan. When I saw him I was reminded just how much I missed his fire, his passion and his joy for life." Dief nuzzled against his leg.

"Yes, I know Dief. Dief missed him also all these months. Stan will always have a hold on my heart, however, Ray is my entire being. If he had decided that he did not want a physical relationship, I would have fallen to the floor in thanks that he would let me still be his friend."

"I feel the same about Stan. I was so glad when you left. Uh, that didn't come out exactly right. What I meant to say was, when you left him behind I believed I had a chance. I have admired him from afar since that day he burst through the doors of the Consulate in search of asylum." Rennie was afraid he had insulted his superior, his friend.

Fraser saw the self doubt, the fear in Rennie's eyes. He knew those two emotions well since he had fallen in love with Ray. Fraser walked over and placed his hand on the taller Canadian's shoulder as he spoke. "Turnbull -- Rennie, please understand, I will always love Stan, but I would never do anything to come between you two. I am IN love with Ray and even when if - Ray decided to leave I could never hurt either of you like that. I see the bond you two have and I could not fill the same void for him. I would not try."

Rennie felt as if a lead weight had been lifted from his chest. "Thank you sir, I mean Fraser. I had best get a few hours sleep before sunrise. I have been going over our situation and what Ray has told us about The Don and his men and I have a nagging feeling that we will be on the move soon."

"As do I. It is an odd sensation. It feels as if I can almost smell the death in the air. It feels so still tonight. And Dief has had his cackles half up all night. He knows too. I think we should be properly prepared by sunrise. It might be appropriate for Stan and I to head straight up the rock at first light. At the latest I would want to be up there by the time they reach the outer marker."

Rennie asked, "approximately an hour out?"

"Yes. That way we will have a better vantage point. I have some communications head gear so we should be able to warn you two immediately."

Dief let out a muffled woof. "Ah yes, and Diefenbaker will be standing guard here at ground level with you so you should have ample warning before anyone approaches."

Rennie began walking to the tent. His fear returned, but this time it was fear that Stan's life was in danger from these mobsters. He couldn't lose him now. Not after they had found him. He turned and said goodnight to Fraser.

Sensing his anxiety "Don't worry. We'll all take care of each other tomorrow. Good night Rennie"

Rennie replied, "Good night sir," as he slipped into the tent. With his clothes on he slid under the open sleeping bag and wrapped himself around his partner. Even in sleep Stan exuded energy and light. He happened to be a very sound sleeper, especially when Rennie was in bed, but he gave the impression that he did not let himself fall completely into sleep. He looked like the slightest stimulus might wake him. As Rennie lay behind Stan he pulled him in closer. Stan did not wake, but he did lean back into Rennie and this is how they slept until Fraser came to wake Stan for his watch.

It was an hour before dawn when Fraser approached Stan and Rennie's tent with a hot cup of coffee in his hand. As the morning frost was developing and covering the tents, he had been hard at work checking and rechecking their weapons, communications and climbing gear by fire light. He had prepared coffee, and had already mixed the eggs and pemmican. He would cook them as soon as everyone was awake.

Fraser could hear his boots crunch lightly on the frost. It would be gone shortly after day break, but right now it was an added obstacle they did not need. Not only would it make their climb slick, but if The Don's men arrived before it melted, their position would be given away by their footprints. He crouched and opened the tent flap.

He placed a hand on Stan's ankle and shook him gently. "Stan." He whispered.

Customarily Stan was painfully slow to wake up, moaning and pulling the covers over his head until Fraser had yanked them off. However, this morning, Stan's eyes popped opened and he immediately slid out from Rennie's embrace. He took the cup of coffee offered to him and motioned to Fraser that he would be right out.

When Stan came out of the tent he stood and rubbed the back of his neck. "Do you feel that?"


"It's like electricity or something. All the hairs on the back of my neck are up."

"That is just your sixth sense, Stan. Out here, the quiet can evoke it."

"Well, what the hell is it tryin' to tell me?"

"They are close. Probably about three hours out."

Stan looked at him skeptically and said, "Oh, what you know this HOW Frase? Some chatty crow drop by to tell you?"

"Stan, I have been tracking people and animals in these woods since I was twelve years old. You can tell the signs. The silence, for one. Normally at this time in the morning there would be all sorts of bird sounds. Now nothing. They have flown to higher ground to wait this out."

"So, how do ya know the birds aren't just hidin' from us?" Stan asked.

"Well, do you remember yesterday afternoon as we were setting up camp? Dief was chasing all sorts of small animals around and they were squawking and swooping away from him. Once he settled in, though, they came back out and drank at the river's edge. They were watchful, but they were not afraid. They can sense that we are not dangerous."

"And those guys behind us are dangerous." Stan said bluntly, filling in the blank left by Fraser's comment.

"Yes, and they are close. I think we should wake Ray and Rennie and get some hot food in us before they reach the outer marker."

"Outer marker?"

"Rennie and I spoke last night and decided that when we begin to see signs that they are about an hour outside of camp, you and I should get in position. This way we can watch their approach from the rock and they would be less likely to suspect. I just hope it warms up soon."

"Not lettin' a little frost get to ya, are you?"

"We need it to melt. Less tracks and an easier climb."

Stan understood. "Go wake your sexy Italian. I'll start breakfast and get Rennie up when it's ready."

The four men ate silently, each running through all possible scenarios in their minds. Frase even let Dief have a large plate of left over eggs and pemmican. They were relieved when the sun came up and the temperature rose above freezing. Within an hour the frost was gone.

Dief was pacing back and forth around the camp. "Frase, can ya get the wolf to sit down. He's making me dizzy here." Then to Dief, "come here you mutt."

As Dief walked over to Stan, Fraser responded. "He just senses the approaching danger."

A flock of black birds flew out of the trees down river. Fraser pointed and said "this is it. Ray, you and Rennie lay a visible trail into the rocks. Take one of the packs and leave it in plain site within the boundaries of the rocks. Then make sure you cover your tracks when you double back out and hide. Stan and I are starting up now. Before you go, cover our tracks to the rock."

Rennie was about to start forward when Stan grabbed his arm and pulled him back. He brought him into an embrace. They stood there for a few seconds and as Rennie began to pull back Stan placed his hand behind the taller man's head and pulled him close for a kiss. When the kiss was done their eyes locked for one last brief moment and Rennie was allowed to go.

At the same time, Ray was picking up the pack to use as bait when Fraser came up behind him. "Ray, don't try any heroics. Please remember we are a team."

"Yeah, Benny, whatever. Look, just be careful up there and watch out for that skinny blonde, OK? He starts to grow on you after a while, you know? And besides, I don't want that overgrown Canadian of his hunting me down next."

Fraser put his hand on Ray's shoulder. Ray stopped his packing motions for a second then resumed. Fraser crouched down to his level and turned his partner toward him. "Ray, I love you. Please be careful."

"I love you too Benny. And that 'be careful' thing goes double for you. I'm not the one jumping off a mountain here."

"I would hardly call that small rock a mountain Ray, and besides I mmmphhhh" Fraser's mouth was all of a sudden covered by Ray's eager lips. The kiss lasted only a few seconds but the message was delivered.

"Understood?" Ray asked.

"Understood, Ray"

Fraser next turned to Dief and patted him. Then looked into his eyes and said, "now you know the plan. Do try not to get in the way and remember we want to take them alive if we can. Then turned away from the others and mouthed to the wolf "keep them safe," to which he received a whine in acknowledgment and a rare lick on the hand.

The climb was a bit more precarious this morning. Although the frost had melted, there was still a bit of dew clinging to the rocks. Fraser and Stan set out onto the extremely narrow footpath at a brisk pace. When they reached a height of approximately 150 meters, Stan stopped and turned back to look at Fraser.

"Hey Frase was this the way we went up yesterday? Cause I don't remember...."

He was about to add something else when he made an overly energetic maneuver, spinning halfway around to look at Fraser and lost his footing. He slipped and his left leg flew over the edge of the path pulling the rest of his body with it. Fraser was only about a half of a meter behind him but still had to dive to grab him. Fraser's quick reflexes and sheer bulk were the only things that kept him alive. As he slid past, Fraser grabbed his right wrist in a fireman's hold and almost got dragged over as well. Laying flat he helped haul his friend back up onto the path.

"Frase. Thanks buddy. I owe ya one."

"I think maybe we should tie off for the rest of the climb."

"Yeah. I'm all over that. Wouldn't want you goin' over the edge without me now would we?" Stan's attempt at humor brought only a small nervous laugh from his partner.

"Yes, well, I can be terribly clumsy in the mornings." Fraser also tried to lighten the mood with a joke.

They tied off to each other and continued up. The last few minutes was an actual climb. They both put on their climbing gloves and picked their way to the top. Once there Fraser pulled out his small telescope.

"See anything yet?"

"Not yet, but I can see Dief and his ears are up. He must hear something." Fraser swung the glass in the opposite direction.

"I see Ray and Rennie are already in place. The trap is set." As he said this he tilted his head to the right and motioned for Stan to be quiet. The sound was a helicopter. Close but not on top of them yet. Fraser unpacked the communications gear and warned Ray and Rennie below.

Stan began to look worried as he caught his first glimpse of the helicopter. "Yeah, but let's just hope we actually surprise these guys."

From below there was the sound of Dief howling.


 Franco was in the lead as the trio trudged through the last few hundred feet to the camp. They had kept the water in sight to their left but stayed under cover as deep in the woods as they could. When the camp was in sight Giorgio had them stop and watch for any movement. Crouched behind the biggest trees they had ever seen, the waited patiently for any sign of life. When enough time elapsed, Giorgio moved them closer.

At the camp they could see the remnants of last night's fire. It was out but all their gear was still set up. Giorgio looked around and had Franco check the tents while Ignazio stood guard. When they were satisfied all was clear, Giorgio turned and signaled to the other two.

They gathered in the center of camp at the edge of what was left of last night's fire. "They are probably out trying to kill something for breakfast," Ignazio said.

"Maybe," replied Giorgio. "Maybe. But I would be more inclined to believe they heard the helicopter and decided to take cover. Here, look. Two sets of footprints go this way." He motioned into the woods around the base of the large rock and they left.

Dief let out another howl, this time within earshot of both groups. They were ready. Fraser and Stan were already in their harnesses and had made a final check of the ropes and hooks. They were both heavily armed.

Ray and Rennie had walked in and doubled back after leaving the pack. They were careful to walk out backwards, staying in their own footprints. As a result the prints led in, but never led out. It looked like they were hiding behind one of the smaller groups of rocks at the base of the hill.

Franco was the first to get there. He motioned for the other two to move towards the rock. They did and split up to close in at three different angles. Once they were inside the small group of rocks, Ray jumped out. Rennie tried to grab him before he was seen but it was too late and he also came out with his gun pointed.


"Yes gentlemen. Please put your weapons down. You are trapped and there is no possible way you can escape." Then to Ray, "Detective, I do believe our plan was to wait a bit longer."

"Wait, for what? Hey scumbag! I said drop it!!!" Ray pointed directly at Franco's head. Franco dropped the gun and made a quick reach for his knife.

As he was about to toss it, Rennie discharged his weapon. Once. He made his point by knocking the knife out of Franco's hand. As Ignazio went for his gun, Ray shot him in the arm. "I don't think so!"

The adrenaline was pumping for all five men on the ground. Fraser had restrained Stan from repelling when Franco went for his knife. He was able to hold him long enough to explain that they had to wait for Don Iguana to get here before they made their move.

"Hey cop. Where's your other prettyboy Mountie friend huh?" Giorgio was trying to buy some time for Don Iguana and his personal body guards to get here.

Ignazio, bleeding and in pain decided to try and get the detective where it would be most effective. "Off somewhere in the woods fucking that blonde I would guess. If you ask me he looks like a much better piece of ass than you. Probably can do wonders with that pretty Polish tongue of his."

"I said SHUT UP! They are ..."

Rennie cut in before Ray's anger got the best of them all, "They are simply downstream trying to catch our dinner. Pity there won't be enough for you, but I am sure you will enjoy the prisoner rations we brought with us."

Rennie shot Ray a glance that clearly said 'hold it together we are not done here yet.'

Ray took a deep breath to clear his head. He was letting his stupid Italian pride and temper get the best of him and he couldn't afford to do that not now. Fraser, Stan, Rennie. They could get hurt or killed because of his mistake.

"OK you three sit assume the position against that rock." Ray moved in to frisk each man. He found two more concealed guns, another knife and a blackjack."

Ray, holding up the blackjack said, "sorry to spoil the party guys."

Giorgio was quick to respond, trying again to get Ray's temper to force a mistake. "Party isn't spoiled yet, Vecchio. When The Don and his men get here you and that pretty Mountie of yours will be the entertainment. I am gonna take that blackjack and shove it up your friend's ass to get him ready and make you watch. Then we are going to kick the shit out of him and take Franco's knife and put it in his ass too."

"Shut the FUCK UP grease ball!" Ray was about to lose it again. Then he thought of Fraser and leaned in close to Giorgio and whispered "You are the one that is going to take it up the ass my good friend. And Don Iguana is the one that is going to do it when he finds out you screwed up here. You better pray he kills you, because if he decides to make you pay the hard way, you'll wish you were dead. Now the three of you move into the middle here! Sit down with your backs against that rock. DO IT! Good. Now put your hands out in front of you where I can see them. OK boys, let's just sit back and wait a bit for The Don, shall we?"

Rennie was visibly relieved that Ray was able to pull himself together. But there was still the problem of The Don. They should have waited and taken them all together while they had the element of surprise. Now, their only hope was that Fraser and Stan could be enough of a distraction for them to overpower Don Iguana and his replacement goons. Ray and Rennie took up their positions on either side of the area again. The three prisoners were in plain site and they made sure they knew it by continually using the laser sights on their guns to make their point.

After about fifteen minutes passed, Ignazio reached for his boot. Ray was out and on him faster than Rennie could have imagined. "Freeze Iggy! What the hell do you think you are doing? I told you scumbags not to move!"

