Author: Daydreamer
Posted: 23 September 1998

Thanks to Kate for coining my new favorite term -- FLYGATE! A much better term than "The Lewinsky Scandal." FLYGATE! As in -- the inability to keep it closed! Ain't she clever?

Bonus points for identifying the episodes!

Top Moments in Flygate

15. When Clinton tries to resist, Monica tells him, "I'm sorry, but you've got something I need."

14. Clinton to American public: "Whatever tape you found in that VCR, it isn't mine."

13. Upon hearing that the DNA testing was conclusive, Clinton said, "Guess I'm her one in 7.87 trillion."

12. Due to a strange planetary alignment - Hillary is heard muttering "Hate him, hate him, never should have dated him."

11. During an encounter, Monica says, "Keep that up or I'll hurt you like a beast woman."

10. Starr to the American public: "I hate to tell you, but our President is a giant, blood-sucking worm."

9. Monica tells Clinton - "You ain't no Eddie Van Blundht."

8. A letter from Clyde Bruckman to the President: "You should consider autoerotic asphyxiation. Anything's better than this."

7. Monica Lewinsky is revealed to be an inflatable doll who keeps repeating, "Let's have fun!"

6. While watching Clinton's testimony, Byers is heard to say, "That's why we like him. His ideas are weirder than ours."

5. Clinton confirms Deny Everything and Apology is Policy, but, sadly, The Truth is nowhere to be found.

4. Starr to Lewinsky: "Did you really think you could call up the devil and expect him to behave?"

3. While disrobing, Clinton remarks, "Before you pass judgment, may I remind you, we are in the White House?"

2. Clinton demands, "Pucker up and kiss my ass -- please!"

1. Overheard from Monica: "Are you gonna take off these cuffs, or do I have to do this with my tongue?"

And the all time, absolute, best X-Files Moment:

"I would never lie. I willfully participated in a campaign of misinformation."


Please send feedback to: Daydreamer

The X-Files is a creation of Chris Carter and 1013 Productions
and belongs to the Fox Network.
No copyright infringement is intended.