"I just got an itch for Christ sake. Getting' a little trigger happy there Vecchio?" Against his better judgement, Rennie came out from cover as Ray leaned down to check the boot. No weapon. They were both about to retreat back to cover when Rennie felt a cold hard barrel against his head.

Dief was on the assailant in a second. The gun discharged and Ray turned to see the wolf recovering from his first jump and coming in again for another.

"Dief!" Ray spun as the butt of a rifle hit him in the back of his head. The three goons were up from the floor and about to jump in to help The Don's two bodyguards with Ray and Rennie. Ray was already unconscious, but Dief and Rennie were giving the other two a run for their money when Don Iguana shot into the air.

"Basta! Enough!" The three men from the floor had Rennie pinned down. "Call off the wolf or I'll kill him now."

"Diefenbaker go!" Dief momentarily looked confused but took off toward camp as Rennie instructed. He waited just out of sight for Fraser and Stan's assault.

"He will inform our friends of what has happened here and you and your gentlemen friends here will have no chance." Rennie attempted to sound as certain as possible.

"My dear Canadian friend. You must be mistaken. You see, I have you and Vecchio already. One shot each and it is all over. Then it will be five against two."

"Three. Don't forget Diefenbaker. He could take out any one of you."

The Don laughed. "Yes, well, I see your point. But I still think that your little group is out numbered especially with Vecchio here out cold.

Rennie leaned over to check Ray's pulse and Don Iguana leaned over and backhanded him across the face. His large diamond horseshoe ring made a jagged cut across his cheek. "Now you are marked. Boo hoo. Your pretty little blonde boy isn't going to like the looks of your face anymore. Not to worry, you will be dead before he gets here."

Don Iguana picked up the black jack and smacked Rennie across the face once. Twice. On the third swing Rennie's head hit the rock hard and he was unconscious. He hit him three more times before he stopped. "Enough playing with these two. Tie them up. Get Vecchio tied to that tree over there. I will do this one here."

From their vantage point Stan saw the first backhand Don Iguana delivered to Rennie. He started his descent. By the time he was half way down the rock face Fraser had almost caught up. When he turned to check again on Rennie he saw he was unconscious laying next to Vecchio. Hanging above the scene, the two readied their weapons. Stan was about to take a shot when Fraser held up his hand. They continued down as silently as possible, but when Don Iguana aimed his silenced weapon directly at Rennie's head it was Fraser who sighted and shot the gun out of his hand.

"Damn, Frase!" The two free repelled the rest of the way holding with only one hand as they shot at The Don and his henchmen the whole way down.

The Don and his men were taken by surprise. Stan had hit Giorgio in the leg and killed one of The Don's bodyguards instantly as a bullet pierced his heart. Fraser had aimed for the other bodyguard's left shoulder and effectively brought him down. Including Ignazio, that meant there were four down as Don Iguana and Franco scrambled for cover. Stan was still shooting when they hit the ground. At the bottom Fraser crouched and put another clip in and started shooting again giving Stan time to get out of his harness. When he was out of his harness, he did the same for Fraser.

"Seems like we have a bit of a stand-off here Mountie. Two on two." Don Iguana's voice came from behind a tree just as a shot gun was discharged from the direction of Franco. Fraser and Stan crouched but he didn't have a clear shot.

"Well, I wouldn't say that. By now I think we would seem to have the upper hand."

"Ahhhhhhh! Get him off me!!!!" The scream came from Franco as Dief knocked him down and had his neck in his teeth.

"Hold him Dief. If he moves rip his throat out!"

"What are you crazy? I ain't gonna move! Just call him off!"

"Mr. Iguana, I suggest you turn yourself in at this time. It will be impossible for you to get back to your helicopter without being caught and, make no mistake, I have no problem shooting an armed fleeing prisoner in the back."

Stan looked at Fraser, astonished. Either he was lying which he never did, or he was telling the truth about shooting him in the back which was a totally unFraserlike kind of maneuver. Either way, it worked. Don Iguana came out holding his gun above his head.

"Drop it!" Stan yelled. "Move over here SLOW! Now get on the ground with your buddies there.

Fraser bent down to assess the situation. Ray was still unconscious, and Rennie looked bad. He might have several facial fractures and possibly a fractured skull. Stan looked as if he was about to implode as he kneeled next to his partner.

"Stan, take these cuffs and I will tend to Rennie." Fraser handed the bag of adjustable plastic cuffs to Stan and waited until he turned to Don Iguana.

"Iguana, understand this, you are gonna be gone for a long time. But if there is ANY chance you could beat this rap, you are dead. If you move a muscle in the wrong direction, you are dead. If you open your mouth once, you are dead and if either of my friends over there doesn't wake up in the next five minutes you are dead. Are we clear here?"

Rage filled Don Iguana, but he saw the sheer hatred and veracity in Stan's eyes as he said this. He allowed himself to be cuffed. Then Stan took rope and tied his feet together and connected the rope to his cuffs so he couldn't get up. Next he went to Ignazio and tied his feet. He cuffed Ignazio's uninjured hand and tied that to the rope that held his feet. The bodyguard that Fraser had shot was too wounded to do anything so he frisked him and left him alone. Then he moved to Giorgio and cuffed him. He practically dragged each of them up against the rock then stood in front of them with a freshly loaded semi-automatic.

"Give me an excuse. Any one of you." Stan delivered this with a fierceness that shook Fraser.

A moan came from Ray. "Shit. What the hell hit me?"

"Ray, don't move. I'll be there in a minute." Fraser was concerned, but could not leave Rennie just yet. Rennie was bleeding from his head and face and Fraser needed to get the wounds dressed. He pulled an ice pack out of his medical kit and cracked it to mix the chemicals.

"Here. Put this on your head and don't try to move around." Fraser handed the ice pack to Ray and continued with Rennie.

"Vecchio, you good enough to hold a gun?"

"Yeah, Kowalski. Give it here."

"Frase, I'm gonna get the other one before Dief makes him lunch." Stan took off towards Franco with another set of cuffs. "OK Dief. Now let him go."

Dief released and sat back on his haunches. "Now dirt bag, roll over onto your stomach and put your hands behind your back. Stan cuffed him and frisked him and stuffed his two guns in his belt. He stood up, grabbed Franco by his cuff chain and yanked him up.

"Hey! That is police brutality, COP." Dief growled.

"Nah, I was just tryin' to save ya from a crazed wolf. Right Dief? Besides, I ain't no cop up here."

"Good work there buddy! I think I got a few cookies stashed in my pack. They're yours when we get back to camp." Dief let out a happy whine and followed Stan and his prisoner back to the others.

Once Stan shoved Franco next to his buddies he finally mustered his courage to look at Rennie. Rennie started to stir as Fraser put the last butterfly bandage on his face.

"Turnbull. Rennie can you hear me?" Fraser looked concerned.

"Hey, you cops realize some of us are bleedin' to death over here?" Ignazio yelled.

Ray got up and walked over to them on wobbly legs. "Yeah, well wanna make it a complete set? Huh Iggy?" He shot back his comment with an acidic stare as the prisoner shut his mouth.

"Rennie? Babe? I'm right here. Can you hear me?" Stan was almost in tears as he held his partner's' hand.

"Stan. I'm alright. Just a little dizzy and my face hurts. What happened? Everything is a little blurry." Rennie tried to sit up and was gently pushed back down by Fraser.

"Constable Turnbull, do not try to sit up yet. That's an order." Fraser pulled two more ice packs out of his kit and cracked them. Then he gingerly placed one over the dressing on Rennie's left cheek and the other on the large bump developing on the back of his head.

"Stan, can you get the radio out of that bag please?" Stan handed the radio over to Fraser without letting go of Rennie's hand.

"Thank you kindly. This is Sergeant Fraser to Whitehorse base do you read?"

"Whitehorse here Sergeant. What can we do for you?"

"I have an officer down and several prisoners, three of which seem to have gotten themselves shot."

"Say again Sergeant?" Came the reply from the radio.

"Three wounded prisoners, two additional prisoners and one dead body. One seriously wounded officer and a second officer may have a concussion. There is a helicopter about four miles north of the fishing camp near Branson's pass with an additional criminal who is unaware of his cohorts' outcome. Do you read?"

"Yes sir, I read you fine. We will dispatch sufficient medical personnel and transport directly. I will also dispatch reinforcements and the air guard to ground the helicopter. Over."

"Understood. Final count, five wounded, one dead, two officers and Diefenbaker. We will move the wounded and prisoners to the camp and expect reinforcements in a few hours. Please ask if a few of the officers would be kind enough to break camp for us and hike our equipment out in the morning. We have a truck that needs to be transported at the northwest access road. I expect the prisoner's also have a vehicle at the southwest access road that should be picked up as soon as possible as there may be additional arms found in it. Over."


Fraser pulled Stan over to where Ray was standing guard. "Can the two of you take the prisoners and Dief back to camp?"

"I am NOT leaving Rennie!"

"Stan, I believe Rennie will be strong enough to walk back in a few minutes. I think he just needs a bit of time to let his head clear. I will follow you back as soon as he is able." Fraser was trying not to alarm Stan any further. He was worried about Rennie's vision problem and was trying not to let on.

"You really think he is OK? He looks kinda bad. What if he can't walk it?"

"Stan, I assure you if there is any problem I will carry him. Now, I really need for you two to get these prisoners back to camp. Have Mr. Iguana and that annoyingly loud one carry the wounded. Oh, and take the rest of the medical supplies and let them tend to their own wounded when you get back." Fraser kept some additional dressings and the ice packs and handed the rest of the pack to Ray. Their hands touched.

Ray smiled and brushed some dirt off Fraser's face. "Well, it wasn't as clean as it coulda been, but at least we got them. And Don Iguana over there is going to go down for at least four counts of attempted murder of a police officer along with a few other minor charges like murder and racketeering. You did good, Benny."

"WE did good, Ray." They parted and Ray and Stan gathered the mangled party together and untied their ankle restraints. Dief took the lead and they slowly made their way back to camp.

Fraser walked back to Rennie and sat next to him. "How bad does it look, sir?"

"Rennie, I suspect it looks a frightening bit worse than it is. But you definitely do need stitches for your cheek and forehead wounds. Your left cheek seems to have taken the brunt of it and is swollen and may be fractured. How is your vision?"

"Much better. Still a little fuzzy, but improving rapidly. I should be able to stand in a short bit. I am sorry to be such a bother sir. Rennie didn't seem quite convinced he would be ambulatory any time soon.

"Rennie, stop it. You will be fine and if not I will carry you. You are not being a bother. You could never be a bother. They were going to kill Ray and you stalled them long enough for us to overtake them. You are not a bother, you are a hero. I am eternally grateful for everything you have done and I promise you there will be a commendation," Fraser paused and gently pulled the ice pack off Rennie's face wincing as he saw the bruise, "and a lifelong friendship out of this incident."

Rennie smiled. "I think I would like to try and stand up now."

"How about sitting up for a bit first. Then we will take it from there." He helped Rennie into a seated position and leaned him back against the rock. Things swam in front of him for a second but then he recovered.

"Not too bad. Let's give it a go then."

"If you are sure?" Fraser stood and extended his hand. Rennie took it and was pulled up. He leaned back against the rock until things stopped swimming again. Fraser placed Rennie's right arm over his shoulder and grabbed him tightly around his waist. They took a step and stopped. Then another.

"Seems to be going well, don't you think?" Fraser asked.

"Yes, sir. We should be getting back. I am fairly certain that Ray has a concussion from the blow he took and he will need to rest soon. I don't want Stan alone with Mr. Iguana. I am afraid he might take matters into his own hands."

"As am I, Rennie. Let's go."

Taking the easiest, most direct route back to camp only took an hour for Ray and Stan with the wounded. Fraser and Rennie actually made it in forty-five minutes, although Rennie was about to collapse as Fraser practically dragged him into the camp. Stan immediately caught Rennie and helped get him to their tent.

"Help should be here within the hour. How are you feeling Ray?" Fraser was concerned as he looked over his partner.

"Never better, Benny. My head hurts a little but I am so happy we got these guys that I don't even care!"

Ray swayed a bit and Fraser closed the short distance between them. He grabbed Ray's elbow and led him over to a fallen log. "Here, sit down for a while. I will take watch."

"I'm good, Benny. A hell of a lot better than poor Rennie in there. You think he's gonna need surgery?"

"I don't believe there is any major breaks but there could be a hairline fracture. Seems he has a tougher head than we originally thought." The two laughed at that statement. "It's a very good thing, too. I plan on putting him in for a commendation and also requesting he be awarded a medal for bravery. He is holding up in true RCMP form."

"Yeah, well I plan on writing my Senator and trying to get him a REAL medal too! If it weren't for him we all would be dead now and these scum would be back out on the streets. Now, maybe America's got a chance again."

They both turned their heads upward as the faint sound of Huey helicopters were heard from above. "Hey Benny aren't those AMERICAN choppers?"

"Seems so Ray."

"I'll bet those damn Feds were already hanging out in Whitehorse just waiting for your call so they could take the credit. Well, not this time. I don't care if the world never knows a thing about Ray Vecchio and Armando Langoustini, but you and Rennie took on this and it wasn't even your fight. These guys are public enemy # 1 in AMERICA not Canada. You both went above and beyond here. This time the story goes to the press."

"Ray, I don't believe that is necessary. You know, the RCMP motto IS "always get your man" and to do that I had to get these men first. So you see, it was a purely selfish endeavor on my part."

"I thought the motto was maintain the right?" Ray smirked as he began to tease his Mountie.

"Yes, but I believe the former is more appropriate in this situation." Fraser pulled Ray close and kissed him. As he slid his hand up the back of Ray's neck to his head he brushed the bump made by his assault. Ray winced and broke the kiss.

"Hey big guy, be careful back there. Too bad there wasn't any hair to cushion that little love tap I got."

Concerned, Fraser made Ray turn so he could examine the lump closer. "I think you should have that x-rayed."

"Nah, you know us Italians, Benny. We're hard headed." Ray grimaced again as Fraser brushed over the lump.

"Never the less, you ARE getting that looked at. Nuffsaid."

"Yes Ma."

Fraser's radio crackled and he heard the MedEvac leader asking how the wounded were. They had landed in the same clearing with the other chopper and Don Iguana's pilot was in custody. The medical teams would get there via inflatable boats with portable outboards in about twenty minutes and get them back out once everyone was stabilized. There were RCMP officers to act as prisioner escorts and also to take care of camp.

When they arrived there were two MedEvac teams each with three medics. They were followed by six RCMP officers and two US Federal agents. The teams split up. The first team went to the prisoners stabilizing The Don's bodyguard before moving on to the other injured. The second team was examining Ray and Rennie while the two Feds and three of the RCMP officers went with Dief to retrieve the dead body.

Rennie was placed on a stretcher as was the bodyguard and Ignazio. The Feds loaded the dead body and The Don into their boat and took off upstream toward the helicopters. The first medical team took Franco and Ignazio along with an RCMP escort. The second team took Rennie, Stan and Ray. Fraser, Giorgio and an additional RCMP officer took the last boat. Among the remaining RCMP were two forensic specialists to photograph and document the crime scene and Diefenbaker who would guide the group back to Fraser's jeep.

Even with the small outboard motors and some additional rowing it took about thirty minutes to get back upstream to the helicopters. Within an hour from the time they departed the campsite the group was in the air and heading towards the hospital in Whitehorse. 


 Ray and Rennie were taken into separate examination rooms while Stan and Fraser were taken to the commandeered Doctor's lounge for debriefing. Fraser was going over details for the third time when a nurse came in and told him he could see Ray.

"Excuse me for a moment gentlemen. I will be right back." Fraser excused himself and swiftly followed the nurse to Ray's room. The doctor was still in with him making sure he stayed in bed.

"Benny! Tell these Cannucks that I am perfectly fine. I do NOT need to stay here overnight."

"Doctor, does he have a concussion?" Fraser turned full of concern as he spoke to the plain woman in the lab coat.

"Only a slight one, but we think he should stay overnight for observation. He should be fine to leave in the morning."

Well, then, might I suggest you remove his pants and boots so he doesn't attempt to wander out after hours?" Fraser was gathering Ray's clothes as he spoke.

"Benny! Whose side are you on anyway! I would be fine in a hotel with you tonight you know." Ray attempted to make eye contact with Fraser to drive home his point, but Fraser was not going to have it.

"Yes, well, I am a bit too tired to provide adequate care for you this evening. I am afraid once I fall asleep I will not be able to wake you every hour as required. So, you see, unless you want me to stay awake all night, I think it will be best for you to stay here." Normally Fraser wouldn't have stooped to such degrees to handle Ray, but this time it was in his best interests.

Ray was disappointed, but for the first time today he saw that Fraser was worn out. He not only looked exhausted, but he seemed almost defeated. "Hey Benny, no problem. I just thought..."

The Doctor interrupted "Sergeant Fraser, I believe this other bed is available tonight and barring any unforeseen massive natural disasters I am sure that it will be fine for you to stay here until morning."

"I am very grateful. Thank you. I would be a bit worried about leaving your poor staff alone with Detective Vecchio and Constable Turnbull overnight. By the way, can you provide any update as to the Constable's condition?"

"Well, he also seems to have a concussion as well as a hairline fracture to the left cheekbone. There is nothing we can do for his fracture other than ice and pain killers. The plastic surgeon on call is taking care of his stitches now and we will need to keep him overnight also for observation. Possibly an additional night, if that over protective partner of his will allow it. Tell me Sergeant, how is it that two Mounties both ended up with Chicago Police Detectives as partners?"

The doctor seemed genuinely curious as she turned to Fraser for an answer. But the answer came from behind her. "He first came to Chicago on the trail of the killers of his father and, for reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture, remained as Deputy Liaison at the Canadian Consulate working with me. Oh yeah, when he left to come back up to the frozen North, Rennie Constable Turnbull, -- ended up being the Liaison with Stan as his partner."

"Well Detective Vecchio, as you were able to string that whole explanation together, quite eloquently I might add, I would imagine you will be fine to be released first thing in the morning. Now, the evening staff will be on in an hour or so. See if you can please refrain from giving them too much grief will you?" The Doctor turned and left the room as she finished her instructions.

Fraser was at Ray's side immediately. He kissed Ray gently and brushed his hand down his neck. "Benny, stay with me a while." Ray was gently patting the space he made in bed for Fraser.

"I can't just yet. I need to get back and finish giving my statement. Also, I am sure Stan must have kicked someone in the head by now so I had best get back. Why don't you get some rest since when Stan and I are done you will be next to give a statement."

When Fraser returned Stan had indeed kicked one of the Feds in the head. Well, not literally, but after the fourth rendition of the day's events he had had enough, exploded and left to be by Rennie's side. They had Rennie heavily sedated as the plastic surgeon completed his stitches. There were eleven in his forehead, seven in his cheek and another five on his chin. That, in addition to all the swelling made him look a mess. Stan was overcome when he saw him.

The surgeon saw his fear and attempted to reassure him. "The swelling will go down in a few days. There will be some bruising and he will need to be very careful of his cheek for about six weeks that means he needs to avoid sucker punches." The doctor's attempt at humor was lost on Stan.

"Yes, well, as I was saying, he will look a bit rough for a few weeks, but he will heal completely. And there will be very minimal scar tissue when the stitches are removed. In two months you will not even be able to tell where the stitches were. I am afraid that he will need to be on desk duty for at least six weeks though, to avoid further injury to the cheek."

"Are you sure Doc? He will be 100%?" Stan's worry was evident in his voice.

"Detective, I assure you that this is some of the finest work I have ever done. We were very lucky that the Sergeant did an excellent job cleaning out the wounds before he got here. And the concussion is very mild. Depending on how he is feeling, he might be out of here in a day or two."

Stan was visibly relieved. "Can I stay with him tonight?"

"I am sure that would be fine with the staff, however, I believe you need to get cleaned up and get some sleep. Why don't you go back to your hotel, get out of those bloody clothes and cleaned up and come back in the morning?"

"No way am I leaving him tonight. If he wakes up I want to be here for him."

"Well, I think it will be alright. Why don't you shower in the Doctor's locker room. I'll take you down there and get you some scrubs to put on. Don't worry about your partner. Those pain killers won't wear off for at least another four hours."

"Thanks Doc. I really appreciate this." The two of them exited toward the locker room and bumped into Fraser heading toward the shower with only a towel wrapped around him.

"Ah, another die hard cop that won't leave his partner. Well, I'll leave the two of you to your clean up. Here are some scrubs for you to put on." The Doctor handed the scrubs over and walked out of the locker room.

Stan leaned his back against one of the lockers and slid down to the floor. He put his face in his hands and began to sob. Fraser came over and placed his hand on Stan's shoulder. "He's going to be fine Stan. The doctors said he will fully recover and can probably leave here tomorrow."

"Did you SEE his face Fraser? Did you see what that scum did to him? I was this close to killing them in cold blood while they were tied up. I scared the shit out of them, but I scared myself more. They broke his face for Christ sake!"

"Stan, it was only a hairline fracture. The doctor said he will be fine and probably be able to be back on desk duty in a week or so."

Stan leaned back and Fraser began to unbutton his blood stained shirt. While Stan was still ranting he was able to get the flannel shirt off and was tugging the T-shirt when he burst out again. GOD DAMN IT! I can do this myself!"

Stan took a deep breath and stopped. "Sorry Frase. I'm just a little freaked out here."

"Understandably so, Stan. No need to apologize. Now, let's get cleaned up so we can get back upstairs."

"You're right. Come on." Once Stan had washed he leaned against the wall and let the hot water cascade down is body washing some of the day's tension away. Fraser was trying not to look, but was unable to keep from glancing over the short shower wall at his ex-lover. Thank goodness these stalls at least had a stall curtain to keep outsiders from seeing.

Stan turned his head slightly and through squinted eyes caught Fraser glancing his way. He acted like he didn't see the look and began stroking his already half erect cock to full erection. Next time Fraser looked over he saw Stan stroking himself and was unable to look away. Stan was watching Fraser watch him and he decided to give his friend a show. With his free hand he began playing with his nipples, alternating between pinching and gently tracing circles around each. Finally he had had enough. He wanted to get back to Rennie before the big lug woke up. Stan threw his head back and spurted into the stream of water. Smiling he finally made eye contact with Fraser.

"Enjoy the show?"

"I, er, that is, I didn't mean to invade your privacy, but you see, I ..."

"S'OK Frase. I kinda did that because I saw you lookin'. I love Rennie you know? But I really miss you sometimes too. I just thought you should know that."

"Although I love Ray terribly, I do love you and I wish that we had both been emotionally available at the time. As they say, timing is everything."

"Yeah, well it worked out for both of us. So I guess I can't really feel bad about losing you since I gained one hell of a Mountie of my own. And I better get back upstairs before he wakes up."

As Stan got out to get dressed, Fraser lingered a few minutes longer to take care of the unbelievable erection he had from Stan's little performance. He turned the hot water off and left only the cold. Nuffsaid.

They dressed quietly and returned to the third floor. As they exited the elevator they heard over the intercom "CODE BLUE room 324!" A crash team ran past them as Stan slowly realized it was Rennie's room.


"God NO! Rennie!" Stan took off like a shot toward the room. He saw them trying to get a tube down Rennie's throat and giving CPR. He ran toward the bed and one of the nurses blocked him while the second nurse was administering a strong dose of epinephrine directly into his right arm.

The young doctor trying to get the breathing tube down Rennie's throat couldn't get it. "Damn. His esophagus is completely closed. Give me the tracheotomy tray!"

"Detective. You need to leave! They need to work on him!"

"What the hell happened? He was fine! What...?!?!"

"He had a reaction to the antibiotic. His airway is closing and his heart stopped. He was able to ring the emergency buzzer before he passed out. Please you need to leave!"

The resident cut and completed the tracheotomy. Stan looked over just in time to see the defibrillator pads contact Rennie's chest. "CLEAR!" screamed the doctor. It only took one hit and Rennie's heart started again. "OK, normal rhythm! Move him to ICU STAT!"

Fraser grabbed Stan as they rolled Rennie out. He completely collapsed into his arms. "NO! I have to go with him! Let me go!!"

"Stan, calm down. He is stable now. You need to be composed when you see him for Rennie's sake. Please calm down."

Stan took a few deep breaths and sat down. The nurse came back to check on him. "They have moved him to ICU. Only next of kin can get in there, but I am sure since he has none here I can sneak you in. Give them a half hour to get him settled."

Stan looked at her like he didn't even hear. "I need to be with him!"

The nurse looked at Fraser and asked, "should I have the doctor prescribe a sedative?"

"I don't think that will be necessary, please just give us a minute."

"ICU is on the second floor. He is breathing on his own and his heart is strong. Please just give them some time to get him settled. I'll clear both you and Detective Kowalski with the duty nurse."

"Thank you kindly." 


When they got to ICU the doctor came to speak with them. "He is fine. The swelling has gone down and we can probably remove the tracheotomy tube within the hour. The epinephrine has done it's job. You can go see him now. He is awake but still a little disoriented.

Stan jumped around the doctor and went into the room. Rennie saw him and smiled. He tried to talk and Stan put his finger on his lips. "Don't try and talk. They had to cut you to get you breathing again.

"Hurts." Rennie barely croaked the word out.

"I know. But I'm here and the doctor said you are going to be fine. You scared the crap out of me back there. I thought I thought I lost you. Your heart stopped and all I could think about is how I could never live without you."

Stan brushed the hair back off Rennie's forehead. Rennie lifted his partner's hand to his lips and kissed him. Stan leaned in for a quick brush of lips. Rennie had a smile on his face as he drifted off to sleep.

Fraser gave them time alone before he went in to check. Stan was visibly relieved but looked exhausted. "Why don't you get some sleep. There is a bed in Ray's room. I'll stay with him if you like."

"Thanks but no thanks Frase. I am not leaving him again."

Fraser saw that Stan was not going to budge on this. "Would you like me to stay here with you?"

"Nah, you got your own partner to check up on. Why don't you get some sleep and come get me for breakfast. They should have him moved back to his room by then."

"As you wish. And Stan I am very happy that Rennie is alright. He is a good officer and a good man."

"That he is Frase, that he is. And I won't ever forget that either. He's a keeper."

Fraser smiled and walked back to the elevator. He thought to himself how soft he was getting in his old age. Right now all he wanted were the clean sheets and soft bed waiting for him upstairs.


It was after noon before Ray was told he was released. Fraser was chuckling listening to him argue with the nurse about the wheelchair ride to the front door. CTV news was on the TV in the corner of the room and Ray's protests almost drowned the news reporter's voice but they both heard something that made them stop mid-sentence, turn and listen.

"This morning in New York Federal Court, the head of the infamous Iguana crime family was released on one million dollars bail after being indicted on two counts of murder, one of which included his own son, four counts of attempted murder and two counts of racketeering. The Federal Prosecutors requested that he be held without bail, but in an unusual decision, bail was granted by Judge Armstrong. Prosecutors fear that Don Iguana will flee the country. Also unexpected was the decision by Judge Armstrong to grant permission to Mr. Iguana to return to his home in Las Vegas until trial."

"That's it Benny. Enough with dealing with this as a cop. It's time that Armando Langoustini took matters into his own hands. Let's go see Rennie so I can get out of here."

"Ray, you are not going to do anything. The legal system will take care of this. Let it go."

"Benny, you don't get it do you? As long as he is alive my family, my friends you are in danger. I can't expect them or you to live like that. I can't expect me to live like that either. I would give my life just to get my family them theirs back." Ray disappeared into the hall and asked where Rennie's room was.

Rennie had been moved to a private room on Ray's floor. He was awake and watching the news but Stan was sacked out next to him on the bed. He was still unable to talk but pointed to the TV.

"Yeah, I saw it. Look, Rennie, I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate what you did in the for me and I am really glad you are OK." Ray moved closer to the bed and took Rennie's hand.

"Now that they let that slime out on bail, there's some stuff I gotta take care of. Listen, I know I don't have any right to ask, but if anything happens to me promise me you two will take care of Benny."

Rennie squeezed his hand and nodded. Ray continued "I know this isn't what you Mounties would do in this situation, but these guys live in their own world with their own rules. And my family doesn't deserve this. This is my fault, hell it's the American government's fault too. I did more than my share and they let me down. The let the whole country down by letting that slime out on bail. Now Armando needs to take care of family matters on his own."

Rennie whispered "I understand. I would do the same." Ray saw something in his eyes. He really wasn't the clumsy, scatterbrained Turnbull they thought he was. He proved that he, like Ray, could be as cold and deadly as he needed to be. Fraser and not like Stan could never be that way or understand.

"Yeah, well I guess we have a lot more in common that I ever thought. I gotta go. If I don't get back to see you again before I leave say goodbye to Stanley for me."

Rennie waved and mouthed 'be careful' as Ray walked out the door.

Fraser was waiting in the hall outside Rennie's room. "Benny, do you think we could go to a hotel or something for a while before I leave? I really want some time alone with you."

Fraser was still trying to hide his fear and disappointment at Ray's decision. "Of course, Ray. I believe the RCMP has already booked a room for me at the hotel across the street. I am to stay until they finish their internal investigation."

"What do you mean internal investigation? You mean like IAD?"

"Well, it seems that they just want to make sure the forensics evidence corroborates our story before I am released back to duty."

"Yeah, well, it will. Because you are a Mountie and Mounties never lie. Come on. Let's get over to the hotel. I really want to take a hot shower."

They walked across the small street to the hotel. "Benny, are the guys back with our packs yet?"

"They won't be here until late this evening. If there is something you need I am sure we can purchase it."

"That's OK. I just want a toothbrush and stuff like that. I'll run next door to the drug store while you check us in." Ray headed over to the small drug store as Fraser went to the front desk for their key.

Fraser was waiting in the tiny lobby for fifteen minutes before Ray returned. "Did you have trouble picking out a color? Or did you just buy every toothbrush in the store?" Fraser pointed at the large bag Ray was carrying.

"Huh?" Ray seemed preoccupied.

"Never mind. Why don't we get upstairs?" Fraser led the way to the elevator.

The building was small, only three floors, but the stairway doors were marked "For Emergency Only." Their room was on the top floor. When the doors opened there was an old couple waiting to enter the elevator. Ray got off and waited as Fraser did his Mountie thing for the old people then they proceeded to their room. Ray tossed the bag onto the bed and made a b-line for the bathroom.

"I got dibs on the shower first!"

"Fine, however, I was rather hoping that you might want some company?"

"Sure Benny. Just give me a couple of minutes in here first OK?"

"Yes, well, if you would rather have some privacy, I completely understand." Ray didn't think it seemed possible, but Fraser looked more tired than he did five minutes ago.

"Benny, I just need a couple of minutes OK? And since they didn't have any back scrubber brushes I will DEFINITELY need you got it?" Ray grabbed a toothbrush, some toothpaste, a disposable razor, some shaving cream and some liquid soap from the bag and went into the bathroom.

Fraser smiled shyly but still looked worn out. "Yes, I think I can oblige."

"Good then. See you in ten no, make that seven." Ray tossed his dirty clothes out of the bathroom piece by piece as the shower water warmed up.

"Ray, I am going to take our clothes to the laundry across the street and see if they can rush them and deliver them back in a few hours.

"OK Benny, but hurry back!" With Benny running out he took his time shaving before he jumped into the shower. The damn Mountie had been in the woods for two days, gutted fish, jumped off a mountain, performed minor surgery and slept in the same clothes for three nights and he STILL smelled clean even before his shower yesterday. There wasn't a speck of dirt on him, just a lot of blood from Rennie and those other jerks. Ray decided he wanted to be clean when Fraser came to him. He quickly washed then leaned against the shower wall and let the hot water cascade over his sore muscles. One great thing about hotels in the afternoon unlimited hot water.

In the other room, Fraser returned. He was about to head into the bathroom when his curiosity got the best of him. He opened the large bag from the drug store and looked at the remaining items. It contained a package of underwear, some deodorant, a second toothbrush for himself he presumed, a small tube of lubricant, condoms, some breath mints, two T-shirts .. He stopped and backed up.

"Lubricant?" He thought to himself. "Oh dear."

He was suddenly very nervous. He had only done 'that' once with Stan and was not sure Ray was ready for it yet. While he sat and worried, Ray called out from the bathroom.

Ray had heard the hotel room door close a few minutes ago and was wondering where Fraser was. "Hey Benny! Did you fall asleep out there or something?"

"I'll be right in Ray." He called back and quickly divested himself of the hospital scrubs. A shower would be good. He would worry about any other 'activities' if and when the subject came up.

The bathroom was full of steam when he opened the door. He slid behind the shower curtain and into the small tub next to Ray. Ray moved so he could be directly under the stream of water. Once Benny was wet he grabbed the small bottle of courtesy shampoo and poured it on Fraser's head.

"Ray, you don't have to. I can get that myself."

"Yeah, I know you can, but I want to if that's OK?"

"More than OK, I would say." Fraser leaned back and allowed his partner to massage the shampoo into his scalp. Ray was good at this. Too good, he thought, for a person without hair. That thought brought a smirk to his lips.

"What's so funny Benny?

"I was just enjoying your scalp massage techniques, Ray. Where did you learn to do that?"

Ray was behind Fraser rubbing both sides when he slowly rubbed his thumbs in small circles down the center of his scalp.

"Ohh. That felt good."

"I aim to please!" Ray was close enough that his erection was rubbing Fraser's backside.

"Ahh, well, that feels good too." Fraser reached back with a slightly soapy hand and took hold of Ray's penis.

"Umm, Benny." Ray let go of Fraser's head and allowed him to rinse the shampoo off but moved in closer under the spray with him.

Fraser strategically shifted so they were face to face. Still holding Ray in his right hand he used his left to pull him flat against his chest. He began kissing Ray gently on the lips, then with more urgency than he had felt in months. "I almost lost you Ray. I can't lose you ever. Please tell me you won't go."

"Benny I have to. But I will be back. I promise I will come back to you!" Ray's head fell back as Fraser began to administer long smooth strokes to his throbbing cock.

"So much, I love you so much. Benny wait, slow down. I want this to last more than two minutes here."

"As you wish Ray." Fraser completely removed his hand and began kissing and licking his way down Ray's neck. Warm Canadian hands traveled up and down Ray's sides and spine. Ray had his arms wrapped tightly around Fraser's solid naked form.

"God Benny. I need you so bad. I don't ever want to let go."

Hearing Ray's voice, recognizing the need and the urgency in it almost drove Fraser over the edge. He pulled him closer and began rubbing their swollen, dripping erections together. The friction mixed with the relaxing hot water was delicious but not enough. Frustrated, Fraser reached down and held both of their cocks together and began to pump. Ray's eyes opened and for a second reflected shock and surprise before they became hooded again with desire. He also added his hand to the mix and not long after they came in unison.

Sated and clean, both men stumbled out of the shower and began to playfully dry each other off. Ray was painfully aware that Fraser hadn't slept more than two hours at a stretch since they left the jeep three days ago. He had dark circles under his eyes and was moving much slower than his norm. The relaxing effects of the hot water and their love making had also taken their toll.

Ray was toweling off Fraser's hair and saw his partner's reflection in the mirror. "Hey Benny, what do you say we take a nap while we wait for our clothes to get back."

He practically had to carry Fraser to the bed. Once there he yanked the covers down and Fraser fell into a deep sleep almost before his body hit the mattress. Before Ray got into bed he dug into his pack and pulled out a cell phone wrapped in a pair of socks. This was one of the last pieces of Armando Langoustini that existed along with one last credit card he knew was clean. Using the cell phone he called the airline and booked a morning flight to Phoenix in the name of A. Langoustini and paid with Armando's card. He then reserved an expensive luxury rental car for the drive to Las Vegas. He made one last call, to Primo Palmieri. "He owes me," Ray thought.


Eleven months ago, Primo Palmieri had been in bed in the family suite at the Las Vegas Hilton when Armando, Don Palmieri and five other members of the crime family had descended on the suite for a meeting. Ray had excused himself to use the bathroom when he heard noises coming from the master bedroom. When he opened the door he saw Primo laying on his back with his legs in the air being fucked by one of the boys from the floor show while another was sucking his cock.

Primo, only twenty and in his Junior year at UNLV at the time, had been seriously drunk as well as stoned on $2000 an ounce pot when Ray walked in. He was spaced out, but not so out of his mind that he didn't realize what effect this would have. He tried to get out of bed but was pinned. Armando Ray -- looked him straight in the eye and said "Finish up kid and get dressed. Your father and half the family management staff is downstairs. If you are lucky he'll kill you quick, but he is going to cut THEIR dicks off."

Having sufficiently scared the crap out of Primo and his 'friends' the three scrambled to get dressed. They went downstairs a few minutes after Ray. They were quickly passing through the living room trying to escape before Armando spilled the beans when Don Palmieri turned to his son and asked "how much did you win?"

Primo wasn't understanding the question and staring at his father with fear. "What?"

"Armando here says he just sat in on the last hand and the pot was pretty high. Did you clean these boys out or what?" Primo realized that Ray had kept his secret. He was so relieved he almost began to cry, but he knew this secret would come with a cost.

"Lost this time, not too bad though. I'll get them next time." Ray was impressed. Primo had composed himself enough to continue the lie.

"Good, well, next time let me know you are using the suite and I won't bother you. It would have been a shame if I had interrupted you with two young ladies instead of a couple of poker buddies." Most of the members of the group laughed and elbowed each other, but the two young men from the bedroom were still too scared to move. "Why don't you see your friends out and join the meeting then."

Primo owed Ray big time and now he was calling in his marker almost a year later from some No-Tell Mo-Tell in Canada. Don Iguana would not live through the weekend. When he dialed Primo's private line he didn't need to explain. All he did was give one instruction for Primo to get Iguana to his father's warehouse out on the dirt road in the desert. This building had been put to similar use many times. One detail he made Primo swear would be followed was that he wanted Iguana alive until he got there. He needed to do this himself. A half hour later Ray had finished the plans for tomorrow and hung up the phone. Then he wearily climbed into bed and curled up against Fraser's solid, sleeping form. For the first time in almost two years he slept peacefully.


The two awoke six hours later completely refreshed and very hungry. Their clothes had been delivered to the front desk and they called down to have them brought up. Starving, they dressed and went out to find some food to bring back to the hospital for Stan. At the end of the street they found a small burger place and ordered four Double Belly Busters with cheese, side orders of fries and two chocolate shakes. Then they went next door to a convenience store to get something for dessert and Ray picked up a six-pack of beer for him and Stan along with an apple pie.

When they arrived at the hospital, Rennie was awake and looking much better. The swelling on his face had started to go down slightly and the wound from the tracheotomy was covered with a fresh bandage. Stan was fussing around Rennie trying to fluff pillows and find unbruised parts to kiss.

"We weren't sure if Rennie would be able to eat but we brought enough for four anyway."

"Greatness Vecchio! I'm starved but the moose here is on liquids only for a few more days."

"Ah. Well, we brought an extra chocolate shake also. Do you think you can have that?" Rennie's eyes lit up and he shook his head yes.

"Maybe I should go ask the nurse." Rennie was now shaking his head and holding his hands out to Fraser for the shake.

"Nah, I think it is OK. They gave him some ice-cream for lunch so it shouldn't be a problem." Stan was digging in to his fries and pouring most of Rennie's portion onto his plate also.

Stan's mouth was full but he kept talking. "Moctor sms he'll be omt tamorommm"

"Stanley, didn't your mom ever tell you not to talk with your mouth full? Swallow and repeat that." Ray understood but decided to pick on the tired blonde anyway.

Gulp. "I said, doctor says Rennie'll be out of here tomorrow. His throat will be sore for a while, but he can fly back home to Chicago with us in a few days."

"Hey, that's great news Rennie. I'm glad, but I'm flying out of here first thing in the morning."

This was the first Fraser had heard of his plans and he almost choked on a fry. "Excuse me? Ray, couldn't you wait a few more days? I am sure that the Prosecutors office is working on a motion to have his bail revoked."

"Benny, you know I can't. Right now Iguana is liquidating as many of his US assets as he can and is getting ready to leave for his ranch in Columbia. That million in bail was nothing to him. He has fifty times that just in his 'legal' assets alone, never mind the illegal ones. He can have a hundred million in cash and jewelry in his hands by close of business tomorrow and his private jet waiting to take him anywhere in the world. I gotta make sure that doesn't happen."

Fraser looked miffed. Well, as miffed as Benton Fraser could ever look. They spent the rest of dinner eating in silence when Ray's cell phone rang.

The group was taken aback at the Ray's immediate and unconscious transformation into someone else. Someone more deadly than Ray could ever be. "Talk. You're kiddin'? I thought I told you to WAIT for me. How did you get it organized so quick? What? If you had nothing to do with it then who.... You're kidding? No shit? Well Primo my good friend, why don't we just say we are Even Steven anyway then... Yeah, well I don't care if nobody says that anymore "I" say it. Yeah. Just listen, if you or your family ever come after me, my family, or anyone under my protection, there is a little letter that will be mailed to daddy with the gory details. Yeah, nice doing business with you too. "

"What is it Ray?" Fraser was anxious for a response and was about to ask again when Ray grabbed the remote control for the television.

"Rennie, you mind if I turn on the news channel?" Rennie gestured for him to go ahead.

"Well, it seems that I don't have to leave tomorrow after all. Don Palmieri was kind of pissed at Iguana. He figured that the judge went easy on him because he was going to talk and give up the rest of the syndicate."

"And?" Both Stan and Fraser spoke in unison while Rennie gestured for him to continue.

"And I had tried calling in a BIG favor from Primo Palmieri Don Palmieri's kid. He was supposed to pick up Iguana and hold him until I got there to finish things myself, but his daddy and the rest of the syndicate beat him to it. They actually wanted him dead worse than me. Blew up Iguana's car on the way back to his ranch outside Vegas." Ray was elated and, although Fraser was disgusted at the thought of murder, he was extremely relieved that Ray didn't have a chance to go through with his plan.

"So now it is OFFICIALLY over?" Asked Fraser.

"Dot it, file it and stick it in a box marked done." Stan chimed in.

"Yeah, whatever Kowalski. Well that means that I can tack on few more vacation days and spend them up here in the frozen North with you boys." Ray twined his fingers around Fraser's hand and they all sat and watched CTV news until the story came on.

When the news clip was done Ray flicked off the TV and said "Hey Kowalski you look like shit. Rennie, do you mind if this bozo gets some sleep in a real bed tonight?"

Rennie was smiling and whispered with a mischievous grin "he's all yours.."

"No way! I am not leaving until they release you." But Ray and Fraser had each grabbed an arm and were dragging Stan out as Rennie waved.

When they were outside the room Ray said "Geez Kowalski. Give the guy some breathing room will ya?"

"Oh yeah Vecchio. Like you haven't been stuck to your Mountie like peanut butter to a cracker for the whole day?"

"Stan, I think Rennie could use some sleep and he will sleep better knowing you are resting comfortably. Let's get you back to the hotel and into a room.

There was a message at the front desk that their gear had arrived and had been brought up to their room. The clerk gave Stan the room adjoining Fraser & Ray. Stan took his key from the clerk and followed Fraser and Ray to the elevators. While they waited Stan leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.

Days of adrenaline and fear had taken their toll. "Damn. All of a sudden I'm kinda tired."

"When you get into your room, unlock the adjoining door and I will bring your gear in."

When they got to their own room, Fraser opened the door and before he could react, Ray was knocked back into the wall by a flying wolf.

"Ooof. Dief you gotta get a new trick. This one's gonna end up killing me."

There was a note on the dresser from one of the RCMP officers that read

'Gear all accounted for. Boat and tents stowed in jeep. Jeep in hotel parking lot. Keys on dresser. Wolf fed and walked at 1800. Your presence, along with that of Detective Vecchio, is requested by Inspector Henderson at 0900 tomorrow at Whitehorse barracks.


Const. Berkley'

"Well, it looks like everything we need is here." Fraser tossed Ray's pack on the bed. He opened the adjoining room door and brought Stan his pack. Stan was already asleep on the bed in his clothes.

Ray peaked through the door and said "looks like Stanley is down for the count. Wanna help me get him outta these scrubs and under the covers?"

"I expect we should. He does generally sleep in the nude..." Fraser immediately realized what he said.

"Uh, maybe we should leave him be. Wouldn't want the cleaning lady to come in and find a passed out naked cop." Ray pulled Fraser's sleeve to let him know he wanted them to go back to their own room. Just as he was closing the door, Dief slipped into Stan's room and jumped up on the bed.

"Looks like we got the room to ourselves for a little while." Ray was still deciding whether to be upset at Fraser's little exclamation or not. 'What the hell' he thought, 'life's too short.' So he tackled Fraser and they both landed on the bed.

"RAY!" Fraser giggled his name out. "We need to keep it down or we'll wake Stan."

"Let Stanley get his own date!" Ray began to entrap the willing mouth in front of him.

Ray leaned in and continued to devour Fraser. As he kissed his mouth his tongue began its exploration of every inch. He broke the kiss and licked Fraser's bottom lip before he began kissing down the side of his neck, stopping only to lap at the inviting hollow at the base of his throat. Fraser was moaning into each kiss, each lick, each nibble. Ray began to ease himself lower, trying to kiss his partner's chest but the neck of the T-shirt Fraser was still wearing only went so far. Ray began tugging up on the bottom and Fraser leaned up so he could get the top off. Naked, from the waist up Fraser looked like almost divine. Ray straddled Fraser and when he saw his bare white chest, desire shrouded eyes and tousled hair, he had to sit back on his heels to regain some semblance of composure.

"Ray, what is it? Is something wrong?" Ray answered with only a devilish smile and then began his ministrations once again by tracing little circles with his tongue around Fraser's left nipple. First a lick, then a small suck, then a nibble. Then another circular lick, another suck.

This went on for a few minutes until Ray began to provide equal time to the right nipple. He was leaning directly over Fraser, occasionally allowing the incredibly swollen bulge beneath his zipper to brush against the equally turgid bulge beneath the soft fabric of Fraser's jeans.

"Ray, where did you learn that? I am quite certain that over the last two days you have NOT had a chance to practice or brush up on any skills." Another moan escaped his lips as Ray continued teasing the sensitive buds.

"This part I can handle. It's not all that different from women except in shape. And if you ask me, women got a lot of extra that they don't need up here."

Fraser was amused at this and smiled thinking of Ray's purchase at the drug store. "Ray, I want to ask you something."

"Now?" Ray giggled and licked the side of Fraser's neck.

Moaning into the sensation, Fraser answered pushing him slightly back. "Yes, I think NOW would be an appropriate time."

Ray leaned back a bit, let out an exasperated sigh and said "go ahead, shoot."

"Well, I was wondering if you would, that is, if you might like to.."

"Spit it out Benny!"

Fraser screwed his courage, closed his eyes and asked, "fuck me?"

When the words fell out of Fraser's mouth, Ray's cock surged as he nearly fell off the bed. "HUH? Did you just, I mean, did I hear you right? That isn't some weird Mountie phrase for 'get me pemmican' or something is it?"

"No Ray. I assure you that the term means the same in Canadian as it does in American."

"I don't know Benny. I mean, I kinda thought about it you know? But I'm not sure. I know you are more experienced than me at this stuff..."

"Once Ray. Only once. And I was the, shall we say 'giver' not the 'receiver'. I know this is all new to you so I would expect you to be on the giving end, so to speak."

Ray looked worried. "I just don't want to hurt you. I've seen guys after they were raped and I know it ain't a pleasant thing."

"Ray, this is not rape. Trust me when I tell you this, from what I have heard and seen it seems that it can be a MOST pleasurable experience. Let me assure you that I want this more than anything in the world right now. I have been dreaming about it, picturing it even planning it for so long it almost feels like we have done it already. However, if you are not ready then I have no problem waiting until you are."

"You really want this Benny? 'Cause I kinda prepared a little."

Fraser didn't want to let on that he had sneaked a peek in Ray's bag. "Prepared?"

"Yeah, well, while I was in the drugstore I bought this" he stuck his hand in the bag on the night table and pulled out the small container of lube. I got condoms too, but I just want you to know that they tested me while I was in the hospital in Chicago and I'm clean. So if you don't want to use them I am OK to go, uh, al fresco?"

The thought of having Ray inside him was overwhelming. He took the lube and began to instruct his partner on what needed to be done. "Al fresco, as you say, would be fine, Ray. Although, I think that term refers more to having sex out doors rather than without a condom."

"Benny I KNOW that. It was just a play on words you know?" Then he realized that Fraser was teasing him in more ways than one. "OK. Let's get the instruction period over with so we can resume our normally scheduled programming. In case you haven't noticed, I'm a little 'anxious' here."

"To say the least, I would say." While they were talking Fraser had unzipped Ray's jeans and was now slowly sliding his index finger up and down Ray's swollen, weeping erection.

"Uh, Benny? I think we better get these pants off." They both jumped up and stripped quickly and got back into bed.

Fraser picked up the lube and began explaining mechanics to Ray. "Here. You will need to put some on your finger. First insert one. Then as I relax you can add another and another. It will help me prepare for you."

Ray squirted some on his right middle finger and then gently slid his finger along Fraser's hot opening. Fraser released an unbelievably sexy moan. "God Ray, please I need more."

Ray was trying desperately to hold back. This excitement of the unknown mixed with the moans of his partner were driving him close to the edge. He tried to calm himself by thinking 'Just think baseball stats, ice flows, naked Mounties on ice flows THAT is NOT helping here OK, cold water, ice pops...'

Ray slowly circled the lubed finger around Fraser's opening. Fraser was moaning and thrusting almost uncontrollably now. "Please!"

Ray inserted his middle finger just past the outer rim and waited. Fraser practically impaled himself on it burying it deep inside him. "Uh, now what Benny?" Ray shifted his finger slightly and accidentally brushed his prostate.

"Ahhhhh, Ray! That was indescribable!"

"What? You mean this?" Ray duplicated the motion and once again Fraser impaled himself on his partner.

Ray took this as a good sign and added lube to his ring finger and inserted it also. Fraser had become much more relaxed after he brushed his prostate. "More Ray! Please!."

"Benny, I don't wanna hurt you, but I don't think I can hold out much longer. I mean there's only so many ice flows and baseball stats you can imagine without wandering right on back to 'naked Mountie' here. "

"Ray, please, inside me NOW." Ray pulled his fingers out and applied lube to his erection. He was afraid he would let go right now if he touched himself so he was strategically squirting as much lube as he could before he had to smear it.

Fraser opened one eye to see what the delay was. Amused, he grinned when he saw how huge his partner was and how he was trying so hard to hold back. "Here let me" he said as he gave one long stroke with a twist at the end to get the lube evenly distributed.

"Geez! Benny! Warn a guy will ya?" Ray leaned back and looked at Fraser. "Don't you have to turn over or something?"

"Well, I can. It might make things easier, but, I really do want to be able to see you when you orgasm. Here lean in..."

Ray moved closer and Fraser put his legs up on his shoulders and shoved a pillow under his hips. "See, like this. This way I can watch you and you can reach me. Now lean in a little closer that's it..."

Ray had the tip of his throbbing erection pushed up against Fraser's hot, slick opening. "I'm not so sure about this Benny, I mean fingers are one thing but -- I don't wanna brag or anything," looking at his own long, swollen penis, " but -- I think I'm gonna hurt you here."

Fraser looked into his eyes and said, "Ray, trust me as much as I trust you." Ray, still afraid, pushed just enough to breach the outer barrier.

Fraser tightened around the tip and then willed himself to relax. "More please." He couldn't wait any longer. He finally understood how Stan had felt when they had done this. At that time he was horrified that he might have hurt him but now he did understand. It was pure animal need at this point. He needed to feel he belonged to this man, and so he did just as Stan had done and gripped Ray with his legs and impaled himself farther.

Ray began to get the idea that Fraser kind of liked this and began to carefully pump in and out, stopping and starting in order to give Fraser time to adjust. He was still afraid of hurting him so he gripped Fraser's hips and held them firmly in place. Now he could control the depth and angle of his thrusts without Fraser trying to move things along. As he held Fraser's hips, he repeatedly pounded his prostate. The Canadian was almost completely arched off the bed, head tossed back with the most ecstatic look on his face that Ray had ever seen. Again and again waves of intense pleasure overtook the Canadian until he yielded to his passion as warm wetness splayed across his chest and stomach.

Seeing this Ray could not hold back any longer. He cried out and succumbed to his intense desire, spilling his hot seed into the still convulsing primal beauty beneath him.

Fraser was unable to move and barely able to open his eyes at the moment Ray climaxed. He was struggling to remain conscious as the delectation overwhelmed him. And then, almost too quickly, Ray was slumped over him kissing his chest. He carefully pulled out just before collapsing on top of him. Neither one of them had successfully regained his composure as of yet.

"Ohmygod. Benny. Ohmygod. Beautiful caro."

Fraser was almost capable of forming sentences again. "Ray, love you. Incredible."

"You did... without me touching you... and then I... To see your head... tossed back...those wet, dark curls framing your face....Ohmygod!"

"Ray, you are babbling."

"God yes. Never like that before. Never. Caro, I love you." Then sanity once again began to seep back into Ray followed by a hint of panic. "Are you OK? Did it hurt very bad? Because you didn't look like you were in too much pain there maybe a little agony, but no pain!"

"I am fine. A little sore, but that is to be expected in the beginning. Not real pain at all. Besides, it was more than worth it. You brought me to a height I had never experienced before. Stan was right...."

Ray smirked as he caught a glimpse at the look of terror on his partner's face. "Yeah, Stan. Uh, you wanna talk about that by the way? I kind of caught on a little while ago with that 'sleeps naked' comment. So, YOU and the blonde?"

Fraser began to get a bit defensive as he tried to justify his relationship with Stan. "Well, I had given up on you. I was in love with you from the first and when you came back and rejected me, well, Stan was there. He made the rules, well more like he set the tone by saying that we were friends and that friends did what they could to comfort each other. I rather think he was more in love with me than I with him."

Ray frowned a bit. "How could he NOT be in love with you? I never thought you were such a GUY Benny. You know, the use 'em and lose 'em type?" Ray had hit a nerve. Fraser could try and justify to himself and others the way he left it with Stan, but the fact was he knew that it was a disappointment.

Still, he tried to reason the ending. "That's just it Ray. At the time, we were really just taking refuge in each other. And I DO love Stan, just not the same way I love you or, for that matter, the way he loves Rennie. I have to admit that it was harder than I expected to leave him in the end, but it was the right thing to do. I could have never given him half as much as you have given me. " The concern on Fraser' face was growing.

Ray's expression softened. He knew that Fraser would never willingly hurt anyone, especially himself or Stan. "It's OK Benny. I promise. I was kinda jealous when I first figured it out, but Stan's a good guy. Oh, and if you tell him I said that I will deny it! I am glad he was there for you when I couldn't be when I shoulda been." Sadness clouded Ray's face as he looked away from the exhausted, naked, incredible man beside him.

"Ray, don't. We all need to come into ourselves in our own time. I am just grateful that you realized your feelings for me before we were old and gray. I dare say this type of, uh, 'assignation' would have been far too difficult for two OLD men. As a matter of point, I believe I almost collapsed a few times toward the end there."

Ray's laughter filled the room. "Can you just picture us in thirty years trying this? I probably will need a truss just to keep upright!"

The two broke into giggles. When they calmed Fraser held Ray tight against his chest. "Ray, I think I can picture us in thirty years together. I hope that one day you can too."

"One day? Benny! If I am insane enough to think I am gonna top that performance with anyone else then you might as well just sell my head to science right now. Because I can't imagine anyone else even coming close. It was so incredibly sexy the way you needed me the way you trusted me -- the way you practically, no, I mean ACTUALLY begged.

The response Ray got was not one he would have imagined could be possible so soon after their love making. But Fraser rolled on his side and began kissing him with a fervor he would never forget. Half hard, his penis brushed Ray's leg and he heard a mumble from beneath his kiss.

"What Ray?"

"I said, I can NOT believe you are almost ready again! What the hell do they feed you guys up here anyway?"

"Well, I HAVE been eating an inordinate amount of Italian lately..."

"Let's get some sleep smartie. We're gonna have a big day ahead tomorrow." Ray got up and walked with shaky legs to the bathroom. He returned with a warm, wet towel and cleaned them both off. Then he collapsed into bed on his side. Immediately he was pulled close and snuggled by an exhausted Fraser. They were both asleep within thirty seconds.

The ardent love play had awakened their neighbor and had him longing for his own Mountie terribly. 'Hell,' he thought, 'they probably woke half of Whitehorse.' From the other side of the door, Stan was grinning as he stroked his erection. As he pictured Ray poised above Fraser, both heads tossed back in ecstasy, he laughed as he came into a tissue.  


Stan had sneaked into Rennie's room sometime around dawn. Rennie woke but hadn't opened his eyes yet. He felt as if someone was staring at him. Thinking it was just another in the long line of nurses checking him, he continued to feign sleep. Then he felt a hand slip under the sheet and travel along the outside of his thigh. When the hand made a B-line for his unexpected morning erection he snapped up and grabbed what he thought to be a very amorous hospital employee.

Laughing, Stan asked "you up there yet buddy?"

Quietly Rennie scolded him. "Stan. I should think you would show a little more propriety than that. We are in a public place and anyone could walk in at any minute as they have demonstrated on at least ten separate occasions throughout the night. It was actually quite exhausting."

"Well then, I guess we should get you out of here today. I figured we could stay at the hotel tonight, get you checked again tomorrow and get a flight in a day or two?"

"That would be wonderful. All I want is to sleep in our own bed."

"Yeah, I know what you mean there. Hey, the swelling has gone down a lot!" Stan very lightly brushed a finger across Rennie's cheek intending it to be affectionate, but Rennie winced slightly.

"God! Rennie I'm sorry!"

"Stan, don't worry about it. I just haven't taken any pain meds yet this morning." Rennie relaxed again and leaned back into the pillow.

"Sorry sorry sorry." Stan was now frightened to go near him.

"Stan, come around to this side of the bed." Rennie pointed. When Stan got there, Rennie put his hand out for Stan to take. Stan stiffened as Rennie raised it to his face.

"This side is perfectly fine. I can barely feel the bruising." He brought Stan's hand to his lips and kissed it then took it in both of his hands and held it to his cheek. "I can't tell you how much I have missed your touch Detective Kowalski. I dare say it will be a few weeks before I can attend to my, uh, oral fixation? But I promise you that while I am healing I will most certainly indulge in all of my OTHER fixations."

"Rennie! Are you nuts?! You can't do anything in that condition! And I wouldn't even think about it. 'Sides, I wanna take this opportunity ta do stuff for you. Ya know, like put you up on that pedestal you have had me on and just enjoy tormenting every piece of you."

Stan wanted desperately to kiss his partner but there didn't seem any way to do it without hurting him. "Rennie, ya think if I just aimed real good for your lips I could get a little kiss?"

"Ah. Well I am sure that would be fine, and even if it hurts it would definitely be worth it!" Rennie tilted his head back and Stan leaned to within a hair from his lips, closed his eyes and ever so gently brushed lips. As he was about to pull away, Rennie grasped the back of his neck and deepened the kiss, thrusting his tongue as he did.

Pulling back Stan was breathless and a little angry. "What do ya think you're doin'? I coulda hurt you!?"

"I missed you last night." Even tired and partially medicated there was a glimmer in his eyes.

Softening his response Stan answered, "Yeah, I missed you too. Leave it to a guy to have the crap beat out of him and still be able to think about stuff like that. We're breakin' you outta here today even if I have to take the whole place hostage ta do it." Rennie enjoyed when Stan played the tough Chicago cop. He knew beneath it he was the softest, sweetest person around.

Even though it was still way too early for rounds, the doctor stopped by to check on him. "Constable, how are we feeling this morning? Did you sleep well?"

"I am feeling much better and I would greatly appreciate it if I could be released today. We would like to fly home tomorrow." Rennie had that sweet, innocent, clueless Mountie smile on.

"Ah, well, we'll see. Let me take a look at your stitches."

The doctor gently pushed the bandages back to check for infection. "They look very good. I am sure you can be released tomorrow if you like."

Rennie voice did not change pitch or tone but there was no mistake at their intent. "Doctor, I am grateful, however, I would prefer to be released this morning. We will be staying in the hotel across the street for the night and leaving tomorrow. I am sure you can forward the files to the Chicago physician that attends to all the Consulate's employees. We shall check in with him as soon as we land tomorrow."

"In other words, either I release you or you are walking out of here? Well, I can't stop you and there probably isn't any medical reason to keep you here as long as you will have someone staying with you at all times for the next few days?"

Stan was quick to answer, "Yeah, doc. I'll be stickin' to him like wet on ice."

"I imagined you would. Well then, what do you say we release you around 11:00? That will give the pharmacy time to fill these prescriptions and for you two to get some breakfast. If you don't mind I will be back in a little while for student rounds."

The students were fascinated with the work done by the plastic surgeon. Rounds went by fast and at about 9:30 Rennie was washed and dressed in the clean clothes Stan had brought. The doctor had requested that Stan meet with him before they left. While Rennie waited for Stan to return he was questioned again, alone this time, by the RCMP Internal Affairs officers. Fortunately, he had not taken his pain meds and was alert and very clear on the prior day's events. They left after only an hour with nothing more to show of their investigation than they had yesterday.

Stan was fidgeting with a cup full of pencils as he waited for the doctor to finish his phone call. He was anxious to get Rennie back to the hotel so he could get some sleep. The doctor finally hung up and began explaining about the prescriptions. The pain meds were very strong and would be needed every six hours for the next few days. But after that, Stan was to begin extending the time between doses. By a week from today Rennie should be taking only Aspirin during the day and an occasional pain pill at night, no more. The doctor explained that the pain meds were strong and very addictive so Rennie needed to be monitored closely.

Stan was actually on top of it writing down all the instructions about fresh bandages and medication dosages and general useful information. Finally they were out of the hospital and back at the hotel. Stan had called down to housekeeping for extra pillows and towels. The desk clerk had seen him bring the still shaky Mountie in and helped them up to their room. Stan was going to call Fraser to come down but remembered they had gone to headquarters this morning.

The pillows arrived and Stan set about getting Rennie comfortably settled. He had given him a badly needed pain pill about a half hour ago and Rennie was practically dead to the world already. That was OK because he had no intentions of letting Rennie make good on any of his little sexual promises from this morning. The guy needed sleep and a warm body next to him and that was all he was going to get. Stan pulled off his jeans and T-shirt and slid into bed next to the already sleeping patient.


Fraser and Ray entered RCMP headquarters promptly at 08:30 and patiently waited for the others to arrive. For three hours they were put through grueling questioning separately while the internal affairs people tried especially hard rebuff their testimony. Seems that while originally they had a fairly cut and dry case of self defense, Don Iguana's death had panicked both the RCMP and the U.S. Justice Department. Both institutions were afraid they would be blamed for one of their officers taking justice into his own hands. But after three hours of questions Fraser and Ray's stories meshed completely with Stan's. Ray's version was only missing the fifteen or so minutes he was unconscious. While they were finishing up, the two officers that had questioned Rennie returned.

Fraser and Ray were given a half hour's break to get lunch. Ray could not believe how haggard Fraser looked. This week had taken its toll on all of them, but these questions were really getting to Fraser. He knew the Mountie prided himself on his integrity and was glad he had nothing to do with Iguana's death. While that was the complete truth, he knew his partner felt somehow responsible.

Unfortunately that wasn't the half of it. He was sure these guys were giving it to him good because of the whole Victoria mess. Ray had covered for him then and they were not able to prove anything, but they still had their suspicions and were not even attempting to hide their contempt. They found a sandwich shop around the corner and got a couple of specials to go. Across from the entrance to headquarters was a small park with a fountain. They brought their lunch and ate there.


"Yes Ray?"

"You OK?"

"I'm fine Ray. Everything is fine. We told the truth and neither you nor I had anything to do with Mr. Iguana's untimely demise so there is nothing to worry about. The two officers that interviewed Turnbull this morning also found no deviations from our original statements."

"How the heck do you know that? What do you read minds now?"

Fraser smiled for the first time that day. "I could see them in the central room through the office window. I read their lips. And it seems that Mr. Iguana's own men's versions were convincingly similar to ours. I am certain that the word of four officers of the law, as well as the forensic evidence, will prevail."

"Yeah, that's why they are grilling the shit out of you in there. Benny, why don't we just ditch it all and move to the cabin. I could quit my job, you could quit yours and you could teach me how to live off the land you know, eat dirt and lick fungus and stuff like that."

Fraser was laughing now. "I could never force you to live without your mother's fresh pasta. Besides, I wasn't aware that Armani made a sub zero line of clothing."

Ray was laughing now. "Why not? I made you live without dried gopher guts and lichen in Chicago? And besides, I could always special order some Armani muckalucks or something."

"Pemmican is hardly dried gopher guts, Ray. As a point of fact, it is made from the meat not the internal organs of the animal, hung out for...."

"Benny, I'm eatin' here."

"Understood." He turned his concentration back to his sandwich. "Anyway, I am confident that this afternoon's meeting will be the last of it. Their forensic specialists have looked at the crime scene and have found no evidence to disprove our versions of the events."

"I know you're right. We better get back."

They headed back to headquarters and the first floor conference room. When they arrived, they were astonished to find Inspector Thatcher there.

"Inspector? Good to see you." Fraser was nonplussed at her presence.

"Yes, well, when contacted I felt it my duty to address the proceedings as a character witness."

"Would that be a witness for the Prosecution or the Defense?" Ray didn't even try to hide his contempt.

"Detective Vecchio, while I could entertain these proceedings for hours with the idiotic antics of Sergeant Fraser's time in Chicago as your partner, the fact is that he has ALWAYS been on the side of right and I have never had any reason to doubt that." Thatcher was manifestly annoyed.

"Thank you kindly, Inspector. " Fraser was visibly relieved as they were summoned into the meeting.

Inspector Grant of the Internal Affairs Division began to speak. He went over the details that were pieced together from the interviews and forensic evidence. " such, we deem Sergeant Fraser and Constable Turnbull's actions to be justified as well as those of Detective Kowalski and Detective Vecchio. There is also no evidence that points to any of their involvement in the recent unfortunate death of Mr. Iguana. This being the case, the Government of Canada has no reason to prevent any of the participants from returning to active duty or leaving the country as soon as they are physically fit to do so."

"Sir, I would like to respectfully request leave paid or unpaid as you see fit, until I am able to receive a transfer back to Chicago."

"Understood, Sergeant. As our government is most grateful to you for your efforts, and with Inspector Thatcher returning to Ottawa there is an opening at the Consulate, I am inclined to push that request through as soon as I receive the paperwork. How much leave do you have coming to you?"

"Some thirty six days sir."

"Ah, well why don't you take two weeks or so and expect to report again the first of the month. Your official duty assignment and designation will be provided via e-mail within a few days and I will have your replacement pack and ship your personal items to the Consulate. Again, gentlemen, thank you for your assistance in this matter."

Fraser and Ray exited the conference room with a much lighter step than they had earlier. Fraser was thanking the Inspector as Ray walked over. "Listen, I am sorry about that crack before. I appreciate what you did for Fraser and I was way out of line. I apologize. "

"You WERE way out of line Detective. Don't let it happen again." She turned on her heels and walked out of the building without looking back.

"Geez, she really is the Ice Queen."

"Yes, but she did just save out collective careers so next time we run into her, try and be more civil."

"OK Benny. Anything for you. We should get back and see how Batman and the Boy Wonder are doing. Oh yeah, I better not forget Super Dog too."

"Ah. I assume you would be referring to Rennie and Stan? Oh, and Diefenbaker?" Ray thought it was great to hear a little playfulness back in Fraser's voice.

"Come on Mountie. I have plans for us before dinner."




On their walk back to the hotel, they passed a nice Italian restaurant. "Hey Benny, you think the guys would wanna eat here tonight?"

"I am afraid that even if Rennie felt up to it, he would not want to be out in public much until his face healed a bit more."

"Yeah, you're right. Hey, you think they would deliver to the hotel? Lemme go in and ask."

When Ray entered he was immediately greeted by the owner in Italian. He answered back also in Italian and they began a conversation. When it was over they were both smiling and shaking hands. The owner was obviously writing down an order as Ray handed the man what could only be described as "a wad" of cash .

"Dinner's at 8:00. Rennie won't even have to put his pants on for it. I explained the situation and Carlo here is gonna send everything except the wine over for us. We should stop and pick some up on the way back."

"Certainly, Ray. I hope you remembered Rennie can't chew for a while?"

"No problem. I got a bunch of stuff and a lot of it is soft. There will be plenty for the patient. He even had spumoni for dessert!"

"Sounds wonderful. Let's get back and take a nap before dinner." 


The next day, the four were still stuffed from the previous night's dinner as they exited the walkway into the O'Hare terminal. It was early afternoon and people were bustling about trying to make the most of their time before boarding. Ray had taken a cab to the airport, but Stan had parked in long term parking. Stan and Fraser went to baggage claim to get their gear and then the car while Ray and Rennie found seats near the pick-up area.

About fifteen minutes later Ray saw the GTO pull up outside the terminal and he helped Rennie out the automatic door. Fraser was already out of the car with the seat pushed forward when two men in dark suits and overcoats walked up to Ray.

"Ray Vecchio?"

Stan was already out of the car with his gun in his hand. "Back off guys. We're cops."

"Relax Detective. We're FBI." The first agent carefully reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his ID.

"What the hell do you guys want now? I told you I am done with this whole thing." Ray was getting annoyed as he helped Rennie into the back seat.

"Detective Vecchio, you are under arrest for the murder of Francisco Iguana. You have the right to remain silent...."

"Yeah, yeah, I know my rights. Fraser call this lawyer and have him meet me at the Federal building. Get Turnbull squared away before you come down." Ray handed him a card he had in his back pocket. He had thought it would be a while, or at least a few days before they figured out he had used Armando's cell phone to call Primo, but he had been prepared for this anyway.

"Gentlemen, there has been some mistake. The Detective was in Canada at the time of the murder."

"He called the hit Constable."

"Don't worry Benny. Everything's gonna be fine. Just get Rennie settled and call the lawyer. Then call Ma at this number and let them know I'm OK and it's OK to come home, but don't let any of them come to the Federal building got it?"

"Alright. I'll take care of everything, Ray."

Fraser used Stan's cell phone to call the lawyer. He was already on his way down to the Federal building. Fraser had been impressed and a little terrified when he recognized the name on the card Ray had handed him. Bernard Steinman was the best criminal attorney in New York and was renowned for defending mobsters. When he called the New York office they had told him to hold and transferred him to the Chicago office. Mr. Steinman was waiting there for his call. When a perplexed Fraser asked how he happened to be in Chicago, Steinman answered that Ray had retained him before he left for Canada and called yesterday to inform him of their return.

Back at Stan's apartment, Rennie convinced Stan he would be fine on his own for a few hours. He insisted Stan accompany Fraser to the court. Mr. Steinman had called and informed them Ray would be arraigned in record time, not unusual for a mob prosecution. Fraser and Stan barely made it through the courtroom doors in time to see Ray plead "NOT GUILTY" to the charge of Murder in the First Degree as well as to Conspiracy to Commit Murder. They slipped into the front row behind Ray and Stan slipped his hand into Fraser's for support, but more importantly to make sure he didn't do anything stupid.

Ray hadn't made the choice to hire Steinman lightly. While he was Armando he researched every high profile mob lawyer searching for the one he thought he could trust. As far as he was concerned, they were all slime taking any mob case out of ego and greed. But Steinman wasn't like that. The media played him as a "High Powered Mob Lawyer" frequently enough, however, if you looked, closely the cases he took were always AGAINST the mob. He never represented mob bosses or well known subordinates. He only represented people that he truly believed were forced into their mob servitude and proved this fact to win his cases. When he believed in a client he went all out whether the guy could pay or not and he was meticulous about his facts and arguments. From what Ray could see his stats were better than seven hundred ball. That meant seventy percent plus hit ratio, and that was just what he needed.

Another large part of the reason he hired Bernie Steinman was that he also had the right contacts. He was on very friendly terms with six Federal Justices clean ones. When they arrived at the arraignment he lived up to his reputation by already having his Motion to Dismiss completed and presented to the presiding Federal judge. The Prosecution requested Ray be held without bail. Of course his lawyer countered with a request he be released on his own recognizance. The judge, an old friend of Bernie Steinman's, decided to hold Ray overnight in solitary confinement while he reviewed the Motion and both sides would meet in chambers tomorrow morning at 9:00 sharp. The Prosecution was unaware that in reality, he had reviewed an advanced copy and heard the whole sordid story from Bernie. He was aware of the undercover operation and Ray's forced participation by the FBI in their game and also the FBI's lack of competency in protecting him and his family.

As the guard came over to escort Ray to the prison bus, he turned around to see Fraser. "It's OK Benny, we got a good judge and Bernie here says he'll have me out by tomorrow. I'll see you in chambers at 9:00." As the guard approached, he turned to Stan and said, "Take care of him, will ya?"

Stan nodded in response. Then, as the guard was leading a handcuffed Ray out to the bus he turned his head toward Fraser and mouthed 'I love you.'

Fraser felt helpless and was afraid on many levels. Afraid that Ray would lose, afraid that they would have him in jail, afraid that in jail he would endure the same fate as any confined officer of the law. Stan had his arm around his shoulder and was telling him everything would be OK when Bernie Steinman asked if he could meet with them for a few minutes. They went across the street to a coffee shop and he filled them in on strategy.

"We got extremely lucky here drawing this judge. He is an honest man and has little tolerance for the FBI screwing in honest people's lives. He also has been presented with the fact that the cell phone Ray used to call Primo Palmieri was tapped and once the tape of the conversation was handed over into evidence, it will corroborate Ray's story that he had wanted to handle Iguana himself. Mr. Vecchio may even get a large settlement out of this in the end."

"Won't the information on the tapes be as good as admitting to the conspiracy charge?" Stan had a comforting hand on Fraser's knee under the table stroking gently with his thumb as queried Bernie.

"If Ray HAD killed him or, if Iguana had died as a result of his call, then yes. However, Iguana was clearly killed as part of an independent conspiracy which can be proven by the tape of the second call from Primo Palmieri. In my expert opinion, there is no way the charges will hold up."

Fraser knew this man's time and expertise didn't come cheap and was worried about Ray having to take out yet another mortgage. "Mr. Steinman, I want to contribute to Ray's legal fund. I can have a retainer transferred to your account by close of business tomorrow."

Bernie was touched at the gesture of Rays' friend but it wasn't necessary. "No need Sergeant Fraser. A good Samaritan by the name of Armando Langoustini provided a generous retainer for this case six months before his untimely demise. One which I am happy to say will enable me to handle quite a few Pro Bono cases after this one is dismissed."

Fraser seemed confused and Stan laughed. "Man, that Vecchio really missed his calling. He shoulda been a dirty politician or something. He's been about fifteen steps ahead of the Feds this whole time. No wonder he wasn't freakin' out when they arrested him."

"One other thing I think you should know. Mr. Langoustini made arrangements for me to oversee a charitable foundation set up by himself to benefit children's charities in both Chicago and the Northwest Territories of Canada. He transferred every penny from both his domestic and off shore accounts into it before he died. He is going to help a lot of Chicago and Canadian kids over the next fifteen or twenty years."

Bernie Steinman stood up and packed a few loose papers into his briefcase. "Well gentlemen, I do have to say that Mr. Vecchio has proven a formidable adversary for both the mob and the U.S. Government. If the Feds were ever smart enough to get him to head their organized crime division I think he might just be able to clean up the country within a year. But, since the Feds rarely do anything as visionary as that, I am sure they will have plenty of job security in years to come. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a dinner engagement with my old law school roommate I believe you know him? Judge Sanderson?"

"Have a good evening Mr. Steinman. We'll be there first thing in the morning." The name didn't register to Fraser, but Stan elbowed him and motioned his head for him to follow. Once out in the car he turned to stare at the reticent Canadian.

"You don't get it do you Frase? The judge he is hangin' out with tonight?"

Fraser still had that clueless big eyed blank Mountie stare thing going on. "Man, you're totally dense. The judge today that was Sanderson! He was tryin' to tell ya, without tellin' ya, that this thing is in the bag. Ray's gonna be out tomorrow morning."

Relief flooded Fraser's face as the release of tension made him practically slump over in the front seat. "We should be getting back to Rennie."

As they drove off, Fraser slipped his hand in Stan's and squeezed tight. Things would be fine in the morning.


Rennie ordered Chinese food and Stan and Fraser ran into the delivery guy in the hall. Stan handed the key to Fraser and paid for the two huge bags. Rennie had fallen asleep on the couch watching some documentary on mosquitoes.

Stan tossed the bags on the coffee table, switched the channel and found an old Johnny Quest cartoon. "Don't you guys ever watch anything FUN?"

Rennie woke up, yawned and snorted at Stan's choice of dinner viewing. "Hey, don't knock it. This show is educational. It teaches kids about other cultures and how kids can make a difference."

Stan received a collective and amusing "AH."

"Yeah, and besides, that Race Banner guy is HOT."

"Stan, you do realize he is not real, don't you?" Rennie began goading him. He leaned in and licked the edge of his ear. "Can your Mr. Banner do this for you?"

"Only in my dreams Rennie baby!"

Stan flipped the channel again to the local news and they sat back to eat their dinner. While he stuffed his face Stan filled Rennie in on all the details, right down to the wingtips that Steinman was wearing.

Fraser had been deep in thought and seemed to be staring into space with his fork full of food dangling over his plate when Rennie finally spoke. "Well, Mr. Steinman seems to have things under control. I do believe I am quite intrigued by Ray's foresight. I can't wait to see him tomorrow and ask him what other 'preparations' he might have made."

"He probably bought a secret island somewhere with a little guy named Tattoo running it for him." Stan could tell by their vacant stares that the reference was lost on the two Canadians. "Never mind. Hey, earth to Frase! You gonna eat that egg roll?"

"No. Help yourself. I think I might turn in early after I give Dief a walk. He needs one after those two helpings of Moo Shoo chicken with the pancakes you gave him. And don't think I didn't see you slip him that other egg roll." Fraser excused himself, donned his Stetson and grabbed Stan's spare key as they left.

Rennie spoke while he helped himself to a second serving of rice. "He still seems rather worried."

"Yeah, well even if the judge throws this out tomorrow, he still will be in jail tonight and you know how much fun that is for a cop. The judge did order him into solitary though, so he should be OK. I think Fraser just needs something to get his mind off things tonight."

Rennie put that devious smile back on his face. "Uh, Stan, remember what I said when we were in the woods? Maybe we could help Fraser out tonight."

Stan had his head tilted back drinking a beer when it sprayed all over. "What?"

"Well, I just thought you might help tire him out a bit tonight. He does seem to need the company. I would help myself, but these silly pain pills seem to have me off my game."

"Are you sayin'... you want me to... and how do we even know he wants... I just...."

"Stan, you are blathering. All I am saying is that if Fraser is amenable to the idea, I would be quite fine with you and he spending some time quality time together this evening."

He pointed at Rennie and exclaimed, "You freak." But he couldn't keep a straight face as he chastised his partner. Then, almost wistfully he added, "besides, Frase isn't like that. He's with Vecchio now and that means everything to him."

"Well, I just wanted you to know that I was fine with it if Fraser needed you tonight."

"And who's to say he doesn't need YOU? I mean you are the big hunky guy from his own country. Maybe he wants that unbelievably solid chest to lean on. Maybe he wants to feel those incredible beefy legs wrapped around him. Maybe he wants those amazing long arms holding him. Or maybe, maybe he just wants to feel what it feels like to be with someone as godlike as himself." Stan finished that last sentence softly.

"Stan? Are you unhinged? Godlike we are not. You and Ray are the ones that are godlike. I can only describe myself as overgrown and clumsy. Fraser is beautiful, but the gods smiled when they made you and Ray. Those long lithe bodies, your incredible hair, Ray's perfect neck, your gracefulness and extraordinary legs and butt, Ray's sense of humor and your extraordinary capacity for loving. Those are all perfect and godlike traits."

The hunger was apparent in Stan's eyes but he was still holding back, worried about Rennie's injuries. Rennie stood and held his hand out. "I think we should clean up now and retire early, don't you?"

"I'm all over that. And I'm gonna be all over you in two minutes."

In the bedroom, Stan had to keep reminding himself that he couldn't kiss Rennie on the face. He wanted so badly to have his lips pressed against those amazingly strong lips with that agile tongue probing his mouth. He would just have to pull back on that thought and focus on something a little less painful.

Ray had Rennie on his back and was tugging his shirt out of his pants. Rennie winced slightly as his head bounced a bit on the mattress. Stan immediately pulled back. "Ohmygod! Are you OK? Do you want a pain pill? See what you do to me? I must have been INSANE to think you were ready for this!"

"Uh, Stan, calm down!" Rennie put his hand behind his head and pulled his Sam Brown buckle from between him and the mattress. " My head just landed on the buckle. Please resume your endeavors immediately!"

Enthusiastically, Stan unbuttoned Rennie's flannel shirt and tugged it opened. Then he began to kiss from his Adams apple down his chest, covering every square inch. Well, since he was licking Canadian territory he was covering every square centimeter. He kept it up until finally landing his tongue in the perfectly round navel. At first he lightly flicked his tongue in and out then began swirling it around. Rennie pulled his head towards his face again. "Ren no. Ya know I love kissin' your beautiful face but I don't wanna hurt you." He began to kiss along the side of the Canadian's neck and down toward the hollow at the base of his throat. His tongue landed there while his hands were tracing small circles around excited nipples.

"Ohhh Stan, please just one kiss." Hesitantly he brushed their lips. When Rennie moaned in gratification he leaned in a little bit more. He wanted to cup his partner's face as he kissed him but was careful not to touch. Even his lips were walking a tightrope between wanting to devour and wanting to avoid pain. Rennie flicked his tongue out and traced Stan's bottom lip as his teeth gently tugged and slid alternately over both lips.

Rennie rolled them so he was on top of Stan and began kissing his neck. Stan's head was thrust back in pleasure, exposing the maximum surfacearea of sweat slick skin.. Rennie reveled in the length of his neck and enjoyed the slight stubble and salty taste brushing his tongue. Stan almost forgot Rennie's handicap and leaned up into the kiss. He felt Rennie pull back a bit to avoid contact with his cheek but to his credit he kept on sucking that spot on the side of his neck that spot that seemed somehow directly connected to his groin.

As Rennie leaned over him Stan could feel his erection pressing insistently against his own. He reached down and drew a finger gently over Rennie's jeans from his balls to the top of the fly. Rennie moaned and pushed against him harder.

"Up big boy. Let's get out of these pants."

"As you wish, Detective." They both stood and began fumbling with the mechanics of their task. Unbelievably Stan's trembling hands had his button flys undone before Rennie could get his own zipper down. Fumbling he began to laugh. "I think I might not take too many more of those pain pills. They seem to have effected my dexterity."

"Mmmmm." Stan stood on his toes to be able to gently kiss Rennie's lips as he helped him get unzipped. As they continued to moan into each other's mouths, Rennie's pants were pulled over his hips and pushed to down to pool around his ankles. He stepped out of them then ran his hands down Stan's now naked torso. With his arms wrapped around the smaller man, he dragged his thumbs down from the base of his neck to the small of his back. He hooked them in the waistband of Stan's jeans and slid them off his hips, still allowing his thumbs to continue their downward path.

Stan shivered with pleasure as both thumbnails gently scraped from his lower back down between his firm, slender cheeks. In a hushed whisper came an exclamation "God, Rennie. I missed you so much this week! I want you so bad, baby."

Rennie pushed him onto the bed and fumbled in the nightstand for some lubricant. Stan's blue eyes seemed darkened and heavy with desire. "Oh yeah, baby. Fuck me!"

Stan moved and shifted upwards on the bed until his head was on the pillow. Rennie then took an extra pillow and placed it under his hips. Stan was almost too eager and nearly clipped him in the face as he raised his legs. "Oh shit! This isn't gonna work this way. I'm afraid I'll hit ya in the face."

Stan turned over so he was facing the wall and gripping the headboard. "Do it like this. Fuck me hard!"

Rennie didn't need to be told twice. His engorged cock was already weeping in anticipation of the amazing release that lay before it. He applied a generous amount of lubricant between Stan's cheeks. Rennie was almost crazed with a desperate need to be connected to his already panting partner. Stan had begun to stroke his own cock and the vision was sending conflicting messages to his own already confused brain. It wanted release but it wanted the Canadian too. Rennie sensed this and removed his stroking hand allowing him to use both hands on the headboard. Now unencumbered, he was able to reach around Stan's abdomen and place a lube slick, giant Canadian paw where his own smaller hand had been.

Feeling Stan writhing in his hand almost made him come right there. He fought hard to position his cock at Stan's opening. Without missing a stroke he slid into his partner. Stan let out a moan that almost scared Rennie into retreating. "Naaaaahhhh. Don't stop. Hard Ren! Give it to me hard and fast! Need you baby!"

Rennie understood how he was feeling. The fear and anger of the last week had been pent up in them without having a chance to vent. Stan needed to feel he was still alive. Needed to feel that he hadn't lost him up there in the frozen north. So Rennie slammed into him with more intent and purpose than he had ever summoned up before. Stan pushed back when he tried to pull out. He wanted to feel him inside, he wanted to know this was real. Rennie used his left hand to steady Stan's rhythm and drove home again at the perfect angle. Stan began thrashing with purpose, arching his neck and tossing his head back he continued to push back to meet every intense thrust from his partner. His senses were battling with the need to push into the firm hand holding his cock and the need to push backwards to place Rennie deeper.

Rennie knew these counter friction motions were driving Stan crazy. He could feel the battle raging in his partner's body. Push forward, thrash back. Over and over. So he synched his movements pushing in on the down stroke so that the incredible pounding would be working toward the same purpose. He made his thrusts work alternating between deep and probing and careful angling to meet Stan's prostate. With each thrust Stan became louder and louder. So loud, in fact that neither of them noticed the other Mountie standing in the hall watching intently.

Finally, on the next thrust and down stroke, Rennie leaned in and bit hard on the straining exposed muscle running along the side of Stan's neck. The passion overwhelmed them both. Stan came in exhausting waves, spurting over and over as the glorious spasms radiated through every cell of his body. His contractions pulsed so tightly around Rennie that the normally in control Mountie let out a primal cry from deep within him. For what seemed like an eternity, he felt as if he was falling through ripples and waves of pleasure, free falling deeper into a rapture he had never fathomed before.

The two, still connected, collapsed on their sides. Once his breathing slowed and vision cleared, Stan looked down to see that Rennie's hand still had a firm hold of his now softening cock. With his eyes squinting, his brow wrinkled and one side of his mouth curling into a satisfied smile he finally spoke, "Uh, I think you can let go there now buddy. I am pretty sure it ain't goin' anywhere."

Rennie didn't immediately understand. His breathing was still labored and his head still swimming, probably some minor side effects of the pain medication he had taken earlier. His hesitation was not unnoticed by his partner who reached back and awkwardly wrapped his arm around the tall blonde's head. Rennie's brain began to function again and he removed his cramped hand and slowly slid his still half erect cock out of his partner. Cradling him from behind he stroked Stan's hair and stroked his chest placing small kisses on the back of his neck.

"Mmmmgood. So good. I missed ya."

"I missed you too Stan. More than you could ever conceive."

Stan pulled slightly forward and out of Rennie's embrace so he could roll onto his back. Looking at Rennie's battered face still made him wince. "How ya feelin'?"

Rennie tried to smile but Stan could tell it still hurt too much. Ever the polite Canadian he tried to conceal the truth. "I am sure that endorphins work much better than the pain pills and the after effects are much more pleasing. Just having you near me makes me completely forget about it."

"Yeah, well it's still there so I'm not gonna forget. It's almost time for your meds again. I'll be right back." Stan rose and moved toward the bathroom. Rennie, needing to prolong the contact, reached out and let his hand rest gently on Stan's departing body letting it slide down from shoulder to finger tips before the connection broke.

Stan pulled the half closed bedroom door opened and ran smack into a startled Fraser. "Hey Frase."

"Uh, Stan, I was just... that is, I just got back and... I ...would you like me to get Rennie's medication?"

"Nah, I got it. Why don't ya sleep in here with us tonight? Rennie already said he would like it."

"Oh, well, thank you kindly for the offer, but I should just sleep on the floor in the living room."

"Frase, look you are stressed out about Vecchio. We are stressed out about you. Come lay between us so we can look after ya tonight OK? We really want ya to." Stan handed him a glass of water and two pills. Here, bring these in to Ren while I get cleaned up.

Fraser stared at the glass in his hand as if he didn't recognize it. Then his legs finally comprehended their need to go forward and brought him to the bed next to Rennie. "Here, take these."

As Fraser handed the two small pills to Rennie, Stan returned to the bed. Towel in hand he began to clean Rennie's hand and now soft cock. Fraser again didn't realize he was watching. At first he thought he had been fixated at the sight of Stan, but now he realized it was the other Mountie he was intrigued by.

Rennie's naked skin was still glistening with sweat. His blonde hair was wet and curling at the edges and he still seemed to be breathing a bit hard. Everything about him was just big. His heaving chest, his pectoral muscles, his thighs. Fraser couldn't get over how incredibly radiant he was at this moment. Laying still with the afterglow of sex written all over his face, Rennie seemed like he should be sculpted. Every curve was large and defined but still seemed as if they were soft to the touch.

Fraser didn't even realize he had reached out. He closed his eyes and ran his hand across Rennie's chest with a flat palm. He wanted to feel every curve, every line. When Rennie quietly gasped, he opened his eyes and realized what he had done.

"Oh dear, I AM sorry. I was just..." his expression deteriorated into fear and loathing for himself as he continued. He shook his head as if trying to shake himself out of a fog. "I can't for the life of me figure out what just came over me."

"It's OK Frase. Really."

Rennie was yawning more from the exertion than the medication, but was finding it impossible to fight both. "Fraser Ben. Please sleep in here with us. Mmm tired.." His voice trailed off as he gave in to his exhaustion."

"Frase, he means it. I mean it. Just get stripped and get in here with us."

"No, it would be unfair to you and unfair to Ray. I can't.."

"One thing I know about Vecchio is that he would NOT want you to be miserable. And you are. And if you go back out to that bed roll you are NOT gonna get any sleep. So get in here and rest." Stan had slid under the covers and was holding the end up in invitation. "Besides, I promised him I would take care of you."

Fraser was still hesitating. "NOW Frase."

Fraser quickly stripped his boots, jeans and shirt and uncomfortably backed into bed with Stan. Stan laughed and snuggled into him. "Geez Frase, its not like we haven't ever 'slept' together before. Just relax and close your eyes.

Fraser was physically and mentally exhausted and yet seemed wired. He knew Stan was only offering sleep tonight and was grateful, but unfortunately the image of Rennie and Stan was still lingering in his mind to say the least. Stan was snuggled into his back with his arm draped over his chest. He was gently stroking as he began drifting off. Stan had dozed briefly when he realized his hand had slipped and was brushing Fraser's hard cock.

"Stan, please don't."

"Frase, you are never gonna get any sleep with that goin' on down there."

Stan slid his hand under the elastic of Fraser's boxers and caressed his belly. Then he moved farther down, grabbed hold of his cock and slid back the foreskin. It was enormously swollen and immediately responded to Stan's touch. "God Frase, you need it bad."

Almost desperately he choked back a moan but didn't try to pull Stan's hand away. "I can't. Please don't."

Stan leaned into the back of his neck and kissed him. Then he put his lips to his ear and tried to comfort him. "Ssshhhh. Just close your eyes and pretend I'm Vecchio. Picture him."

It didn't take long. Five, six strokes and Fraser came into Stan's hand. His body was wracked with shudders that lasted long after the orgasm. Stan knew he was crying and pulled him closer and nuzzled into the back of his neck. " It's OK Bentonbuddy. Let it out. Tomorrow everything's gonna be fine again. Ssshhh. Just sleep."

Eventually, Fraser relaxed in Stan's arms and sheer exhaustion brought an almost peaceful sleep.


 "Gentlemen! I will NOT have you using that tone in MY chambers!" Judge Sanderson slammed his fist and actually bellowed. His patience had worn very thin with both the prosecutor and the FBI agents.

Fraser sat ram rod straight in his chair. To his right sat Ray and next to him, Bernie Steinman. On the other side of the room, sat U.S. Attorney Borden, Agent Carlyle and FBI Assistant Director Zimmer. Judge Sanderson jolted forward in his chair ready for a fight. "Now, Mr. U.S. Attorney.."


A very distasteful look crossed the Judge's face. "Yes, whatever... I have thoroughly reviewed the file on this case and the indictment. I have listened to the wire tap tapes and read the transcripts. I have also reviewed the Motion to Dismiss. I have to say, the lot of you are lucky I don't indict YOU for perjury, fraud and withholding evidence."

The Judge took a breath and continued. "Agent Carlyle, I plan on reprimanding you publicly on your handling of this case. It is my opinion that Mr. Vecchio was railroaded. The information in the wire tap is inadmissible since Mr. Vecchio was NOT under investigation at the time it was obtained, and as a point of fact, the person that WAS under investigation has been dead for many months. Additionally, your own illegally obtained information CLEARLY stated that this Iguana character was murdered as the result of a conspiracy completely independent of Mr. Vecchio's phone statements. In my mind, and as a point of law, this fact in itself has cleared Mr. Vecchio of any wrong doing. However misguided Mr. Vecchio's plans were in his attempt to protect himself and his family by killing the victim, the evidence shows they were not carried out. If this goes to civil court, I plan on finding the FBI grossly negligent and in breach of contract for not providing the adequate protection promised Mr. Vecchio before he took the assignment."

U.S. Attorney Borden looked sick. Agent Carlyle was fuming. "Your Honor! The tapes show he put a hit out...."

"One more outburst and I will hold you in contempt. And I promise you there WILL be jail time involved in that decision. Once again, I reiterate the FBI was CRIMINALLY negligent on so many levels I might need to take my shoes off to help count. In addition, a fellow officer of the law put his life on the line to help justice be done with his only expectation being that his government would keep good on their promise to protect himself and his family. Mark my words, if this goes to trial I will open the court to television crews and every detail will be released to the public. EVERY detail, Agent Carlyle. And, I am fairly certain that neither the FBI Director nor the President would like this piece of dirty laundry aired."

Carlyle was about to begin to argue again but Zimmer grabbed his arm and pulled him back into his chair.

"As such, I am granting Mr. Vecchio's Motion to Dismiss and dropping all charges. And, Assistant Director Zimmer might I suggest you make this man a generous settlement offer stipulating a gag order before this whole screw-up becomes a movie of the week?"

"Yes, Your Honor. Thank you Your Honor." Assistant Director Zimmer stood and motioned for Carlyle to leave the office. "Mr. Steinman, your office will be hearing from our in-house attorney this afternoon." Zimmer practically shoved Carlyle out the door and didn't wait for it to click closed before he started chewing the Agent out.

Outside the Judge's chambers, Stan and Rennie were sitting in the hall waiting for some word. Rennie, still bruised and medicated, had insisted on coming to show his support for both Fraser and Ray should Mr. Steinman's game plan go amiss. When they saw the two FBI guys arguing in the hall Stan gave Rennie a sidelong glance. Rennie glanced back and both slowly let grins creep across their faces.

When they left, Ray took a deep breath and blew it out. Fraser still seemed a bit perplexed.

"Mr. Vecchio, please accept the apology of the United States government and my personal apology for the FBI's abuse of the system. You are free to go. I am certain that Bernie here will make sure that any settlement offer safeguards you from any future charges."

Ray was grinning from ear to ear. "Come on Benny! All I wanna do is get home, take a hot shower, call Ma." He stood and pulled Fraser up from his chair into a bear hug and whispered "...and get you into bed. " As they exited the Judge's chambers Stan, who had been trying to contain his nervous energy out there in the hall for the last hour, was all over them.

"Well? I saw those two FBI guys and they were none too happy. What happened?"

"The charges were dropped and I am either gonna get a big settlement out of this or sell the whole story to Mario Puzo." Ray walked over to the bench where Rennie was still sitting and offered a hand to help him get up."

"Hey Ren."

"Hello Ray. I am very glad you will be coming home. I hope your night in confinement wasn't entirely unpleasant?"

"Nah, it was pretty OK. Actually, the accomodations were a few steps up from Fraser's cabin."

The four of them laughed as they walked side by side down the court steps to freedom. When they reached the illegally parked GTO, Rennie gave Stan a chastizing look while Ray put his hand in Fraser's who, oddly enough didn't notice the GTO.

"Hey Benny, with this settlement and my back pay and all, it looks like we will have plenty of money to put some plumbing in that cabin of yours. Maybe even a couple of bedrooms and actual BEDS so Stan & Rennie oh yeah, and Dief -- can have some privacy."

Fraser turned to his partner and drew him close. "Anything you want Ray. Forever."

Ray turned his gaze up to meet Fraser's. "Yeah Benny. Forever goes for me too."



